Using a variable in value name - scala

How to call two val: foo1 and foo2 randomly.
I managed to generate the name as a string but how can I convert it into a value name to print the value rather than the name.
val r = scala.util.Random
val foo0 = 10
val foo1 = 5
gives foo0 or foo1 when I would like 10 or 5

You can technically do this with reflection, but you shouldn't.
class Foo {
val foo0 = 10
val foo1 = 5
val r = new scala.util.Random
scala> val foo = new Foo
foo: Foo = Foo#f5009c7
scala> foo.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("foo" + r.nextInt(2)).invoke(foo).asInstanceOf[Int]
res19: Int = 10
Again, we shouldn't do this. It will turn your code into a sprawling mess of a minefield.
If you ever find yourself naming things with indices like foo0, foo1, foo2, etc, that means they probably belong in a collection of some type.
val foos = List(10, 5)
Then you can access them by index using apply:
scala> foos(r.nextInt(2))
res20: Int = 5

That doesn't work in a statically typed language. Pretty sure it's bad practice in any dynamic language too.
List(foo0, foo1)(r.nextInt(2))


Leave out parentheses in method call

I am writing a DSL in Scala where I'd like to achieve a chain of method calls as follows:
def x(i:Int) = i
x 1 equals 1 //doesn't compile
I am not sure why the compiler is happy if I leave out the second parentheses but not the first one:
x(1) equals 1 //works fine
Is there a way to achieve the first version?
You can invoke methods without parenthesis, but not functions.
So the following works:
scala> object Foo {
| def x(i:Int) = i
| }
defined object Foo
scala> Foo x 1
res9: Int = 1
scala> Foo x 1 equals 1
res10: Boolean = true

Scala finding more elegant way

I am new to Scala and functional programming.
I was solving problem where you have to read number, and then that number of integers. After that you should calculate sum of all digits in all the integers.
Here is my code
def sumDigits(line: String) =
line.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.toInt - '0'.toInt)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val numberOfLines = Console.readInt
val lines = for (i <- 1 to numberOfLines) yield Console.readLine
println(lines.foldLeft(0)( _ + sumDigits(_)))
Is there more elegant or efficient way?
sumDigits() can be implemented easier with sum:
def sumDigits(line: String) =
Second foldLeft() can also be replaced with sum:
Which brings us to the final version (notice there is no main, instead with extend App):
object Main extends App {
def sumDigits(line: String) =
val lines = for (_ <- 1 to Console.readInt) yield Console.readLine
Or if you really want to squeeze as much as possible in one line, inline sumDigits (not recommended):
I like compact code, so I might (if I was really going for brevity)
object Reads extends App {
import Console._
println( Seq.fill(readInt){ - '0').sum}.sum )
which sets the number of lines inline and does the processing as you go. No error checking, though. You could throw in a .filter(_.isDigit) right after the readLine to at least discard non-digits. You might also def p[A](a: A) = { println(a); a } and wrap the reads in p so you can see what had been typed (by default on some platforms at least there's no echo to screen).
One-liner Answer:
To start with, you have to do some kind of parsing on line to break apart the existing decimal integers sub-strings:
val numbers = "5 1 4 9 16 25"
val ints = numbers.split("\\s+")
Then you want to pull off the first one as the count and keep the rest to decode and sum:
val count :: numbers = ints
Then use the built-in sum method:
val sum = numbers.sum
Altogether in the REPL:
scala> val numbers = "5 1 4 9 16 25"
numbers: String = 5 1 4 9 16 25
scala> val ints = numbers.split("\\s+")
ints: List[Int] = List(5, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25)
scala> val count :: numbers = ints
count: Int = 5
numbers: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25)
scala> val sum = numbers.sum
sum: Int = 55
If you want to do something with the leading number count, you could verify that it's correct:
scala> assert(count == numbers.length)
Which produces no output, since the assertion passes.

Why can't i define a variable recursively in a code block?

