mongodb showing array of null when printing the outside of query - mongodb

i am trying to push the resultant of the count to an array in mogodb query, while pushing it showing the array after that if print it outside of query it is showing empty array.
collection1 in db is like below
my code
collection1.find().exec(function (err, categories) {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).send({
message: errorHandler.getErrorMessage(err)
} else {
var categoryList = categories;
var catTitle;
var allCat = [];
// console.log(categoryList);
for (var i = 0; i < categoryList.length; i++) {
catTitle = categoryList[i].title;
function contentCounts(content, callback) {
var catName = new RegExp(content, 'i');
var mongoQuery = {
"ProCategory.title": catName
collection2.find(mongoQuery).count(function (err, count) {
generateContentArr(content, count)
function generateContentArr(content, count) {
name: content,
count: count
// Here it is showing the array what i pushed
// Here it not showing the total array, it showing an empty array
Thanks in advance

You are not waiting for the result of an async operation, in your case in the for loop you need to wait for the result of mongo operation, but as for loop is synchronous, you are just making calls to mongo but don't wait for the results, and print the empty array right after the loop.
I would suggest you to use promises instead of callbacks, I don't know which version of mongoose you are using but the last version have promise support for mongo methods like find and count. Here is an example for your case:
var Promise = require("bluebird");
function countByTitle(catTitle){
var mongoQuery = {"ProCategory.title": new RegExp(catTitle, 'i')}
return collection2.count(mongoQuery).then(function(count) {
return {
name: catTitle,
count: count
collection1.find().then(function (categories) {
var categoryList = categories;
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < categoryList.length; i++) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
}).catch(function (err) {
//if there is any error while resolving the promises, this block will be called
return res.status(400).send({
message: errorHandler.getErrorMessage(err)


NativeScript - how can I filter an observable array with SearchBar?

