How to modify the last 3 bits of signed numbers - matlab

When I apply the function dwt2() on an image, I get the four subband coefficients. By choosing any of the four subbands, I work with a 2D matrix of signed numbers.
In each value of this matrix I want to embed 3 bits of information, i.e., the numbers 0 to 7 in decimal, in the last 3 least significant bits. However, I don't know how to do that when I deal with negative numbers. How can I modify the coefficients?

First of all, you want to use an Integer Wavelet Transform, so you only have to deal with integers. This will allow you a lossless transformation between the two spaces without having to round float numbers.
Embedding bits in integers is a straightforward problem for binary operations. Generally, you want to use the pattern
(number AND mask) OR bits
The bitwise AND operation clears out the desired bits of number, which are specified by mask. For example, if number is an 8-bit number and we want to zero out the last 3 bits, we'll use the mask 11111000. After the desired bits of our number have been cleared, we can substitute them for the bits we want to embed using the bitwise OR operation.
Next, you need to know how signed numbers are represented in binary. Make sure you read the two's complement section. We can see that if we want to clear out the last 3 bits, we want to use the mask ...11111000, which is always -8. This is regardless of whether we're using 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits to represent our signed numbers. Generally, if you want to clear the last k bits of a signed number, your mask must be -2^k.
Let's put everything together with a simple example. First, we generate some numbers for our coefficient subband and embedding bitstream. Since the coefficient values can take any value in [-510, 510], we'll use 'int16' for the operations. The bitstream is an array of numbers in the range [0, 7], since that's the range of [000, 111] in decimal.
>> rng(4)
>> coeffs = randi(1021, [4 4]) - 511
coeffs =
477 202 -252 371
48 -290 -67 494
483 486 285 -343
219 -504 -309 99
>> bitstream = randi(8, [1 10]) - 1
bitstream =
0 3 0 7 3 7 6 6 1 0
We embed our bitstream by overwriting the necessary coefficients.
>> coeffs(1:numel(bitstream)) = bitor(bitand(coeffs(1:numel(bitstream)), -8, 'int16'), bitstream, 'int16')
coeffs =
472 203 -255 371
51 -289 -72 494
480 486 285 -343
223 -498 -309 99
We can then extract our bitstream by using the simple mask ...00000111 = 7.
>> bitand(coeffs(1:numel(bitstream)), 7, 'int16')
ans =
0 3 0 7 3 7 6 6 1 0


How to increment this vector: v = [1ˆ2, 3ˆ2, 5ˆ2, ..., (2n+1)ˆ2] with given pattern (in description)

I am lost as to how to increment this vector. I know that the value from each number squared increase by odd numbers starting from 3. From 1^2 to 2^2 we have a space of three, from 2^2 to 3^2 we have a space of 5 in between and then 7 in between for 3^2 to 4^2 and 9 in between 4^2 and 5^2 and so on and so forth. But I just can't think of how I would write those increments for a general case as I have to do in this given problem.
You cannot define d in the a:d:b vector with one formula because it changes constantly. Therefore, you need to define your vector as [1 3 5 7 ... 2n+1] and square it.
ans =
1 9 25 49 81 121

How to insert a value

I want to insert a number in the following matrix: n x 1 matrix
How to I insert it in the middle and shift the remaining numbers? I tried the following code:
You are complicating things. Simply find the middle index by finding the length of the array, dividing by 2 and truncating any decimal points, then using simply indexing to update the new matrix. Supposing that result is the column vector that was created by you and number is the value you want to insert in the middle, do the following:
number = 8; %// Change to suit whatever number you desire
middle = floor(numel(result) / 2);
result = [result(1:middle); number; result(middle+1:end)];
In the future, please read this great MATLAB tutorial on indexing directly from MathWorks: It's a good resource on the kinds of indexing operations one expects from starting out in MATLAB.

How to generate all numbers randomly in the limit [m,n] in matlab?

How to generate all numbers randomly in the limit [m,n]. To generate all numbers from 6 to 12.. ie., the sequence must be like [7 12 11 9 8 10 6].
r = randi([6 12],1,7);
But this gives the result:
[12 11 12 7 9 10 12]
Here the numbers are repeated and the sequence does not contain all numbers from 6 to 12.
You can use randperm to make a list of random numbers between 1 and n (where n is the length of your vector), and use that to permute the vector.
Assuming you are sampling using a uniform distribution.
r = datasample(6:12,7,'Replace',false)
In a nutshell this does a random sampling without replacement, hence you get all the values from your original population in a random order.

