How to calculate YTD and MTD in mongodb? - mongodb

How to calculate Month-To-Date(MTD) and Year-To-Date(YTD) in mongodb in a single query? sample data below, in this data requestedOn is a date field, I want to calculate MTD & YTD, on the assumption of financial year on "1st Jan of the year"(For example financial year for year 2016 is "01-Jan-2016" :
"_id": {
"$oid": "5808578b33fa6f161c9747f8"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2000-03-01",
"bookName": "Test6",
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"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Taste"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5808578b33fa6f161c9747f9"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2000-03-01",
"bookName": "Test1",
"revenue": 11.0,
"unitsSold": 2,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Taste"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5808578b33fa6f161c9747fa"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2000-06-01",
"bookName": "Test2",
"revenue": 12.0,
"unitsSold": 3,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Taste"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5808578b33fa6f161c9747fb"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2000-07-01",
"bookName": "Test3",
"revenue": 13.0,
"unitsSold": 4,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Taste"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5808578b33fa6f161c9747fc"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2009-09-01",
"bookName": "Test4",
"revenue": 14.0,
"unitsSold": 5,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Taste"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5808578b33fa6f161c9747fd"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2009-06-01",
"bookName": "Test5",
"revenue": 15.0,
"unitsSold": 6,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Taste"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5808578b33fa6f161c9747fe"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2004-06-01",
"bookName": "Test10",
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"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Taste"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5808578b33fa6f161c9747ff"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2000-01-01",
"bookName": "Test11",
"revenue": 100.0,
"unitsSold": 100,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages/Bartending"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Taste"
"_id": {
"$oid": "580857b833fa6f0c3499e462"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2000-02-01",
"bookName": "Test1",
"revenue": 20.0,
"unitsSold": 10,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"_id": {
"$oid": "580857b833fa6f0c3499e463"
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"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
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"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
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"requestedOn": "2001-02-01",
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"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
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"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2007-06-01",
"bookName": "Test4",
"revenue": 17.0,
"unitsSold": 7,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"_id": {
"$oid": "580857b833fa6f0c3499e466"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2005-06-01",
"bookName": "Test5",
"revenue": 16.0,
"unitsSold": 6,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"_id": {
"$oid": "580857b833fa6f0c3499e467"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2004-06-01",
"bookName": "Test1",
"revenue": 15.0,
"unitsSold": 5,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"_id": {
"$oid": "580857b833fa6f0c3499e468"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2002-06-01",
"bookName": "Test2",
"revenue": 14.0,
"unitsSold": 4,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"_id": {
"$oid": "580857b833fa6f0c3499e469"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2001-06-01",
"bookName": "Test3",
"revenue": 13.0,
"unitsSold": 3,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"_id": {
"$oid": "580857b833fa6f0c3499e46a"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2000-06-01",
"bookName": "Test4",
"revenue": 12.0,
"unitsSold": 2,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"
"_id": {
"$oid": "580857b833fa6f0c3499e46b"
"_class": "exceltest.TestBean",
"requestedOn": "2008-06-01",
"bookName": "Test5",
"revenue": 11.0,
"unitsSold": 1,
"bookCategory": [
"categoryCode": "Cooking/"
"categoryCode": "Cooking/Beverages"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/"
"categoryCode": "Food Receipe/Bartending"

It is a good practice to keep dates in MongoDB in its native dateformat ISODate().
You can use date formats like $year,$month,$day,$hour etc.
These can be used for grouping , in your case:
to convert string to ISODate , answers can be found at
- [][2]
- [][2]


