quicksort in ML - quicksort

Without using case expressions (that comes in the next section of the class), I can't see why the following doesn't do a quicksort. It goes into a loop somewhere and never ends.
splitAt and append have already been thorughly tested, but here are the codes for them.
fun append(xs, ys) =
if null xs
then ys
else (hd xs) :: append(tl xs, ys)
fun splitAt(xs : int list, x : int) =
fun sp(ys : int list, more : int list, less : int list) =
if null ys
then (more, less)
if hd ys < x
then sp(tl ys, more, append(less, [hd ys]))
else sp(tl ys, append(more, [hd ys]), less)
sp(xs, [], [])
fun qsort(xs : int list) =
if length xs <= 1
then xs
val s = splitAt(xs, hd xs)
qsort(append(#2 s, #1 s))
And I get the same problem using append(qsort(#2 s), qsort(#1 s)), but I though the former was better style since it only require a single recursion with each round.
I guess I should say that 'splitAt' divides the list into greater than or equal to the second argument, and less than, and creates a tuple). Append concatenates 2 lists.
PS: This is only a practice problem, not a test or homework.

It goes into a loop somewhere and never ends.
Your problem is most likely qsort being called on a list that does not reduce in size upon recursive call. Perhaps go with append(qsort (#2 s), qsort (#1 s)). But even then, can you be sure that each of #1 s and #2 s will always reduce in size?
Ideally you should supply splitAt and append since they're not library functions. You might consider using the built-in append called # and the built-in List.partition to form splitAt.
Compare against this one found somewhere on the interwebs:
fun quicksort [] = []
| quicksort (x::xs) =
val (left, right) = List.partition (fn y => y < x) xs
quicksort left # [x] # quicksort right

Since this isn't homework ...
Note that if xs = [1,2] then splitAt(xs hd xs) returns ([1,2],[]) so the attempt to sort [1,2] by this version of qsort reduces to ... sorting [1,2] again. That will never terminate.
Instead, I would advocate applying splitAt to the tail of the xs. A minimal tweak to your code is to leave append and splitAt alone but to rewrite qsort as:
fun qsort(xs : int list) =
if length xs <= 1
then xs
val s = splitAt(tl xs, hd xs)
append(qsort(#2 s), (hd xs) :: qsort(#1 s))
Then, for example,
- qsort [4,2,1,2,3,6,4,7];
val it = [1,2,2,3,4,4,6,7] : int list
It is crucial that you apply qsort twice then append the results. Tryng to apply qsort once to the appended split would be trying to reduce qsort to applying qsort to a list which is the same size as the original list.
SML really becomes fun when you get to pattern matching. You should enjoy the next chapter.


multiplication of two binary numbers

I need to do the function that multiplicates two binary numbers represented by a list of booleans.
Here what I wrote :
Fixpoint brmul_r (x y res: list bool): list bool :=
match x,y,res with
|x,y,res-> if value x >0 then res else if (value x) mod 2 = 0 then brmul_r ((value x/2) (value y*2) (badd res y))
else brmul_r (x y*2 res)
but it doesn't work.. what should I do?
Thank you in advance!
There are many problems with that code:
Syntax error: you want to use => instead of -> inside the match.
Actually, you are not taking advantage of the patter matching, so you can remove it entirely and start your definition with if ....
Then Coq complains that _ > _ has type Prop. You need to use the boolean version _ <? _ instead, and the same for the equality later: _ =? _ instead of _ = _.
In brmul_r ((value x/2) (value y*2) (badd res y)), the outer brackets are not supposed to be there; brmul_r is supposed to receive three arguments, not one argument, and similarly for brmul_r (x y*2 res)
What do you mean by value x/2? Is it value (x / 2) or (value x) / 2? The former does not type-check unless you redefined the _ / _ notation to work over lists of booleans. But the latter has type nat, and brmul_r expects something of type list bool, so it doesn't work either. A similar observation holds for value y*2.
This is not something Coq complains about yet (the problem in 5 would have to be solved first), but it will not be clear for Coq that your definition terminates, since you are using brmul_r to define brmul_r and feeding it non-structurally decreasing arguments. In fact, you even feed it increasing arguments in the final branch (I'm talking about brmul_r x y*2 res).
So what should one do? Convincing Coq that the function terminates is the real issue here, the rest is just confusion over syntax. Since this is a function on lists, it should recurse on the list structure, so it should have the following basic shape (I am assuming the context of Require Import List. Import ListNotations.):
Fixpoint brmul_r (xs ys : list bool) : list bool :=
match xs with
| [] => (* TODO *)
| hd :: tl => (* TODO *)
Assuming the first element of the list is the least significant bit, it will be useful to match on it as well, so the structure becomes:
Fixpoint brmul_r (xs ys : list bool) : list bool :=
match xs with
| [] => (* TODO *)
| false :: tl => (* TODO *)
| true :: tl => (* TODO *)
Now the goal is to express the product of false :: tl with ys when we already know the product of tl with ys. Translating to numbers (for intuition's sake), we want to find (2 * (value tl)) * (value ys) when we already know how to compute (value tl) * (value ys). Putting it like this, it becomes clear that we just need to duplicate the result of the latter. Going back to our list representation, we observe that duplicating corresponds to preppending false, so we can update our definition as follows:
Fixpoint brmul_r (xs ys : list bool) : list bool :=
match xs with
| [] => (* TODO *)
| false :: tl => false :: brmul_r tl ys
| true :: tl => (* TODO *)
Now you can use the same reasoning to complete the function.
For the future:
Please include the necessary context. In this case it would be the modules you imported and the custom defined functions such as value.
It might be useful to follow a Coq tutorial to help with all the syntax issues and with the intuitions behind recursive and functional programming. Software Foundations is very good. There are also others.
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Why does Haskell's foldr NOT stackoverflow while the same Scala implementation does?

