Persistent: How can I get a random record from the database - mongodb

I want to use persistent to fetch a number of records from the database, selected randomly.
My first idea was to have an auto-incremented id field on the model, and fetch records by id. But I quickly concluded that this is probably not a good idea. If for instance some records are deleted, there will be gaps. (in my scenario the data will be more or less static, but it's still vulnerable)
For now the plan is to use mongodb, but this may change, I'm just researching now, the project hasn't started yet.
Some databases have native functions for selecting random records, does persistent support this? Or is there another way to accomplish the same?


Change detection in data from webservice with Hibernate?

My web application periodically fetches data from various different remote web services. The data (array of JSON objects) mostly stays the same, but minor changes and additions/deletions to that array can happen.
The objective is to keep a local database that is up to date with the fetched data. However, I also need to know which objects were modified, added or deleted whenever updating the local database.
Using Hibernate (and assuming nobody else modifies the database), what would be a good strategy to implement this? Would it be a good idea to keep a checksum column for identifying modifications? Table sizes can be up to a few 100 000 rows, but only around 10 000 rows are updated at once.
You can use Hibernate interceptors to gain access to the previous and new property state, but depending on your use case, it might be better to use a CDC solution like Debezium.

Create tables using a predefined schema in REST API call in Springboot

There is a scenario where I need to add entry for every user in a table. There will be around 5-10 records per user and the approximate number of users are approximately 1000. So, if I add the data of every user each day in a single table, the table becomes very heavy and the Read/Write operations in the table would take some time to return the data(which would be mostly for a particular user)
The tech stack for back-end is Spring-boot and PostgreSQL.
Is there any way to create a new table for every user dynamically from the java code and is it really a good way to manage the data, or should all the data should be in a single table.
I'm concerned about the performance of the queries once there are many records in case of a single table holding data for every user.
The model will contain the similar things like userName, userData, time, etc.
Thank you for you time!
Creating one table per user is not a good practice. Based on the information you provided, 10000 rows are created per day. Any RDBMS will be able to perfectly handle this amount of data without any performance issues.
By making use of indexing and partitioning, you will be able to address any potential performance issues.
PS: It is always recommended to define a retention period for data you want to keep in operational database. I am not sure about your use-case, but if possible define a retention period and move older data out of operational table into a backup storage.

Postgres partitioning?

My software runs a cronjob every 30 minutes, which pulls data from Google Analytics / Social networks and inserts the results into a Postgres DB.
The data looks like this:
url text NOT NULL,
rangeStart timestamp NOT NULL,
rangeEnd timestamp NOT NULL,
createdAt timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
(various integer columns)
Since one query returns 10 000+ items, it's obviously not a good idea to store this data in a single table. At this rate, the cronjob will generate about 480 000 records a day and about 14.5 million a month.
I think the solution would be using several tables, for example I could use a specific table to store data generated in a given month: stats_2015_09, stats_2015_10, stats_2015_11 etc.
I know Postgres supports table partitioning. However, I'm new to this concept, so I'm not sure what's the best way to do this. Do I need partitioning in this case, or should I just create these tables manually? Or maybe there is a better solution?
The data will be queried later in various ways, and those queries are expected to run fast.
If I end up with 12-14 tables, each storing 10-20 millions rows, Postgres should be still able to run select statements quickly, right? Inserts don't have to be super fast.
Partitioning is a good idea under various circumstances. Two that come to mind are:
Your queries have a WHERE clause that can be readily mapped onto one or a handful of partitions.
You want a speedy way to delete historical data (dropping a partition is faster than deleting records).
Without knowledge of the types of queries that you want to run, it is difficult to say if partitioning is a good idea.
I think I can say that splitting the data into different tables is a bad idea because it is a maintenance nightmare:
You can't have foreign key references into the table.
Queries spanning multiple tables are cumbersome, so simple questions are hard to answer.
Maintaining tables becomes a nightmare (adding/removing a column).
Permissions have to be carefully maintained, if you have users with different roles.
In any case, the place to start is with Postgres's documentation on partitioning, which is here. I should note that Postgres's implementation is a bit more awkward than in other databases, so you might want to review the documentation for MySQL or SQL Server to get an idea of what it is doing.
Firstly, I would like to challenge the premise of your question:
Since one query returns 10 000+ items, it's obviously not a good idea to store this data in a single table.
As far as I know, there is no fundamental reason why the database would not cope fine with a single table of many millions of rows. At the extreme, if you created a table with no indexes, and simply appended rows to it, Postgres could simply carry on writing these rows to disk until you ran out of storage space. (There may be other limits internally, I'm not sure; but if so, they're big.)
The problems only come when you try to do something with that data, and the exact problems - and therefore exact solutions - depend on what you do.
If you want to regularly delete all rows which were inserted more than a fixed timescale ago, you could partition the data on the createdAt column. The DELETE would then become a very efficient DROP TABLE, and all INSERTs would be routed through a trigger to the "current" partition (or could even by-pass it if your import script was aware of the partition naming scheme). SELECTs, however, would probably not be able to specify a range of createAt values in their WHERE clause, and would thus need to query all partitions and combine the results. The more partitions you keep around at a time, the less efficient this would be.
Alternatively, you might examine the workload on the table and see that all queries either already do, or easily can, explicitly state a rangeStart value. In that case, you could partition on rangeStart, and the query planner would be able to eliminate all but one or a few partitions when planning each SELECT query. INSERTs would need to be routed through a trigger to the appropriate table, and maintenance operations (such as deleting old data that is no longer needed) would be much less efficient.
Or perhaps you know that once rangeEnd becomes "too old" you will no longer need the data, and can get both benefits: partition by rangeEnd, ensure all your SELECT queries explicitly mention rangeEnd, and drop partitions containing data you are no longer interested in.
To borrow Linus Torvald's terminology from git, the "plumbing" for partitioning is built into Postgres in the form of table inheritance, as documented here, but there is little in the way of "porcelain" other than examples in the manual. However, there is a very good extension called pg_partman which provides functions for managing partition sets based on either IDs or date ranges; it's well worth reading through the documentation to understand the different modes of operation. In my case, none quite matched, but forking that extension was significantly easier than writing everything from scratch.
Remember that partitioning does not come free, and if there is no obvious candidate for a column to partition by based on the kind of considerations above, you may actually be better off leaving the data in one table, and considering other optimisation strategies. For instance, partial indexes (CREATE INDEX ... WHERE) might be able to handle the most commonly queried subset of rows; perhaps combined with "covering indexes", where Postgres can return the query results directly from the index without reference to the main table structure ("index-only scans").