Why can't i define a variable recursively in a code block?
scala> {
| val test: Stream[Int] = 1 #:: test
| }
<console>:9: error: forward reference extends over definition of value test
val test: Stream[Int] = 1 #:: test
scala> val test: Stream[Int] = 1 #:: test
test: Stream[Int] = Stream(1, ?)
lazy keyword solves this problem, but i can't understand why it works without a code block but throws a compilation error in a code block.
Note that in the REPL
scala> val something = "a value"
is evaluated more or less as follows:
object REPL$1 {
val something = "a value"
import REPL$1._
So, any val(or def, etc) is a member of an internal REPL helper object.
Now the point is that classes (and objects) allow forward references on their members:
object ForwardTest {
def x = y // val x would also compile but with a more confusing result
val y = 2
ForwardTest.x == 2
This is not true for vals inside a block. In a block everything must be defined in linear order. Thus vals are no members anymore but plain variables (or values, resp.). The following does not compile either:
def plainMethod = { // could as well be a simple block
def x = y
val y = 2
<console>: error: forward reference extends over definition of value y
def x = y
It is not recursion which makes the difference. The difference is that classes and objects allow forward references, whereas blocks do not.
I'll add that when you write:
object O {
val x = y
val y = 0
You are actually writing this:
object O {
val x = this.y
val y = 0
That little this is what is missing when you declare this stuff inside a definition.
The reason for this behavior depends on different val initialization times. If you type val x = 5 directly to the REPL, x becomes a member of an object, which values can be initialized with a default value (null, 0, 0.0, false). In contrast, values in a block can not initialized by default values.
This tends to different behavior:
scala> class X { val x = y+1; val y = 10 }
defined class X
scala> (new X).x
res17: Int = 1
scala> { val x = y+1; val y = 10; x } // compiles only with 2.9.0
res20: Int = 11
In Scala 2.10 the last example does not compile anymore. In 2.9.0 the values are reordered by the compiler to get it to compile. There is a bug report which describes the different initialization times.
I'd like to add that a Scala Worksheet in the Eclipse-based Scala-IDE (v4.0.0) does not behave like the REPL as one might expect (e.g. says "Worksheets are like a REPL session on steroids") in this respect, but rather like the definition of one long method: That is, forward referencing val definitions (including recursive val definitions) in a worksheet must be made members of some object or class.

Nested Default Maps in Scala

I'm trying to construct nested maps in Scala, where both the outer and inner map use the "withDefaultValue" method. For example, the following :
val m = HashMap.empty[Int, collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]].withDefaultValue( HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(3))
res: Int = 3
m(1)(2) = 5
res: Int = 5
m(2)(3) = 6
res : scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]] = Map()
So the map, when addressed by the appropriate keys, gives me back what I put in. However, the map itself appears empty! Even m.size returns 0 in this example. Can anyone explain what's going on here?
Short answer
It's definitely not a bug.
Long answer
The behavior of withDefaultValue is to store a default value (in your case, a mutable map) inside the Map to be returned in the case that they key does not exist. This is not the same as a value that is inserted into the Map when they key is not found.
Let's look closely at what's happening. It will be easier to understand if we pull the default map out as a separate variable so we can inspect is at will; let's call it default
import collection.mutable.HashMap
val default = HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(3)
So default is a mutable map (that has its own default value). Now we can create m and give default as the default value.
import collection.mutable.{Map => MMap}
val m = HashMap.empty[Int, MMap[Int,Int]].withDefaultValue(default)
Now whenever m is accessed with a missing key, it will return default. Notice that this is the exact same behavior as you have because withDefaultValue is defined as:
def withDefaultValue (d: B): Map[A, B]
Notice that it's d: B and not d: => B, so it will not create a new map each time the default is accessed; it will return the same exact object, what we've called default.
So let's see what happens:
m(1) // Map()
Since key 1 is not in m, the default, default is returned. default at this time is an empty Map.
m(1)(2) = 5
Since m(1) returns default, this operation stores 5 as the value for key 2 in default. Nothing is written to the Map m because m(1) resolves to default which is a separate Map entirely. We can check this by viewing default:
default // Map(2 -> 5)
But as we said, m is left unchanged
m // Map()
Now, how to achieve what you really wanted? Instead of using withDefaultValue, you want to make use of getOrElseUpdate:
def getOrElseUpdate (key: A, op: ⇒ B): B
Notice how we see op: => B? This means that the argument op will be re-evaluated each time it is needed. This allows us to put a new Map in there and have it be a separate new Map for each invalid key. Let's take a look:
val m2 = HashMap.empty[Int, MMap[Int,Int]]
No default values needed here.
m2.getOrElseUpdate(1, HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(3)) // Map()
Key 1 doesn't exist, so we insert a new HashMap, and return that new value. We can check that it was inserted as we expected. Notice that 1 maps to the newly added empty map and that they 3 was not added anywhere because of the behavior explained above.
m2 // Map(1 -> Map())
Likewise, we can update the Map as expected:
m2.getOrElseUpdate(1, HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(1))(2) = 6
and check that it was added:
m2 // Map(1 -> Map(2 -> 6))
withDefaultValue is used to return a value when the key was not found. It does not populate the map. So you map stays empty. Somewhat like using getOrElse(a, b) where b is provided by withDefaultValue.
I just had the exact same problem, and was happy to find dhg's answer. Since typing getOrElseUpdate all the time is not very concise, I came up with this little extension of the idea that I want to share:
You can declare a class that uses getOrElseUpdate as default behavior for the () operator:
class DefaultDict[K, V](defaultFunction: (K) => V) extends HashMap[K, V] {
override def default(key: K): V = return defaultFunction(key)
override def apply(key: K): V =
getOrElseUpdate(key, default(key))
Now you can do what you want to do like this:
var map = new DefaultDict[Int, DefaultDict[Int, Int]](
key => new DefaultDict(key => 3))
map(1)(2) = 5
Which does now result in map containing 5 (or rather: containing a DefaultDict containing the value 5 for the key 2).
What you're seeing is the effect that you've created a single Map[Int, Int] this is the default value whenever the key isn't in the outer map.
scala> val m = HashMap.empty[Int, collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]].withDefaultValue( HashMap.empty[Int,Int].withDefaultValue(3))
m: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]] = Map()
scala> m(2)(2)
res1: Int = 3
scala> m(1)(2) = 5
scala> m(2)(2)
res2: Int = 5
To get the effect that you're looking for, you'll have to wrap the Map with an implementation that actually inserts the default value when a key isn't found in the Map.
I'm not sure what your actual use case is, but you may have an easier time using a pair for the key to a single Map.
scala> val m = HashMap.empty[(Int, Int), Int].withDefaultValue(3)
m: scala.collection.mutable.Map[(Int, Int),Int] = Map()
scala> m((1, 2))
res0: Int = 3
scala> m((1, 2)) = 5
scala> m((1, 2))
res3: Int = 5
scala> m
res4: scala.collection.mutable.Map[(Int, Int),Int] = Map((1,2) -> 5)
I know it's a bit late but I've just seen the post while I was trying to solve the same problem.
Probably the API are different from the 2012 version but you may want to use withDefaultinstead that withDefaultValue.
The difference is that withDefault takes a function as parameter, that is executed every time a missed key is requested ;)

