Xtext, transform ascii character to math symboles - eclipse

How can a xtext editor translate (for example) -> to the latex symbol \rightarrow?

Have a look at the nice feature of autoedit
public class MyDslDefaultAutoEditStrategyProvider extends DefaultAutoEditStrategyProvider {
protected Provider<ShortCutEditStrategy> shortCut;
protected void configureStringLiteral(IEditStrategyAcceptor acceptor) {
acceptor.accept(shortCut.get().configure("->", "\\rightarrow"), IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
and dont forget the binding
override Class<? extends AbstractEditStrategyProvider> bindAbstractEditStrategyProvider() {

It's quite easy using JavaScript. This simple script should help:
replaceText('->', '\rightarrow');
var replaceText = function (search, replaceWith) {
var area = document.getElementById("area");
var getCount = function (str, search) {
return str.split(search).length - 1;
if (area.value.indexOf(search) >= 0) {
var start = area.selectionStart;
var end = area.selectionEnd;
var textBefore = area.value.substr(0, end);
var lengthDiff = (replaceWith.length - search.length) * getCount(textBefore, search);
area.value = area.value.replace(search, replaceWith);
area.selectionStart = start + lengthDiff;
area.selectionEnd = end + lengthDiff;
This full text can be easily adapted for your use- here's a full example.
<textarea id="area"></textarea>
function keyDownTextField() {
replaceText('->', '\u2192');
var replaceText = function (search, replaceWith) {
var area = document.getElementById("area");
var getCount = function (str, search) {
return str.split(search).length - 1;
if (area.value.indexOf(search) >= 0) {
var start = area.selectionStart;
var end = area.selectionEnd;
var textBefore = area.value.substr(0, end);
var lengthDiff = (replaceWith.length - search.length) * getCount(textBefore, search);
area.value = area.value.replace(search, replaceWith);
area.selectionStart = start + lengthDiff;
area.selectionEnd = end + lengthDiff;
document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownTextField, false);


Limit size of entered data in tinyMCE 5

I use tinyMCE 5 in my web site to enter data stored in a database. Therefore I need to limit the entered size, including format information, to the size of the data field. How can I prohibit the user to enter more then the allowed number of bytes, say 2000?
Best of all if I could add some information like "42/2000" on the status bar.
We had a similar requirement in our project (difference: the output should be <entered_chars>/<chars_left> instead of <entered_chars>/<max_chars>), and it ended up being a custom plugin, based on the wordcount plugin. There is some hacks in there, which could make it fail whenever tinyMCE changes, since there is no API for the statusbar in version 5 at this point of time.
But maybe you will still find it useful:
(function () {
'use strict';
var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.PluginManager');
var maxChars = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('number_max_chars', 3600);
var applyMaxChars = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('restrict_to_max_chars', true);
var Settings = {
maxChars: maxChars,
applyMaxChars: applyMaxChars
var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.dom.TreeWalker');
var getText = function (node, schema) {
var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
var isNewline = function (node) {
return blockElements[node.nodeName] || shortEndedElements[node.nodeName];
var textBlocks = [];
var txt = '';
var treeWalker = new global$1(node, node);
while (node = treeWalker.next()) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
txt += node.data;
} else if (isNewline(node) && txt.length) {
txt = '';
if (txt.length) {
return textBlocks;
var strLen = function (str) {
return str.replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, '_').length;
var countCharacters = function (node, schema) {
var text = getText(node, schema).join('');
return strLen(text);
var createBodyCounter = function (editor, count) {
return function () {
return count(editor.getBody(), editor.schema);
var createMaxCount = function (editor) {
return function () {
return Settings.maxChars(editor);
var createRestrictToMaxCount = function (editor) {
return function () {
return Settings.applyMaxChars(editor);
var get = function (editor) {
return {
getCount: createBodyCounter(editor, countCharacters),
getMaxCount: createMaxCount(editor),
getRestrictToMaxCount: createRestrictToMaxCount(editor)
var global$2 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Delay');
function isAllowedKeycode(event) {
// allow arrow keys, backspace and delete
const key = event.keyCode;
return key === 37 || key === 38 || key === 39 || key === 40 || key === 8
|| key === 46;
var updateCount = function (editor, api) {
'tox-statusbar__text-container')[0].textContent = String(
api.getCount()) + " / " + String(
Settings.maxChars(editor) - api.getCount());
var setup = function (editor, api, delay) {
var debouncedUpdate = global$2.debounce(function () {
return updateCount(editor, api);
}, delay);
editor.on('init', function () {
updateCount(editor, api);
global$2.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
editor.on('SetContent BeforeAddUndo Undo Redo keyup', debouncedUpdate);
editor.on('SetContent BeforeAddUndo Undo Redo keydown', function (e) {
if (!isAllowedKeycode(e) && Settings.applyMaxChars(editor) &&
api.getCount() >= Settings.maxChars(editor)) {
}, 0);
function Plugin(delay) {
if (delay === void 0) {
delay = 300;
global.add('charactercount', function (editor) {
var api = get(editor);
setup(editor, api, delay);
return api;
Currently I'm working on a preprocessor for the paste plugin, so that the max_length effects also pasted text. That's why you see the charactercount API in the code.

