Does Kubernetes not work on Intel? - kubernetes

I've been trying to set up a a local Kubernetes installation on an Ubuntu 16.04 VM by following the setup instructions posted here:
However in section (3/4) when installing a pod network, the following line appears: If you are on another architecture than amd64, you should use the flannel overlay network as described in the multi-platform section.
When you scroll down to the multi-platform section the only other architectures it offers are ARM-based: kubeadm deb packages and binaries are built for amd64, arm and arm64, following the multi-platform proposal.
Does this mean I can't get Kubernetes to work on an Intel-based machine?

amd64 is one of the ways people describe x86-64 processor instruction sets. Usually for linux distributions people tend to call their images amd64 because it came along first. Those images work fine on any modern Intel chip.
See also:


How to cross-build a debian package for Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit

I have a working debian package that I'd like to backport to the current version of Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit (not 32-bit Raspbian).
Confusingly, while Debian itself seems to be robust about enabling cross-builds in their own package, there seems to be much less official documentation about how raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) packages are built¹.
Since I'm relatively certain this should be possible, I ask:
How to take a debian .dsc / debian rules, and build, on an x86_64, a 64 bit Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit compatible image
without using QEMU to actually build the image on arm64, without access to an actual RPi,
using an existing debian package that is known to work on sid on aarch64, and should be backportable,
making sure it's actually built against the correct set of Raspbian dependencies.
I'm guess this is a rather standard thing, I just don't know how to do it. I'm happy with using containers and similar technology, as I can easily integrate that with CI.
I do not plan to use an Arm64 VM, as the software in question takes about an hour to build and test, on an x86_64 server, natively.
¹I've talked to plugwash of Raspbian fame, and as earlier versions of this question showed: there's significant confusion about the heredity of Raspbian OS 64 bit: It's not Raspbian nor based on it. But people including Wikipedia and the RPi Foundation themselves conflate Raspberry Pi OS and Raspbian ("Raspberry Pi OS, formerly Raspbian"), which is 32 bit only.
RaspberryPi documentation here has explained how to build the x64 kernel from the source. What you want is in a way exactly like that.
Notice this line on the Kernel building page:
sudo apt install crossbuild-essential-arm64
This command on your Linux host machine installs a compiler that runs on an AMD64 machine but produces a binary that runs on an ARM machine.
And this line tells the compiler to actually build the source for that architecture:
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- Image modules dtbs
Image modules dtbs are specific to your project. they may differ.
As for your Debian package, there is no way that you can transform an AMD64 package into an ARM one. Your package for the RaspberryPi if doesn't exist in an official or some third-party repository, must be built from the source.
Find the source code of your package and build it very similarly to RaspberryOS.
If your Package has dependencies it gets a little more complicated. First, install the dependency on your RaspberryPi. Then you should set up a sysroot on your host machine which is basically a mirror image of the preinstalled packages on RaspberryPi. Then for compiling your package you should give the sysroot address to cross compiler so that it can find dependencies.
There is another way too, you can put the source code of your package on your RaspberryPi and build it locally which can take a very long time based on the source code. Just to have a sense, Qt source code without WebEngine module took 48h for me. But Qt is big.
In conclusion, if your package binary is not on any repository you must compile it from the source.
Cross-compilation of different projects and executables are very similar to each other. To have a clear understanding of the process it can be beneficial to look for some other projects that were ported to RaspberryPi OS. Things like Qt, TagLib for android, and ...
First, I would take a look here: for inspiration. I checked and those scritps work. However, you might have problems going completely „qemuless”; e.g. in case of QT some libraries needed to be added to host machine sysroot and qemu was simply the easiest way to add them properly: it seems to me that multiarch Debian has some deficiencies in the field of cross-compilation and the simplest way to overcome them is to pretend it’s the native one.

