I have tremendous flows of point data (in 2D) (thousands every second). On this map I have several fixed polygons (dozens to a few hundreds of them).
I would like to determine in real time (the order of a few milliseconds on a rather powerful laptop) for each point in which polygons it lies (polygons can intersect).
I thought I'd use the ray casting algorithm.
Nevertheless, I need a way to preprocess the data, to avoid scanning every polygon.
I therefore consider using tree approaches (PM quadtree or Rtree ?). Is there any other relevant method ?
Is there a good PM Quadtree implementation you would recommend (in whatever language, preferably C(++), Java or Python) ?
I have developed a library of several multi-dimensional indexes in Java, it can be found here. It contains R*Tree, STR-Tree, 4 quadtrees (2 for points, 2 for rectangles) and a critbit tree (can be used for spatial data by interleaving the coordinates). I also developed the PH-Tree.
There are all rectange/point based trees, so you would have to convert your polygons into rectangles, for example by calculating the bounding box. For all returned bounding boxes you would have to calculate manually if the polygon really intersects with your point.
If your rectangles are not too elongated, this should still be efficient.
I usually find the PH-Tree the most efficient tree, it has fast building times and very fast query times if a point intersects with 100 rectangles or less (even better with 10 or less). STR/R*-trees are better with larger overlap sizes (1000+). The quadtrees are a bit unreliable, they have problems with numeric precision when inserting millions of elements.
Assuming a 3D tree with 1 million rectangles and on average one result per query, the PH-Tree requires about 3 microseconds per query on my desktop (i7 4xxx), i.e. 300 queries per millisecond.
folks! Apologies if this is a duplicate question and I've done some research on the topic but don't know if I'm heading in the right direction.
I have converted gridded data of population density to a MongoDB collection using a geometry object defining the population density cell as a five node polygon (the fifth node matching the first) and a float value consisting of the population in that geographic region. Even though the database is huge in size, I can quickly retrieve the "records" of the population regions as they are indexed as a 2D Sphere when it intersects a geo-polygon indicating some type of weather event or other geofence polygon.
The issue comes when I try to add all of the boxes up. It takes an exceedingly long amount of time, especially if the polygon is of a significant geographic area. The population data I have are 1km^2 cells. The adding of the data can take several seconds or, in worse case scenario, minutes!
I had a thought of creating a type of quadtree structure in the database by a lower resolution node set as a separate collection and so on and so on. Then when calculating population, I could start with the lowest res set and work my way down the node "tree" by making several database calls until there are no more matches. While I'd increase my database calls significantly, I'd reduce the sheer number of elements that I would need to add up at the end - which is taking the most computational time.
I could try to create these data using bottom-up neighbor finding whilst adding up the four population values that would make up the next lower-resolution node set. This, of course, will explode the database size and will increase the number of queries to the database for a single population request.
I haven't seen too much of this done with databases. I'd like to have it in a database (could also be PostgreSQL) since it gives me the ability to quickly geo-query by point or area. And, I'm returning the result as an API call so the efficiency of time is of the essence!
Any advice or places to research would be greatly appreciated!!!
I am using OSMnx to query the Overpass API. I've noticed that it has a fairly large default for minimum area size:
This value is used to subdivide "larger" polygons into chunks to submit to the Overpass API.
I'd like to understand why the area is so large. For example, the entirety of San Francisco (~50 sq miles) is "simplified" to a single query.
Key questions:
Is there any advantage to reducing query sizes submitted to the Overpass API?*
Is there any advantage to reducing the complexity of shapes/polygons being submitted to the Overpass API (that is, using rectangles with just 4 corner coordinates), versus more complex polygons?**
*Note: Example query that I would be running (looking for the ways that would constitute a walk network):
**Note: This question is partially answered in this other post. That said, that question does not focus completely on the performance implications, and is not asked in the context of the variable area threshold used in OSMnx to subdivide "larger" geometries.
max_query_area_size appears to be some heuristic value someone came up after doing a number of test runs. From Overpass API side this figure has pretty much no meaning on its own.
It may be completely off for different kinds of queries or even in a different area than SF. As an example: for infrequent tags, it's usually better to go ahead with a rather large bounding box, rather than firing off a huge number of queries with tiny bounding boxes.
For some statement types, a large bounding box may cause significant longer processing time, though. In this case splitting up the area in smaller pieces may help. Some queries might even consume too much memory, which forces you to split your bounding box in smaller pieces.
As you didn't mention the kind of query you want to run, it's very difficult to provide some general advise. It's like asking for a best way to write SQL statements without providing any additional context.
Using bounding boxes instead of (poly:...) has performance advantages. If you can specify a bounding box, use the respective bounding box filter rather than providing 4 lat/lon pairs to the poly filter.
I have an array of points representing a street (black line) and points, representing a places on map (red points). I want to find all the points near the specified street, sorted by distance. I also need to have the ability to specify max distance (blue and green areas). Here is a simple example:
I thought of using the $near operator but it only accepts Point as an input, not LineString.
