Drools Decision Table using in and not in for same column - drools

I'm working on POC using Drools decision table - Drools 6.5.4. I have a scenario where for one column i want to use both in and not in at same time.
Example :-
listOfApples in ("Apple","Banana")
listOfApples not in ("Apple","Orange")

You should use two columns, one for the condition where the operator "in" is used and the other one for "not in". By entering the list in the right column, the decision is made between these two operators. An entry would be a list of strings, inserted via $param:
someString in ($param) | someString not in ($param)
... |
"Apple", "Banana" |
| "Lemon", "Orange"

Thanks for the answer . Tried this and it is working fine
ContainsString $param
not in ('A')|
in ('A','B')|
in ('C','D')|


Aggregating Wildcards in Sumologic

I'm trying to aggregate the API logs based on the different endpoints I have. There are a total of 4 endpoints:
1: /v1/vehicle_locations
2: /v1/vehicle_locations/id
3: /v1/driver_locations
4: /v1/driver_locations/id
The way I'm currently doing this is:
_sourceCategory=production | keyvalue auto | where (path matches "/v1/driver_locations" OR path matches "/v1/driver_locations/*" or path matches "/v1/vehicle_locations" or path matches "/v1/vehicle_locations/*") | count by path
The problem with this is that while I get the correct aggregate for /v1/vehicle_locations and /v1/driver_locations, I get individual results for /v1/driver_locations/id and /v1/vehicle_locations/id since the id is a wildcard. Is there a way I can aggregate these wildcards as well?
There are several ways to achieve what you ask. I think the most straightforward one and suggested is to use | parse operator so that you can treat the top-most element of your path as a field, e.g.
| keyvalue auto
| parse field=path "*/*" as topmost, rest
| where (topmost = "vehicle_locations" or topmost = "driver_locations")
| count by topmost
Note that by default | parse operator works on the raw message (e.g. the original log line), but you can make it parse a field - using the field= syntax and this is what it's used above.
You might want to tweak the parse expression or use a regex depending on the actual paths you encounter.
(Disclaimer: I am currently employed by Sumo Logic)

Refine a string to only certain values scala

Is there any way to refine a string to only a certain subset of values? For example, I have a list of 500 keys in a hash map. But I only want certain keys to be inserted. For example, "abcd" and "aaaa" are valid keys but "abdc" is invalid. Is there any way to refine the String to only one of the given 500 keys?
I'm guessing the way to do this is just a very long regexp that matches abcd|aaaa?
Edit: Using the fthomas/refined library specifically the MatchesRegex function. Want to know if there is a better approach that I'm missing out on.
Scala 3 seems to Allow Singletons in Unions #6299 like so
val refinedString: "abcd" | "aaaa" = "aaaa"
whilst abdc would result in the following error
val refinedString: "abcd" | "aaaa" = "abdc"
Found: String("abdc")
Required: String("abcd") | String("aaaa")
It worked for me with Dotty Scala version 0.15.0-bin-20190517-fb6667b-NIGHTLY.
I ended up actually just using generated source code that has every known key inside a MatchesRegex (a|b..) construct for 500 keys. It works. It's not pretty but it's also generated source code that I don't have to deal with so it's okay, I guess.

kdb+/q: Prevent initialised tables from returning a comma

Consider the following example:
test:([] name:`symbol$(); secondColumn:`int$());
myvar:exec name from test;
Now myvar is now:
So to select the actual result, I have to do:
I understand this is because of the initialisation, so is there a way to make myvar contain the actual value immediately?
Array access with [0] or first is the correct way if you want an "atomic" variable.
myvar:first exec name from test;
A list with a single element in KDB can be created in multiple ways (which is something you are getting in myvar)
q)enlist `John
A KDB table is basically a flip of a dictionary of lists.
`name`secondColumn!(`John`James;1 2) /Dictionary of lists
name | John James
secondColumn| 1 2
q)test2:flip `name`secondColumn!(`John`James;1 2)
name secondColumn
John 1
James 2
Both of the following commands achieve the same results :
q)exec name from test2
When you selected the test column using the exec command it returned all the elements of the list (a list with one element)
Apart from the ways explained in the accepted answer, there are few more ways (slightly different however) you can get the first element returned from the table.
q)exec name[0] from test
q)exec first name from test

How to instantiate local variables in decision tables

I am pretty new to drools and am given the below task.
I am inserting a few POJO into my KieSession object and am retreiving them into variables in my decision table as follows.
abc: classABC xyz: classXYZ lmn : classLMN
var1 == $param var2 == $param
1 2 3
As far as I understand, the above table would yield the following rule
some action
What I want is to get the following.
fgh:classFGH($var:var4) // I think this step is creating a new variable to hold value of var4
some action
How do I get this on a decision table ?
I tried just adding a condition column with the variable declaration as fgh :classFGH, but since there is no data to be provided in the data row, this column would be ignored. If I do, give some data, there is an error at compile time "no code sinppet at xyz column". All I need is to declare a variable that can hold the value of the object that I have passed in my main method and use that object later in a different column of my decision table.
I'm not sure I get the requirement around the decision table, but you can 'use' the firing of a rule to create new facts and insert them, with parameters from the original events. These can then be used to trigger further rules, like so (assuming var4 is boolean):
declare AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent
#role (event)
extraCheese : boolean
rule "Some Rule"
... some action using `$var`, `$abc` etc
AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent myEvent= new AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent();
myEvent.extraCheese = $var;
rule "With Extra Cheese"
$moonsAligned:AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent(extraCheese == true)
rule "Without Extra Cheese"
$moonsAligned:AllMoonsInAlignmentEvent(extraCheese == false)
You can get X($y:y) into a spreadsheet in two ways. First, in column 4
X($y:y /*$param*/)
and fill the column with any character you like. The other way might be in column 3 (!)
fgh:classFGH($var:var4) lmn:classLMN
These tricks are always a bit iffy. Rules requiring the simple "grab" of a fact aren't typical for spreadsheets and could be the first indication that you aren't pursuing the best approach.
Comment cell

how can I add weight to keyword for thinking sphinx

I did such search,
` Comment.search "aabbb "`
and I want to get the results which contain "ab" too.;
So I did that way:
` Comment.search "aabbb ab"`
but I found the results aabbb and ab are mixed , in fact, I want to make the results which match aabbb shows before ab, in other words, have a higher priority.
I know sphinx can add weight the fields of the table. for example add 10 to comments's name, 20 to comment's content. but is it possible to add weight to the query works?
Unfortunately this is not possible with sphinx yet but you can add similar behavior on a query by adding multiple times the keyword you want to weight.
For example:
"aabbb | aabbb | ab"
The aabbb is twice more important than ab
Sphinx has no ability to weight certain search phrases, I'm afraid - so what you're trying to do is not possible.
It's also worth noting that Sphinx uses AND logic by default - if you want results that match either aabbb OR ab, you'll probably want to use the :any match mode:
Comment.search "aabbb ab", :match_mode => :any