transaction not showing in sandbox - paypal

The test sale is being processed by HikaShop, going completely through the PayPal process and a confirmed payment email is being sent to the owner of the test store but the transaction is not showing in the owner's sandbox.
This is my first attempt at setting up an online store using PayPal and I don't know what to do next.
Help appreciated.
Edit: I added the buyer to the seller's sandbox accounts. I can now see the email confirmation to the buyer on the sandbox notifications but I still can't see any transactions.
Help appreciated


PayPal Express Checkout in Sandbox leaves transactions 'Pending'

I've integrated PayPal Express Checkout using the method at , with the JS SDK.
Everything works fine and I am able to create a button with the amount and the transaction succeeds. However, I don't see the money coming into the sandbox business account. I do see the transaction on the sandbox personal account, but it's pending on approval from seller, which I don't see there.
Not sure if this is sandbox behaviour or if I have something wrong.
The src script which I load is:${clientId}&currency='CAD'&disable-funding='credit,card,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mybank,p24,sepa,sofort,venmo'
Any help would be appreciated.
The most likely problem is that the receiving account's email address is not confirmed in sandbox.
To check, navigate to , log in with the receiving sandbox account, and resend any necessary confirmation message
To open the confirmation message, log in with your live developer account at and follow the link there to do the confirmation

PayPal IPN message is always payment - pending

Working on a sandbox, Paypal will always send me back and IPN message with the pair payment_status:pending.
I know that this might happen due to different currencies and that I can change settings in my account to accept different currencies.
But, I am using the service when a seller and a buyer that I don't know make a transaction, so I can not do anything about it .
Is there a way to allow any currency in the POST request ?
What really the seller see when the payment status is pending ?
If the payment status will change to completed later, how will my IPN message look? there is nothing that says how the object from IPN will look when status is changing ? how can I handle such change ?
Solved by sending money to the sandbox account and not to my real live account.
So, you must send funds from a sandbox email to another sandbox email.
Create another merchant account on the developer website
Send money from a sandbox buyer to a sandbox seller

IPN Sandbox Testing

Been a while since I've dealt with PP IPN. Anyway - reworking an old client's checkout processing - one option is PP and we used IPN. I still have a sandbox acct and used the sandbox url instead of the live PP url.
I see the purchase and a correct debit to my sandbox acct - AND I received an email from the client's server (which is sent only when the IPN is received). But the email is a bit odd in that it says....
Is there some way for me to complete the transaction in my sandbox account? It's a purchaser account - not a merchant account. Or does my client need to go into his live merchant account to handle the test purchase?
Thanks (any pointers to relevant docs are also welcome)
Make sure that the email address you are using for testing in the sandbox, is linked to an actual sandbox account and is confirmed. This some times the case when the email address is not tied to an account and verified. You would need to log into the sellers test sandbox account, verify that the email address is linked to that account and confirmed/verified.

Paypal integration in php by storing user credentials

I tried to integrate paypal in my website and I was able to implement it . I tested the transcations with sandbox account provided by paypal. For each transaction, buyer need to enter his credit card details or other paypal account informations. So I would like to store the user credentials in my database and then at the time of transaction, make the buyer proceed with transaction without entering details again. Can you please suggest if there is any possibility for implementing this or any suggestions to do so? All suggestions are welcome.
You wouldn't store the buyer's PayPal credentials (because that's about the worst crime you can commit in internet security), but you can create a billing agreement with the buyer. The billing agreement would allow you to charge the buyer, at a later date, without having to send the buyer to PayPal again to approve the payment. This page tells you how to do it:

OpenCart: Paypal Session Time-Out

I am using the standard paypal payment method with my opencart website. When I go through the checkout process and get redirected to the PayPal website, I get to login and choose my payment source on the paypal site. However, when it starts processing, it just returns "Your session has timed out, please log in again." and logs me out of Paypal.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had facing this problem also. If you are using sandbox mode, You should be gave test account for buyer(buyer account must be business account) and also seller account must be individual account(personal). for example is buyer account you should put it in admin panel paypal extension,then you should login in E-store website with seller account( and proceed to paypal it will works well.
Some times the cookies that Paypal sets are really annoying, try cleaning all of them, it helped me with other Paypal related errors.