Photo Library/Camera settings programmatically - swift

I want to enable Camera/Photo library settings for my application. Can i show the alert to enable these programmatically
like when application starts. I have attached picture to show i want to see similar settings for my application
for my application, I am not seeing this settings.
My problem is this application runs in Guided access mode and once user put the application in guided access modes,
application is not getting an iOS alerts , so the default alerts will not come and user will not be able to enable access to photo library.
i have keys description in plist file.
Is there any way i can enable these settings in beginning of application.

No. You can request access programmatically but the request pops up the alert and waits for the user to accept or deny access. There is no way to enable the access without the alert.
If this could be done then it would completely negate the whole point of the user having control over what an app can access or not.
Based on your comments below, you need to know how to programmatically request authorization so the alerts can be responded to.
Use AVCaptureDevice requestAccess(forMediaType:completionHandler:) request access to the camera.
Use PHPhotoLibrary requestAuthorization(_:) to request access to the photo library.
For a better UX, don't make the 2nd request until the 1st one is complete.


How to launch iOS app via custom URL and allow to open a webpage if it's not installed?

I'd like to be able to send invitation in an email to a specific "event" happening inside my iOS app. So I figured I'd need to use custom URL. That's fine.
But I'd also like to be able to handle the user that doesn't have the app installed yet, to be taken to a mobile Safari and to the webpage with installation instructions for the app.
What would be the best way to do it?
I could try the following:
In the email I send a link to a
User is taken to a Safari webpage that sends a redirect to mycustomscheme://joinevent/?id=foo
If the user doesn't have the app installed this redirection won't work and he stays in the Safari - I could then handle the displaying of installation instructions probably.
But this approach doesn't seem "natural" for me. Is there a better/more native way to do it?
It is a web service that allows you to achieve exactly this functionality very easily.
Full disclosure - I created
Here's the basics:
Login to the site, create a project for your particular app. Choose a unique code (this could be the name of your app).
You'll then be provided with a URL in the form:
Once you've done that, you need to register the app's ID in the app store, and also details about the custom URL scheme. Tick "Auto-redirect" - what it will then do is try to open the app, and if that fails, it will automatically send the user to the app store.
If the app is opened, then the querystring is also passed to the app, so in your example case, the device will have been served: mycustomscheme://joinevent/?id=foo
It also works across multiple device types, so if you have the app available for Blackberry, Android or Windows Phone, then it will also do the same for those depending on which device type the user is using.
Like I said, I created it, but it should solve your problem.
If you are using Distimo to track you app analytics, they provide a shortlink to your apps that can be used also used to track conversions. It shows a custom page depending on the device used to access. This is especially convenient if you have the same app published in the AppStore, Google Play, Amazon, etc.

How to relaunch an app like facebook-ios-sdk does?

I am actively looking in the source code on Github's facebook-ios-sdk project myself but I was wondering if anyone already knows how to relaunch an app that sent an iPhone user to Safari, such that the user can come back after some work has been finished?
When using facebook to login, the original app is relaunched after the facebook login page has authenticated the user.
I would like to be able to do the same for youtube videos without having to completely lose the user. I don't want to use the standard webview approach because I don't want to provide extra space to first let the video load for the user and then have the user click the play button. I want to skip the play button and its associated click entirely! Instead I want the user to be able to click on just an everyday regular iPhone button and be shown the video with the navigation for coming back to the app via relaunch.
You need your app to register a "custom URL scheme". Then get the callback in the remote web service to return a URL with that scheme. iOS will then launch your application.
More (somewhat old) info available here.
A list of common custom URL schems on iOS can be found here.
Generally, as part of the OAuth login process, you supply a callback URL as one of the paramaters. What this does, is tell the remote server (YouTube), that on successful authentication, redirect the user to the supplied URL. If YouTube supports this (does it support OAuth?) then on successful user login within safari, youtube will tell users safari to redirect to the supplied url. If this url is a "custom URL scheme" it will cause your app to relaunch and you can handle the situation from there.

Location services alertview

When we use libraries of location services in our app it automatically show the alert box when we launch the app with don't allow and Ok buttons.
Is it possible to disable the don't allow button? And is there any variable set when we press don't allow or OK button?
Do you mean when the alert asks the user if they want to allow your application to use location services ? If so then no, you cannot override this. This is so that the user is not only aware that their location is benign tracked but also that this data is going to be used by the application. Would you want an application tracking you and potentially uploaded your location without your knowledge ?
As for the variables, pressing yes will tell iOS that it is allowed to track you data, saying no will do the opposite so any maps or locations based services will not be able to retrieve user location.

Is it possible to enforce initial configuration of a page app?

I'm attempting to develop my first Facebook app that is designed to allow clients of our website to sell tickets to their events from their Facebook page as well as from our website. So when the administrator of a Facebook page adds our app as a page tab, I need to be able to find out who they are so I can load the relevant event data. There also needs to be additional include/exclude configurations and various other options, which will affect the behaviour of the app.
So my question is how is this situation best handled? When playing around with a basic sandboxed app, I seem to be able to just add the app directly to a page; there is no prompt for configuration, and I can't see any way of defining custom properties.
Is the 'edit_url' property the only way to achieve this? If so, is there a way of automatically directing the page admin to this link upon initial use?
Decoding the signed request recieved in your page will give you more insight.
From this you can retrieve page admins' UID's.
You'll need to manage the rest on your side...
In order to get the user id the user will have to grant your application basic permissions.
I'm currently doing a somewhat similar app and, just like Lix said, I used the signed_request variable to detect the page where the tab is installed. Then, based on the page's ID, I retrieve the proper content.
To also give your users an admin page, add a Page Tab Edit URL in your app configuration where you can redirect your users to a custom panel where they can edit their app.

How to manage sessions in web-driven Iphone Application

I am Making an Iphone application which is web-service enabled. Also I have skeleton of this application.I am using rest to feed the contents of view controllers. When application is launched it is presented with Login page asking username and password. Clicking Login button sends request to server and in response xml data is fetched. Then I parse this data to get user logged. But i dont know how will i manage sessions,and how clicking logout button will end this session. This application is most-like RSSFeeder,means user gets real-time data.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thank You All.
As it seems obvious you are using REST connection,you need not take session in consideration.
just feed your username and password and other stuff in the URLRequest and make connections.
You can also use Setting perferences in settings.Bundle to autofeed your URLRequest.