Framer.js - "layer" parameter of drag events is undefined - coffeescript

I've created a list with draggable list items in framer.js written in coffeescript.
The array "Layers" contains the single list items.
for i in [0..3]
layer = new Layer width:listWidth, height:listHeight, y:i*yDistance, clip:false,
borderRadius: 4, superLayer:canvas
layer.listIndex = i
layer.draggable.enabled = true
layer.draggable.speedX = 0
layer.draggable.speedY = 1
When I now call a event listener on the list items the "layer" parameter is undefined
layer.on Events.DragMove, (event, draggable, layer) ->
print layer
I need the layer element in the event function to manipulate it. Where is the mistake?

Remove the draggable declaration:
layer.on Events.DragMove, (event, layer) ->
print layer
Alternatively, use the this keyword:
layer.on Events.DragMove, (event, layer) ->
print this
With your code:
for i in [0..3]
layer = new Layer width:listWidth, height:listHeight, y:i*yDistance, clip:false,
borderRadius: 4, superLayer:canvas
layer.listIndex = i
layer.draggable.enabled = true
layer.draggable.speedX = 0
layer.draggable.speedY = 1
layer.on Events.DragMove, (event, layer) ->
print layer
print this


Trigger event on multiple features when hovering over any of those in leaflet

I have a layer with two polylines and polylineDecorators. I would like to highlight both polylines and polylineDecorators when I hover on any of these. Right now I'm able to highlight only one at the time when hovering on it.
Here is my code:
var layer_migration = L.layerGroup({
layerName: 'layer_migration',
pane: 'linesPane',
function onEachFeature_migration (feature, layer) {
var polyline = L.polyline(layer.getLatLngs(),{
color: "#8B0000",weight: 5,opacity: 0.4,dashArray: '8,8',
dashOffset: 0
var PLdecorator1 = L.polylineDecorator(polyline, {
patterns: [{
offset: '104%',
repeat: 100,
symbol: L.Symbol.arrowHead({pixelSize: 16,
pathOptions: {color: "#8B0000",fillOpacity: 0.6,weight: 0
var myfeatures = L.featureGroup([polyline,PLdecorator1]).addTo(layer_migration);
myfeatures.on('mouseover', function(e) {
var layer =;
layer.setStyle({color: '#8B0000',opacity: 1,fillOpacity:1
Any help super appreciated.
In your mouseover callback, I think that will just refer to the individual layer (polyline or decorator) that triggered the event, not the collection of layers that make up the feature group. I've not tested it, but according to the docs, you ought to be able to get the effect you want by calling .setLayer() on the feature group itself:
myfeatures.on('mouseover', function(e) {
myfeatures.setStyle({color: '#8B0000',opacity: 1,fillOpacity:1});
Also, if the two polylines are created by two separate calls to onEachFeature_migration(), then they will end up as two separate feature groups. To get around this, you might need to assign an empty featureGroup to myfeatures outside the function, then add the new polylines to it inside the function using myfeatures.addLayer().

Set Active Layer of Multi-layer Map

I have a Leaflet Map with 5 layers, each with multiple map points. From any of 5 separate pages a user can select to view all of the map points for any one of the map layers. The desired type is passed via a URL to the View_All page. The View_All page contains the Leaflet map with the five layers dynamically built for the layers and map points.
What I need is first to set the user desired map layer to be the active layer after the map is fully built. Further, I will need to access the layer control to determine when the user has selected another layer so the page heading can be updated to reflect the type of information being viewed.
Here is a link to a quasi finished page.
TIA for any assistance.
Add a layer control to your map, and then listening on the baselayerchange event.
var overlayMaps = {
"Cemeteries": l1, //l1,l2,... Layergroups or GeoJSON Layer
"Churches": l2,
"Markers": l3,
"Schools": l4,
"Towns": l5,
var text = {
"Cemeteries": "Test Cemeteries",
"Churches": "Test Churches",
"Markers": "Test Markers",
"Schools": "Test Schools",
"Towns": "Test Towns",
mymap.addLayer(l3); //Acitve Layer from URL
L.DomUtil.get("textheaderid").innerHTML = text["Markers"];
var name =;
var str = text[];
L.DomUtil.get("textheaderid").innerHTML = str;

Leaflet Draw not taking properties when converting FeatureGroup to GeoJson

I'm unable to convert my Layer properties into the properties of the GEOJson object using Leaflet(0.7.7)/Leaflet.Draw(latest). My workflow is:
1 Create Map: var map ='#map', options);
2 Create a FeatureGroup: features= new L.FeatureGroup();
3 Add to the Leaflet Map: map.addLayer(features);
4 On the draw:created event, I'm capturing e.layer and adding a bunch of properties:
var layer = e.layer; = { Title: 'Hello' };
geo_features = features.toGeoJSON();
However, my geo_features always have empty property attributes in each of the features and I can't figure it out!
iH8's initial answer was almost correct.
To specify properties that will appear in a vector layer's GeoJSON export (i.e. through its .toGeoJSON() method), you have to fill its feature.type and members:
var myVectorLayer = L.rectangle(...) // whatever
var feature = myVectorLayer.feature = myVectorLayer.feature || {};
feature.type = "Feature"; = || {};["Foo"] = "Bar";
Now myVectorLayer.toGeoJSON() returns a valid GeoJSON feature object represented by:
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"Foo": "Bar"
// More properties that may be pre-filled.
"geometry": // The vector geometry
A (kind of ugly workaround) is using a L.GeoJSON layer and add the drawn layer's GeoJSON to it by using it's addData method. Afterwards grab the last layer in the L.GeoJSON layer's _layers object. At that point the layer has a valid GeoJSON feature property you can edit:
var geojson = new L.GeoJSON().addTo(map);
var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
edit: {
featureGroup: geojson
map.on('draw:created', function (e) {
var layers = geojson._layers,
keys = Object.keys(layers),
key = keys[keys.length - 1],
layer = layers[key]; = {
'Foo': 'Bar'
For your L.GeoJSON call include feature callback onEachFeature to options
// do something like
feature.setStyle( convertLayerOptionsFromFeatureProperties( ) );
}} )

