Scala : How to check every single digit of a number is even or odd? - scala

def digitaleven(n:Int):Boolean = {
if (n%2==0){
return true
else {
return false
this is what i got so far but it only works for single digit number, how do i make it work for a number which has random digits using recursion (if else)?
f.e.: i know how to check every digit for even or odd, n%2 for last digit, n/10%2 for secound last and so on... but i have difficulties to implement it
thanks for helping

Use forall to check if every digit is even (You need not use map to transform. Do transformation inside forall).
def isAllEven(n: Int) = s"$n".forall(_.asDigit % 2 == 0)
Recursive (tail recursive)
def isAllEven(n: Int): Boolean = {
val digits = s"$n".toList
def helper(rest: List[Char]): Boolean = rest match {
case Nil => true
case x :: xs =>
if (x.asDigit % 2 == 0)
else false
The above function converts the number into its string representation and then converts the string to list of chars and then check if each char is even digit.
Your code can be written like below but it will not check if each digit is even.
def digitaleven(n:Int): Boolean = n % 2 == 0
Your code checks if the number is even or not. But it will not check if each digit in the number is even. In order to do that use above recursive function.

A one-liner.
def digitaleven(n:Int):Boolean =
n == 0 || n % 2 == 0 && digitaleven(n/10)

What about this:
def allDigitsEven(number:Int) = {

First you need to identify the base case for which you are sure that all the digits are even and return true. Then if you're not sure about all digits but the current digit is even you enter the recursive case to check that all other digits are also even.
It's perfectly possible using only those formulas of yours.

Another way:
// Using explicit recursion and pattern matching
def digitaleven(n:Int):Boolean = n match {
case 0 => true
case n => ((n % 10) % 2 ==0) && digitaleven(n / 10)


trying to solve palindrome integer in python 3 code is working but giving wrong output

enter code here''' class Solution:
def isPalindrome(self, x: int) -> bool:
x = str(x)
lst = list(x)
str_val = []
count = len(lst)
for i in range(len(lst)):
count -= 1
value = [str(i) for i in str_val]
res = int("".join(value))
if int(res) == x:
return True
return False
trying to solve palindrome integer in python 3 code is working but giving wrong output.
If you're just trying to check for integers only, you can try the below code. It's a two pointer approach.
class Solution:
def isPalindrome(self, x: int) -> bool:
x = str(x)
if len(x) < 2: return True
s, e = 0, len(x)-1
while s < e:
if x[s] != x[e]: return False
s += 1
e -= 1
return True
You can also do this in one line in python to check if a number (as a string) and it's reverse is same or not.
str(x) == str(x)[::-1]
The reason your results are not as expected is due to the type change that you make in the first line of your function.
x = str(x)
It is necessary to convert x into a string so that you can iterate over it and put it into a list for your second line of code:
lst = list(x)
but by re-assigning that back to x, you get an x at the end of the function call that is not equal to the int(res) when you make the final comparison to get your boolean:
if int(res) == x:
A simple solution is to just not assign the temporary string that is created from the parameter x back to itself, and rather to just merge the first and second lines of your function into one:
lst = list(str(x))

