Rename-Item renaming issue - powershell

I am wrote some code and the first time it worked fine. However, I've now replaced the files with new dummy files and I'm now getting the following: is changed to
MyTestFile.prd is changed to MyTestFile_prd.prd_prd.prd
Here's the code:
Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.prd" -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace '.prd','_prd.prd'}
Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.zip" -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace '.zip',''}
Got any ideas how I can avoid this problem?

The -replace operator
takes a regular expression as its first operand and
performs substring matching by default.
Therefore, you must modify the regex that is the first operand for the replacement to work as intended:
$_.Name -replace '\.prd$','_prd.prd'
. is escaped as \. to make sure that -replace treats it as a literal; without the \, . would match any character.
$ ensures that the expression is anchored to the end of the input, i.e., only matches at the end.
A more generic reformulation that covers both .prd and .zip:
$_.Name -replace '\.(prd|zip)$','_$1.$1'
See below for an explanation.
If we put this all together, we can get away with a single pipeline:
Get-ChildItem -File *.prd, *.zip -Recurse |
Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '\.(prd|zip)$','_$1.$1' }
Use of regular expressions allows you to process more than one extension at a time, and also allow you to reference parts of what the regular expression matched (captured) through capture groups (parenthesized subexpressions) that you can reference as $1 (1st capture group, ...) in the replacement string
> #( '', 'example.prd' ) -replace '\.(prd|zip)$','_$1.$1'
Note how $1 in the replacement string refers to whatever capture group (prd|zip) captured, which is zip for the first input, and prd for the second.

Editor's note:
While this answer doesn't work for the specific question at hand, because it inserts an extraneous ., it does show the use of [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension() as a robust way to change a file's extension in general.
Alternatively use the .net method to change the file extension:
Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.prd" -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {[System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($,"_prd.prd")}


Appending string to the end of all file names in PowerShell

I have files look like
I am trying to add -b string to the end of all files names bu using power shell rename command like
D:\icons> Dir | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace ".","-b."}
to get these
but this is not changing anything. How can I achieve this?
Powershell's -replace operator is based on regular expressions. And since . is a wildcard in regex, what should be happening is that each character in the file name is being replaced with the resulting string. So test.txt would become -b.-b.-b.-b.-b.-b.-b in your example.
You likely want to use the Replace method of the .NET String type like this instead.
dir | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.Replace('.','-b.') }
If you want to keep using -replace, you need to escape the . in your expression like this.
dir | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '\.','-b.' }
Both of these have a couple edge case problems that you may want to avoid. The first is narrowing the scope of your dir (which is just an alias for Get-ChildItem) to avoid including files or directories you don't actually want to rename. The second is that a simple replace in the file name doesn't account for file names that contain multiple dots. So you may want to ultimately do something like this if you only care about SVG files that may have multiple dots.
Get-ChildItem *.svg -File | Rename-Item -NewName { "$($_.BaseName)-b$($_.Extension)" }
The replace operator uses regex. Therefore your . needs to be escaped, otherwise it just stands for any character. I would generally make sure to be as specific as possible when writing regexes. The following is a possible solution
Get-ChildItem *.svg | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -Replace '\.svg$','-c.svg' }
The $ anchors the expression to the end of the string which makes sure it only changes the extension and not any other text inside the file names.

Removing Parts of a File Name based on a Delimiter

I have various file names that are categorized in two different ways. They either just have a code like: "866655" or contain a suffix and prefix "eu_866655_001". My hope is to write to a text file the names of files in the same format. I cannot figure out a successful method for removing the suffix and prefix.
Currently this what I have in my loop in Powershell:
$docs = Get-ChildItem -Path $source | Where-Object {$_.Name -match '.doc*'}
if ($docs.basename -contians 'eu_*')
Write-Output ([io.fileinfo]"$doc").basename.split("_")
I'm hoping to turn "eu_866655_001" into "866655" by using "_" as the delimiter.
I'm aware that the answer is staring me down but I still can't seem to figure it out.
You could do something like the following. Feel free to tweak the -Filter on the Get-ChildItem command.
$source = 'c:\path\*'
$docs = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -File -Filter "*_*_*" -Include '*.doc','*.docx'
$docs | Rename-Item -NewName { "{0}{1}" -f $_.Basename.Split('_')[1],$_.Extension }
The important things to remember is that in order to use the -Include switch, you need an * at the end of the -Path value.
-Filter allows us to filter on names that contain two underscores separating three substrings.
-Include allows us to only list files ending in extensions .docx and .doc.
Rename-Item -NewName supports delayed script binding. This allows us use a scriptblock to perform any necessary operations for each piped object (each file).
Since the target files will always have two underscores, the .Split('_') method will result in an three index array delimited by the _. You have specified that you always want the second delimited substring and that is represented by index 1 ([1]).
The format operator (-f) puts the substring and extension together, completing the file name.

How to add space in many file names

I was trying to remove all the underscores, spaces and square brackets from many animation files name, which made a big mess.
I used the code below to replace/remove the characters with what I want.
Get-ChildItem -Filter "*One Piece_*" -Recurse |
Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace 'One Piece_','One Piece '}
Or (to delete space)
Get-ChildItem -Filter "* *" -Recurse |
Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace ' ',''}
Now all the file names look like this:
One Piece 031EEE7A115 → should be One Piece 031 EEE7A115
One Piece 032FFB90605 → should be One Piece 032 FFB90605
Is there a way to insert space to all the files after the episode number?
Sure. Make a regular expression that matches the substring from the beginning of the name up to three consecutive digits, and replace that with itself and a space:
Get-ChildItem -Filter '*One Piece_*' -Recurse |
Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace '^(.*?\d{3})', '$1 '}

remove random text from file name

I have a folder full of files which have had some text prepended to the filenames. For example:
program1.m has become John Smith 23423_file_program1.m.
program2.m has become Jane Doe 235_file_program2.m.
The number of characters that have been prepended is not consistent, but the substring file_ is always the final set of characters I wish to remove. Is there anyway to remove all characters up to and including the file_ in a folder full of files? This was my attempt, but as expect the * does not work in this scenario:
get-childitem *.m | foreach { rename-item $_ $_.Name.Replace("*file_","") }
This should do the trick. There are other ways to do this as well so don't be surprised if you find another one.
get-childitem *.m -Filter *.m | ForEach{
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName ($_.Name -replace ".*file_")
Or shorter
get-childitem -Filter *.m | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace ".*file_"}
You had the right idea but the issue you have is the string .replace() method is looking to match static strings and does not use wildcards. The way you had it it expected an asterisks to appear in the string which one did not.
Instead we use -replace which supports regex. .*file_ would satisfy the requirement of remov[ing] all characters up to and including the _file. Since you just want it removed we don't offer a replacement string.
If regex is not your friend you should try and warm up to him. If not some old school methods work just as well.
$file = "blah_file_program.m"
$file.Substring($file.LastIndexOf("_") + 1)

bulk rename using powershell to get rid of 9 characters that follow a "-"

I need to rename around 5000 files that have the following naming format:
i need to remove -710yy from the name to get 322xxxx.tiff
can anyone suggest a rename-item command for power-shell to do this?
i tried:
get-childitem -filter "322*" -recurse | Rename-item -NewName{$ -replace '-710*', ''}
but all that does is remove the "710" leaving the remaining characters after it.
-replace takes a regex, not a wildcard match (unlike the -Filter parameter of Get-ChildItem), so you need
$_.Name -replace '-710[^.]*'
instead (you can also leave out the , '' in that case, as it's implied). Note that I'm only replacing non-dot characters after the 710, to keep the extension intact.