How to plot π›½βˆ’π‘€ diagram in MATLAB? - matlab

I am trying to plot the π›½βˆ’π‘€ diagrams for the given phase constants using MATLAB, but although I have look at many web pages, there is not a similar example plotting π›½βˆ’π‘€ diagram in MATLAB. Could you please clarify me how to proceed by giving some examples regarding to this problem? Any help would really be appreciated.
Plot range: 𝑓=10π‘€β„Žπ‘§βˆ’10𝐺𝐻𝑧
w : Angular frequency
wc : A constant Angular frequency
Parameters for 1st: 𝑀𝑐1=0.2βˆ—π‘€, 𝑀𝑐2=0.4βˆ—π‘€, 𝑀𝑐3=0.6βˆ—π‘€, 𝑀𝑐4=0.8βˆ—π‘€ , Ι›1=1* Ι›0, ΞΌ= ΞΌ0
Parameters for 1st: a1=0.08636cm, a2=0.8636cm, a3=2.286cm, a4=29.21cm, Ι›1=1* Ι›0, ΞΌ= ΞΌ0

As the OP asked, this is a sort of Matlab code.
I assume to map the plot of B with w in range [1,100] (but values can be changed)
First case has wc has 3 different cases, 4 different plot of B (B1,B2, B3 and B4) will be mapped in four different colors
%constant inizialization
mu = 1.2566E-6;
e = 1;
start_f = 10000; %10 MHz start frequency range
end_f = 10000000; %10 GHz end frequency range
step = 10 %plot the function every "step" Hz (ONLY INTEGER NUMBERS ALLOWED)
k = 1;
% function of B example: B = w*sqrt(mu*e)*sqrt(1-((wc^2)/w));
%vectors initialization to avoid the "consider preallocation" Matlab not-critical warning
range_f = ceil((end_f - start_f)/step) + 1;
w = zeros(range_f);
B1 = zeros(range_f);
B2 = zeros(range_f);
B3 = zeros(range_f);
B4 = zeros(range_f);
for i=start_f:step:end_f %from 10 MHz to 10 GHz with steps of 1 Hz
%store i in the i-cell of vector w
w(k) = i;
%values that need to be updated every time
w1 = 0.2*w(i);
w2 = 0.4*w(i);
w3 = 0.6*w(i);
w4 = 0.8*w(i);
%four different results of B
B1(i) = w(i)*sqrt(mu*e)*sqrt(1-((w1^2)/w(i)));
B2(i) = w(i)*sqrt(mu*e)*sqrt(1-((w2^2)/w(i)));
B3(i) = w(i)*sqrt(mu*e)*sqrt(1-((w3^2)/w(i)));
B4(i) = w(i)*sqrt(mu*e)*sqrt(1-((w4^2)/w(i)));
k = k+1;
%plot the 4 lines
plot(w,B1,'r') %red line of B1 = f(w)
hold on
plot(w,B2,'g') %green line of B2 = f(w)
hold on
plot(w,B3,'b') %blue line of B3 = f(w)
hold on
plot(w,B4,'k') %black line of B4 = f(w)
4 different cases have to be represented with 4 plot (in this example they have been overlayed).
The last notation can be done in the same way (you have 4 constant parameters a1, a2 etc.) that does not depends from w this time. So
B1a(i) = sqrt((w(i)^2)*mu*e - ((pi^2)/a1)));
B2a(i) = sqrt((w(i)^2)*mu*e - ((pi^2)/a1)));
B3a(i) = sqrt((w(i)^2)*mu*e - ((pi^2)/a1)));
B4a(i) = sqrt((w(i)^2)*mu*e - ((pi^2)/a1)));
If some errors (due to "fast" writing) occurs to you, report them in comments and I will correct and update the code