MongoDB aggregation re-group deep nested array of objects

Good day all,
I need some help figuring out this aggregation issue. I have a document with nested arrays where I want to perform lookups on the nested array's values after which I want to restore the document to its original structure. see below:
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"product": {
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"pro_int": [
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"description": "Moderate"
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"description": "Lats"
"itemID": 10,
"description": "Lower Back"
"itemID": 11,
"description": "Middle Back"
"target_are": [
"itemID": 3,
"description": "Back"
"items": {
"itemid": 495,
"target_are": [
"itemID": 3,
"description": "Back"
"target_mus": [
"itemID": 11,
"description": "Middle Back"
"nbr_ref": 3,
"int_rec": "10~12",
"type_rec": [
"itemID": 14,
"description": "Straight Set"
"tempo": "1-1-1-1",
"rest_time": 90,
"note": "",
"order": null,
"pro_dur": 414,
"_id": "63caa1568d47745ae5589b26",
"status": 0,
"pct_complete": 0,
"set": []
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"status": 0,
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"_id": "63ca9b8e8d47745ae558994b"
"_id": "63c7fec2fe9afea23afdbcf0"
"title": "Short Title text here",
"itemID": "bodyfyme882212-1674051266.214",
"__v": 32
Now i want to get the document back to this structure using aggregation.
"_id": "63c7fec2fe9afea23afdbcef",
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"image_link": "avatar_image_linl",
"description": ["Some description text here"],
"source": "community",
"standard": "imperial",
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"base_a": 47,
"base_w": 220,
"base_h": 71.65,
"status": "draft",
"date_created": "2023-01-18T14:14:26.201Z",
"product_plan": {
"p_len": 4,
"p_fre": 1,
"p_qua": 4,
"avg_len": 3583,
"total_wor": 16,
"total_exe": 128,
// Group plan here by product_plan._id
"plan": [
"field_we": 1,
"field_da": 1,
"field_ti": 1,
"field_rest_we": false,
"field_rest_da": false,
"product": {
"name": "W111",
"comment": {
"en": ""
"pro_diff": [
"itemID": 2,
"description": "Intermediate"
"pro_int": [
"itemID": 2,
"description": "Moderate"
"pro_dur": 3736,
"nbr_exe": 8,
"target_mus": [
"itemID": 1,
"description": "Adominorus"
"itemID": 16,
"description": "Tricerus"
"itemID": 5,
"description": "Chiwawak"
"target_are": [
"itemID": 1,
"description": "Adominorus"
"itemID": 4,
"description": "Chiwawak"
"itemID": 2,
"description": "Amanus"
// group items by plan._id
"items": [
"itemid": 44,
"target_are": [
"itemID": 4,
"description": "Chiwawak"
"target_mus": [
"itemID": 5,
"description": "Chiwawak"
"nbr_ref": 4,
"int_rec": "06~10",
"type_rec": [
"itemID": 14,
"description": "Straight Set"
"tempo": "1-1-1-1",
"rest_time": 90,
"note": "",
"order": null,
"pro_dur": 520,
"_id": "63ca9b798d47745ae5589906",
"status": 0,
"pct_complete": 0,
"set": []
"itemid": 339,
"target_are": [
"itemID": 4,
"description": "Chiwawak"
"target_mus": [
"itemID": 5,
"description": "Chiwawak"
"nbr_ref": 3,
"int_rec": "06~10",
"type_rec": [
"itemID": 14,
"description": "Straight Set"
"tempo": "1-1-1-1",
"rest_time": 90,
"note": "",
"order": null,
"pro_dur": 390,
"_id": "63ca9b798d47745ae5589907",
"status": 0,
"pct_complete": 0,
"set": []
"isCustomName": false,
"status": 0,
"pct_complete": 0
"_id": "63ca95368d47745ae558985e"
"field_we": 1,
"field_da": 2,
"field_ti": 1,
"field_rest_we": false,
"field_rest_da": false,
"product": {
"name": "W121",
"comment": {
"en": ""
"pro_diff": [
"itemID": 2,
"description": "Intermediate"
"pro_int": [
"itemID": 2,
"description": "Moderate"
"pro_dur": 2674,
"nbr_exe": 6,
"target_mus": [
"itemID": 9,
"description": "Lats"
"itemID": 10,
"description": "Lower Back"
"itemID": 11,
"description": "Middle Back"
"target_are": [
"itemID": 3,
"description": "Back"
// group items by plan._id
"items": [
"itemid": 47,
"target_are": [
"itemID": 3,
"description": "Back"
"target_mus": [
"itemID": 10,
"description": "Lower Back"
"nbr_ref": 4,
"int_rec": "06~10",
"type_rec": [
"itemID": 14,
"description": "Straight Set"
"tempo": "1-1-1-1",
"rest_time": 90,
"note": "",
"order": null,
"pro_dur": 520,
"_id": "63caa1568d47745ae5589b25",
"status": 0,
"pct_complete": 0,
"set": []
"itemid": 495,
"target_are": [
"itemID": 3,
"description": "Back"
"target_mus": [
"itemID": 11,
"description": "Middle Back"
"nbr_ref": 3,
"int_rec": "10~12",
"type_rec": [
"itemID": 14,
"description": "Straight Set"
"tempo": "1-1-1-1",
"rest_time": 90,
"note": "",
"order": null,
"pro_dur": 414,
"_id": "63caa1568d47745ae5589b26",
"status": 0,
"pct_complete": 0,
"set": []
"isCustomName": false,
"status": 0,
"pct_complete": 0
"_id": "63ca9b8e8d47745ae558994b"
"_id": "63c7fec2fe9afea23afdbcf0"
"title": "Short Title text here",
"itemID": "bodyfyme882212-1674051266.214",
"__v": 32
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Vega custom tooltip data visualisation

