Google PHP AppEngine - Deployment Issue with PHP file not being uploaded - deployment

I have a very simple PHP app that allows a User to enter names of Cities or Zip-codes into a search box, and the User gets auto-complete suggestions based on data stored in my Google CloudSQL server.
index.html - Renders a simple search box where users can enter search keys and they get auto-complete suggestions. Accomplished via Twitter's typeahead.js library (jQuery plugin).
city.php - PHP file that acts as a translation layer. Receives request from the browser and initiates connection to my Google CloudSQL server where I have a simple database with some city and zipcode data. Returns the data back to the browser as an array.
This works on my local Mac OS X Apache server. I am trying to get this setup to work on Google PHP AppEngine. I created an app.yaml file that looks like this:
runtime: php55
api_version: 2
threadsafe: true
- url: /
static_files: index.html
upload: index.html
- url: /(.*)
static_files: www/\1
upload: (.*)
- url: /(.+\.php)$
script: \1
This is where I run into an issue. When I run gcloud app deploy from my local folder (which houses index.html, city.php, and app.yaml), I get the following message in the logs.
Some files were skipped. Pass `--verbosity=info` to see which ones.
You may also view the gcloud log file, found at
When I run gcloud app deploy with log verbosity, I see the following:
INFO: Could not find any remote repositories associated with [/Users/arjunshah/Documents/autocomplete]. Cloud diagnostic tools may not be able to display the correct source code for this deployment.
File upload done.
INFO: Manifest: [{'app.yaml': {'sourceUrl': '', 'sha1Sum': 'abbe3c7fc03eb43497686990488c54e2ae0533ea'}, 'index.html': {'sourceUrl': '', 'sha1Sum': '1865620cc55de1902c2a9636df601f532cb2657a'}, 'city.php': {'sourceUrl': '', 'sha1Sum': '64999cc8da06416a54be99c43e6e017aa0c1d01a'}}]
Updating service [default]...
INFO: Previous default version [ashah-146101/default/20161113t122802] is an automatically scaled standard environment app, so not stopping it.
The index.html page loads fine, but when I try to enter names of cities (that I know are in the database), I see the following error in the Google Browser Inspect Element console.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Please help!


Voximal with Google Streaming as STT

I installed latest voximal stack.
Calls are working.
I setup recognition to use Google Cloud Streaming for STT pasting the JSON credentials into browser, the credentials file created at /usr/share/voximal.
But when I try to test parrot.vxml with a call it fail to create the google_streaming resource and drop the call.
Any clues?
Please enable the logs (interpreter debug) and check the /var/log/voximal/debig.log...
You probably see in the root cause there.

Node-red in IBM Bluemix crashes while starting after sleeping (lite account)

After sleeping (in lite account type) node-red, created by node-red starter kit, crashes while starting. It is possible to login in editor for a few seconds and then it crashes with error code "an instance of the app crashed: APP/PROC/WEB: Exite with status 1 (out of memory)". Dashboard (node-red-dashboard) was installed before sleeping and worked correctly.
I tried to restart Node-RED, Stop and Start.
I solved this problem. The problem may be due to the memory overflow in the container Garden. Taking into account that the content is stored in the cache, the application cannot start after the restart process, it issues an Exit status 1 (out of memory) error.
The cache is updated only by pushing the application into the cloud.
An option that was checked for application recovery:
View the name of the database for NodeRED (which stores all information about the Node-RED) in Cloudant, for example, "nodered."
Install to PC Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface - CLI
Download from github and unarchive the application's code bluemix-starter (clone or download -> download zip)
In the downloaded folder add a record to a manifest file (manifest.yml) in the env section, in which set the database name (for example, nodered) in Cloudant to environment variable NODE_RED_STORAGE_DB_NAME. Four spaces must be made before NODE_RED_STORAGE_DB_NAME. It is better to make changes using the Notepad ++ editor.
- memory: 256M
command: node index.js --settings ./bluemix-settings.js –v
Save the file after changing.
Run the command line (cmd) and then:
a. go to a folder with a downloaded project, such as Windows
cd c:/node-red-bluemix-starter
b. specify the api endpoint where the application is located, in our case:
cf api
c. send a registration command in the cloud
cf login
d. specify the mail and password (password is entered without explicit character display)
e. pushing the project by specifying the name of your instance Node-RED, for example NameApp
cf push NameApp

