Is there a way to vectorize this loop in MATLAB? - matlab

I wish to vectorize this for loop. This loop is about getting the coordinates of image pixels and form an array in a row by row order.
rows = 812; % 812x650 image
cols = 650;
n=rows*cols; % total number of pixels
index = zeros(n,2); % n coordinates of image pixels
pt_homo = zeros(3,1,n); % [x,y,1]'
for r=1:rows
for c=1:cols
pt_homo(1,1,k) = c;
pt_homo(2,1,k) = r;
pt_homo(3,1,k) = 1;

So if i understand your question correctly this should solve it
c = 1:cols;
r = 1:rows;
[X Y] = meshgrid(r,c);
index = [Y(:) X(:)];
pt_homo_ = permute([index ones(size(index,1),1)],[2 3 1]);
Basically what i did is create the index vectors and create a matrix of indexes using meshgrid and then reorder it to be in the format you wanted.


Design feature matrix of 8-neighborhood elements

I have a matrix (image) of size m x n that I am trying to rearrange differently. I want to design a feature matrix of size (m x n) x 9 where each row corresponds to a matrix element centered around its 8-neighborhood elements. My attempt was to sequentially loop through each element of the original matrix to extract the neighborhood values, however this method is too computationally heavy and takes too long to perform as the matrix size is exhaustively large. Is there anyway to do this cost-beneficially?
M_feat = nan(size(img,1)*size(img,2), 9);
temp = zeros(size(img)+2);
temp(2:end-1,2:end-1) = double(img);
for i = 2:size(img,1)+1
for j = 2:size(img,2)+1
neighbors = temp(i-1:i+1, j-1:j+1); % read 3-by-3 mini-matrix
neighbors = reshape(neighbors, 1, []);
M_feat((i-2)*size(img,1) + (j-1),:) = neighbors; % store row-wise
Got it!
new_img = zeros(size(img)+2);
new_img(2:end-1,2:end-1) = double(img);
% Image boundary coordinates without first/last row/column
inner_coord = [2 2; size(new_img,1)-1 size(new_img,2)-1];
% 9x2 matrix with 1 row for the relative shift to reach neighbors
[d2, d1] = meshgrid(-1:1, -1:1);
d = [d1(:) d2(:)];
% Cell array to store all 9 shifted images
temp = {};
for i = 1:size(d,1)
% x-indices of the submatrix when shifted by d(i,1)
coord_x = (inner_coord(1,1):inner_coord(2,1)) + d(i,1);
% y-indices of the submatrix when shifted by d(i,2)
coord_y = (inner_coord(1,2):inner_coord(2,2)) + d(i,2);
% image matrix resulting from shift by d(i,)
temp{i} = reshape(new_img(coord_x, coord_y), 1, []);
% Column-wise bind all 9 shifted images (as vectors) from the array
M_feat = vertcat(temp{:}).';

Matlab - Applying a function in a neighborhood

Lets say that I have a 250*250 matrix. What I want to do is select a [3 3] neighborhood around every pixel and apply a function to it. Now the problem is that the function will output a 2*2 matrix for every pixel in the neighborhood and then I have to add the result of every pixel and finally get a 2*2 matrix for the selected pixel. So in the end I will get 62500 2*2 matrices. Also, I have to save the 2*2 matrix for every pixel in a 250*250 cell. Because these matrices will be used for further calculations. So any idea how I go about doing this because I cannot use nfilter or colfilt because in those the function must return a scalar. Any advice or suggestions are highly welcome.
You can use nlfilter with a function that returns a cell so the result will be a cell matrix.:
a = rand(10);
result = nlfilter(a,[3 3],#(x){x(1:2,1:2)});
Here's one pattern of how to do this:
% define matrix
N = 250; % dimensionality
M = rand(N); % random square N-by-N matrix
% initialize output cell array
C = cell(N);
% apply the function (assume the function is called your_function)
for row = 1 : N
for col = 1 : N
% determine a 3x3 neighborhood (if on edge of matrix, 2x2)
row_index = max(1, row - 1) : min(N, row + 1);
col_index = max(1, col - 1) : min(N, col + 1);
neighborhood = mat(row_index, col_index);
% apply the function and save to cell
C{row, col} = your_function(neighborhood);
And here is a simple example of your_function so you can test the above code:
function mat = your_function(mat)
S = size(mat);
if S(1) < 2 || S(2) < 2, error('Bad input'); end
mat = mat(1:2, 1:2);