I am reading FP in Scala.
Exercise 3.10 says that foldRight overflows (See images below).
As far as I know , however foldr in Haskell does not.
-- if the list is empty, the result is the initial value z; else
-- apply f to the first element and the result of folding the rest
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
-- if the list is empty, the result is the initial value; else
-- we recurse immediately, making the new initial value the result
-- of combining the old initial value with the first element.
foldl f z [] = z
foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs
How is this different behaviour possible?
What is the difference between the two languages/compilers that cause this different behaviour?
Where does this difference come from ? The platform ? The language? The compiler?
Is it possible to write a stack-safe foldRight in Scala? If yes, how?
Haskell is lazy. The definition
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
tells us that the behaviour of foldr f z xs with a non-empty list xs is determined by the laziness of the combining function f.
In particular the call foldr f z (x:xs) allocates just one thunk on the heap, {foldr f z xs} (writing {...} for a thunk holding an expression ...), and calls f with two arguments - x and the thunk. What happens next, is f's responsibility.
In particular, if it's a lazy data constructor (like e.g. (:)), it will immediately be returned to the caller of the foldr call (with the constructor's two slots filled by (references to) the two values).
And if f does demand its value on the right, with minimal compiler optimizations no thunks should be created at all (or one, at the most - the current one), as the value of foldr f z xs is immediately needed and the usual stack-based evaluation can used:
foldr f z [a,b,c,....,n] ==
a `f` (b `f` (c `f` (... (n `f` z)...)))
So foldr can indeed cause SO, when used with strict combining function on extremely long input lists. But if the combining function doesn't demand right away its value on the right, or only demands a part of it, the evaluation will be suspended in a thunk, and the partial result as created by f will be immediately returned. Same with the argument on the left, but they already come as thunks, potentially, in the input list.
Haskell is lazy. So foldr allocates on the heap, not the stack. Depending on the strictness of the argument function, it may allocate a single (small) result, or a large structure.
You're still losing space, compared to a strict, tail-recursive implementation, but it doesn't look as obvious, since you've traded stack for heap.
Note that the authors here are not referring to any foldRight definition in the scala standard library, such as the one defined on List. They are referring to the definition of foldRight they gave above in section 3.4.
The scala standard library defines the foldRight in terms of foldLeft by reversing the list (which can be done in constant stack space) then calling foldLeft with the the arguments of the passed function reversed. This works for lists, but won't work for a structure which cannot be safely reversed, for example:
scala> Stream.continually(false)
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Boolean] = Stream(false, ?)
scala> res0.reverse
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Now lets think about what should be the result of this operation:
Stream.continually(false).foldRight(true)(_ && _)
The answer should be false, it doesn't matter how many false values are in the stream or if it is infinite, if we are going to combine them with a conjunction, the result will be false.
haskell of course gets this with no problem:
Prelude> foldr (&&) True (repeat False)
And that is because of two important things: haskell's foldr will traverse the stream from left to right, not right to left, and haskell is lazy by default. The first item here, that foldr actually traverses the list from left to right might surprise or confuse some people who think of a right fold as starting from the right, but the important feature of a right fold is not which end of a structure it starts on, but in which direction the associativity is. So give a list [1,2,3,4] and an op named op, a left fold is
((1 op 2) op 3) op 4)
and a right fold is
(1 op (2 op (3 op 4)))
But the order of evaluation shouldn't matter. So what the authors have done here in chapter 3 is to give you a fold which traverses the list from left to right, but because scala is by default strict, we still will not be able to traverse our stream of infinite falses, but have some patience, they will get to that in chapter 5 :) I'll give you a sneak peek, lets look at the difference between foldRight as it is defined in the standard library and as it is defined in the Foldable typeclass in scalaz:
Here's the implementation from the scala standard library:
def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B
Here's the definition from scalaz's Foldable:
def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B
The difference is that the Bs are all lazy, and now we get to fold our infinite stream again, as long as we give a function which is sufficiently lazy in its second parameter:
scala> Foldable[Stream].foldRight(Stream.continually(false),true)(_ && _)
res0: Boolean = false
One easy way to demonstrate this in Haskell is to use equational reasoning to demonstrate lazy evaluation. Let's write the find function in terms of foldr:
-- Return the first element of the list that satisfies the predicate, or `Nothing`.
find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
find p = foldr (step p) Nothing
where step pred x next = if pred x then Just x else next
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
In an eager language, if you wrote find with foldr it would traverse the whole list and use O(n) space. With lazy evaluation, it stops at the first element that satisfies the predicate, and uses only O(1) space (modulo garbage collection):
find odd [0..]
== foldr (step odd) Nothing [0..]
== step odd 0 (foldr (step odd) Nothing [1..])
== if odd 0 then Just 0 else (foldr (step odd) Nothing [1..])
== if False then Just 0 else (foldr (step odd) Nothing [1..])
== foldr (step odd) Nothing [1..]
== step odd 1 (foldr (step odd) Nothing [2..])
== if odd 1 then Just 1 else (foldr (step odd) Nothing [2..])
== if True then Just 1 else (foldr (step odd) Nothing [2..])
== Just 1
This evaluation stops in a finite number of steps, in spite of the fact that the list [0..] is infinite, so we know that we're not traversing the whole list. In addition, there is an upper bound on the complexity of the expressions at each step, which translates into a constant upper bound on the memory required to evaluate this.
The key here is that the step function that we're folding with has this property: no matter what the values of x and next are, it will either:
Evaluate to Just x, without invoking the next thunk, or
Tail-call the next thunk (in effect, if not literally).