find out if a number is a good number in scala

Hi I am new to scala functional programming methodology. I want to input a number to my function and check if it is a good number or not.
A number is a good number if its every digit is larger than the sum of digits which are on the right side of that digit. 
For example:
9620  is good as (2 > 0, 6 > 2+0, 9 > 6+2+0)
steps I am using to solve this is
1. converting a number to string and reversing it
2. storing all digits of the reversed number as elements of a list
3. applying for loop from i equals 1 to length of number - 1
4. calculating sum of first i digits as num2
5. extracting ith digit from the list as digit1 which is one digit ahead of the first i numbers for which we calculated sum because list starts from zero.
6. comparing output of 4th and 5th step. if num1 is greater than num2 then we will break the for loop and come out of the loop to print it is not a good number.
please find my code below
val num1 = 9521.toString.reverse
val list1 =
for (i <- 1 to num1.length - 1) {
val num2 = num1.take(i).map(_.toDigits) sum
val digit1 = list1(i)
if (num2 > digit1) {
print("number is not a good number")
I know this is not the most optimized way to solve this problem. Also I am looking for a way to code this using tail recursion where I pass two numbers and get all the good numbers falling in between those two numbers.
Can this be done in more optimized way?
Thanks in advance!
No String conversions required.
val n = 9620
val isGood = Stream.iterate(n)(_/10)
.foldLeft((true,-1)){ case ((bool,sum),digit) =>
(bool && digit > sum, sum+digit)
Here is a purely numeric version using a recursive function.
def isGood(n: Int): Boolean = {
def loop(n: Int, sum: Int): Boolean =
(n == 0) || (n%10 > sum && loop(n/10, sum + n%10))
loop(n/10, n%10)
This should compile into an efficient loop.
Using this function:(This will be the efficient way as the function forall will not traverse the entire list of digits. it stops when it finds the false condition immediately ( ie., when v(i)>v.drop(i+1).sum becomes false) while traversing from left to right of the vector v. )
def isGood(n: Int)= {
val v1 =
val v = if(v1.last!=0) v1 else v1.dropRight(1)
(0 to v.size-1).forall(i=>v(i)>v.drop(i+1).sum)
If we want to find good numbers in an interval of integers ranging from n1 to n2 we can use this function:
def goodNums(n1:Int,n2:Int) = (n1 to n2).filter(isGood(_))
In Scala REPL:
scala> isGood(9620)
res51: Boolean = true
scala> isGood(9600)
res52: Boolean = false
scala> isGood(9641)
res53: Boolean = false
scala> isGood(9521)
res54: Boolean = true
scala> goodNums(412,534)
res66: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(420, 421, 430, 510, 520, 521, 530, 531)
scala> goodNums(3412,5334)
res67: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(4210, 5210, 5310)
This is a more functional way. pairs is a list of tuples between a digit and the sum of the following digits. It is easy to create these tuples with drop, take and slice (a combination of drop and take) methods.
Finally I can represent my condition in an expressive way with forall method.
val n = 9620
val str = n.toString
val pairs = for { x <- 1 until str.length } yield (str.slice(x - 1, x).toInt, str.drop(x).map(_.asDigit).sum)
pairs.forall { case (a, b) => a > b }
If you want to be functional and expressive avoid to use break. If you need to check a condition for each element is a good idea to move your problem to collections, so you can use forAll.
This is not the case, but if you want performance (if you don't want to create an entire pairs collection because the condition for the first element is false) you can change your for collection from a Range to Stream.
(1 until str.length).toStream
Functional style tends to prefer monadic type things, such as maps and reduces. To make this look functional and clear, I'd do something like:
def isGood(value: Int) =>Some(digit.asDigit)).
case(sum, Some(digit)) => sum.collectFirst{case sum if sum < digit => sum+digit}
Instead of using tail recursion to calculate this for ranges, just generate the range and then filter over it:
def goodInRange(low: Int, high: Int) = (low to high).filter(isGood(_))

A function to determine whether one number is a factor of another in an argument to foldLeft in Scala

I am trying to define a function in Scala to determine whether a number is prime as follows:
def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = {
if (n == 2) true
else {
List(3 to math.sqrt(n)).foldLeft(isFactor(),0)
def isFactor(x:Int, n:Int):Boolean=(n%x)==0
What arguments to give to the foldLeft call, given that I have already defined isFactor?
I guess you want to find if any of the items in the list is a factor of n. So for an empty list you should then start with false, since an empty list holds no factors of n. However, you'll have to keep comparing the collected result with the isFactor result. The simplest of course with be to check out the list.exists(...)-method.
thanks to advice from #thoredge, I've been able to do this using exists() as follows:
def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = n match {
case 2 => true
case _ => !(2 to math.sqrt(n).ceil.toInt).exists((x) => n % x == 0)