Hi I'm trying to filter an observable array of data fetched via a HTTP request on keypress of the SearchBar.
I managed to get the SearchBar property change to work but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong in the filtering logic.
Ideally I want to update the list as I type in the search term in the SearchBar. I've searched the API on the Telerik site, there wasn't really any examples I could find.
<Page loaded="pageLoaded">
<ActivityIndicator busy="{{ isLoading }}" />
<ActionBar title="People">
<SearchBar id="searchBar" hint="Search for someone"></SearchBar>
<ListView items="{{ peopleList }}" itemTap="showDetail">
<Label text="{{ fullName }}" horiztonalAlignment="left" verticalAlignment="center"></Label>
<Label text="{{ company }}" class="info"></Label>
var frames = require("ui/frame");
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;
var PeopleListViewModel = require("../../shared/people-viewModel");
var activityIndicatorModule = require("ui/activity-indicator");
var page;
var userkey;
var peopleList = new PeopleListViewModel([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ peopleList: peopleList });
exports.pageLoaded = function(args) {
page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = pageData;
userkey = userkey || page.navigationContext.userkey;
peopleList.load(userkey); // fetch data from the backend
var searchBar = page.getViewById("searchBar");
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
if (searchText === "") {
} else {
peopleList.filter(function (element, index, array) {
console.log("element: ", JSON.stringify(element));
return element.fullName == searchText;
console.log("Text types: ", searchText);
exports.showDetail = function(args) {
var person = peopleList.getItem(args.index);
var navigateEntry = {
moduleName: "views/people/people-detail",
context: { person: person },
animated: false
var config = require("./config");
var fetchModule = require("fetch");
var ObservableArray = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
function PeopleListViewModel(people) {
var viewModel = new ObservableArray(people);
viewModel.load = function (userKey) {
return fetchModule.fetch(config.baseUrl + "/api/people/all/" + userKey)
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
.then(function (data) {
data.forEach(function (person) {
}, function (error) {
console.log("Error: ", error);
viewModel.empty = function () {
while (viewModel.length) {
return viewModel;
function handleErrors(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
console.log("Error occurred");
module.exports = PeopleListViewModel;
Updated people-list
var frames = require("ui/frame");
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;
var ObservableArray = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
var PeopleListViewModel = require("../../shared/people-viewModel");
var activityIndicatorModule = require("ui/activity-indicator");
var page;
var userkey;
var peopleList = new PeopleListViewModel([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ peopleList: peopleList });
var resultList = new ObservableArray([]);
exports.pageLoaded = function(args) {
page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = pageData;
userkey = userkey || page.navigationContext.userkey;
var searchBar = page.getViewById("searchBar");
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
if (searchText === "") {
} else {
while (resultList.length > 0) {
peopleList.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.fullName === searchText) {
I had the same issue. If you want to filter your data after every character has changed in search-bar you can try my solution.
My playerList is your peopleList. This is the data from view-model.
resultList is an array where the data will be pushed.
var observableArrayModule = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
var playerList = new PlayerListViewModel([]);
var resultList = new observableArrayModule([]);
var pageData = new observableModule.Observable({
resultList: resultList,
player: ""
Inside expors.loaded()
page = args.object;
searchBar = page.getViewById("search-bar");
page.bindingContext = pageData;
Load Initial Data - inside expors.loaded()
We are loading initial data when user navigates to the screen for the first time. We are also pushing the same data to resultList since we are using {{resultList}} in xml. You can add loadingIndicator while the list is populated.
.then(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
playerList.forEach(function (element) {
}, 1000);
.catch(function(error) {
message: "An error occurred while loading players.",
okButtonText: "OK"
Clear autofocus - inside expors.loaded()
This is to prevent keyboard from opening on initial screen navigation.
if (searchBar.ios) {
} else if ( {;
Search data when character has changed - inside expors.loaded()
I am calling filter functionality. Lodash _.debounce function is used to delay looping through resultList array. Without it, the app would loop every time letter is typed. Now we are waiting for user to stop typing to start looping.
searchBar.on('propertyChange', _.debounce(searchList, 500));
searchList Function
This is the actual loop. You can change for your needs.
function searchList(args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
while(resultList.length > 0) {
playerList.forEach(function (element) {
if ( >= 0) {
Hide keyboard if search-bar is cleared - inside exports.loaded()
And finally we want to hide the keyboard if user clears the search-bar.
searchBar.on(searchBarModule.SearchBar.clearEvent, function (args) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
You probably solved your issue, but this could help someone else in the future.
Okay so your problem is a Javascript problem than a NativeScript problem. For the sake of this problem, think of observable arrays as just your ordinary arrays.
In your JS you're creating a new PeopleListViewModel which you're then attaching to the bindingContext via the pageData object. So far so good. Then you're calling the load method on the PeopleListViewModel (It returns a promise which you're not really doing anything with but for this specific problem it doesn't matter).
However, when text is inputed you're not really doing anything. This is your code:
peopleList.filter(function (element, index, array) {
console.log("element: ", JSON.stringify(element));
return element.fullName == searchText;
peopleList is an instance of PeopleListViewModel which returns an ObservableArray. The ObservableArray does indeed have a method called filter (which works just like filter of a regular array. Check out the NativeScript documentation and Javascript documentation of filter).
What you need to understand here is that filter returns a new array with the filtered results. Doing peopleList.filter() will send that new array into empty space. You want to var yourNewFilteredArray = peopleList.filter(). But you don't really want to redefine the array bound to the binding context, you want to modify the content of it.
Here's an example of how you could do that:
* Attach a new obsersable array to the binding context.
* you can prepopulate it with the data from the
* PeopleListViewModel if you want to
var resultList = new ObservableArray([]);
var pageData = new Observable({ resultList: resultList });
* Then on search/filter you want to modify this new
* array. Here I first remove every item in it and then
* push matching items to it.
searchBar.on("propertyChange", function (args) {
var searchText = args.object.text;
// ...
while(resultList.length > 0) {
peopleList.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.fullName === searchText) {

How to pass a test if expect fails

I have this code
it('This should pass anyway', function (done) {
this.testIt = function (regStr) {
selector.count().then(function (orgCount) {
for (var curr = 0; curr < count; curr++) {
checkField(curr, regStr);
function checkField(curr, regStr) {
selector.get(curr).all(by.tagName('li')).get(0).getInnerHtml().then(function (text) {
expect(text).to.match(regStr, curr + '#ERR');
If one of these expects get a failure, test fails. How can i handle this? I mean - can i somehow count passed and failed expect()ations and return it? or, at least, dont let test break on first error.
I've tried try-catch, but nothing good happened.
it('This should pass anyway', function (done) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('#err' + e);
And then i wanted to use done(), but havent found any examples to do the similar. Can u please help me?
Sry for my english
You can return either null or a string from checkField(), join them up, and expect the array to be empty:
this.testIt = function (regStr) {
selector.count().then(function (orgCount) {
var errors = [];
for (var curr = 0; curr < orgCount; curr++) {
var e = checkField(curr, regStr);
if (e) { errors.push(e); }
assert.equal(0, errors.length, errors);
A cleaner approach would be to use map() to collect the data into an array:
var data = (elm) {
return elm.element(by.tagName('li')).getText();
expect(data).toEqual(["test1", "test2", "test3"]);

How should i update documents, each with different update data set, in mongodb collections

