finding power spectrum of signal using two approaches - matlab

I am trying to find power spectrum of the signal. The length of the signal is 100000, sample frequency is 1000Hz,and the number of points is 100000. I found the power spectrum using two approaches. The first one is by taking all the length as one part and found power spectrum for it while the second approach is by dividing the signal into 100*1000and find spectrum for each row then get the mean for all rows. My problem is that I must get the same answer in both approaches but I got different answers. I do not know what is the error in my code.
bin=[0 :N/2];
for i=1:100
plot (S_f);
I just update the code. I do not know but when I added noise to signal the two plots looks shifted.

The main problem is with reshape you are working with each row being a separate sequence. Reshape however fills the first column before moving to the second one.
You can use the following instead.
Normalization is another problem. You can either use ifft instead of fft as it is normalized by default (not sure why). Or alternatively keep your normalization and instead of using mean you should can use sum, maybe that is due to a mistake you might have made. There still seems to be a small discrepancy in the amplitudes, not sure where that is coming from.
At the end to plot use the following:
bin=[0 :N];
plot(fax_Hz,spectra); hold on
for i=1:100
plot(fax_Hz(1:100:end-1), S_f);
Note: the fax_Hz(1:100:end-1) is a hacky way of getting the length of the vectors to be the same.


Does the allan variance function in Matlab (allanvar) use overlapped or non-overlapped calculation?

Is the Matlab code available anywhere?
I'm trying to understand what exactly does it do. As I understood, it divides the data into segments with length tau (when tau increases each time) and then averages the data within each segment. After that, it compares the value attained from successive segments.
Am I correct in my understanding?
Thanks in advance!
You can view the code by typing edit allanvar into the command window.
Of course, this assumes you've already downloaded the associated toolbox.
I tried the same approach, but was also UNable to open the allanvar.p file. Despite the documentation I've found, if I use simple white noise and run allanvar on it, when I plot sqrt(this output), I get a line with a slope of -1/2 on a log-log scale (one order of magnitude drop in ADEV for two orders of magnitude increase in averaging interval value). A simple program to compute the OVERLAPPING Allan variance yields a -1/1 slope. Thus I am suspicious that the allanvar function does not compute the overlapping version!

correct sampling points for FFT

I want to calculate the Fourier series of a signal using FFT on matlab. And I came across the following unexpected issue. Mere example
If I define a grid and then compute the fft as:
x= deal(1*(0:M-1)/M);
which gives me the exact analytic values expected: Yk(29)=1.5; Yk(31)=1.5; zeros anything else
but if I define the grid as, and repeat the fft calculation:
got the Yk's values completely screwed up
This is an annoying issue since I have to analyse many signals data that was sampled as in the second method so the Yk's values will be wrong. Is there a way to workaround this? an option to tell something to the fft function about the way the signal was sampled. Have no way to resample the data in the correct way.
The main reason to avoid have spectral leaking, is that I do further operations with these Fourier terms individually Real and Imag parts. And the spectral leaking is messing the final results.
The second form of sampling includes one sample too many in the period of the cosine. This causes some spectral leaking, and adds a small shift to your signal (which leads to non-zero imaginary values). If you drop the last point, you'll cosine will again be sampled correctly, and you'll get rid of both of these effects. Your FFT will have one value less, I don't know if this will affect your analyses in any way.
x = 0:1/(M-1):1;
y = 3*cos(2*pi*x);
Yk = fftshift(fft2(y(1:end-1))/(M-1));
>> max(abs(imag(Yk)))
ans =