Could anyone help be to develop a tooltip at line chart that looks like this?
Here is my spec at Vega Lite Editor.
Tooltips work on key:value pairs. If you amend your input data to an object of key value pairs and create a flatten transform, you can achieve your desired behaviour. I have changed all the tooltips below to be identical for speed but you should see the pattern.
"description": "Total Count line chart.",
"width": 1200,
"height": 450,
"padding": 5,
"signals": [{"name": "interpolate", "value": "linear"}],
"legends": [
"fill": "color",
"orient": "bottom",
"direction": "horizontal",
"symbolType": "square"
"data": [
"name": "table",
"values": [
"x": 0,
"y": 30,
"c": "Passenger Vessel",
"tooltip": [
"title": "My Title",
"Tall Ship": 0,
"Sailing Yacht": 10,
"Super Yacht": 20,
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Flutter Http response body from String to List of Object

Hi I am currently trying to fetch some data from an API, for later casting it to my Object Class.
The json answer i receive is instead of a list, directly a String.
"00-01": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "00-01",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 617.5,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"01-02": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "01-02",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 640.05,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"02-03": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "02-03",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 670.26,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"03-04": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "03-04",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 683.64,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"04-05": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "04-05",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 692.88,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"05-06": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "05-06",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 681.87,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"06-07": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "06-07",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 624.35,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"07-08": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "07-08",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 624.82,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"08-09": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "08-09",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 623.24,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"09-10": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "09-10",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 558.55,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"10-11": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "10-11",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 511.3,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"11-12": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "11-12",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 493.36,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"12-13": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "12-13",
"is-cheap": true,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 484.42,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"13-14": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "13-14",
"is-cheap": true,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 487.58,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"14-15": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "14-15",
"is-cheap": true,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 426.72,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"15-16": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "15-16",
"is-cheap": true,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 418.28,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"16-17": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "16-17",
"is-cheap": true,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 422.18,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"17-18": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "17-18",
"is-cheap": true,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 430.63,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"18-19": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "18-19",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": true,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 495.26,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"19-20": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "19-20",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 579.65,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"20-21": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "20-21",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 614.08,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"21-22": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "21-22",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 625.97,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"22-23": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "22-23",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 582.99,
"units": "€/Mwh"
"23-24": {
"date": "24-08-2022",
"hour": "23-24",
"is-cheap": false,
"is-under-avg": false,
"market": "PVPC",
"price": 617.25,
"units": "€/Mwh"
I would like to cast that result into a LightHours, where every one would be a class Hour inside.
My main ideas was to get a List<LightHours> = {Hours,...}
Also I have tried to do the following: LightPrice lightPrice = LightPrice.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body)); but it only gets me every field as null.
But using the json to Dart converter it doesn't allow me.
How could i convert that response into both objects classes?
Something like this maybe works:
List<LightPrice> list = (jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String,
Map<String, dynamic>>)<LightPrice>((value) =>
//your json string
String jsonString = json.encode(data);
//convert json string to list
List<String> newData = List<String>.from(json.decode(jsonString));
this will help to convert