MATLAB code for adding two signals for different time intervals

I have got two sine waves shifted 180 degrees from each other. I would like to create another signal from these two, but for that I have to add separate intervals separately and the resultant should be continuous as well.
Here are two sine waves:
t = 0:0.00001:0.02;
w= 2*pi*50;
ma = 0.8*sin(w*t);
mb = 0.8*sin(w*t-pi);
Now I want to create another signal mcm. For an interval "0 to 0.005 (quarter cycle)" I want mcm = 1 + ma. For interval "0.005 to 0.01" I want mcm = 1 + mb.
And likewise for the other two quarters.
How do we go about doing it?
Edit after the question was changed in the comment below
Given the need to generalise this to multiple cycles (note the addition of the user defined input n = number of cycles), here is what I would suggest.
Firstly, each function has to be explicitly defined. Secondly, for each point along the length of t, the function that needs to be used at that data point needs to be (explicitly) defined.
Thus in the code below, functions and functionOrder are used to set the functions to be used, and the order/frequency in which they are to be used.
In the Calculate mcm section, a variable ind is used to iterate over the output, and select the function to be used at each point.
% User inputs
f = 50;
n = 3; % number of cycles
inc = 0.00001; % increment
% Preliminaries
t_interval = 1/f;
t = 0:inc:t_interval*n;
t = t(1:end-1);
w = 2*pi*f;
ma = 0.8*sin(w*t);
mb = 0.8*sin(w*t-pi);
% Define mcm
f1 = #(ii) -1 - mb(ii);
f2 = #(ii) 1 - ma(ii);
f3 = #(ii) -1 + mb(ii);
f4 = #(ii) 1 - mb(ii);
functions = {f1, f2, f3, f4};
functionOrder = [1 2 3 4];
% Calculate mcm
ind = repmat(functionOrder, round(t_interval/inc)/length(functionOrder), 1);
ind = reshape(ind, numel(ind), 1);
ind = repmat(ind, n, 1);
mcm = zeros(size(ind));
for ii = 1:length(ind)
mcm(ii) = functions{ind(ii)}(ii);
% Plot
figure; plot(t,ma);
hold on; plot(t,mb);
plot(t, mcm);
Previous answer to the simpler question, without the need for generalisability
The way I would approach this would be a compromise between ease of use in the current situation and ease of replication/dynamism as the example changes.
First create a variable that is in indicator of where ma should be used and mb should be used. Note that using 0 and 1 makes future steps easier: if you had more functions to utilise in this piecewise operation, the construction of this indicator would have to be different.
ind = zeros(size(t)); %indicator
ind(t >= 0.000 && t < 0.005) = 1;
ind(t >= 0.010 && t <=0.015) = 1;
Then, the addition of ma and mb is relatively straightforward.
mcm = 1 + ind.*ma + (1-ind).*mb;
[Note that this follows the mathematical formulation described in the text, but the resulting curve is not continuous. I do not see a way to do this so that ma and mb alternate every quarter cycle and the curve is also continuous.]

