How to get spring security oauth2 client details from mongodb instead of inmemory - mongodb

I am current using spring security oauth2 and configured the oauth2 as using the clients from inMemory, how to get the client id/client secret from mongodb and use mongodb as the store for the client details and how to configure spring oauth2 using that.
One approach I was thinking was to use mongo template to read the client details and configure the inMemory client details using those values. Will this be a way to go about this?
Is there another way to get client details from mongodb and configure the clients for spring security oauth2?

this link. You will have to create custom client details storage along with custom access and refresh token implementation.


Using managed identities for HTTP linked service

I am working on creating a flow where I get JSON data from a rest api authenticating with the managed identity of my ADF instance and copy the data to a Kusto cluster. To do this, I am following the instructions here:
However, when I go to create a linked service I do not see any way to authenticate against the API using my managed identity: http linked service auth options
I was expecting something like the options given in the Web task in ADF, where I am allowed to selected managed identities:web task auth options
HTTP connector supports only Anonymous, Basic, Digest, Windows, and ClientCertificate as authentication types. To use Managed Identity authentication type, you can use Rest linked service.
Search for REST in the available list of linked service and select REST connector.
You can select Managed Identity as auth type.
Reference: MS doc on Data Fcatory - REST connector.

Close proxy API access

Close proxy API access
Hi community,
Grafana 8.2.5
We have a Grafana system 8.2.5. He had a security audit, where the API access is criticized.
We have enabled an anonymous acess for users without login.
enabled =true
org_name = IT.NRW
org_role = Viewer
When I try to access the Grafana like:
curl http://<fqdn>:3000/api/datasources -> {"message":"Permission denied"}
curl http://admin:<password>#<fqdn>:3000/api/datasources -> a valid json object with the datasource etc....
But the security audit found also the access to the datasource proxy? API.
curl http://<fqdn>:3000/api/datasources/proxy/3/query?db=<db>\&q=SELECT+*+FROM+<ts>\&epoch=ms
So I can query with or without credentials ALWAYS the API.
Security audit: a Denial of Service (DoS) is possible, maybe some SQL injection.
I don't want discuss this topic here.
I have to close the access through the API. At least from other network segments.
Any hints?
Thanks in advance.
I'm a grafana beginner!
I do not complain, the security audit listed the two topics (DoS/SQL injection).
I didn't found any configuration possibilities (grafana.ini) about closing the proxy API interface (only data_source_whitelist-ing).
So, I added some rules into the NGIX config in front of the grafana server to
forbid the proxy API access -> throw 40x error.
Now the web UI is not able anymore to fetch and render the data in the UI.
My conclusion:
the grafana architecture define: the proxy API will be used by the web UIs.
with or without credentials: a user can fire a query (DoS) using the proxy API
with or without credentials: the query is pass through the proxy API to the datasource, potential sql injection is possible

Couchbase REST Authorization

I am looking to access a local instance of Couchbase Server through its REST API. The HTTP GET requests are sent from Java.
The problem I am currently running into has to do with authorization.
Specifically, I have managed to use Couchbase's Basic Authorization, but only by obtaining the hashed credentials (bG9jYWw6dHdlZXRzOnBBc3Mx in the example linked to above) by monitoring a Couchbase browser session using Chrome's developer tools and inspecting the request headers.
Now, another Couchbase article mentions that Couchbase uses SHA-1 in compliance with SCRAM. However, no mention is made of how to obtain the 'salt' and 'iterations' parameters from Couchbase. Which, I assume I need to go from the credentials to the challenge solution (i.e. hashed string)
So, the question is as follows: how to get from the credentials (user="local:tweets", pass="pAss1") (from the example of the first link) to bG9jYWw6dHdlZXRzOnBBc3Mx?
Thanks in advance,
SCRAM SHA-1 support is only for the Data (K/V) service and only through certain Couchbase SDKs which use the memcached binary protocol. The Java SDK does have support for SCRAM SHA-1.
The REST interface you appear to be using is N1QL's API. That does not support SCRAM SHA auth.
If you're looking to give some other application HTTP access, my recommendation would be to write a small Java app with Spring Boot or the like and use the Java SDK from there. Then you have complete control over how auth is done at the REST interface. A colleague wrote one of these just the other day. Note that even in this case, the Java SDK won't be using SCRAM when running N1QL queries, but you can use that as a point of control.

SSO with keycloak

We are considering to use the keycloak as our SSO framework.
According to the keycloak documentation for multi-tenancy support the application server should hold all the keycloak.json authentication files, the way to acquire those files is from the keycloak admin, is there a way to get them dynamically via API ? or at least to get the realm public key ? we would like to avoid to manually add this file for each realm to the application server (to avoid downtime, etc).
Another multi-tenancy related question - according to the documentation the same clients should be created for each realm, so if I have 100 realms and 10 clients, I should define the same 10 clients 100 times ? is there an alternative ?
One of our flows is backend micro-service that should be authenticated against an application (defined as keycloak client), we would like to avoid keeping user/psw on the server for security reasons, is there a way that an admin can acquire a token and place it manually on the server file system for that micro service ? is there a option to generate this token in the keycloak UI ?
Thanks in advance.
All Keycloak functionality is available via the admin REST API, so you can automate this. The realm's public key is available via http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/{realm}/
A realm for each tenant will give a tenant-specific login page. Therefore this is the way to go - 10 clients registered 100 times. See more in the chapter Client Registration of the Keycloak documentation. If you don't need specific themes, you can opt to put everything in one realm, but you will lose a lot of flexibility on that path.
If your backend micro service should appear like one (technical) user, you can issue an offline token that doesn't expire. This is the online documentation for offline tokens. Currently there is no admin functionality to retrieve an offline token for a user by an admin. You'll need to build this yourself. An admin can later revoke offline tokens using the given admin API.

Keycloak security for Spring base rest apis

I want to integrate keycloak security features to my spring boot based rest apis.
I am using KeyCloak 1.3.1 Final.
Now this is pure rest based api and am doing my testing through postman
I have got my rest api secured and when i try to access it do asks me for authorization, but am not able to execute my request. basically am locked out of my api.
I will quickly list out things that I have already done
Created a spring boot rest api and tested it. It works fine.
Modified my gradle for KeyCloak and configured it as per this document
Configured my keyCloak for the "bearer only" application
I tried to generate access token, but I was not able to. Therefore I created another Client in keycloak with "confidential" and used this client to generate the access token (both the clients were pointing to same application. Am not sure if this is correct)
With this access token, I am trying to make api call but am getting 401
Again am using this document.
I am new to both keycloak and spring.
So what I want to ask here is how can we generate the access token for testing a rest api in a scenario like one which is here.
Any useful resource on KeyCloak that can help me out here. As of now I dont have a clue as to where the problem is? Is it with my api or with how I have configured the KeyCloak.
Also since I am new to spring and I just could not found a decent document on how to configure cloak for spring boot. If you can help with that as well.
Moving further on this I was informed on the KeyCloak mailing list that spring boot adapter only supports basic authentication, and so I decided to incorporate the spring security adapter itself.
I did that and when am running the application and providing creds am still not able to make it work. However something interesting is happening. I am being redirected to
I double checked it and that is not the redirect url i have provided.
Any idea why?
(Once again am new to it and learning about spring and security on way through this project. So please bear with me.)
So after spending quite a good amount of time and getting some help from keycloak user list here is how i got it to work.
Use Spring Security instead of spring boost security adapter (as I have already mentioned in the the edit, boot adapter is only for basic authentication)
There documentation does a decent job of explaining out everything else refer to that.
I am still testing the whole thing and will document it out for future references.