Flutter: Populate listview with headers and items from complex list

I have following List:
"ID": "1",
"ParentID": "0",
"CategoryName": "FourWheeler",
"Children": [
"ID": "9",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Jeep",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "10",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Taxi",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "11",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Car",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "12",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Van",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "13",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Other",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "2",
"ParentID": "0",
"CategoryName": "Boat",
"Children": [
"ID": "14",
"ParentID": "2",
"CategoryName": "Motorboat",
"ParentCategoryName": "Boat"
"ID": "15",
"ParentID": "2",
"CategoryName": "Sailingboat",
"ParentCategoryName": "Boat"
"ID": "16",
"ParentID": "2",
"CategoryName": "SteamBoat",
"ParentCategoryName": "Boat"
"ID": "17",
"ParentID": "2",
"CategoryName": "Other",
"ParentCategoryName": "Boat"
I need to populate ListView on the basis of this list. We should have listview populated such a way that there are headers and each headers will have their respective items.
For Example, ListView should look something like,
For simple list like this:
List Fruits = ['Apple','Orange','Kiwi','Avocado'];
I would have done like this<Widget>((fruit)=>Container(child: Text(fruit))).toList();
But I don't know how to deal with the scenario I have. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
This is one way you can populate a ListView as you have described:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: ListView(
children: [
for (final header in data) ...[
ListTile(title: Text('**${header['CategoryName']}**')),
for (final item in header['Children'] ?? [])
ListTile(title: Text(' ${item['CategoryName']}')),
const List<Map<String, dynamic>> data = [
"ID": "1",
"ParentID": "0",
"CategoryName": "FourWheeler",
"Children": [
"ID": "9",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Jeep",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "10",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Taxi",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "11",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Car",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "12",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Van",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "13",
"ParentID": "1",
"CategoryName": "Other",
"ParentCategoryName": "FourWheeler"
"ID": "2",
"ParentID": "0",
"CategoryName": "Boat",
"Children": [
"ID": "14",
"ParentID": "2",
"CategoryName": "Motorboat",
"ParentCategoryName": "Boat"
"ID": "15",
"ParentID": "2",
"CategoryName": "Sailingboat",
"ParentCategoryName": "Boat"
"ID": "16",
"ParentID": "2",
"CategoryName": "SteamBoat",
"ParentCategoryName": "Boat"
"ID": "17",
"ParentID": "2",
"CategoryName": "Other",
"ParentCategoryName": "Boat"
You could also group each header with something like an ExpansionTile:
children: [
for (final header in data)
title: Text('**${header['CategoryName']}**'),
children: [
for (final item in header['Children'] ?? [])
ListTile(title: Text(' ${item['CategoryName']}')),

Issues with geo indexes in mongodb

We have a collection of ~1M items that we query using the $nearSphere selector. It takes around between 3 seconds and 20 seconds to return 200 items.
From the explain plan of the request, we can see that is going through the same index 6 times.
Is it the expected behavior of mongodb query planner?
We would like to know if there is a way to force mongo to filter first by some field like endDate to reduce the set and then use $nearSphere?
On our monitoring system we can see some pagefault and assert but they might be related to the lack of IOPS of our hard drive.
Thank you for your help.
Here is the explan plan (I removed the rejected plans and troncates the BinData lines)
"queryPlanner": {
"plannerVersion": 1.0,
"namespace": "myCollection.Post",
"indexFilterSet": false,
"parsedQuery": {
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"$or": [
"availableToUsers": {
"$eq": "M76zJCedq4"
"$nor": [
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"$exists": true
"startDate": {
"$lt": ISODate(
"availableSubmitNumber": {
"$gt": 0.0
"endDate": {
"$gt": ISODate(
"name": {
"$in": ["Post1", "Post2"]
"$nor": [
"acceptedByUserId": {
"$eq": "M76zJCedq4"
"locationGeoPoint": {
"$nearSphere": [
"winningPlan": {
"stage": "FETCH",
"filter": {
"$and": [
"$or": [
"availableToUsers": {
"$eq": "M76zJCedq4"
"$nor": [
"availableToUsers": {
"$exists": true
"$nor": [
"acceptedByUserId": {
"$eq": "M76zJCedq4"
"inputStage": {
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"$gt": ISODate(
"startDate": {
"$lt": ISODate(
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"$gt": 0.0
"name": {
"$in": ["Post1", "Post2"]
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"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
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"$gt": ISODate(
"startDate": {
"$lt": ISODate(
"availableSubmitNumber": {
"$gt": 0.0
"name": {
"$in": ["Post1", "Post2"]
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"availableSubmitNumber": {
"$gt": 0.0
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"port": 27017.0,
"version": "4.0.3",
"gitVersion": "7ea530946fa7880364d88c8d8b6026bbc9ffa48c"
"ok": 1.0,
"operationTime": Timestamp(1551940718,
"$clusterTime": {
"clusterTime": Timestamp(1551940718,
"signature": {
"hash": BinData(0,
"keyId": NumberLong(0)