How mongodb can handle this type of queries?
As you mentioned, Mongo currently doesn't support anything other than Point. Have you come across the concept of a route boxer? 1 It was very popular a few years back on Google Maps. Given the line that you've drawn, find stops that are within dist(x). It was done by creating a series of bounding boxes around each point in the line, and searching for points that fall within the bucket.
I stumbled upon your question after I just realised that Mongo only works with points, which is reasonable I assume.
I already have a few options of how to do it (they expand on what #mnemosyn says in the comment). With the dataset that I'm working on, it's all on the client-side, so I could use the routeboxer, but I would like to implement it server-side for performance reasons. Here are my suggestions:
break the LineString down into its individual coordinate sets, and query for $near using each of those, combine results and extract an unique set. There are algorithms out there for simplifying a complex line, by reducing the number of points, but a simple one is easy to write.
do the same as above, but as a stored procedure/function. I haven't played around with Mongo's stored functions, and I don't know how well they work with drivers, but this could be faster than the first option above as you won't have to do roundtrips, and depending on the machine that your instance(s) of Mongo is(are) hosted, calculations could be faster by microseconds.
Implement the routeboxer approach server-side (has been done in PHP), and then use either of the above 2 to find stops that are $within the resulting bounding boxes. Heck since the routeboxer method returns rectangles, it would be possible to merge all these rectangles into one polygon covering your route, and just do a $within on that. (What #mnemosyn suggested).
EDIT: I thought of this but forgot about it, but it might be possible to achieve some of the above using the aggregation framework.
It's something that I'm going to be working on soon (hopefully), I'll open-source my result(s) based on which I end up going with.
EDIT: I must mention though that 1 and 2 have the flaw that if you have 2 points in a line that are say 2km apart, and you want points that are within 1.8km of your line, you'll obviously miss all the points between that part of your line. The solution is to inject points onto your line when simplifying it (I know, beats the objective of reducing points when adding new ones back in).
The flaw with 3 then is that it won't always be accurate as some points within your polygon are likely to have a distance greater than your limit, though the difference wouldn't be a significant percentage of your limit.
[1] google maps utils routeboxer
As you said Mongo's $near only works on points not lines as the centre point however if you flip your premise from find points near the line to find the line near the point then you can use your points as the centre and line as the target
this is the difference between
foreach line find points near it
foreach point find line near it
if you have a large number of points to check you can combine this with nevi_me's answer to reduce the list of points that need checking to a much smaller subset
so I'm playing around with the http://www.gadm.org/ dataset;
I want to go from lat & lon to a country and state (or equivalent).
So to simplify the data I'm grouping it up and unioning the geometies; so far so good. the results are great, I can pull back Belgium and it is fine.
I pull back australia and I get victoria because the thing is too damn large.
Now I honestly don't care too much about the level of detail; if lines are w/in 1 km of where they should be I'm ok (as long as shapes are bigger, not smaller)
What is the best approach to reduce the complexity of my geospatial objects so I end up with a quick and simple view of the world?
All data is kept as Geometry data.
As you've tagged the question with "tsql" I'm assuming you're using Sql Server. Thus, you already have an handy function called Reduce which you can apply on the geometry data type to simplify it.
For example (copied from the above link):
DECLARE #g geometry;
SET #g = geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 0 1, 1 0, 2 1, 3 0, 4 1)', 0);
SELECT #g.Reduce(.75).ToString();
The function receives a tolerance argument with the simplification threshold.
I suppose complexity is determined only by the number of vertices in a shape. There are quite a number of shape simplifying algorithms to choose from (and maybe some source too).
As a simplistic approach, you can iterate over vertices and reject concave ones if the result does not intoduce an error too large (e.g. in terms of added area), preferably adjoining smaller segments into larger. A more sophisticated approach might break an existing segment to better remove smaller ones.
We are trying to show a map with a large number of points (ranging from 1000 up to 20000 depending on the users criteria) using OpenLayers and GeoServer. The points are stored in a PostgreSQL database.
Whilst the application seems to have little problem displaying the lower range, its practical limit seems to be around 5000 points. The SLD we are applying is also huge (listing all the points individually by criteria that isn’t the feature Id). At higher numbers, the image is not guaranteed to be returned, and the request sometimes crashes GeoServer, requiring the service to be reset.
Does anyone know if such a thing is feasible, and if so, of any configuration tips?
We have applied a btree index on the field used for filtering.
What type of layer are you adding to OpenLayers?
You could use a WMS layer rather than having the points as vector features:
GeoServer would then generate an image of the points, and would only need to pass a PNG of JPEG of a few kbs rather than geometry and styling info which would be a lot larger. You'd lose some of the client-side functionality though (mouse-over events etc.)
If you are already doing this, then there may be a separate problem. 5000 points should be fine to handle on the server.
Alternatively you may want to rethink how you are diplaying the points. 5000 points at one time sounds as though it could be very confusing. Perhaps using different sized circles to represent 10, 100, 500 points etc. would be easier in terms of processing and visualisation.