React Leaflet.Arc - Animate

I am trying create ReactLeafletArc Plugin with animation this is the code
if (!L) {
throw "Leaflet.js not included";
} else if (!arc || !arc.GreatCircle) {
throw "arc.js not included";
} else {
L.Polyline.Arc = function (from, to, options) {
from = L.latLng(from);
to = L.latLng(to);
var vertices = 10;
var arcOptions = {};
if (options) {
if (options.offset) {
arcOptions.offset = options.offset;
delete options.offset;
if (options.vertices) {
vertices = options.vertices;
delete options.vertices;
var generator = new arc.GreatCircle({ x: from.lng, y: from.lat }, { x: to.lng, y: to.lat });
var line = generator.Arc(vertices, arcOptions);
var latLngs = [];
var newLine = L.polyline(line.geometries[0].coords.map(function (c) {
return c.reverse();
}), options);
var totalLength = newLine._path.getTotalLength() * 4;
newLine._path.style.strokeDashoffset = totalLength;
newLine._path.style.strokeDasharray = totalLength;
setTimeout((function (path) {
return function () {
path.style.strokeDashoffset = 0;
})(newLine._path), 200);
return newLine;
I get error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTotalLength' of undefined
with console.log(newLine) i can see that there is not _path.
But if i comment the part
var totalLength = newLine._path.getTotalLength() * 4;
newLine._path.style.strokeDashoffset = totalLength;
newLine._path.style.strokeDasharray = totalLength;
setTimeout((function (path) {
return function () {
path.style.strokeDashoffset = 0;
})(newLine._path), 200);
The line is created without animation and with console.log(newLine) i get this
Any suggestion?

Calling a function from onEdit() trigger doesn't work

I want to run a function that updates some values when I edit one cell of a column. This line of the trigger works well: dataCell0.setValue(today_date(new Date())[2]);. But this other line updatePercent(); doesn't. But if I call this updatePercent() function from a time based trigger (in Resources), it works well. What is going wrong with this updatePercent() call?
function onEdit(){
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
if( ( s.getName() == "mySheet1" ) || (s.getName() == "mySheet2") ) { //checks that we're on the correct sheet
var r = s.getActiveCell();
if( s.getRange(1, r.getColumn()).getValue() == "PORCENT_TIME") { // If you type a porcent, it adds its date.
var dataCell0 = r.offset(0, 1);
dataCell0.setValue(today_date(new Date())[2]);
Here the updatePercent function code:
* A function to update percent values accoding to input date.
function updatePercent() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var column = getColumnNrByName(sheet, "PORCENT_TIME");
var input = sheet.getRange(2, column+1, sheet.getLastRow(), 4).getValues();
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var fulfilledPercent = input[i][0];
Logger.log("fulfilledPercent = " + fulfilledPercent);
var finalDate = input[i][3];
Logger.log("finalDate = " + input[i][3]);
if ( (typeof fulfilledPercent == "number") && (finalDate instanceof Date) ) {
var inputDate = input[i][1]; // Date when input was added.
var restPorcentPen = 100 - fulfilledPercent;
var restantDays = dataDiff(inputDate, finalDate);
var percentDay = restPorcentPen/restantDays;
Logger.log("percentDay = " + percentDay);
var passedTime = dataDiff(inputDate, new Date());
Logger.log("passedTime = " + passedTime);
var passedPorcent = passedTime * percentDay; // How much percent this passed time is?
Logger.log("passedPorcent = " + passedPorcent);
var newPorcent = (fulfilledPercent + passedPorcent);
newPorcent = Math.round(newPorcent * 100) / 100;
Logger.log("newPorcent = " + newPorcent);
var newInputDate = hoje_data(new Date())[2]; // Now update the new input date
// newPorcent = newPorcent.toFixed(2);
output.push([newPorcent, newInputDate]);
sheet.getRange(2, column+1, output.length, 2).setValues(output);
Logger.log(" ");
var column25Dec = getColumnNrByName(sheet, "PORCENT_25DEZ");
var passedTimeSince25Dec = dataDiff(new Date(2013,11,25), new Date()); // Months: January is 0;
var decPercent = (newPorcent - (passedTimeSince25Dec * percentDay)); // .toFixed(2).replace(".", ",");
decPercent = Math.round(decPercent * 100) / 100;
// if (sheet.getRange(output.length+1, column25Dec+1).getValues() == ''){
sheet.getRange(output.length+1, column25Dec+1).setValue(decPercent );
// }
var remainingYears = dataDiffYears(new Date(), finalDate);
sheet.getRange(output.length+1, column).setValue(remainingYears);
else {
newPorcent = "Put a final date"
output.push([newPorcent, inputDate]);
sheet.getRange(2, column+1, output.length, 2).setValues(output);
if (finalDate instanceof Date){
var remainingYears = dataDiffYears(new Date(), finalDate);
// Logger.log("remainingYears = " + remainingYears);
else {
remainingYears = "insert a valid date";
sheet.getRange(output.length+1, column).setValue(remainingYears);
I will guess you're using the new gSheets. Check if it will work in the old-style sheets. The new sheets' onEdit trigger has problems, particularly with getActive.
My problem was in the updatePercent() funciton. Thank you, guys!