Code wont produce the value of a definite integral in MATLAB

I've had problems with my code as I've tried to make an integral compute, but it will not for the power, P2.
I've tried using anonymous function handles to use the integral() function on MATLAB as well as just using int(), but it will still not compute. Are the values too small for MATLAB to integrate or am I just missing something small?
Any help or advice would be appreciated to push me in the right direction. Thanks!
The problem in the code is in the bottom of the section labelled "Power Calculations". My integral also gets quite messy if that makes a difference.
%%%%%%%%%%% Parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%
n0 = 1; %air
n1 = 1.4; %layer 1
n2 = 2.62; %layer 2
n3 = 3.5; %silicon
L0 = 650*10^(-9); %centre wavelength
L1 = 200*10^(-9): 10*10^(-9): 2200*10^(-9); %lambda from 200nm to 2200nm
x = ((pi./2).*(L0./L1)); %layer phase thickness
r01 = ((n0 - n1)./(n0 + n1)); %reflection coefficient 01
r12 = ((n1 - n2)./(n1 + n2)); %reflection coefficient 12
r23 = ((n2 - n3)./(n2 + n3)); %reflection coefficient 23
t01 = ((2.*n0)./(n0 + n1)); %transmission coefficient 01
t12 = ((2.*n1)./(n1 + n2)); %transmission coefficient 12
t23 = ((2.*n2)./(n2 + n3)); %transmission coefficient 23
Q1 = [1 r01; r01 1]; %Matrix Q1
Q2 = [1 r12; r12 1]; %Matrix Q2
Q3 = [1 r23; r23 1]; %Matrix Q3
%%%%%%%%%%%% Graph of L vs R %%%%%%%%%%%
R = zeros(size(x));
for i = 1:length(x)
P = [exp(j.*x(i)) 0; 0 exp(-j.*x(i))]; %General Matrix P
T = ((1./(t01.*t12.*t23)).*(Q1*P*Q2*P*Q3)); %Transmission
T11 = T(1,1); %T11 value
T21 = T(2,1); %T21 value
R(i) = ((abs(T21./T11))^2).*100; %Percent reflectivity
title('Percent Reflectance vs. wavelength for 2 Layers')
xlabel('Wavelength (m)')
ylabel('Reflectance (%)')
%%%%%%%%%%% Power Calculation %%%%%%%%%%
syms L; %General lamda
y = ((pi./2).*(L0./L)); %Layer phase thickness with variable Lamda
P1 = [exp(j.*y) 0; 0 exp(-j.*y)]; %Matrix P with variable Lambda
T1 = ((1./(t01.*t12.*t23)).*(Q1*P1*Q2*P1*Q3)); %Transmittivity matrix T1
I = ((6.16^(15))./((L.^(5)).*exp(2484./L) - 1)); %Blackbody Irradiance
Tf11 = T1(1,1); %New T11 section of matrix with variable Lambda
Tf2 = (((abs(1./Tf11))^2).*(n3./n0)); %final transmittivity
P1 = Tf2.*I; %Power before integration
L_initial = 200*10^(-9); %Initial wavelength
L_final = 2200*10^(-9); %Final wavelength
P2 = int(P1, L, L_initial, L_final) %Power production
I've refactored your code
to make it easier to read
to improve code reuse
to improve performance
to make it easier to understand
Why do you use so many unnecessary parentheses?!
Anyway, there's a few problems I saw in your code.
You used i as a loop variable, and j as the imaginary unit. It was OK for this one instance, but just barely so. In the future it's better to use 1i or 1j for the imaginary unit, and/or m or ii or something other than i or j as the loop index variable. You're helping yourself and your colleagues; it's just less confusing that way.
Towards the end, you used the variable name P1 twice in a row, and in two different ways. Although it works here, it's confusing! Took me a while to unravel why a matrix-producing function was producing scalars instead...