MATLAB: Multiply 2D matrix with 3D matrix within cell arrays

I have a constant 2D double matrix mat1. I also have a 2D cell array mat2 where every cell contains a 2D or 3D double matrix. These double matrices have the same number of rows and columns as mat1. I need to dot multiply (.*) mat1 with every slice of each double matrix within mat2. The result needs to be another cell array results with the same size as mat2, whereby the contatining double matrices must equal the double matrices of mat2 in terms of size.
Here's my code to generate mat1 and mat2 for illustrating purposes. I am struggling at the point where the multiplication should take place.
rowCells = 5;
colCells = 3;
rowTimeSeries = 300;
colTimeSeries = 5;
slices = [1;10];
% Create 2D double matrix
mat1 = rand(rowTimeSeries, colTimeSeries);
% Create 2D cell matrix comprisiong 2D and/or 3D double matrices
mat2 = cell(rowCells,colCells);
for c = 1:colCells
for r = 1:rowCells
slice = randsample(slices, 1, true);
mat2{r,c} = rand(rowTimeSeries, colTimeSeries, slice);
% Multiply (.*) mat1 with mat2 (every slice)
results = cell(rowCells,colCells);
for c = 1:colCells
for r = 1:rowCells
results{r,c} = ... % I am struggling here!!!
You could use bsxfun to remove the need for your custom function multiply2D3D, it works in a similar way! Updated code:
results = cell(rowCells,colCells);
for c = 1:colCells
for r = 1:rowCells
results{r,c} = bsxfun(#times, mat1, mat2{r,c});
This will work for 2D and 3D matrices where the number of rows and cols is the same in each of your "slices", so it should work in your case.
You also don't need to loop over the rows and the columns of your cell array separately. This loop has the same number of iterations, but it is one loop not two, so the code is a little more streamlined:
results = cell(size(mat2));
for n = 1:numel(mat2) % Loop over every element of mat2. numel(mat2) = rowCells*colCells
results{n} = bsxfun(#times, mat1, mat2{n});
I had almost the exact same answer as Wolfie but he beat me to it.
Anyway, here is a one liner that I think is slightly nicer:
nR = rowCells; % Number of Rows
nC = colCells; % Number of Cols
results = arrayfun(#(I) bsxfun(#times, mat1, mat2{I}), reshape(1:nR*nC,[],nC), 'un',0);
This uses arrayfun to perform the loop indexing and bsxfun for the multiplications.
A few advantages
1) Specifying 'UniformOutput' ('un') in arrayfun returns a cell array so the results variable is also a cell array and doesn't need to be initialised (in contrast to using loops).
2) The dimensions of the indexes determine the dimensions of results at the output, so they can match what you like.
3) The single line can be used directly as an input argument to a function.
1) Can run slower than using for loops as Wolfie pointed out in the comments.
One solution I came up with is to outsource the multiplication of a 2D with a 3D matrix into a function. However, I am curious to know whether this is the most efficient way to solve this problem?
rowCells = 5;
colCells = 3;
rowTimeSeries = 300;
colTimeSeries = 5;
slices = [1;10];
% Create 2D double matrix
mat1 = rand(rowTimeSeries, colTimeSeries);
% Create 2D cell matrix comprisiong 2D and/or 3D double matrices
mat2 = cell(rowCells,colCells);
for c = 1:colCells
for r = 1:rowCells
slice = randsample(slices, 1, true);
mat2{r,c} = rand(rowTimeSeries, colTimeSeries, slice);
% Multiply (.*) mat1 with mat2 (every slice)
results = cell(rowCells,colCells);
for c = 1:colCells
for r = 1:rowCells
results{r,c} = multiply2D3D(mat1, mat2{r,c});
function vout = multiply2D3D(mat2D, mat3D)
%MULTIPLY2D3D multiplies a 2D double matrix with every slice of a 3D
% double matrix.
% mat2D:
% 2D double matrix
% mat3D:
% 3D double matrix where the third dimension is equal or greater than 1.
% vout:
% 3D double matrix with the same size as mat3D. Every slice in vout
% is the result of a multiplication of mat2D with every individual slice
% of mat3D.
[rows, cols, slices] = size(mat3D);
vout = zeros(rows, cols, slices);
for s = 1 : slices
vout(:,:,s) = mat2D .* mat3D(:,:,s);