TinyMCE strip_tags function like php?

how can I accept just certain tags and strip_tags all others when paste text to editor? just like php's strip_tags function?
and how can I remove all styles from that tags?
input is a string.
i have a function to this
var strip_tags = function(str,tags,attrs){
var reg2 = /\s*(\w+)=\"[^\"]+\"/gm;
var reg = /<\s*(\w+).*?>/gm;
str = str.replace(reg,function(match, i) {
var r_ = match;
var reg_ = /<\s*(\w+).*?>/gm;
var m_ = reg_.exec(match);
r_ = match.replace(reg2,function(match_, i) {
var reg2_ = /\s*(\w+)=\"[^\"]+\"/gm;
var m = reg2_.exec(match_);
return match_;
return '';
r_ = '';
r_ = '';
return r_;
var reg3 = /<\/\s*(\w+).*?>/gm;
str = str.replace(reg3,function(match, i) {
var r_ = match;
var reg_ = /<\/\s*(\w+).*?>/gm;
var m_ = reg_.exec(match);
return match;
return '';
return str;
plugins: "paste...
paste_preprocess : function(pl, o) {
var allowed_tags = ['ul','li','b','p','table','tr','td'];
var allowed_attributes = ['href','colspan','rowspan'];
o.content = strip_tags(o.content,allowed_tags,allowed_attributes);

SuperBoxSelect: Using Shift+Click to Select Multiple Items at Once

When implementing SuperBoxSelect (http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?69307-3.x-Ext.ux.form.SuperBoxSelect), I've realized that it currently does not support shift + click selection of multiple items. Has anyone been able to implement this functionality or found a similar plugin that offers this functionality?
beforeadditem:function(self, recordValue) {
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
var record = this.findRecord(this.valueField, recordValue);
var recordIndex = this.store.indexOf(record);
if(window.event.shiftKey) {
this.multiSelectMode = true;
if(this.firstChoiceIndex == undefined) {
this.firstChoiceIndex = recordIndex;
return false;
} else {
this.secondChoiceIndex = recordIndex;
if(this.firstChoiceIndex > this.secondChoiceIndex) {
start = this.secondChoiceIndex;
end = this.firstChoiceIndex;
} else if(this.secondChoiceIndex > this.firstChoiceIndex) {
start = this.firstChoiceIndex;
end = this.secondChoiceIndex;
var selectedRecords = this.store.getRange(start, end);
Ext.each(selectedRecords, function(item, index, allitems) {
this.firstChoiceIndex = undefined;
this.secondChoiceIndex = undefined;
return false;
} else {
this.firstChoiceIndex = undefined;
this.secondChoiceIndex = undefined;
return true;
Add that listener and it works. The x-combo-selected-shift class is identical to the x-combo-selected class. It's just named different so the highlighting sticks to the item you shift+clicked on after you mouse out.