how to resolve following error? - annotations

I have followed cards for overview pages using annotations
this link to create a stack card, but I'm getting following error.
Uncaught (in promise) Error: failed to load 'sap/ovp/cards/charts/stack/Component.js' from /resources/sap/ovp/cards/charts/stack/Component.js: 404 - Not Found
Every bit of code is same as given in tutorial. I think my annotation file is incorrect. Please help.
thanks in advance.

use the following in manifest:
"template": ""
instead of
"template": ""


Unhandled Exception: [firebase_storage/unknown] An unknown error occurred, please check the server response

i am currently facing the issue below. the problem started occurring when i deleted my iOS folder and created a new one. ive set all the necessary settings back in place but am still facing the issue. i deleted the iOS file and recreated it as my 'project.pbxproj' file became empty. tia
[] Unhandled Exception: [firebase_storage/unknown] An unknown error occurred, please check the server response.
It seems there is a problem in firebase_storage. Please use putData instead of putFile, that can work.

How do I enable Error Reporting in TYPO3?

I have made a contact form but upon submitting it I get the error: Oops, an error occurred! Code: 201905310232036dfcc153.
I would like to get more information so I can start debugging. So my question is: How do I enable error reporting in TYPO3?
You have to add this line in your TypoScript
config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0
After setting to 0, you will see detailed errors in frontend when an exception
is thrown.
To reset it, simply delete the lin or set to 1.
here is a blog post from me about it (in German):
In the directory typo3temp/var/logs/ there should be a file named typo3_somehash.log. Search this file for the error code.
Go to Install Tool and configure SYS|displayErrors = 1
This enables the debug exception handler and you will get a stacktrace instead oops an error occurred.
You can also write it directly in your typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php or typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][SYS]['displayErrors'] = 1;
See also:

Magento2 Code Migration Tool Issue with Custom Module Migration

Anyone faced this error?
I'm trying to migrate a custom module.
When I run this command, I get the error below. Please advise.
php bin/migrate.php migrateModuleStructure source destination
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate interface Magento\Framework\Serialize\SerializerInterface in /var/www/code-migration-develop/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/Dynamic/Developer.php:50
Thanks in advance.
Found from ShaneVBG at
Add to app/etc/di.xml in # ~ line 91
<preference for="Magento\Framework\Serialize\SerializerInterface" type="Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer\Json" />


Hi I am having an issue with the SOAP , when I call my services I get this error:
<env:Fault xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<faultstring>Error occured while service was processing.</faultstring>
Do you know how to solve this problem then please help me.
This is not a symptom of one specific problem. All it says is that an "Error occured while service was processing.".
You'll have to look at any server logs to find out what error this was.

Exception while creating sp.xml using ssoadmin

I am facing this exception when I trying to create the sp.xml using the ssoadmin :
com.sun.identity.cli.CLIException: AdminTokenAction: FATAL ERROR: Cannot obtain Application SSO token.
Check for the following properties
at com.sun.identity.cli.LogWriter.log(
at com.sun.identity.cli.Authenticator.ldapLogin(
at com.sun.identity.cli.AuthenticatedCommand.ldapLogin(
at com.sun.identity.federation.cli.CreateMetaDataTemplate.handleRequest(
at com.sun.identity.cli.SubCommand.execute(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CLIRequest.process(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CLIRequest.process(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.serviceRequestQueue(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.main(
And I also tried adding something like this in the ssoamdin.bat :
But the same exception...
How to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
The 'map-to-site' property is only needed if you have a site configured an the host where you run ssoadm is not able to talk to the siteURL.
You may set' as JVM options within ssoadm.bat.
You may then look into the debug directory you should find a pointer what's wrong.
The above got sorted in my case when i went to the ssoadmin folder openam/bin and found the ssoadm.bat file and opened it in the edit mode and added the following two lines in the java comaand :
-D"\tomcatsslkeystore" (tomcat keystore path)
-D"" (tomcat keystore password)