Multiplying a vector times the inverse of a matrix in Matlab

I have a problem multiplying a vector times the inverse of a matrix in Matlab. The code I am using is the following:
% Final Time
T = 0.1;
% Number of grid cells
% Delta x
% define cell centers
%x = 0+dx*0.5:dx:1-0.5*dx;
x = linspace(-L/2, L/2, N)';
%define number of time steps
NTime = 100; %NB! Stability conditions-dersom NTime var 50 ville en fått helt feil svar pga lambda>0,5
%NTime = 30;
%NTime = 10;
%NTime = 20;
%NTime = 4*21;
%NTime = 4*19;
% Time step dt
dt = T/NTime
% Define a vector that is useful for handling teh different cells
J = 1:N; % number the cells of the domain
J1 = 2:N-1; % the interior cells
J2 = 1:N-1; % numbering of the cell interfaces
%define vector for initial data
u0 = zeros(1,N);
L = x<0.5;
u0(L) = 0;
u0(~L) = 1;
grid on
hold on
% define vector for solution
u = zeros(1,N);
u_old = zeros(1,N);
% useful quantity for the discrete scheme
r = dt/dx^2
mu = dt/dx;
% calculate the numerical solution u by going through a loop of NTime number
% of time steps
% initial state
u_old = u0;
for j = 2:NTime
% plotting
hold on
grid on
% update "u_old" before you move forward to the next time level
u_old = u;
hold off
The error message I get is:
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Implicit_new (line 72)
My question is therefore how it is possible to perform u=u_old*[A^(-1)] in Matlab?
As knedlsepp said, v./A is the elementwise division, which is not what you wanted. You can use either
v/A provided that v is a row vector and its length is equal to the number of columns in A. The result is a row vector.
A\v provided that v is a column vector and its length is equal to the number of rows in A
The results differ only in shape: v/A is the transpose of A'\v'

