Cannot connect to Tigase Admin panel? - server

I am using Tigase XMPP server, Server parameters that I have set are:
Jabber domain name: >> this is public DNS
Admin Password: tigase
After installation, I can get access to admin panel by URL: http://localhost:8080/ui/ , but unfortunately I can't login with username and password that I have created during installation process. This makes me really crazy, please help.
Point is that, I can login to the server with android client with above username and pass, also when I delete and reinstall tigase and set the domain to ip address of computer in internal network it's working, but when I use DNS I everything looks good but cannot login to admin environment with username and password.

You can find the answer at this post:


How to access ejabberd server's web admin interface?

I am new to the xmpp server and still learning. I have chosen ejabberd server for my chat application. I have started the server but can't able to access the web admin interface. as you can see the ejabberd#localhost is already running. configuration
I started the server and it was supposed to show web admin interface but unfortunately it is not showing. I don't know what am i doing wrong.
With that configuration, the webadmin page is in
When the browser asks login credentials, provide the JID of some account in ejabberd with admin rights (it may be vinayak#localhost or something like that) and its password.
This means that you should have already registered an account in ejabberd, and grant it admin rights in ejabberd.yml configuration file, see

Signing in of registered users on ejabberd server from Conversations client app is not working

I have an ejabberd server running on Amazon EC2. I added users from the web admin console and then I tried to log in from Conversations app using the JID as and using the password assigned during registration. But it keeps on saying "server not found". Please tell me where I am doing wrong. Thank you.
Here is the screenshot of web admin console
Sign in page
I never used Amazon EC2, so I will only give you some wild ideas. Also, I don't have Conversations in English, so my translation may not be exactly like what you see:
A) In that same window, click in ... -> Preferences -> Experts Configuration -> Extended connection configuration: enable that option. Now you get another two fields, so you can tell there Conversations exacly the host (or the IP address) and port of ejabberd. Maybe adding it here helps?
B) When you attempt the connection in Conversations, do you get anything relevant in ejabberd.log or similar? I guess no
C) You can access ejabberd webadmin from your PC, but you can't from your Android phone. Just for curiosity, can you access the ejabberd webadmin from your mobile?
D) You can install some desktop Jabber client, like Gajim, Psi,... in your PC. Do those eclients connect to ejabberd, or faiol like Conversations?

How to solve authentication failure with CNAME in url

We have a web application written using Liferay 6.2 and deployed on tomcat server. Application is accessed using Integrated Windows Authentication. Everything works fine if hostname is directly used to in url to access.
To hide the actual hostname, a CNAME record was created. When that is used to access, users get repeated prompts for credentials and authentication is rejected despite entering correct credentials.
We tried creating SPN for CNAME using the command setspn -a "HTTP/<<friendly name>>". Since connection is made on standard port 443 using HTTPS, no port number was specified when creating SPN. However, repeated authentication prompts still continue to appear. The application runs using a service account. Including the service account when creating SPN could be an option. Please share if there are any suggestions on what else could be tried.
What does "everything works fine" mean? Are you getting prompted and when you enter creds it works correctly, or it does SSO and logs you in without a prompt?
The fact that you're getting prompted is because a) the new cname isn't considered to be in the intranet/trusted internet zone. See Internet Options > Security > Local Intranet/Trusted Sites > Sites. Or b) the requested ticket sent to the server failed.
Also usually you don't register the cname as an SPN. You register the A record the cname is pointing to as the SPN. My guess is this is causing the failure. The SPN is getting registered to the wrong service account so the KDC is using the wrong service account key.

How to access tableau server without login

I am new to tableau and I want to integrate tableau server in our application through Iframe, I am passing HTTP URL with authentication details like username and password but whenever I am accessing tableau it is asking for username and password.So please suggest me that how i can access tableau without redirecting to login page.
According to the Tableau community you can't do this through the URL:
There is no built-in mechanism to pass a username/password on the URL
as doing so gives "bad people" a super-duper-easy way to hack into
Tableau Server itself. As a hacker, all I'd have to do is "sit on the
wire", watch requests go to Tableau, and I could harvest everyone's
usernames and passwords. Scary stuff!
But there is a solution for built in credentials if you have a security mechanism on your end:
You might want to read up on Tableau Server's ability to do Trusted
Tickets authentication. You could essentially tell Tableau Server to
"Trust" whatever other security mechanism is authenticating your users
(I assume you have one). If you don't have another mechaism to
authenticate users before they get to Tableau Server, there's not too
much you can do.
More on Trusted Authentication from Tableau website:
Trusted authentication simply means that you have set up a trusted
relationship between Tableau Server and one or more web servers. When
Tableau Server receives requests from these trusted web servers it
assumes that your web server has handled whatever authentication is
Setting this up requires you to add the trusted IP addresses to your Tableau server. This is done by stopping tabadmin and then running the following command, followed by saving this config and restarting:
tabadmin set wgserver.trusted_hosts "<trusted IP addresses or host names>"
Once this is done you have to configure your web server so it can request tickets from Tableau server using a POST request to http://<server name>/trusted. These tickets must then be included into the script.
Hope this helps.

login to roundcube without logging in to cpanel

I am trying to set up web mail for users on my server. I want them to be able to access RoundCube, but I have cPanel installed so the only way to access RoundCube is after logging in to cPanel. Since I do not want my users logging into cPanel? I could fake the session variables for a cPanel login, but I don't want my users to have access to anything in cPanel. Or should I try to install another webmail client? Will that even work?
No need to install other webmail on your server, your client access webmail withour login cpanel with your domain name or server IP and webmail port no as below:
simply enter email address and password to login.