Error 403 with Ckan 2.6.2 - Datapush

I have, in order to process some big data, to set up ckan on a local machine. I've set up the whole system following this guide :
I wanted to display a preview of a locally loaded file, so the user can actually see it before downloading it. And it doesn't work, because it only works for online files. For instance, it DOES work with this online file but NOT with my own file I upload.
So, I've been interested about Datastore and Datapusher. I've followed every part of the guide, and it appears on my ckan. However, I have an error. Specifically this one :
Upload error: An Error occurred while sending the job: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:
Here's my most important parts about my production.ini file (copying the whole would be very long) :
ckan.site_url = http://localhost
ckan.plugins = datastore datapusher stats text_view image_view
recline_view recline_graph_view recline_map_view webpage_view
ckan.datapusher.formats = csv xls xlsx tsv application/csv
ckan.datapusher.url =
I truly have no idea about what my problem could be, I tried to change the datapusher.url to as the guide suggested, but it doesn't work either.
If the data to be added to CKAN is in a file on your computer, select “Upload a file” option. CKAN will give you a file browser to select it. You should use link to a file option just for publicly available resources.
Have you installed datapusher also? Its a separate process running on port 8800. CKAN uses datastore to be able to have a grid view of tabular data. Data needs to be pushed through datapusher to be used by datastore.
Yes, you need to set up the Datapusher.It's not activated by default.
Pull the datapusher code, install the dependencies and run it using:
python datapusher/ deployment/
The instructions to configure the settings are on the repository.
Here's the datapusher manual:
Here's the repository:
Had the exact same error message.
This post solved my issue though.
short: insert/check the following in your virtualhost in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/datapusher.conf
<Directory /etc/ckan>
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Parse Server - Can't Access Images

I have a Parse Server running on top of a MongoDB, and that's running 100% fine on my Dev Server which is hosted on DigitalOcean. Here I'm able to send GET requests to my server to obtain the image, as well as access the image via it's Parse-Dashboard.
I cloned that droplet to set up a Production Server, and everything is running fine... Except, I can't access the images from Parse that were either cloned from the Dev Server, or ones that I uploaded after I initialized the new Production server. I'm able to send GET requests to obtain all other fields, except for the image files. I also can't access the image file via the Parse-Dashboard - it returns a 404 - Oh no, we can't find that page! error, on the following URL: http://server.ip/parse/files/ProdServer/de632aeb61f7265926e554fabfb25180_image1.png
Other key things to note:
The Dev Server is hosted on a domain that has a SSL; could it be an SSL issue?
I'm initializing the parse-dashboard with the --allowInsecureHTTP flag
Everything (even before the SSL) was working on the Dev Server beforehand
all packages + dependencies are up-to-date
How do I access the image files from my Parse Server, via Parse-Dashboard or GET request?
A couple methods I tried... Since this was an elaborate process for me, allow me to document the methods I tried to resolve this issue:
The first issue was, do the files exist? If so, where are they stored?
By accessing my parse-dashboard on port 4040, I tried to view the image path via the URL... So I knew it existed somewhere, and I recursively searched my entire server for the file path, but to no avail.
Then with more research I found that any file over 16MB gets converted into a GridFS object i.e. images are stored in my MongoDB. How you access these objects are through a utility called mongofiles.
By running mongofiles -d dbname list I was able to view in a list view all of the images stored on my Parse-Server.
just to ensure the images weren't corrupt...
I also sftp the images over into my local machine, and fortunately I could view them. So the problem was that the images weren't being served correctly...
The next issue was, how come the images aren't being served correctly?
So my parse-dashboard was being served on port 4040, but for some reason, my image file path within their respective URLs were being prefaced with the same port 4040... It turns out that within my Parse-Server config, the parse-server URL was pointing to port 4040, but was being served on ****. By changing my URL back to ****, my images were able to properly render on my parse-dashboard, and I was able to send http requests for the images as well :)
tl;dr make sure your image file path is being served on the same port where your parse-server is being served

Error pushing changes to cloud foundry

from my local host, I connected to blue mix with
cf api
I logged in and then I pushed the changes with
cf push
However, in the console,
Uploading MY_PROJECT...
Uploading app files from: /Users/MyName/Documents/MY_PROJECT
Uploading 437.7K, 386 files
Done uploading
Error processing app files: Error uploading application.
The resource file mode is invalid: File mode '0444' is invalid.
(venv) My-iMac:MY_PROJECT MyName$
How do I trouble shoot this?
According to this link: the file mode must be at least 600 so I guess you should "raise" the permissions for your resources folder, even if 444 would be technically ok.
Concerning troubleshooting: the error message is right there in your output. If you need more log output, you can use the command
cf logs APP-NAME
See for further details.