But by far the biggest problem in your code is the numerical problems with the blackbody irradiance computation. The term
L⁡ · exp(2484/L) - 1
for Ξ»β‚€ = 200 Β· 10⁻⁹ m will require computing the quantity
exp(1.242 · 10¹⁰)
which, needless to say, is rather difficult for a computer :) Actually, the problem with your computation is two-fold. First, the exponentiation is definitely out of range of 64 bit IEEE-754 double precision, and will therefore result in ∞. Second, the parentheses are wrong; Planck's law should read
C/L⁡ · 1/(exp(D) - 1)
with C and D the constants (involving Planck's constant, speed of light, and Boltzmann constant), which you've presumably precomputed (I didn't check the values. I do know choice of units can mess these up, so better check).
So, aside from the silly parentheses error, I suspect the main problem is that you simply forgot to rescale Ξ» to nm. Changing everything in the blackbody equation to nm and correcting those parentheses gives the code
I = 6.16^(15) / ( (L*1e+9)^5 * (exp(2484/(L*1e+9)) - 1) );
With this, I got a finite value for the integral of
P2 = 1.052916498836486e-010
But, again, you'd better double-check everything.
Note that I used quadgk(), because it's one of the better ones available on R2010a (which I'm stuck with), but you can just as easily replace this with integral() available on anything newer than R2012a.
Here's the code I ended up with:
function pwr = my_fcn()
% Parameters
n0 = 1; % air
n1 = 1.4; % layer 1
n2 = 2.62; % layer 2
n3 = 3.5; % silicon
L0 = 650e-9; % centre wavelength
% Reflection coefficients
r01 = (n0 - n1)/(n0 + n1);
r12 = (n1 - n2)/(n1 + n2);
r23 = (n2 - n3)/(n2 + n3);
% Transmission coefficients
t01 = (2*n0) / (n0 + n1);
t12 = (2*n1) / (n1 + n2);
t23 = (2*n2) / (n2 + n3);
% Quality factors
Q1 = [1 r01; r01 1];
Q2 = [1 r12; r12 1];
Q3 = [1 r23; r23 1];
% Initial & Final wavelengths
L_initial = 200e-9;
L_final = 2200e-9;
% plot reflectivity for selected lambda range
plot_reflectivity(L_initial, L_final, 1000);
% Compute power production
pwr = quadgk(#power_production, L_initial, L_final);
% Helper functions
% ========================================
% Graph of lambda vs reflectivity
function plot_reflectivity(L_initial, L_final, N)
L = linspace(L_initial, L_final, N);
R = zeros(size(L));
for ii = 1:numel(L)
% Transmission
T = transmittivity(L(ii));
% Percent reflectivity
R(ii) = 100 * abs(T(2,1)/T(1,1))^2 ;
plot(L, R)
title('Percent Reflectance vs. wavelength for 2 Layers')
xlabel('Wavelength (m)')
ylabel('Reflectance (%)')
% Compute transmittivity matrix for a single wavelength
function T = transmittivity(L)
% Layer phase thickness with variable Lamda
y = pi/2 * L0/L;
% Matrix P with variable Lambda
P1 = [exp(+1j*y) 0
0 exp(-1j*y)];
% Transmittivity matrix T1
T = 1/(t01*t12*t23) * Q1*P1*Q2*P1*Q3;
% Power for a specific wavelength. Note that this function
% accepts vector-valued wavelengths; needed for quadgk()
function pwr = power_production(L)
pwr = zeros(size(L));
for ii = 1:numel(L)
% Transmittivity matrix
T1 = transmittivity(L(ii));
% Blackbody Irradiance
I = 6.16^(15) / ( (L(ii)*1e+9)^5 * (exp(2484/(L(ii)*1e+9)) - 1) );
% final transmittivity
Tf2 = abs(1/T1(1))^2 * n3/n0;
% Power before integration
pwr(ii) = Tf2 * I;