How do I structure a NoSQL schema so that I can query for records based on a record property?

Am playing around with various NoSQL databases (redis and couchdb primarily), and have come across a problem:
If I save user data like so:
SET user:5 "{name: \"foobar\", age: 26}"
I can always retrieve it with GET user:5. However, what if I didn't know the user's id but did know their name, and wanted to query to find out the id?
Some ideas we were kicking around involved sending SET usernames:foobar "5" at the same time as the other SET, but because they are not related like in an RDBMS, sloppy code could accidentally cause a data mismatch.
Is there a "standard" way of handling a procedure like this?
The approach you described is pretty much the standard way in Redis.
You are essentially creating an index on usernames. Other systems automatically create such indexes for you, and maintain them as the data changes. With Redis, you have to do that on your own.
Yes, sloppy code will result in data mismatch. That is the cost you pay every time you denormalize or create indexes. You just have to be careful about it.

Calculating price drop Apps or Apps gonna free - App Store

I am working on a Website which is displaying all the apps from the App Store. I am getting AppStore data by their EPF Data Feeds through EPF Importer. In that database I get the pricing of each App for every store. There are dozen of rows in that set of data whose table structure is like:
The retail price of an application.
Name Key Description
export_date The date this application was exported, in milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch.
application_id Y Foreign key to the application table.
retail_price Retail price of the application, or null if the application is not available.
currency_code The ISO3A currency code.
storefront_id Y Foreign key to the storefront table.
This is the table I get now my problem is that I am not getting any way out that how I can calculate the price reduction of apps and the new free apps from this particular dataset. Can any one have idea how can I calculate it?
Any idea or answer will be highly appreciated.
I tried to store previous data and the current data and then tried to match it. Problem is the table is itself too large and comparing is causing JOIN operation which makes the query execution time to more than a hour which I cannot afford. there are approx 60, 000, 000 rows in the table
With these fields you can't directly determine price drops or new application. You'll have to insert these in your own database, and determine the differences from there. In a relational database like MySQL this isn't too complex:
To determine which applications are new, you can add your own column "first_seen", and then query your database to show all objects where the first_seen column is no longer then a day away.
To calculate price drops you'll have to calculate the difference between the retail_price of the current import, and the previous import.
Since you've edited your question, my edited answer:
It seems like you're having storage/performance issues, and you know what you want to achieve. To solve this you'll have to start measuring and debugging: with datasets this large you'll have to make sure you have the correct indexes. Profiling your queries should helping in finding out if they do.
And probably, your environment is "write once a day", and read "many times a minute". (I'm guessing you're creating a website). So you could speed up the frontend by processing the differences (price drops and new application) on import, rather than when displaying on the website.
If you still are unable to solve this, I suggest you open a more specific question, detailing your DBMS, queries, etc, so the real database administrators will be able to help you. 60 million rows are a lot, but with the correct indexes it should be no real trouble for a normal database system.
Compare the table with one you've downloaded the previous day, and note the differences.
For only 60 million items, and on a contemporary PC, you should be able to store a sorted array of the store id numbers and previous prices in memory, and do an array lookup faster than the data is arriving from the network feed. Mark any differences found and double-check them against the DB in post-processing.
Actually I also trying to play with these data, and I think best approach for you base on data from Apple.
You have 2 type of data : full and incremental (updated data daily). So within new data from incremental (not really big as full) you can compare only which record updated and insert them into another table to determine pricing has changed.
So you have a list of records (app, song, video...) updated daily with price has change, just get data from new table you created instead of compare or join them from various tables.