missing FromRequestUnmarshaller[Entity] on akka post route - scala

Let me start by saying that i am very new to akka-http, none of the books i have covered the marsheling topic well. So it is bit of a blackbox for me. I was able to obtain the following (Un)Marsheller which is capable of returning both json and protobuf based on a request header.
This part of the code works fine and i have a get route defined in akka-http and it works fine.
trait PBMarshaller {
private val protobufContentType = ContentType(MediaType.applicationBinary("octet-stream", Compressible, "proto"))
private val applicationJsonContentType = ContentTypes.`application/json`
implicit def PBFromRequestUnmarshaller[T <: GeneratedMessage with Message[T]](companion: GeneratedMessageCompanion[T]): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] = {
Unmarshaller.withMaterializer[HttpEntity, T](_ => implicit mat => {
case entity#HttpEntity.Strict(`applicationJsonContentType`, data) =>
val charBuffer = Unmarshaller.bestUnmarshallingCharsetFor(entity)
case entity#HttpEntity.Strict(`protobufContentType`, data) =>
case entity =>
Future.failed(UnsupportedContentTypeException(applicationJsonContentType, protobufContentType))
implicit def PBToEntityMarshaller[T <: GeneratedMessage]: ToEntityMarshaller[T] = {
def jsonMarshaller(): ToEntityMarshaller[T] = {
val contentType = applicationJsonContentType
Marshaller.withFixedContentType(contentType) { value =>
HttpEntity(contentType, JsonFormat.toJsonString(value))
def protobufMarshaller(): ToEntityMarshaller[T] = {
Marshaller.withFixedContentType(protobufContentType) { value =>
HttpEntity(protobufContentType, value.toByteArray)
Marshaller.oneOf(protobufMarshaller(), jsonMarshaller())
the issue i am facing is on the post route.
(post & entity(as[PropertyEntity])) { propertyEntity =>
complete {
During compilation time, i get the following error
Error:(20, 24) could not find implicit value for parameter um: akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.FromRequestUnmarshaller[PropertyEntity]
(post & entity(as[PropertyEntity])) { propertyEntity =>
I am not sure exactly what i am missing. Do i need to define an implicit FromRequestUnmarshaller ? if so what should it have?

i was able to hack something together that works for the moment, but i still don't know how to create a general Unmarshaller that can decode any ScalaPB case class
implicit val um:Unmarshaller[HttpEntity, PropertyEntity] = {
Unmarshaller.byteStringUnmarshaller.mapWithCharset { (data, charset) =>
val charBuffer = Unmarshaller.bestUnmarshallingCharsetFor(data)
even this i don't know how to have both decoders enabled at the same time. so i have commented one out.


How to make only few datatype which is not related to each other acceptable by generics

There is a trait which works perfectly. However, I would like to refactor the part related to generic [T] in order to limit the data type which could be accepted by generic [T] (I need only Option[JsValue] , JsValue , StringEnumEntry , String ). Is it possible to solve this problem through shapeless coproduct? Maybe there are other solutions?
trait ParameterBinders extends Log {
def jsonBinder[T](json: T, jsonType: java.lang.String = "json"): ParameterBinderWithValue = {
val jsonObject = new PGobject()
json match {
case json: Option[JsValue] =>
case json: JsValue =>
case json: StringEnumEntry =>
case json: String =>
case _ =>
logger.error("unexpected data type ")
if (jsonType == "JSONSCHEMATYPE" || jsonType == "SYSPROPERTYTYPE") {
ParameterBinder(this, (ps, i) => {
ps.setObject(i, jsonObject)
} else {
ParameterBinder(json, (ps, i) => {
ps.setObject(i, jsonObject)
The easiest way is to use an ADT as described in the link of the first comment.
If you don't want to change the types that are accepted in jsonBinder then you can solve the problem by using a typeclass.
trait JsonBindValue[T] {
def value(t: T): String
you would then have to provide instances for your accepted datatypes
object JsonBindValue {
implicit val OptJsBinder = new JsonBindValue[Option[JsValue]] {
def value(t: Option[JsValue]): String = {
... more instances here
finally your function would look like this:
def jsonBinder[T : JsonBindValue](json: T, jsonType: java.lang.String = "json"): ParameterBinderWithValue = {
val binder = implicitly[JsonBindValue[T]]
if you call the function without a implicit instance in scope you will get a compile time error.

How can I serialize Sangria responses with json4s and Akka HTTP?