Matlab - creating psd with right scaling

I want to analyze an audiodata (.wav with pcm, 32k as sampling rate) and create the psd of it with the axes Sxx (watts/hertz not db) and f (hertz).
So I would start by reading out the audiodata with:
After this I'm having some problems because I dont really know how to proceed and also Matlab always tells me that psd functions won't be supported in the future and that I should use pwelch.. (also tried to build the autocorr and afterwards use fourier to get to the Sxx but it didn't work out really well)
So could anybody tell me how I can get from my vector x to a vector with the psdvalues in watts/hertz and plot it afterwards?
very grateful for every kind of help! :)
Update1: Yes I did read the documentation of pwelch but I'm afraid my english is too bad to understand it completly.
So if I use the psd documentation:
nfft = 2^nextpow2(length(x));
Pxx = abs(fft(x,nfft)).^2/length(x)/fs;
Hpsd = dspdata.psd(Pxx(1:length(Pxx)/2),'fs',fs);
I'm able to get the plot in db with the peak at the right frequency. (I dont know how dspdata.psd work though)
I tried out:
this gives me a non db-scale but the peak is at the wrong frequency
Update 2:
First of all, thanks a lot for your detailed answer! At the moment I'm working on my matlabskills as well as my english language but all the specific technical terms give me a hard time..
When using your example of pwelch on a wav-data with a clear frequency of 1khz, the plot shows me the peak at round about 0.14, could it maybe still be a special-scaled x-axis?
If I try it this way:
fax_Hz= bin_vals*fs/N;
the result seems right (is this way correct?), but I still need some time to search for a proper way to display the y-axis in W/Hz, since I dont know how the audiosignal was created.
Update 3:
This wav file should have a dominant frequency at 1khz with a duration of 3 seconds and a sampling frequency of 44100Hz. (If I plot the data received from audioread the oscillation seems reasonable)
I get a peak at 0.14 on the x-axis.
if I use
instead, the peak is at the 1000. Is this way right? And how could I interpret the difference scaling on the y-axis? (pwelch vs. square of abs)
I also wanted to ask if it is possible to get a flat psd of awgn in matlab? (since you just have finite elements I don't know to get there)
Thanks again for your detailed support!
Update 4
So I have a new Problem for which I think it is probably necessary to go a bit more into detail. So my plan is basically to do the following:
Read and Audiodata ([y,fs]) and generate white Noise with a certain SNR ([n,fs])
Generate a Filter H which shapes the PSD(y) similiar to the PSD(n)
Generate an inverse Filter G=H^(-1) which reverts the effect of H.
My problem is that with using pwelch, the resulting vectorlength of pyy is way smaller than the vectorlength of y. Since my Filter is determined by P=sqrt(pnn/pyy), I can't multiply fft(y)*H and therefore get no results.
Do you know any help for this Problem?
Or is there a way to go back from a PSD (Welch estimated) to a normal signal (like an inverse function for pwelch)?
In the example you have from the psd documentation, you compute a psd estimate yourself, then put it into a dspdata.psd container and plot it. What dspdata.psd data does here for you is basically compute the frequency axis and provide it to the plot command, nothing more. You get a plot of the spectral density estimate, but that's the one you compute yourself using fft, which is the simplest and worst psd estimate you can get, a so-called periodogram.
Your use of pwelch is almost correct, you just forgot to use the frequency axis information in your plot.
should give you the peak at the correct frequency.
Your use of pwelch is almost correct, but you have to give the sampling frequency as the 5th argument, and then use the frequency axis information in your plot.
should give you the peak at the correct frequency.
What pwelch gives you is the spectral density of the signal over Hz. Correct axis labels would therefore be
xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('psd (1/Hz)')
The signal you give pwelch is a pure sequence of numbers without physical dimensions. By specifying the sampling rate, the time axis gets a physical unit, s, therefore the resulting frequency is in Hz and the density is in 1/Hz. But still your time series values have no physical dimension, and therefore the density cannot be related to something like W. Has your audiosignal been obtained by a calibrated A/D converter? If yes, you should be able to relate your data to a physical dimension and units, but that's a nontrivial step.
On a personal note, I'd really advise you to brush up on your English, because using software, especially programming interfaces, without properly understanding the documentation is a recipe for disaster.

Spectrum Derivative in MATLAB, the end point problem

I am trying to take the derivative of the a spectrum with 125 bands using the following lines:
problem is in the next step i want to compare it with original spectrum numerically and also visually by plotting, but the size of df is 124 however my original wavelength is 125. Question is do i have to remove the first or the last band? however the output of some spectral analysis software is not changing the size. taking the average of bands also does not work, it make the graph to show crazy behavior.
diff is basically:
Y = [X(2)-X(1) X(3)-X(2) ... X(m)-X(m-1)]
which means it has to be one shorter than your input (you can't subtract something from nothing, right?).
What you have to do of course depends on what you want to do, but the least "meaning-altering" approach (kind of keeping causality with respect to sampling times) would be to prepend your dW and dR with a single arbitrary value.
By the way, your ratio df=dR./dW might have a lot of NaNs if dW has zeros (which happens as soon as two consecutive data values are the same).

spike in my inverse fourier transform

I am trying to compare two data sets in MATLAB. To do this I need to filter the data sets by Fourier transforming the data, filtering it and then inverse Fourier transforming it.
When I inverse Fourier transform the data however I get a spike at either end of the red data set (picture shows the first spike), it should be close to zero at the start, like the blue line. I am comparing many data sets and this only happens occasionally.
I have three questions about this phenomenon. First, what may be causing it, secondly, how can I remedy it, and third, will it affect the data further along the time series or just at the beginning and end of the time series as it appears to from the picture.
Any help would be great thanks.
When using DFT you must remember the DFT assumes a Periodic Signal (As a Superposition of Harmonic Functions).
As you can see, the start point is exact continuation of the last point in harmonic function manner.
Did you perform any Zero Padding in the Spectrum Domain?
Anyhow, Windowing might reduce the Overshooting.
Knowing more about the filter and the Original data might be helpful.
If you say spike near zero frequencies, I answer check the DC component.
You seem interested by the shape, so doing
x = x - mean(x)
x -= mean(x)
x -= x.mean()
(I love numpy!)
will just constrain the dataset to begin with null amplitude at zero-frequency and to go ahead with comapring the spectra's amplitude.
(as a side-note: did you check that you approprately use fftshift and ifftshift? this has always been the source of trouble for me)
Could be the numerical equivalent of Gibbs' phenomenon. If that's correct, there's no way to remedy it except for filtering.