issue `object Foo { val 1 = 2 }` in scala

I found this issue of scala:
Seems we can define a method whose name is a number:
scala> object Foo { val 1 = 2 }
defined module Foo
But we can't invoke it:
scala> Foo.1
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but double literal found.
And we can invoke it inside the object:
scala> object O { val 1 = 1; def x = 1 }
defined module O
scala> O.x
res1: Int = 1
And follow will throw error:
scala> object O { val 1 = 2; def x = 1 }
defined module O
scala> O.x
scala.MatchError: 2
at O$.<init>(<console>:5)
at O$.<clinit>(<console>)
at .<init>(<console>:7)
at .<clinit>(<console>)
at RequestResult$.<init>(<console>:9)
I use scalac -Xprint:typer to see the code, the val 1 = 2 part is:
<synthetic> private[this] val x$1: Unit = (2: Int(2) #unchecked) match {
case 1 => ()
From it, we can see the method name changed to x$1, and only can be invoked inside that object.
And the resolution of that issue is: Won't Fix
I want to know is there any reason to allow a number to be the name of a method? Is there any case we need to use a "number" method?
There is no name "1" being bound here. val 1 = 2 is a pattern-matching expression, in much the same way val (x,2) = (1,2) binds x to 1 (and would throw a MatchError if the second element were not thet same). It's allowed because there's no real reason to add a special case to forbid it; this way val pattern matching works (almost) exactly the same way as match pattern-matching.
There are usually two factors in this kind of decision:
There are many bugs in Scalac that are much higher priority, and bug fixing resources are limited. This behavior is benign and therefore low priority.
There's a long term cost to any increases in the complexity of the language specification, and the current behavior is consistent with the spec. Once things start getting special cased, there can be an avalanche effect.
It's some combination of these two.
Update. Here's what seems strange to me:
val pair = (1, 2)
object Foo
object Bar
val (1, 2) = pair // Pattern matching on constants 1 and 2
val (Foo, Bar) = pair // Pattern matching on stable ids Foo and Bar
val (foo, bar) = pair // Binds foo and bar because they are lowercase
val 1 = 1 // Pattern matching on constant 1
val Foo = 1 // *Not* pattern matching; binds Foo
If val 1 = 1 is pattern matching, then why should val Foo = 1 bind Foo rather than pattern match?
Update 2. Daniel Sobral pointed out that this is a special exception, and Martin Odersky recently wrote the same.
Here's a few examples to show how the LHS of an assignment is more than just a name:
val pair = (1, 2)
val (a1, b1) = pair // LHS of the = is a pattern
val (1, b2) = pair // okay, b2 is bound the the value 2
val (0, b3) = pair // MatchError, as 0 != 1
val a4 = 1 // okay, a4 is bound to the value 1
val 1 = 1 // okay, but useless, no names are bound
val a # 1 = 1 // well, we can bind a name to a pattern with #
val 1 = 0 // MatchError
As always, you can use backticks to escape the name. I see no problem in supporting such names – either you use them and they work for you or they do not work for you, and you don’t use them.