Implementing NPlusK patterns in Scala

I thought I could implement n+k patterns as an active pattern in scala via unapply, but it seems to fail with unspecified value parameter: k
object NPlusK {
def apply(n : Int, k : Int) = {
n + k
def unapply(n : Int, k : Int) = {
if (n > 0 && n > k) Some(n - k) else None
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def fac(n: Int) : BigInt = {
n match {
case 0 => 1
case NPlusK(n, 1) => n * fac(n - 1)
Is it possible to implement n+k patterns in Scala and in that event how?
You should look at this question for a longer discussion, but here's a short adaptation for your specific case.
An unapply method can only take one argument, and must decide from that argument how to split it into two parts. Since there are multiple ways to divide some integer x into n and k such that x = n + k, you can't use an unapply for this.
You can get around it by creating a separate extractors for each k. Thus, instead of NplusK you'd have Nplus1, Nplus2, etc since there is exactly one way to get n from x such that x = n + 1.
case class NplusK(k: Int) {
def unapply(n: Int) = if (n > 0 && n > k) Some(n - k) else None
val Nplus1 = NplusK(1)
val Nplus1(n) = 5 // n = 4
So your match becomes:
n match {
case 0 => 1
case Nplus1(n) => n * fac(n - 1)
Deconstructor unapply does not work this way at all. It takes only one argument, the matched value, and returns an option on a tuple, with as many elements as there are arguments to the your pattern (NPlusK). That is, when you have
(n: Int) match {
case NPlusK(n, 1)
It will look for an unapply method with an Int (or supertype) argument. If there is such a method, and if the return type is a Tuple2 (as NPlusK appears with two arguments in the pattern), then it will try to match. Whatever subpattern there are inside NPlusK (here the variable n, and the constant 1), will not be passed to unapply in anyway (what do you expect if you write case NPlusK(NPlusK(1, x), NPlusK(1, y))?). Instead, if unapply returns some tuple, then each element of the tuple will be matched to the corresponding subpattern, here n which always matches, and 1 which will match if the value is equal to 1.
You could write
def unapply(n: Int) = if (n > 0) Some((n-1, 1)) else None.
That would match when your NPlusK(n, 1). But that would not match NPlusK(n, 2), nor NPlusK(1, n) (except if n is 2). This does not make much sense. A pattern should probably have only one possible match. NPlusK(x, y) can match n in many different ways.
What would work would be something Peano integers like, with Succ(n) matching n+1.

Testing whether an ordered infinite stream contains a value

I have an infinite Stream of primes primeStream (starting at 2 and increasing). I also have another stream of Ints s which increase in magnitude and I want to test whether each of these is prime.
What is an efficient way to do this? I could define
def isPrime(n: Int) = n == primeStream.dropWhile(_ < n).head
but this seems inefficient since it needs to iterate over the whole stream each time.
Implementation of primeStream (shamelessly copied from elsewhere):
val primeStream: Stream[Int] =
2 #::{ i =>
Stream.from(i + 1)
.find{ j =>
primeStream.takeWhile{ k => k * k <= j }
.forall{ j % _ > 0 }
If the question is about implementing isPrime, then you should do as suggested by rossum, even with division costing more than equality test, and with primes being more dense for lower values of n, it would be asymptotically much faster. Moreover, it is very fast when testing non primes which have a small divisor (most numbers have)
It may be different if you want to test primality of elements of another increasing Stream. You may consider something akin to a merge sort. You did not state how you want to get your result, here as a stream of Boolean, but it should not be too hard to adapt to something else.
* Returns a stream of boolean, whether element at the corresponding position
* in xs belongs in ys. xs and ys must both be increasing streams.
def belong[A: Ordering](xs: Stream[A], ys: Stream[A]): Stream[Boolean] = {
if (xs.isEmpty) Stream.empty
else if (ys.isEmpty) => true)
else Ordering[A].compare(xs.head, ys.head) match {
case less if less < 0 => false #:: belong(xs.tail, ys)
case equal if equal == 0 => true #:: belong(xs.tail, ys.tail)
case greater if greater > 0 => belong(xs, ys.tail)
So you may do belong(yourStream, primeStream)
Yet it is not obvious that this solution will be better than a separate testing of primality for each number in turn, stopping at square root. Especially if yourStream is fast increasing compared to primes, so you have to compute many primes in vain, just to keep up. And even less so if there is no reason to suspect that elements in yourStream tend to be primes or have only large divisors.
You only need to read your prime stream as far as sqrt(s).
As you retrieve each p from the prime stream check if p evenly divides s.
This will give you a trial division method of prime checking.
To solve the general question of determining whether an ordered finite list consisted entirely of element of an ordered but infinite stream:
The simplest way is
candidate.toSet subsetOf infiniteList.takeWhile( _ <= candidate.last).toSet
but if the candidate is large, that requires a lot of space and it is O(n log n) instead O(n) like it could be. The O(n) way is
def acontains(a : Int, b : Iterator[Int]) : Boolean = {
while (b hasNext) {
val c =
if (c == a) {
return true
if (c > a) {
return false
return false
def scontains(candidate: List[Int], infiniteList: Stream[Int]) : Boolean = {
val it = candidate.iterator
val il = infiniteList.iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
if (!acontains(, il)) {
return false
return true
(Incidentally, if some helpful soul could propose a more Scalicious way to write the foregoing, I'd appreciate it.)
In the comments, the inestimable Luigi Plinge pointed out that I could just write:
def scontains(candidate: List[Int], infiniteStream: Stream[Int]) = {
val it = infiniteStream.iterator
candidate.forall(i => it.dropWhile(_ < i).next == i)