Sorting two column vectors into 3D matrix based on position

Using the imfindcircles function in MATLAB to track circles in two images. I start with approximately a grid of circles which deforms. I am trying to sort the two column vector from imfindcircles into matrices so that neighbouring circles are neighbouring elements in the matrices. The first image the circles conform to a grid and the following code works:
[centXsort,IX] = sortrows(centres1,1); %sort by x
centYsort =zeros(289,2); %preallocate
for i = 1:17:289
[sortedY,IY] = sortrows(centXsort(i:i+16,:),2); %sort by y within individual column
centYsort(i:i+16,:) = sortedY;
cent1mat = reshape(centYsort,17,17,2); %reshape into centre matrices
This doesn't work for the second image as some of the circles overlap in the x or y direction, but neighbouring circles never overlap. This means that in the second set of matrices the neighbouring circles aren't neighbouring elements after sorting.
Is there a way to approximate a scatter of points into a matrix?
This answer doesn't work in every single case, but it seems good enough for situations where the points don't vary too wildly.
My idea is to start at the grid corners and work our way along the outside diagonals of the matrix, trying to "grab" the nearest points that seem like they fit into the grid-points based any surrounding points we've already captured.
You will need to provide:
The number of rows (rows) and columns (cols) in the grid.
Your data points P arranged in a N x 2 array, rescaled to the unit square on [0,1] x [0,1]. (I assume the you can do this through visual inspection of the corner points of your original data.)
A weight parameter edge_weight to tell the algorithm how much the border points should be attracted to the grid border. Some tests show that 3-5 or so are good values.
The code, with a test case included:
%// input parameters
rows = 11;
cols = 11;
edge_weight = 4;
%// function for getting squared errors between the points list P and a specific point pt
getErr =#(P,pt) sqrt( sum( bsxfun(#minus,P,pt(:)').^2, 2 ) ); %'
output_grid = zeros(rows,cols,2); %// output grid matrix
check_grid = zeros(rows,cols); %// matrix flagging the gridpoints we have covered
[ROW,COL] = meshgrid(... %// coordinate points of an "ideal grid"
%// create a test case
G = [ROW(:),COL(:)]; %// the actual grid-points
noise_factor = 0.35; %// noise radius allowed
rn = noise_factor/rows;
cn = noise_factor/cols;
row_noise = -rn + 2*rn*rand(numel(ROW),1);
col_noise = -cn + 2*cn*rand(numel(ROW),1);
P = G + [row_noise,col_noise]; %// add noise to get points
d = 0;
while ~isempty(P) %// while points remain...
d = d+1; %// increase diagonal depth (d=1 are the outer corners)
for ii = max(d-rows+1,1):min(d,rows)%// for every row number i...
i = ii;
j = d-i+1; %// on the dth diagonal, we have d=i+j-1
for c = 1:4 %// repeat for all 4 corners
if i<rows & j<cols & ~check_grid(i,j) %// check for out-of-bounds/repetitions
check_grid(i,j) = true; %// flag gridpoint
current_gridpoint = [ROW(i,j),COL(i,j)];
%// get error between all remaining points and the next gridpoint's neighbours
if i>1
errI = getErr(P,output_grid(i-1,j,:));
errI = edge_weight*getErr(P,current_gridpoint);
if check_grid(i+1,j)
errI = errI + edge_weight*getErr(P,current_gridpoint);
if j>1
errJ = getErr(P,output_grid(i,j-1,:));
errJ = edge_weight*getErr(P,current_gridpoint);
if check_grid(i,j+1)
errJ = errJ + edge_weight*getErr(P,current_gridpoint);
err = errI.^2 + errJ.^2;
%// find the point with minimal error, add it to the grid,
%// and delete it from the points list
[~,idx] = min(err);
output_grid(i,j,:) = permute( P(idx,:), [1 3 2] );
P(idx,:) = [];
%// rotate the grid 90 degrees and repeat for next corner
output_grid = cat(3, rot90(output_grid(:,:,1)), rot90(output_grid(:,:,2)));
check_grid = rot90(check_grid);
ROW = rot90(ROW);
COL = rot90(COL);
Code for plotting the resulting points with edges:
%// plotting code
figure(1); clf; hold on;
axis([-0.1 1.1 -0.1 1.1])
for i = 1:size(output_grid,1)
for j = 1:size(output_grid,2)
if i < size(output_grid,1)
plot( [output_grid(i,j,1),output_grid(i+1,j,1)],...
if j < size(output_grid,2)
plot( [output_grid(i,j,1),output_grid(i,j+1,1)],...
I've developed a solution, which works for my case but might not be as robust as required for some. It requires a known number of dots in a 'square' grid and a rough idea of the spacing between the dots. I find the 'AlphaShape' of the dots and all the points that lie along the edge. The edge vector is shifted to start at the minimum and then wrapped around a matrix with the corresponding points are discarded from the list of vertices. Probably not the best idea for large point clouds but good enough for me.
R = 50; % search radius
xy = centres2;
x = centres2(:,1);
y = centres2(:,2);
for i = 1:8
T = delaunay(xy); % delaunay
[~,r] = circumcenter(triangulation(T,x,y)); % circumcenters
T = T(r < R,:); % points within radius
B = freeBoundary(triangulation(T,x,y)); % find edge vertices
A = B(:,1);
EdgeList = [x(A) y(A) x(A)+y(A)]; % find point closest to origin and rotate vector
[~,I] = min(EdgeList);
EdgeList = circshift(EdgeList,-I(3)+1);
n = sqrt(length(xy)); % define zeros matrix
matX = zeros(n); % wrap x vector around zeros matrix
matX(1,1:n) = EdgeList(1:n,1);
matX(2:n-1,n) = EdgeList(n+1:(2*n)-2,1);
matX(n,n:-1:1) = EdgeList((2*n)-1:(3*n)-2,1);
matX(n-1:-1:2,1) = EdgeList((3*n)-1:(4*n)-4,1);
matY = zeros(n); % wrap y vector around zeros matrix
matY(1,1:n) = EdgeList(1:n,2);
matY(2:n-1,n) = EdgeList(n+1:(2*n)-2,2);
matY(n,n:-1:1) = EdgeList((2*n)-1:(3*n)-2,2);
matY(n-1:-1:2,1) = EdgeList((3*n)-1:(4*n)-4,2);
centreMatX(i:n+i-1,i:n+i-1) = matX; % paste into main matrix
centreMatY(i:n+i-1,i:n+i-1) = matY;
xy(B(:,1),:) = 0; % discard values
xy = xy(all(xy,2),:);
x = xy(:,1);
y = xy(:,2);
centreMatX(centreMatX == 0) = x;
centreMatY(centreMatY == 0) = y;