I have mongodb in which there is 3 huge collections say 'A', 'B' and 'C'
Each collection contains about 2 million documents.
There are certain properties for each of the document.
Each document need to be updated based on those values of certain properties, from which i can determine what should be the '$set' to that document.
currently i am using the same approach for each collection.
that to find all documents in batches. collection them in memory (which i think the culprit for the current approach), then one by one update them all.
For the first collection(that have similar data as in other collections), it takes 10 minutes to get completed. then the next two collections taking 2 hours approx to get the task done or mongodb client get crashed earlier.
There is something wrong and no desired in the current approach.
Model.collection.find({}).batchSize(BATCH).toArray(function(err, docs){
if(err || !docs || !docs.length)
return afterCompleteOneCollection(err);
var spec = function(index) {
if(index % 1000 === 0) console.log('at index : ' + index);
var toSet = { };
var toUnset = { };
var over = function(){
var afterOver = function(err){
if(err) return afterCompleteOneCollection(err);
if(index < docs.length - 1) spec(index+1);
else afterCompleteOneCollection(null);
var sb = Object.keys(toSet).length;
var ub = Object.keys(toUnset).length;
if(sb || ub) {
var all = {};
if(sb) all.$set = toSet;
if(ub) all.$unset = toUnset;
Model.collection.update({ _id : docs[index]._id }, all, {}, afterOver);
} else afterOver(null);
forEachOfDocument(docs[index], toSet, toUnset, over);
Is there any better solution for the same.?
The streaming approach from here worked for me
This is what i am doing :
var stream = Model.collection.find().stream();
stream.on('data', function(data){
var toSet = { };
var toUnset = { };
var over = function(){
var afterOver = function(err){
if(err) console.log(err);
var sb = Object.keys(toSet).length;
var ub = Object.keys(toUnset).length;
if(sb || ub) {
var all = {};
if(sb) all.$set = toSet;
if(ub) all.$unset = toUnset;
Model.collection.update({ _id : data._id }, all, {}, afterOver);
} else afterOver(null);
forEachOfDocument(data, toSet, toUnset, over);
stream.on('close', function() {

MongoDB/Mongoose: Can't put simplest MapReduce to work

Hello all I'm trying to do is to get the count of each distinct departmentType:
fnMap = function() {
emit(this.departments.departmentType, {typeCount:1} );
fnReduce = function(key, values) {
var result = {typeCount: 0};
values.forEach(function(value) {
result.typeCount += value.brandCount;
return result;
var command = {
mapreduce : "clients",
query : {"departments.departmentType": {$exists: true}},
map : fnMap.toString(),
reduce : fnReduce.toString(),
//sort: {"departments.departmentType":1},
out: {inline: 1}
mongoose.connection.db.executeDbCommand(command, function(err, dbres) {
When executing the command, dbres.documents[0].results only contains 1 item with the total number of departmentTypes, instead of several items one for each departmentType with its count.
Any ideas what am I doing wrong?
Also, when I uncomment the SORT line, I get error "db assertion failure: could not create cursor over...", I believe the field name is written correctly.
Mongoose v3 has now a Model.mapreduce() function (see doc).
The full example shown is:
var o = {}; = function () { emit(, 1) }
o.reduce = function (k, vals) { return vals.length }
o.out = { replace: 'createdCollectionNameForResults' }
o.verbose = true;
User.mapReduce(o, function (err, model, stats) {
console.log('map reduce took %d ms', stats.processtime)
model.find().where('value').gt(10).exec(function (err, docs) {
The problem with count i believe is because in your fnReduce() function you are summit the results instead of displaying them in an array.
You can use:
That will give an array with all the distinct departmentType values.
There were two problems in your map/reduce. One is brandCount in reduce rather than typeCount. But more importantly, you are trying to emit once per document, when you need to emit once per department array element. Corrected (and slightly simplified) code:
> fnMap = function () {
function (d) {
emit(d.departmentType, 1);
> fnReduce = function (key, values) {
var result = 0;
function (value) {result += value;});
return result;

When parsing a MongoDB object (using Mongoose), how come I can't get item elements?

IndexedTweets.find(searchParameters, function(err, indexedTweetsResults) {
var chunkSize, count, resultArray, size;
if (err != null) {
return console.log("Error!");
} else {
size = indexedTweetsResults.length;
count = 0;
chunkSize = 100;
resultArray = [];
indexedTweetsResults.forEach(function(tweet) {
That's my code. My result looks like:
{ text: 'stuff',
{ display_name: '...',
screen_name: '...'},
So why can't I get tweet.user? It just returns undefined.
If you are just getting back a string of JSON from mongo, you'll need to call JSON.parse(). If that's not the case then you should provide more code because it's not clear what the issue is.