Matlab - Sum of surrounding elements

I want to calculate the sum of the elements surrounding a given element in a matrix. So far, I have written these lines of code:
for i=1:m,
for j=1:n,
alive = tijdelijk(i-1,j)+tijdelijk(i+1,j)+tijdelijk(i-1,j-1)+tijdelijk(i+1,j-1)+tijdelijk(i,j+1)+tijdelijk(i,j-1)+tijdelijk(i-1,j+1)+tijdelijk(i+1,j+1)
This results in an error because, for example, i-1 becomes zero for i=1. Anyone got an idea how to do this without getting this error?
You can sum the elements via filtering. conv2 can be used for this manner.
Let me give an example. I create a sample matrix
>> A = reshape(1:20, 4, 5)
A =
1 5 9 13 17
2 6 10 14 18
3 7 11 15 19
4 8 12 16 20
Then, I create a filter. The filter is like a mask where you put the center on the current cell and the locations corresponding to the 1's on the filter are summed. For eight-connected neighbor case, the filter should be as follows:
>> B = [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]
B =
1 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
Then, you simply convolve the matrix with this small matrix.
>> conv2(A, B, 'same')
ans =
13 28 48 68 45
22 48 80 112 78
27 56 88 120 83
18 37 57 77 50
If you want four-connected neighbors, you can make the corners of your filter 0. Similarly, you can design any filter for your purpose, such as for averaging all neighbors instead of summing them.
For details, please see the convolution article in Wikipedia.
Two possibilities : change the limits of the loops to i=k:(m-k) and j=k:(n-k) or use blkproc
ex :
compute the 2-D DCT of each 8-by-8 block
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
fun = #dct2;
J = blkproc(I,[8 8],fun);
imagesc(J), colormap(hot)
There are lots of things you can do at the edges. Which you do depends very specifically on your problem and is different from usage case to usage case. Typical things to do:
If (i-1) or (i+1) is out of range, then just ignore that element. This is equivalent to zero padding the matrix with zeros around the outside and adjusting the loop limits accordingly
Wrap around the edges. In other words, for an MxN matrix, if (i-1) takes you to 0 then instead of taking element (i-1, j) = (0, j) you take element (M, j).
Since your code mentions "your teacher" I'd guess that you can ask what should happen at the edges (or working it out in a sensible manner may well be part of the task!!).

Padding in MD5 Hash Algorithm

I need to understand the Md5 hash algorithm. I was reading a documents and it states
"The message is "padded" (extended) so that its length (in bits) is
congruent to 448, modulo 512. That is, the message is extended so
that it is just 64 bits shy of being a multiple of 512 bits long.
Padding is always performed, even if the length of the message is
already congruent to 448, modulo 512."
I need to understand what this means in simple terms, especially the 448 modulo 512. The word MODULO is the issue. Please I will appreciate simple examples to this. Funny though, this is the first step to MD5 hash! :)
Modulo or mod, is a function that results in telling you the remainder when two numbers are divided by each other.
For example:
5 modulo 3:
5/3 = 1, with 2 remainder. So 5 mod 3 is 2.
10 modulo 16 = 10, because 16 cannot be made.
15 modulo 5 = 0, because 15 goes into 5 exactly 3 times. 15 is a multiple of 5.
Back in school you would have learnt this as "Remainder" or "Left Over", modulo is just a fancy way to say that.
What this is saying here, is that when you use MD5, one of the first things that happens is that you pad your message so it's long enough. In MD5's case, your message must be n bits, where n= (512*z)+448 and z is any number.
As an example, if you had a file that was 1472 bits long, then you would be able to use it as an MD5 hash, because 1472 modulo 512 = 448. If the file was 1400 bits long, then you would need to pad in an extra 72 bits before you could run the rest of the MD5 algorithm.
Modulus is the remainder of division. In example
512 mod 448 = 64
448 mod 512 = 448
Another approach of 512 mod 448 would be to divide them 512/448 = 1.142..
Then you subtract 512 from result number before dot multiplied by 448:
512 - 448*1 == 64 That's your modulus result.
What you need to know that 448 is 64 bits shorter than multiple 512.
But what if it's between 448 and 512??
Normally we need to substract 448 by x(result of modulus).
447 mod 512 = 447; 448 - 447 = 1; (all good, 1 zero to pad)
449 mod 512 = 1; 448 - 449 = -1 ???
So this problem solution would be to take higher multiple of 512 but still shorter of 64;
512*2 - 64 = 960
449 mod 512 = 1; 960 - 449 = 511;
This happens because afterwards we need to add 64 bits original message and the full length have to be multiple of 512.
960 - 449 = 511;
511 + 449 + 64 = 1024;
1024 is multiple of 512;