Kubernetes - service exposed via NodePort not available on all nodes - kubernetes

I've a nginx service exposed via NodePort. According to the documentation, I should now be able to hit the service on $NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT for all my K8 worker IPs. However, I'm able to access the service via curl on only the node that hosts the actual nginx pod. Any idea why?
I did verify using netstat that kube-proxy is listening on $NODE_PORT on all the hosts. Somehow, the request is not being forwarded to the actual pod by kube-proxy.

This turned out to be an issue with the security group associated with the workers. I had opened only the ports in the --service-node-port-range. This was not enough because I was deploying nginx on port 80 and kube-proxy tried to forward the request to the pod's IP on port 80 but was being blocked.


Difference between kubectl port-forwarding and NodePort service

Whats the difference between kubectl port-forwarding (which forwards port from local host to the pod in the cluster to gain access to cluster resources) and NodePort Service type ?
You are comparing two completely different things. You should compare ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and Ingress.
The first and most important difference is that NodePort expose is persistent while by doing it using port-forwarding, you always have to run kubectl port-forward ... and kept it active.
kubectl port-forward is meant for testing, labs, troubleshooting and not for long term solutions. It will create a tunnel between your machine and kubernetes so this solution will serve demands from/to your machine.
NodePort can give you long term solution and it can serve demands from/to anywhere inside the network your nodes reside.
If you use port forwarding kubectl port forward svc/{your_service} -n {service_namespace} you just need a clusterIP, kubectl will handle the traffic for you. Kubectl will be the proxy for your traffic
If you use nodeport for access your service means you need to open port on the worker nodes.
when you use port forwarding, that is going to cause our cluster to essentially behave like it has a node port service running inside of it without creating a service. This is strictly for the development setting. with one command you will have a node port service.
// find the name of the pod that running nats streaming server
kubectl get pods
kubectl port-forward nats-Pod-5443532542c8-5mbw9 4222:4222
kubectl will set up proxy that will forward any trafic on your local machine to a port on that specific pod.
however, to create a node port you need to write a YAML config file to set up a service. It will expose the port permanently and performs load balancing.

Why is Azure Load Balancer created by AKS set up to direct traffic to port 80 and 443 on nodes rather than nodeports opened by a service?

I have an AKS cluster with an nginx ingress controller. Controller has created a service with a type LoadBalancer and Ports section looks like this (from kubectl get service):
If I understand things correctly port 80 is a ClusterIp port that is not reachable from the outside but port 31141 is a port that is a NodePort and is reachable from outside. So I would assume that an Azure Load Balancer is sending traffic to this 31141 port.
I was surprised to find that Azure Load Balancer is set up with a rule:
frontendPort: 80
backendPort: 80
probe (healthCheck): 31141
So it actually does use the nodeport but only as a healthcheck and all traffic is sent to port 80 which presumably functions the same way as 31141.
A curious note is that if I try to reach the node IP at port 80 from a pod I only get "connection refused", but I suppose it does work if traffic comes from a load balancer.
I was not able to find any information about this on internet, so the question is how this really works and why is ALB doing it this way?
P.S. I don't have troubles with connectivity, it works. I am just trying to understand how and why it does behind the scenes.
I think I have figured out how that works (disclaimer: my understanding might not be correct, please correct me if it's wrong).
What happens is that load balanced traffic does not reach the node itself on port 80 nor does it reach it on an opened node port (31141 in my case). Instead the traffic that is sent to the node is not "handled" by the node itself but rather routed further with the help of iptables. So if some traffic hits the node with the destination IP of the LB frontendIP and port 80 it goes to the service and further to the pod.
As for health check I suppose it does not use the same port 80 because the request would not have a destination equal to the external IP (LB frontend IP) and rather the node itself directly, then it uses the service nodePort for that reason.
As I see, you have some misunderstandings about the ingress ports. Let me show you some details about the ingress in AKS.
Ingress info:
From the screenshot, the ports 80 and 443 are the ports of the Azure LB which you can access from the Internet with the public IP associated with the LB, here the public IP is And the ports 31282 and 31869 are the ports of the AKS nodes which you cannot access from the Internet, you can only access them from the vnet through the node private IP.
Azure LB info:
heath probes:
lb rules:
From the screenshots, you can see the health probes and the rules of the Azure LB. It uses them to redirect the traffic from the Internet to the AKS nodes' ports, and the nodes are the backend of the Azure LB.
Hope it helps you understand the traffic of the ingress in AKS.
The LB rules info:

Kubernetes IP service IP and ports

I've deployed a hello-world application on my Kubernetes cluster. When I access the app via <cluster ip>:<port> in my browser I get the following webpage: hello-kuleuven app webpage.
I understand that from outside the cluster you have to access the app via the cluster IP and the port specified in the deployment file (which in my case is 30001). From inside the cluster you have to contact the master node with its local IP and another port number, in my case
My question is about the last line of the webpage:
Kubernetes listening in 443 available at tcp://
Since, the service is already accessible from inside and outside the cluster by other ports and IP's, I'm not sure what this does.
The IP is a cluster IP of kube-dns service. You can see it using
kubectl get svc -n kube-apiserver
Kubernetes DNS schedules a DNS Pod and Service on the cluster, and configures the kubelets to tell individual containers to use the DNS Service’s IP to resolve DNS names.
So every pod you deploy uses kube-dns service (ClusterIP to resolve the dns names.
Read more about kube dns at kubernetes official document here

why pods not getting incoming connections

I am making my first steps with Kubernetes and I have some difficulties.
I have a pod with it's service defined as NodePort at port 30010.
I have a load balancer configured in front of this Kubernetes cluster where port 8443 directs traffic to this 30010 port.
when I try to access this pod from outside the cluster to port 8443 the pod is not getting any connections but I can see the incoming connections via tcptrack in the host in port 30010 with means the load balancer is doing it's job.
when I do curl -k in the host I get a response from the pods.
what am I missing?
how can I debug it?

Access nodeport via kube-proxy from another machine

I have kubernetes cluster (node01-03).
There is a service with nodeport to access a pod (nodeport 31000).
The pod is running on node03.
I can access the service with http://node03:31000 from any host. On every node I can access the service like http://[name_of_the_node]:31000. But I cannot access the service the following way: http://node01:31000 even though there is a listener (kube-proxy) on node01 at port 31000. The iptables rules look okay to me. Is this how it's intended to work ? If not, how can I further troubleshoot?
NodePort is exposed on every node in the cluster. https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-nodeport clearly says:
each Node will proxy that port (the same port number on every Node) into your Service
So, from both inside and outside the cluster, the service can be accessed using NodeIP:NodePort on any node in the cluster and kube-proxy will route using iptables to the right node that has the backend pod.
However, if the service is accessed using NodeIP:NodePort from outside the cluster, we need to first make sure that NodeIP is reachable from where we are hitting NodeIP:NodePort.
If NodeIP:NodePort cannot be accessed on a node that is not running the backend pod, it may be caused by the default DROP rule on the FORWARD chain (which in turn is caused by Docker 1.13 for security reasons). Here is more info about it. Also see step 8 here. A solution for this is to add the following rule on the node:
iptables -A FORWARD -j ACCEPT
The k8s issue for this is here and the fix is here (the fix should be there in k8s 1.9).
Three other options to enable external access to a service are:
ExternalIPs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#external-ips
LoadBalancer with an external, cloud-provider's load-balancer: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-loadbalancer
Ingress: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/
If accessing pods within the Kubernetes cluster, you dont need to use the nodeport. Infer the Kubernetes service targetport instead. Say podA needs to access podB through service called serviceB. All you need assuming http is http://serviceB:targetPort/