Getting NaN values in neural network weight matrices

**I am trying to develop a feedforward NN in MATLAB. I have a dataset of 12 inputs and 1 output with 46998 samples. I have some NaN values in last rows of Matrix, because some inputs are accelerations & velocities which are 1 & 2 steps less respectively than displacements.
With this current data set I am getting w1_grad & w2_grad as NaN matrices. I tried to remove them using `Heave_dataset(isnan(Heave_dataset))=[];, but my dataset is getting converted into a column matrix of (1*610964).
can anyone help me with this ?
%% Clear Variables, Close Current Figures, and Create Results Directory
clear all;
close all;
mkdir('Results//'); %Directory for Storing Results
%% Configurations/Parameters
load 'Heave_dataset'
% Heave_dataset(isnan(Heave_dataset))=[];
nbrOfNeuronsInEachHiddenLayer = 24;
nbrOfOutUnits = 1;
unipolarBipolarSelector = -1; %0 for Unipolar, -1 for Bipolar
learningRate = 0.08;
nbrOfEpochs_max = 50000;
%% Read Data
Input = Heave_dataset(:, 1:length(Heave_dataset(1,:))-1);
TargetClasses = Heave_dataset(:, length(Heave_dataset(1,:)));
%% Calculate Number of Input and Output NodesActivations
nbrOfInputNodes = length(Input(1,:)); %=Dimention of Any Input Samples
nbrOfLayers = 2 + length(nbrOfNeuronsInEachHiddenLayer);
nbrOfNodesPerLayer = [nbrOfInputNodes nbrOfNeuronsInEachHiddenLayer nbrOfOutUnits];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Forward Pass %%%%%%%%%%%
%% Adding the Bias to Input layer
Input = [ones(length(Input(:,1)),1) Input];
%% Weights leading from input layer to hidden layer is w1
w1 = rand(nbrOfNeuronsInEachHiddenLayer,(nbrOfInputNodes+1));
%% Input & output of hidde layer
hiddenlayer_input = Input*w1';
hiddenlayer_output = -1 + 2./(1 + exp(-(hiddenlayer_input)));
%% Adding the Bias to hidden layer
hiddenlayer_output = [ones(length(hiddenlayer_output(:,1)),1) hiddenlayer_output];
%% Weights leading from input layer to hidden layer is w1
w2 = rand(nbrOfOutUnits,(nbrOfNeuronsInEachHiddenLayer+1));
%% Input & output of hidde layer
outerlayer_input = hiddenlayer_output*w2';
outerlayer_output = outerlayer_input;
%% Error Calculation
TotalError = 0.5*(TargetClasses-outerlayer_output).^2;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Backward Pass %%%%%%%%%%%
d3 = outerlayer_output - TargetClasses;
d2 = (d3*w2).*hiddenlayer_output.*(1-hiddenlayer_output);
d2 = d2(:,2:end);
D1 = d2' * Input;
D2 = d3' * hiddenlayer_output;
w1_grad = D1/46998 + learningRate*[zeros(size(w1,1),1) w1(:,2:end)]/46998;
w2_grad = D2/46998 + learningRate*[zeros(size(w2,1),1) w2(:,2:end)]/46998;
You should try vectorize your algorithm. First arrange your data in a 46998x12 matrix X.Add bias to X like X=[ones(46998,1 X]. Then the weights leading from input layer to first hidden layer must be arranged in a matrix W1 with dimensions numberofneuronsinfirsthiddenlayer(24)x(input + 1). Then XW1' is what you feed in your neuron function (either is it sigmoid or whatever it is). The result (like sigmoid(XW') is the output of neurons at hidden level 1. You add bias like before and multiply by weight matrix W2 (the weights that lead from hidden layer 1 to hidden layer 2) and so on. Hope this helps to get you started vectorizing your code at least for the feedforward part. The back-propagation part is a little trickier but luckily involves the same matrices.
I will shortly recite the feedforward process so that we use same language talking about backpropagation.
There is the data called X.(dimensions 46998x12)
A1 = [ones(46998,1 X] is the input including bias. (46998x13)
Z2 = A1*W1' (W1 is the weight matrix that leads from input to hidden layer 1)
A2 = sigmoid(Z2);
A2 = [ones(m,1) A2]; adding bias again
Z3 = A2 * W2';
A3 = sigmoid(Z3);
Supposing you only have one hidden layer feedforward stops here. I'll start backwards now and you can generalize as appropriate.
d3 = A3 - Y; (Y must is part of your data, the actual values of the data with which you train your nn)
d2 = (d3 * W2).* A2 .* (1-A2); ( Sigmod function has a nice property that d(sigmoid(z))/dz = sigmoid(z)*(1-sigmoid(z)).)
d2 = d2(:,2:end);(You dont need the first column that corresponds in the bias)
D1 = d2' * A1;
D2 = d3' * A2;
W1_grad = D1/m + lambda*[zeros(size(W1,1),1) W1(:,2:end)]/m; (lamda is the earning rate, m is 46998)
W2_grad = D2/m + lambda*[zeros(size(W2,1),1) W2(:,2:end)]/m;
Everything must be in place now except for the vectorized cost function which have to be minimized. Hope this helps a bit...

Summing scalars and vectors [MATLAB]

First off; I'm not very well taught in programming, but i tend to learn exactly what I need to learn in order to do what I want when programming, I have moderate experience with python, html/css C and matlab. I've now enrolled in a physics-simulation course where I use matlab to compute the trajectory of 500 particles under the influence of 5 force-fields of different magnitude.
So now to my thing; I need to write the following for all i=1...500 particles
f_i = m*g - sum{(f_k/r_k^2)*exp((||vec(x)_i - vec(p)_k||^2)/2*r_k^2)(vec(x)_i - vec(p)_k)}
I hope its not too cluttered
And here is my code so far;
clear all
close all
echo off
%Simulation Parameters-------------------------------------------
h = 0.01; %Time-step h (s)
t_0 = 0; %initial time (s)
t_f = 3; %final time (s)
m = 1; %Particle mass (kg)
L = 5; %Charateristic length (m)
NT = t_f/h; %Number of time steps
g = [0,-9.81];
f = [32 40 28 16 20]; %the force f_k (N)
r = [0.3*L 0.2*L 0.4*L 0.5*L 0.3*L]; %the radii r_k
p = [-0.2*L 0.8*L; -0.3*L -0.8*L; -0.6*L 0.1*L;
0.4*L 0.7*L; 0.8*L -0.3*L];
%Forcefield origin position
%stepper = 'forward_euler'; % use forward Euler time-integration
fprintf('Simulation Parameters set');
for i = 1:500 %Gives inital value to each of the 500 particles
particle{i,1}.x = [-L -L];
particle{i,1}.v = [5,10];
particle{i,1}.m = m;
for k = 1:5
C = particle{i}.x - p(k,:);
F = rdivide(f(1,k),r(1,k)^2).*C
%clear C; %Creates elements for array F
particle{i}.fi = m*g - sum(F); %Compute attractive force on particle
%clear F; %Clear F for next use
What this code seems to do is that it goes into the first loop with index i, then goes through the 'k'-loop and exits it with a value for F then uses that last value for F(k) to compute f_i.
What I want it to do is to put all the values of F(k) from 1-5 and put into a matrix which columns I can sum for f_i. I'd prefer to sum the columns as the first column should represent all F-components in the x-axis and the second column all F-components in the y-axis.
Note that the expression for F in the k-loop is not done.
I fixed it by defining the index for F(k,:)

