Self-referencing Many to Many relationship in EF Database first - entity-framework

Is there a way to map multiple foreign keys to the same navigation property of an entity? I have a table with a self-referencing many to many relationship defined by a relationship table.
For example, I have a Person table and I want to define the different related people. I created another table, PersonRelationship, that defines those relationships with 2 foreign keys to the Person table. It doesn't matter if the person is referenced in the first or the second foreign key just that the person is in one. I would like my Person entity to have a list of all the relationships but instead it has two lists of relationships: one in which the person is in the first foreign key and another where it is the second foreign key.
How can I map these two foreign keys so that they map to the same list in the Person entity? (I am using a database first approach)


EF Core one-to-many without Foreign Key (FK)

Are there ways to make one-to-many (abstract) relation without using SQL foreign keys?
I know it could be made by joining 2 non-related tables. But is it possible to use EF Core default navigation tools?
I think you want that because you can't add a foreign-key to your entity
So, you can solve that so:
You have a entity
and you want a
but your User can't be assigned to one group.
So you create a
entity which has a foreign key for the
and a navigation property to the User
This is called a many-to-many relationship

it has a DefiningQuery and no <InsertFunction> element exists in the <ModificationFunctionMapping> element error

While I was trying to deal with many-to-many entities I had a mistake
because it has a DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element
I found an answer on stack that I have to set primary key to the table, but I am not sure which column to select as primary key, because in all articles it is said that mapping table has to be table with just two foreign keys, adding third column (for example ID) just ruins this many-to-many relationship. I have
Projects and Clients and Project_Client table where are two columns with foreign keys one to ProjectId second on ClientId. So where i have to set primary key?
My edmx:
If I add field with Id entity framework recognizes this relationship in a different way.

Entity Framework - DB-First - Composite Foreign Keys

I have a database that has a table with a 2-column primary composite key (one int, one bigint.) I have two tables that have a composite foreign key, referencing the first table's composite primary key. The relationships are (as far as I know,) fine and dandy on the database itself.
When generating a DB context via DB-first EF6, these relationships/navigation properties are not represented in the generated models (No virtual members in the two child tables referencing the parent table.)
Since it's db-first, I can't modify the models.
In this case you can put those relationships into the onmodelcreating function in db context. We can put constraint there.

Need help with Entity Framework Relationshipships

I'm new to Entity Framework and just experimenting...
Consider 3 db tables where Person is a base table. I want the Employe table to enherit from Person, storing employee specific info. It seems that EF requires that PersonId also be the PK of the Employee table, so I made EmployeeID a unique index.
Next I added a table, Application, which stores one record for every software application that the Employee supports, creating a foreign key from Application.EmployeeId to Employee.EmployeeId.
However, EF doesn't seem to recognize relationships that involve unique indexes, but only Primary Keys.
What I can do is create a relationship from Application.PersonId to Person.PersonId, however, only Employees can be responsible for an Application, so it seems more natural to me to have Application as a "child" of the Employee table rather than the Person table.
Is this possible in EF?
You can build your relation between Employee (PersonId) and Application (EmployeeId). In such case the integrity should work as you expect because only PersonIds in Employee table will be only for existing employees. EF has currently no support for unique keys.

Entity Framework Compound Key (Many-To-Many Relationship with a Payload)

I've got database tables like this:
A person may be a member of many teams. A team may have many members. Each person may have a position (think job title) within the team.
I've tried to set this up with ADO.NET Entity Framework and get errors:
Error 3021: Problem in mapping
fragments starting at line ... Each of
the following columns in table
Membership is mapped to multiple
conceptual side properties:
Membership.PersonId is mapped to
error 3021: Problem in mapping
fragments starting at line ... Each of
the following columns in table
Membership is mapped to multiple
conceptual side properties:
Membership.TeamID is mapped to
The primary key of my Membership entity is a compound key of two foreign keys. I think that's the problem.
What must I do differently?
This happens if you use independent association on the property which is both part of primary key and foreign key. EFv4 introduced Foreign key associations (the difference is described here) and once you expose foreign key in the entity you must define foreign key association. After defining referential constraints delete mapping of independent association in Mapping details window.