Leaflet several featuregroups order changes when toggled

I am using Leaflet.js to create a map. The data displayed on the map depends on user selection so I instantiate two empty feature groups on map load, one for the values, and one for a color marker behind the value ( color depends on the value ).
if( dHMT.dataColorLayer===undefined ){
dHMT.dataColorLayer = new L.featureGroup({}).addTo(;
if( dHMT.dataValueLayer===undefined ){
dHMT.dataValueLayer = new L.featureGroup({}).addTo(;
I then add the empty layers to the layer switcher.
dHMT.overlayMapsLS = {
"Bassins ": dHMT.bassinLayer,
"Couleurs ": dHMT.dataColorLayer,
"Données ": dHMT.dataValueLayer
Once the user selects data, the featureGroups are filled with the relevant values/markers.
var iconColor = L.divIcon({className: 'dataSpans',html:"<div style='text-align: center;border-radius: 50%;height:40px;width:40px;padding-top:9px;background:"+dHMT.siteinfo[x].color+"'></div>"});
var iconColorDiv = L.marker([dHMT.ecartArray[x].lat, dHMT.ecartArray[x].lon], {icon: iconColor})
'Nom : '+dHMT.siteinfo[x].name+'<br>'+
'Numéro : '+dHMT.siteinfo[x].stnm+'<br>'+
'Stid : '+dHMT.siteinfo[x].stid+'<br>'+
'LatLon : '+dHMT.siteinfo[x].lat+','+dHMT.ecartArray[x].lon+'<br>'+
'Valeur : '+dHMT.ecartArray[x].ecart+'<br>'
).on('mouseover', function (e) {
}).on('mouseout', function (e) {
var iconValue = L.divIcon({className: 'dataSpans',html:"<div style='text-align: center;height:40px;width:40px;padding-top:9px;'>"+value+"</div>"});
var iconValueDiv = L.marker([dHMT.ecartArray[x].lat, dHMT.ecartArray[x].lon], {icon: iconValue});
Both layers are fine, I have a nice map with a marker layer with colored circles with another layer displaying values over the marker. The goal being to deactivate the colors or the values using the layer switcher.
The problem is that if, for example, I toggle the color layer off, and turn it on again, the colored circles reappear over the values. The desired behavior would be to have them reappear in the original order, behind the values.
You can listen to the overlayadd event on your L.Map instance:
Fired when an overlay is selected through the layer control.
When fired you can use the bringToFront method of L.FeatureLayer:
Brings the layer group to the top of all other layers.
map.on('overlayadd', function () {

Leaflet: How to toggle GeoJSON feature properties from a single collection?

I have a single GeoJSON object that contains over 2000+ features and each feature is part of one category (i.e. "Electrical", "Military", etc). There are a total of about 38 categories.
Here's the schema example of my collection:
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"category":"Electrical","Name":"Plant No 1"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[81.73828125,62.59334083012024]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"category":"Electrical","Name":"Plane No 2"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[94.5703125,58.722598828043374]}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"category":"Military","Name":"Base 1"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[104.4140625,62.91523303947614]}}
Here's my L.geoJson function that iterates through the
var allPoints = L.geoJson(myCollection, {
onEachFeature: function(feature, layer){
"stylel": function(feature){
return { "color": legend[]
How can I assign each category property to my L.control function so the user can toggle on/off the various categories from the collection? I could do this if I made each category a dataset and an individual geoJSOn layer, but that's too much work to do all 38 categories.
My attempt:
'Street Map': L.mapbox.tileLayer('mapbox.streets').addTo(map)
'Electrical': myCollection[["Electrical"]],
'Military': myCollection[["Military"]]
Is there a better way to do this? Thanks!
You can simply assign your layers within the onEachFeature function. You could even automate the creation of Layer Groups for each category.
var categories = {},
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
category =;
// Initialize the category array if not already set.
if (typeof categories[category] === "undefined") {
categories[category] = [];
// Use function onEachFeature in your L.geoJson initialization.
var overlays = {},
for (categoryName in categories) {
categoryArray = categories[categoryName];
overlays[categoryName] = L.layerGroup(categoryArray);
L.control.layers(basemaps, overlays).addTo(map);
EDIT: replaced overlays to be a mapping instead of an array.
Iterate your GeoJSON collection and create multiple L.GeoJSON layers, one per category and add them as overlays to your L.Control.Layers instance.
var controlLayers = L.control.layers({
'Street Map': L.mapbox.tileLayer('mapbox.streets').addTo(map)
// Object to store category layers
var overlays = {};
// Iterate the collection
collection.features.forEach(function (feature) {
var category =;
// Check if there's already an overlay for this category
if (!overlays[category]) {
// Create and store new layer in overlays object
overlays[category] = new L.GeoJSON(null, {
'onEachFeature': function () {},
'style': function () {}
// Add layer/title to control
controlLayers.addOverlay(overlays[category], category);
// Add feature to corresponding layer
Here's an example on Plunker: