Apple Wallet Coupon example create fail - coupon

Since I success create a boarding pass using C# in, I going to try difference type of pass such coupon and event pass. When I try to create a Coupon pass in .net, it became fail. At first, I believe is my wrong of my coding, I go to try all the creation step in mac with Terminal with this doc.
However the answer is Fail, the coupon pass cannot create successful, event I using those example provided by Apple himself (developer downloads area).
Any one know what happen is it?

The issue is that your JSON contains invalid data:
"auxiliaryFields":[{"key": "expires",
"label": "EXPIRES",
"value": "0880",
"isRelative": true,
"dateStyle": "PKDateStyleShort"}],
The value for this dictionary should be an ISO8601 formatted date.
E.g. 2016-11-10T23:59:59+08:00


core_user_create_user and moodle webservice setup not working

I have done everything needed to setup webservices on my moodle 3.11 instance, including roles/capabilities/user. However sending a test request always gives {
"exception": "dml_missing_record_exception",
"errorcode": "invalidrecord",
"message": "Can't find data record in database table external_functions."
The URL to access it is of the format https:///moodle/webservice/rest/server.php?wsfunction=core_user_create_user&service=mymoodleusermanage&moodlewsrestformat=json&users[0][username]=ABC&users[0][firstname]=VPTest&users[0][lastname]=None&users[0][email][0][password]=xxxxx&users[0][auth]=manual&wstoken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The service parameter is correctly set to the shortname of the service. Does the service have to be defined anywhere additionally apart from Site Administration->Server->Web Services->External Services->Custom Services
Thanks for any help that can be given
The answer is very simple - you are trying to call a non-existent webservice function (hence the error message about being unable to find the database record for the function in the external_functions database table).
If you look in the Moodle code: you will see that the function is called core_user_create_users - with an "s" at the end of it.
If you add that extra "s" into the URL parameters you are using, then it should work.
you must change username all character small letter [username]=ABC like this [username]=abc and add s wsfunction=core_user_create_users

how to get dictionary value from webrequest using sharepoint designer

I am trying to retrieve a value from a HTTP web service call in sharepoint designer. This should be simple. the Rest query is simple, and always returns only a single value:'MyListTitle')/items/?$select=Title&$top=1
In the Sharepoint Designer workflow, I'm setting the required Accept and Content-type header to the value of "application/json;odata=verbose
I am unable to get the value of the "Title" field that is returned by the call.
when I execute the REST query in the browser, I get the following data returned:
{"d":{"results":[{"__metadata":{"id":"af9697fe-9340-4bb5-9c75-e43e1fe20d30","uri":"'6228d484-4250-455c-904d-6b7096fee573')/Items(5)","etag":"\"1\"","type":"SP.Data.MyListName"},"Title":"John Doe"}]}}
I've tried dozens of variations of the dictionary 'query', but they always return blank.
I'm using the 'get an item from a dictionary' action in SP Designer, using item name or path values like:
and literally dozens of other variations - but it always returns blank.
I'm writing the raw response from the webRequest to the list for debugging, and it shows the value like this:
{"odata.metadata":"https:\/\/\/sites\/aSiteName\/_api\/$metadata#SP.ListData.MyListTitle&$select=Title","value":[{"odata.type":"SP.Data.MyListTitle","":"616ed0ed-ef1d-405b-8ea5-2682d9662b0a","odata.etag":"\"1\"","odata.editLink":"Web\/Lists(guid'6228d484-4250-455c-904d-6b7096fee573')\/Items(5)","Title":"John Doe"}]}
I must be doing something simple that is wrong?
Using "d/results(0)/Title" is right. Check the steps in article below to create a workflow.
It working fine in my test workflow.
I faced the exact same issue. In my case the reason was that in the API call, the header was not set properly.
As you would have noticed many times, that if you type the variables inline when creating the "Call Http Web service" action, those might not get set properly. The surest way is to open the properties and set from there. In my case when i opened the properties i found that RequestHeaders was not set. Once i set it from there, i got the desired results.
Hope this helps to someone in future, this question being unanswered till now!!
tried dump those json called from sharepoint workflow into a list. Sometimes you'll get a different format than when you called that from browser. I experienced this issue when calling API projectserver (project online). When I called it using servistate (chrome extension) it returns d/results, but when I dump the value into the list I got value and yet I used same request header value.

How to give personalised greeting in Watson Conversation?

While Defining the Dialog in the Watson Conversation I'm not able to greet user with his/her name or I'm not able to detect contact number sent by the user and rephrase it to the user. Is it possible to do it in the Watson Conversation Api or not.
Although Mitch's response is correct, here is an example of doing a personalised response.
1. Set your conversation_start node text to "Hello <? context.username ?>".
2. In your code you would do something like this (Python).
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1
conversation = ConversationV1(
response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, context= {'username':'Simon'})
print json.dumps(response)
3. When you run this, it should output the following, with the "text" part being what the user sees.
"text":["Hello Simon"]
One thing to be aware is that, the context object is used to maintain the state of the conversation. So if you plan to use just REST API's then you need to merge your context variables into the preceding context object before sending it. You do only need to do this at points where you do know the conversation needs that context.
Do you already have access to this information? You can send these values through as context, and refer to them using $context_variable
The same goes for collecting information from a user. You can capture things using regular expressions via your application, or using some Spring Expressions, you can see the text.matches here:
You would store this as context, and then refer to it using $context_variable again.
Information like names and phone numbers is quite open ended, so can be difficult to capture without using an open entity extraction engine, which we are researching best ways to incorporate this.
To get the user's input, use:
"context": {"yourVariable": "<?input.text?>"}
And to show:
"output": {"text": "You entered this $yourVariable"}

Creating Group categories - D2L Valence

I am attempting to dynamically create a group category with in a course using the following service:
[/d2l/api/lp/(version)/(orgUnitId)/groupcategories/ \[POST\]][1]
The following is the GroupData (Group.GroupData in Create form) JSON block that I am sending to this service:
"Name": "New Group Category",
"Description": {
"Content": "",
"Type": "HTML"
"EnrollmentStyle": 0,
"EnrollmentQuantity": null,
"AutoEnroll": false,
"RandomizeEnrollments": false,
"NumberOfGroups": 5,
"MaxUsersPerGroup": null
I am making the call with the user context of a administrative "Utility" account. I have 2 test courses, both of which I have confirmed I am able create the category through the web interface using this utility account.
My problem is I am having mixed results depending on the course that I try to create the category in. In one course the course returns 200-OK, in the other it returns 403-Forbidden.
Here are the (simplified) requests :
Call 1
Result: 403-Forbidden
Call 2
Result: 200-OK
The only difference is the OrgUnitID. Version, JSON, and user context are all the same, yet I'm getting 2 different results. I have tried with several other courses and again, I have success in some but not all; always receiving a 403 as the error.
After some investigation, I believe I have found 2 distinct differences between courses that are successful and those that return 403.
Courses created just before April 2012 are successful, anything afterwards fail
Courses with a 5 digit Org Unit ID are successful, anything with 6 digits seems to fail.
So my thoughts are we either applied a patch late march / early April of 2012 which somehow changed how courses are flagged on creation, OR somehow only 5 digits (or less?) Org IDs are being accepted by the service.
I'm hoping someone could provide some insight or verify they have no issue with 6+ digit OUIDs and group category creation.
Further reviewing the documentation on API Responses - Disposition and error handling I realized that there are 3 possible cases for a 403 response:
Response body contains Timestamp out of range
Response body contains Invalid Token
application or calling user context does not have the permissions required for the attempted action
Given this, I took a closer look at the response header and realized the issue was actually #2 "Invalid Token", not #3 as I was assuming.
Investigating my code further it seems the user defined SHA256 function I was using was producing an incorrect HASH/Signature when the data being hashed was exactly 55 characters long (yes I realize how crazy this sounds). The temporary work around is to pad my OrgIDs with leading zeros, so my request would actually look something similar too:
Thankfully, this seems to work, and is acceptable for the immediate future. Long term solution will be to replace my SHA256 function with something more reliable.
I am using Colfusion 7MX for my development, which does not have a native SHA256 Hash function, hence the use of the user defined function.

Facebook batch operations custom object

I am trying to make some batch operations for custom objects that I have created oat Open graph API. I have seen tons of examples for feeds or images, but I still do not know if Facebook supports batch operations for custom objects. For example, I'd like to know if a batch operation for the following objects would work:
{:method=>"post", :relative_url=>"/me/tfgtopquiz:win", "profile"=>"users/1/victories"}
{:method=>"post", :relative_url=>"/me/tfgtopquiz:guessed", "triviaquestion"=>"questions/1"} ]
Notice that I have custom types (triviaquestion). It seems that if I pass it as a parameter facebook ignores it, and I would need this information. After the request, I get this error message:
"The action you're trying to publish is invalid because it does not specify any reference objects. At least one of the following properties must be specified: triviaquestion."
I really tried to define the type "triviaquestion", but it looks like Facebook ignored it iside batch JSON.
Any thoughts?
After some time I realized that I should send the JSON in other format:
[{:action=>"guessed", :object_type=>"triviaquestion", :object_url=>"URL"},
{:action=>"guessed", :object_type=>"triviaquestion", :object_url=>"URL"},
{:action=>"guessed", :object_type=>"triviaquestion", :object_url=>"URL"},
{:action=>"play", :object_type=>"correct_answer", :object_url=>"URL"}]}