Evaluating Performance of Functions

The "oneToEach" function adds 1 to each element of a List[Int]. The first function is not tail recursive, whereas the latter is.
If I had a one million length List[Int] that I passed in to these 2 functions, which one would perform better? Better = faster or less resource usage.
// Add one to each element of a list
def oneToEach(l: List[Int]) : List[Int] =
l match {
case Nil => l
case x :: xs => (x + 1) :: oneToEach(xs)
def oneToEachTR(l: List[Int]) : List[Int] = {
def go(l: List[Int], acc: List[Int]) : List[Int] =
l match {
case Nil => acc
case x :: xs => go(xs, acc :+ (x + 1))
go(l, List[Int]())
If I understand, the first function has algorithmic complexity of O(n) since it's necessary to recurse through each item of the list and add 1.
For oneToEachTR, it uses the :+ operator, which, I've read, is O(n) complexity. As a result of using this operator per recursion/item in the list, does the worst-case algorithm complexity become O(2*n)?
Lastly, for the million-element List, will the latter function perform better with respect to resources since it's tail-recursive?
For oneToEachTR, it uses the :+ operator, which, I've read, is O(n) complexity. As a result of using this operator per recursion/item in the list, does the worst-case algorithm complexity become O(2*n)?
no, it becomes O(n^2)
Tail recursion won't save a O(n^2) algorithm vs O(n) for sufficiently large n; 1 million is certainly sufficient!
Why O(n^2)?
You've got a list of n elements.
The first call to :+ will traverse 0 elements (acc is is initially empty) and append 1: 1 operation.
The second call will traverse 1 element and append 1: 2 operations
The third call.. 2 elements + append 1: 3 operations
The sum of all "operations" is 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n(n+1)/2 = (1/2)n^2 + n/2. That's "in the order of" n^2, or O(n^2).