I'm working through a slight variation of Sangria's Getting Started, using Akka HTTP. I'm attempting to use json4s-jackson as the serializaltion lib, but am running in to some trouble getting the response I want.
Specifically, the serialized response I get is the JSON version of the (StatusCode, Node) tuple:
"_1": {
"allowsEntity": true,
"defaultMessage": "OK",
"intValue": 200,
"reason": "OK"
"_2": {
"data": {
"foo": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Foo"
The data portion is correct, but obviously I just want that and not the first element of the serialized tuple.
I'm using akka-http-json4s, so my trait with route looks like:
case class GraphQlData(query: String, operation: Option[String])
trait FooController {
import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpjson4s.Json4sSupport._
implicit val serialization = jackson.Serialization
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
val fooRoutes = post {
entity(as[GraphQlData]) { data =>
QueryParser.parse(data.query) match {
// query parsed successfully, time to execute it!
case Success(queryAst) =>
complete {
new FooService,
operationName = data.operation
.map(OK -> _)
.recover {
case error: QueryAnalysisError => BadRequest -> error.resolveError
case error: ErrorWithResolver => InternalServerError -> error.resolveError
// can't parse GraphQL query, return error
case Failure(error) =>
complete(BadRequest -> error.getMessage)
implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext
For the life of me I can't figure out what's wrong. I've been looking at sangria-akka-http-example but it seems to be exactly the same, with the exception of using spray-json instead of json4s.
Ideas? Thanks!
Ah, figured it out. I neglected to add
import sangria.marshalling.json4s.jackson._
to the trait defining the route. Adding it does the trick.
Just wanted to provide a quick update to this answer for the full GraphQLRequest. Now the variables are included in the request.
import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpjson4s.Json4sSupport
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JObject
import sangria.marshalling.json4s.jackson._
case class GQLRequest(query: String, operationName: Option[String], variables: JObject)
trait SomeJsonSupport extends Json4sSupport {
implicit val serialization = jackson.Serialization
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
trait GraphQLResource extends SomeJsonSupport{
implicit val timeout:Timeout
implicit val system:ActorSystem
import system.dispatcher
def graphqlRoute: Route =
(post & path("graphql")) {
entity(as[GQLRequest]) { requestJson =>
println(s"This is the requestJson = $requestJson")
} ~
get {
println(s"This is working")
def graphQLEndpoint(requestJson: GQLRequest): Route = {
val route = QueryParser.parse(requestJson.query) match {
case Success(query) =>
println(s"This is the query $query")
val vars = requestJson.variables match {
case jObj:JObject => jObj
case _ => JObject(List.empty)
val futureJValue = Executor.execute(clientSchema,
operationName = requestJson.operationName,
variables = vars)
val futureTupleStatusCodeJValue = futureJValue.map(OK -> _).recover {
case error: QueryAnalysisError => BadRequest -> error.resolveError
case error: ErrorWithResolver => InternalServerError -> error.resolveError
case Failure(error) =>
complete(BadRequest, error.getMessage)

How to dynamically select class type when parsing JSON to object in Play Framework?

The following sample code uses Play Framework to parse JSON to an object:
def createEvent(): Action[JsValue] = Action.async(parse.tolerantJson) {
request => {
request.body.validate[SomeEvent] match {
case o:JsSuccess[SomeEvent] => {
//do something
Is it possible to generalise it so it can handle different event types? e.g.
def createEvent(): Action[JsValue] = Action.async(parse.tolerantJson) {
request => {
val eventType = request.contentType match {
case Some("SomeEventType") => SomeEvent
case Some("OtherEventType") => OtherEvent
request.body.validate[eventType] match {
case o:JsSuccess[eventType] => {
//do something
Currently, the above code will fail in the line request.body.validate[eventType]
You can extract body.validate[T] into a function and call it from your patten matching construct with a proper type, i.e:
def extract[T: JsonFormat](implicit req: Request[AnyContent]) = req.body.valudate[T]
request.contentType match {
case Some("SomeEventType") => extract[SomeEvent]
case Some("OtherEventType") => extract[OtherEvent]
You can read and create class from contentType dynamically. But you can have problem, if will be no implicit Format for extracted type in scope:
error: No Json formatter found for type A. Try to implement an implicit Format for this type.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: models.Bazz
The available data:
package models
case class Bar(name: String)
request.contentType: Option[String] = Some("models.Bar")
incoming body
request.body: JsValue = """{"name": "bar name"}"""
implicit val BarFormat = Json.format[models.Bar]
def extract[A <: Any](ct: String, json: JsValue)(implicit format: Format[A]) = {
val manifest:Manifest[A] = Manifest.classType[A](Class.forName(ct))
request.contentType.map(extract(_, request.body))
res1: Option[play.api.libs.json.JsResult[models.Bar]] = Some(JsSuccess(Bar(bar name),/name))
you can see https://github.com/strongtyped/fun-cqrs/blob/demos/shop-sample/samples/shop/src/main/scala/funcqrs/json/TypedJson.scala for other way of deserializing self-contained json.