Why is there No more Kubernetes for Latest version of Ubuntu

I am trying to install Kubernetes on Ubuntu 20.04 but the latest release is for Ubuntu 16.04. I am following the official tutorial by kubernetes
Is it discontinued for Ubuntu?
As #jordanm and #mdaniel mentioned
likely the upstream disagreements in Debian about vendoring k8s dependencies. Lot of dev discussion about whether or not k8s should even be included in a stable release. OS provided packages are probably the least-common way to provision a cluster.
Related to that, kubernetes binaries are statically linked golang
programs, and thus have very little in the way of "dependency upon. Ubuntu whatever" so it's likely fine to just use the 16.04 repo.
Read: minikube-ubuntu-20.04.
See also: kubernetes-on-ubuntu.

How to specify cookbook dependencies based on OS?

I am trying to find the best way of managing dependencies which are not available for all OS platforms. Our cookbook is cross-platform, it is aimed at both Linux and Windows systems. One of our recent requirements however, is to add in features that are only needed on Linux.
To do that normally, I would use a 'depends' line in the metadata.rb to specify a separate cookbook as being needed. For example:
depends 'hostfile_edit', '=0.1.2'
Our Chef system is split into two distinct orgs for security reasons - Windows and Linux. However, in this case the "hostfile_edit" cookbook is only available on the Linux org. Hence, when we run rake unit on Windows we get a failure as Chef is unable to reference this other cookbook. The rake unit runs perfectly when run on a Linux system. Similarly, when using the cookbook in a deployment there are failures on Windows, but not on Linux.
The answer lies in metadata.rb file, you can add like this
%w( aix amazon centos fedora freebsd debian oracle mac_os_x redhat suse opensuseleap ubuntu windows zlinux ).each do |os|
supports os
You can read more about this are

Kubernetes in docker for Ubuntu

Is there an ubuntu version of Kubernetes in docker for Ubuntu, that works like docker for mac(
and docker for windows (
minikube consumes lots of resource, and I want to try out a lighter alternative, which I found docker for mac that supports kubernetes, but my machine is ubuntu 18.04.
As you may know there are a lot of projects that offer K8S solution, Minikube is the closest to an official mini distribution for local testing and development, but if you wanna try lightweight options you can check:
Kind runs Kubernetes clusters in Docker containers. It supports multi-node clusters as well as HA clusters. Because it runs K8s in Docker, kind can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Kind may not have developer-friendly features.
K3s is ma project by Rancher as a lightweight Kubernetes offering suitable for edge environments, IoT devices, CI pipelines, and even ARM devices, like Raspberry Pi's. It runs on any Linux distribution without any additional external dependencies or tools. K3s provides lightweight by replacing docker with containerd, and using sqlite3 as the default DB (instead of etcd). This solution consumes 512 MB of RAM and 200 MB of disk space.
It is based on a k3s which is a lightweight kubernetes distribution (similar to kind).
Microk8s runs upstream Kubernetes as native services on Linux systems supporting snap. A good option if you are running Ubuntu on your Laptop. There is a very good installation tutorial:
And there are plenty more. You can check what solution suits you best.
Check kind it is kubernetes in docker.

How to host the OpenStreetMap Locally

I want to host the OSM (OpenStreetMap) locally. I need the basic idea what are required for hosting the OSM and how the task can be done in a step wise manner. I have to host it in Windows7 environment.
Any kind of help will be useful.
switch2osm contains detailed instructions and requirements for setting up a OSM server. If you have a Windows system then better set up a Linux VM inside it.
A bit too old but I will just put it here for someone who is searching for the same thing.
An exact instance of OpenStreetMap can be hosted locally by following the installation guide of OpenStreetMap.
Quoting from the Link:
"These instructions are designed for setting up The Rails Port for development and testing. If you want to deploy the software for your own project, then see the notes at the end.
You can install the software directly on your machine, which is the traditional and probably best-supported approach. However, there is an alternative which may be easier: Vagrant. This installs the software into a virtual machine, which makes it easier to get a consistent development environment and may avoid installation difficulties. For Vagrant instructions, see
These instructions are based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, which is the platform used by the OSMF servers. The instructions also work, with only minor amendments, for all other current Ubuntu releases, Fedora and MacOSX
We don't recommend attempting to develop or deploy this software on Windows. If you need to use Windows, then try developing this software using Ubuntu in a virtual machine, or use Vagrant."