Error executing harmonic product spectrum

I've been trying to find the fundamental notes using Harmonic Product Spectrum in MATLAB. I came across an algorithm and tried using it. I tested it with C Major scale (piano) with the notes
C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 C4
I get the correct (almost close) frequency values for all the notes except the last C4 note because at that point i get the error
Matrix dimensions must agree.
This is the line that shows the error
f_ym = (1*seg_fft) .* (1.0*seg_fft2) .* (1*seg_fft3) .* (1*seg_fft4);
I'm not quite sure what's wrong here..
I found the note onsets and performed FFT on each onset and used that for the harmonic product spectrum. This is the part that does the HPS
h = 1;
for i = 2:No_of_peaks
song_seg = song(max_col(i-1):max_col(i)-1);
L = length(song_seg);
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L); % Next power of 2 from length of y
seg_fft = fft(song_seg,NFFT);%/L;
seg_fft = seg_fft(1 : size(seg_fft,1) / 2);
seg_fft = abs(seg_fft);
%HPS: downsampling
for i = 1:length(seg_fft)
seg_fft2(i,1) = 1;
seg_fft3(i,1) = 1;
seg_fft4(i,1) = 1;
% f_x5(i,1) = 1;
for i = 1:floor((length(seg_fft)-1)/2)
seg_fft2(i,1) = (seg_fft(2*i,1) + seg_fft((2*i)+1,1))/2;
for i = 1:floor((length(seg_fft)-2)/3)
seg_fft3(i,1) = (seg_fft(3*i,1) + seg_fft((3*i)+1,1) + seg_fft((3*i)+2,1))/3;
for i = 1:floor((length(seg_fft)-3)/4)
seg_fft4(i,1) = (seg_fft(4*i,1) + seg_fft((4*i)+1,1) + seg_fft((4*i)+2,1) + seg_fft((4*i)+3,1))/4;
%HPS, PartII: calculate product
f_ym = (1*seg_fft) .* (1.0*seg_fft2) .* (1*seg_fft3) .* (1*seg_fft4);
%HPS, PartIII: find max
f_y1 = max(f_ym);
for c = 1 : size(f_ym)
if(f_ym(c, 1) == f_y1)
index = c;
% Convert that to a frequency
f_y(h) = (index / NFFT) * FS
f_y = abs(f_y)';
Well I'm trying to find the fundamental frequency in the presence of harmonics. Harmonic product spectrum is one way of doing it and that is what is being implemented in the above code. When I do the multiplication the size of seg_fft seems to be half the size of seg_fft2, seg_fft3, seg_fft4.
I don't know how I can make the dimensions to be of the same size.. That is where I need some help..
Would really appreciate some quick help. Thanx in advance :)
It is hard to understand exactly what you are trying to do without more explanation. But you get an error while trying to do element-wise multiplication of several matrices. This error message means that not all matrices have the same size, which is required for element-wise operations. To debug this kind of errors, the easiest is usually to check the sizes of the various matrices. So add these lines just before the line that gives the error:
This should probably show you that one of them has a size that is different from what you expect. After this, try to fix your for-loops so that they all have the same size.