Faster code for 'distinct' on lists

This question refers to code generation with the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover.
When I export code for the distinct function on lists
export_code distinct in Scala file -
I get the following code
def member[A : HOL.equal](x0: List[A], y: A): Boolean = (x0, y) match {
case (Nil, y) => false
case (x :: xs, y) => HOL.eq[A](x, y) || member[A](xs, y)
def distinct[A : HOL.equal](x0: List[A]): Boolean = x0 match {
case Nil => true
case x :: xs => ! (member[A](xs, x)) && distinct[A](xs)
This code has quadratic runtime. Is there a faster version available? I think of something like importing "~~/src/HOL/Library/Code_Char" for strings at the beginning of my theory and efficient code generation for lists is set up.
A better implementation for distinct would be to sort the list in O(n log n) and iterate over the list once. But I guess one can do better?
Anyway, is there a faster implementation for distinct and maybe other functions from Main available?
I do not know of any faster implementation in Isabelle2013's library, but you can easily do it yourself as follows:
Implement a function distinct_sorted that determines distinctness on sorted lists.
Prove that distinct_sorted indeed implements distinct on sorted lists
Prove a lemma that implements distinct via distinct_list and sorting, and declare it as the new code equation for distinct.
In summary, this looks as follows:
context linorder begin
fun distinct_sorted :: "'a list => bool" where
"distinct_sorted [] = True"
| "distinct_sorted [x] = True"
| "distinct_sorted (x#y#xs) = (x ~= y & distinct_sorted (y#xs))"
lemma distinct_sorted: "sorted xs ==> distinct_sorted xs = distinct xs"
by(induct xs rule: distinct_sorted.induct)(auto simp add: sorted_Cons)
lemma distinct_sort [code]: "distinct xs = distinct_sorted (sort xs)"
by(simp add: distinct_sorted)
Next, you need an efficient sorting algorithm. By default, sort uses insertion sort. If you import Multiset from HOL/Library, sort will be implemented by quicksort. If you import Efficient Mergesort from the Archive of Formal Proofs, you get merge sort.
While this can improve efficiency, there's also a snag: After the above declarations, you can execute distinct only on lists whose elements are instances of the type class linorder. As this refinement happens only inside the code generator, your definitions and theorems in Isabelle are not affected.
For example, to apply distinct to a list of lists in any code equation, you first have to define a linear order on lists: List_lexord in HOL/Library does so by picking the lexicographic order, but this requires a linear order on the elements. If you want to use string, which abbreviates char list, Char_ord defines the usual order on char. If you map characters to the character type of the target language with Code_Char, you also need the adaptation theory Code_Char_ord for the combination with Char_ord.

Explain some scala code - beginner

I've encountered this scala code and I'm trying to work out what its doing except the fact it returns an int. I'm unsure of these three lines :
l match {
case h :: t =>
case _ => 0
Function :
def iterate(l: List[Int]): Int =
l match {
case h :: t =>
if (h > n) 0
case _ => 0
First, you define a function called iterate and you specified the return type as Int. It has arity 1, parameter l of type List[Int].
The List type is prominent throughout functional programming, and it's main characteristics being that it has efficient prepend and that it is easy to decompose any List into a head and tail. The head would be the first element of the list (if non-empty) and the tail would be the rest of the List(which itself is a List) - this becomes useful for recursive functions that operate on List.
The match is called pattern matching.. it's essentially a switch statement in the C-ish languages, but much more powerful - the switch restricts you to constants (at least in C it does), but there is no such restriction with match.
Now, your first case you have h :: t - the :: is called a "cons", another term from functional programming. When you create a new List from another List via a prepend, you can use the :: operator to do it.
val oldList = List(1, 2, 3)
val newList = 0 :: oldList // newList == List(0, 1, 2, 3)
In Scala, operators that end with a : are really a method of the right hand side, so 0 :: oldList is the equivalent of oldList.::(0) - the 0 :: oldList is syntactic sugar that makes it easier to read.
We could've defined oldList like
val oldList = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil
where Nil represents an empty List. Breaking this down into steps:
3 :: Nil is evaluated first, creating the equivalent of a List(3) which has head 3 and empty tail.
2 is prepended to the above list, creative a new list with head 2 and tail List(3).
1 is prepended, creating a new list with head 1 and tail List(2, 3).
The resulting List of List(1, 2, 3) is assigned to the val oldList.
Now when you use :: to pattern match you essentially decompose a List into a head and tail, like the reverse of how we created the List above. Here when you do
l match {
case h :: t => ...
you are saying decompose l into a head and tail if possible. If you decompose successfully, you can then use these h and t variables to do whatever you want.. typically you would do something like act on h and call the recursive function on t.
One thing to note here is that your code will not compile.. you do an if (h > n) 0 but there is no explicit else so what happens is your code looks like this to the compiler:
if (h > n) 0
else { }
which has type AnyVal (the common supertype of 0 and "nothing"), a violation of your Int guarentee - you're going to have to add an else branch with some failure value or something.
The second case _ => is like a default in the switch, it catches anything that failed the head/tail decomposition in your first case.
Your code essentially does this:
Take the l List parameter and see if it can be decomposed into a head and tail.
If it can be, compare the head against (what I assume to be) a variable in the outer scope called n. If it is greater than n, the function returns 0. (You need to add what happens if it's not greater)
If it cannot be decomposed, the function returns 0.
This is called pattern matching. It's like a switch statement, but more powerful.
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