How do you write a json4s CustomSerializer that handles collections

I have a class that I am trying to deserialize using the json4s CustomSerializer functionality. I need to do this due to the inability of json4s to deserialize mutable collections.
This is the basic structure of the class I want to deserialize (don't worry about why the class is structured like this):
case class FeatureValue(timestamp:Double)
object FeatureValue{
implicit def ordering[F <: FeatureValue] = new Ordering[F] {
override def compare(a: F, b: F): Int = {
class Point {
val features = new HashMap[String, SortedSet[FeatureValue]]
def add(name:String, value:FeatureValue):Unit = {
val oldValue:SortedSet[FeatureValue] = features.getOrElseUpdate(name, SortedSet[FeatureValue]())
oldValue += value
Json4s serializes this just fine. A serialized instance might look like the following:
I've tried writing a custom deserializer, but I don't know how to deal with the list tails. In a normal matcher you can just call your own function recursively, but in this case the function is anonymous and being called through the json4s API. I cannot find any examples that deal with this and I can't figure it out.
Currently I can match only a single hash key, and a single FeatureValue instance in its value. Here is the CustomSerializer as it stands:
import org.json4s.{FieldSerializer, DefaultFormats, Extraction, CustomSerializer}
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
class PointSerializer extends CustomSerializer[Point](format => (
case JObject(JField("features", JObject(Nil)) :: Nil) => new Point
case JObject(List(("features", JObject(List(
(feature:String, JArray(List(JObject(List(("timestamp",JDouble(ts)))))))))
))) => {
val point = new Point
point.add(feature, FeatureValue(ts))
// don't need to customize this, it works fine
case x: Point => Extraction.decompose(x)(DefaultFormats + FieldSerializer[Point]())
If I try to change to using the :: separated list format, so far I have gotten compiler errors. Even if I didn't get compiler errors, I am not sure what I would do with them.
You can get the list of json features in your pattern match and then map over this list to get the Features and their codes.
class PointSerializer extends CustomSerializer[Point](format => (
case JObject(List(("features", JObject(featuresJson)))) =>
val features = featuresJson.flatMap {
case (code:String, JArray(timestamps)) =>
timestamps.map { case JObject(List(("timestamp",JDouble(ts)))) =>
code -> FeatureValue(ts)
val point = new Point
features.foreach((point.add _).tupled)
}, {
case x: Point => Extraction.decompose(x)(DefaultFormats + FieldSerializer[Point]())
Which deserializes your json as follows :
import org.json4s.native.Serialization.{read, write}
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new PointSerializer
val json = """
val point0 = read[Point]("""{"features": {}}""")
val point1 = read[Point](json)
point0.features // Map()
// Map(
// CODE0 -> TreeSet(FeatureValue(4.8828914447482E8)),
// CODE2 -> TreeSet(FeatureValue(4.8828910097466E8), FeatureValue(4.8828915127325E8)),
// CODE1 -> TreeSet(FeatureValue(4.8828914541333E8))
// )

Is it possible to set Response Code from Marshaller in spray.io?

I have following code snippet where dataService returns Option[LocationDataResult].
I would like to set NotFound when dataService returns None and send the data back in case of Some( ...).
I have following code:
val route: Route = {
pathPrefix("service" / "data") {
pathPrefix( "infobox") {
get {
parameters(('mes.as[String], 'oks.as[String])) {
(me, okr) =>
val resp = dataService.ask(GetocationInfoboxData(me,okr)).mapTo[LocationInfoboxDataResult]
.map(remapInfoboxToResponseObject(_)).map { r =>
r match {
case None => StatusCodes.NotFound
case Some(dataToRespond) => dataToRespond
complete {
implicit val responseMarhaller: Marshaller[LocationInfobox] = Marshaller.of[WikiLocationInfobox](ContentTypes.`application/json`) { (value, contentType, ctx) =>
val result: String = mapper.writeValueAsString(value)
ctx.marshalTo(HttpEntity(contentType, result))
I am not able to find a proper way from marshaller and from route via complete function I am not able to make it work.
Could someone more experienced give me a hint? Am I missing some important concept here?
UPDATE: Error message" Expression of type Future[Object] doesn't conform to expected type ToResponseMarsallable.
The code looks ok, not sure what doesn't work. Try to rewrite it with Spray directives for futures instead of completing the future itself:
val locationData = dataService.ask(GetocationInfoboxData(me,okr)).mapTo[LocationInfoboxDataResult]
onSuccess(locationData.map(remapInfoboxToResponseObject)) {
case None => complete(StatusCodes.NotFound)
case Some(data) => complete(data)
This works for me fine taking advantage of MetaMarshallers
val resp = dataService.ask(GetocationInfoboxData(me, okr)).mapTo[LocationInfoboxDataResult].map(remapInfoboxToResponseObject(_)).map{
r =>
r match {
case None => Left(StatusCodes.NotFound)
case Some(data) => Right(data)