DexGuard/Proguard obfuscate annotation values - annotations

I use Dagger2. I have next code:
#Named("Server API")
String getApiUrl(){}
And consuming code:
public class Client {
Client(#Named("Server API") url){}
Will Dexguard/Proguard obfuscate strings values in annotation?

String Values in Annotations can not be obfuscated by DexGuard.


How to implement a rest method that accepts a user-defined type

I have created a REST method in Java EE and I have a lot of parameters to send to this method.
There for, I don't want to accept them as primitive params, but as one user-defined object that contain all the fields.
How can I do that? I couldn't find any example.
I couldn't find any example.
I would like to have something like that:
#Path(value = "/First")
public class MyController extends BaseController {
public ResponseMap SaveDetails(MyData myData) {
With native java you need to convert json string to java object.. You can change your MyData type to String and convert string to mydata with a json converter. If you use jacson library you can convert it with ObjectMapper class

how to pass namedQuery parameters in Apache Camel JPA by header?

I have this camel route:
This is my user Entity:
#NamedQuery(name="User.findAll", query="SELECT u FROM User u"),
#NamedQuery(name="User.findById", query="SELECT u FROM User u WHERE = :id")
public class User{
private String id;
I have tried this route by setting the header:
.setHeader("id", simple("myid"))
But it is not working
Is there any method to set jpa properties by the headers? The camel documentation quote this in parameters option but i don't found the examples
Options: parameters
This option is Registry based which requires the # notation. This
key/value mapping is used for building the query parameters. It is
expected to be of the generic type java.util.Map where
the keys are the named parameters of a given JPA query and the values
are their corresponding effective values you want to select for. Camel
2.19: it can be used for producer as well. When it's used for producer, Simple expression can be used as a parameter value. It
allows you to retrieve parameter values from the message body header
and etc.
I hope it's not too late to answer. In any case I had a similar issue in my project, the client does a HTTP GET with a parameter id, which is used by the JPA query and the result is finally marshalled back to the HTTP client. I'm running camel in a Spring application.
I finally figured out how to achieve it in a reasonably clean way.
This is the RouteBuilder where the route is defined:
public void configure() throws Exception {
Class dataClass = SomeClass.class;
JacksonDataFormat format = new JacksonDataFormat();
String jpaString = String
.format("jpa://%1$s?resultClass=%1$s&namedQuery=q1" +
"&parameters={\"id\":${}}", dataClass.getName());
from("jetty://http://localhost:8080/test").toD(jpaString) // note the .toD
And this is the StringToMapTypeConverter class, otherwise camel cannot convert {"id": X} to a map
public class StringToMapTypeConverter implements TypeConverters {
private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
private static JavaType mapType;
static {
mapType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructMapType(Map.class,
String.class, Object.class);
public Map<String, Object> toMap(String map) throws IOException {
return mapper.readValue(map, mapType);
Remember to add it to the context. In Spring is something like:
<bean id="myStringToMapTypeConverter" class="....StringToMapTypeConverter" />

jaxrs/resteasy custom method paramater

I would like to have my JaxRs resource to take a custom method argument that is built from some parameter in the request.
Something to be used in conjunction with another object created from the body.
Something like:
public class MyResource {
public Object resource(MyResourceDTO body, AConfiguration conf){
For which the AConfiguration is created from some headers in the request.
How can I achive it?
I need something like th spring webargumentresovler:
For my case MyResource is a subresource, the method should work also in this case...
If you add a DTO as parameter of your resource method your JAX-RS runtime will try to convert the body of the request into this type. You can additionally add any of the #xParam parameters like #QueryParam as parameters of your resource method. (The only exception is #FormParam as they are found in the body).
If you want to encapsulate multiple of your Params in one object you can use #BeanParam. Your Configuration class could look like this:
public class Configuration {
private String foo;
private String bar;
// getters + setters
And can be used like this:
public Response someMethod(Dto dto, #BeanParam Configuration conf) {}
You can use something like below. Your conf object have be sent as json from the client. If the parameters in conf object have to change dynamically you have to follow the second approach.
public class MyResource {
public Object resource(AConfiguration conf){
// This method can receive multiple objects here. Currently it receives
// conf object only as the payload of the post method.
To change the conf object dynamically, You can send json String.
public Object resource(String confJson){
// Collect parameters manually here.
In your pom.xml, you should include,
You can set a json string as a header param (But, not the best practice.) Or you can set different headers at you will and access them using HttpHeaders. Here is an example.
public Object resource(#Context HttpHeaders confHeaders){
// Collect parameters manually.
String confJson = confHeaders.getRequestHeader("confJson").get(0);
// cast your `confJson` to `AConfiguration aConf` here.
// process query params and set them to aConf here.

Jersey Marshall Map<Date,List>

I start understanding how jersey works with JAXB. But today i faced a particular case where i want to marshall a Map of (Date,List) entries:
public class MyClass{
private Map<Date,List<MyObject>> = new TreeMap<Date,List<MyObject>>(new DateCompareDesc());
The goal here is to marshall a Map whose entry is a Date with its corresponding list of MyObject. the map is sorted in desc order.
For this i implemented an Adapter for Map (MapAdapter, following #Blaise Doughan's tutorial, The problem is on the Date key. I have an Error : Unable to marshall java.util.Date. So i tried this new Date Adapter :
public class DateAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, Date> {
public Date unmarshal(String v) throws Exception {
//not implemented
public String marshal(Date v) throws Exception {
return v.toString();
Where can i add #XmlJavaTypeAdapter(DateAdapter.class) so that Jersey could marhsall Date as key to my TreeMap?
JAXB supports the marshalling/unmarshalling of java.util.Date to the standard XML schema types: date, time, dateTime. You can control the type used with the #XmlSchemaType annotation.
If your date information is not represented as one of the standard XML schema types, you can use an XmlAdapter similar to the one I used the following answer to a similar question:
jaxb unmarshal timestamp
If you need to use the XmlAdapter approach, the #XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation would be placed on the Date field of the adapted object representing the entry in the Map. Below is what this might look like based on my blog:
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
public class MyMapEntryType {
public Date key;
public List<MyObject> value;

JAX-RS #PathParam to inject in class member variable?

I want to do something like this:
#Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML})
#Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML})
public class SensorVersionRestView extends VersionRestView{
private String sensorid;
// so the complete path is i.e.
public void getCount() {
// do something with the sensorId....
But the only thing I get is null on runtime (I use Glassfish v3 with Jersey). The compiler and eclipse never mentions a problem with the #PathParam at the member class variable.
What's wrong with my construct?
The main problem is, why I doesn't want to use the whole path on each method in this class, that there exists another class which handles some rest operations on the sensor layer ( i.e.)
I believe you need to change it to this:
public class SensorVersionRestView extends VersionRestView {
#Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML})
#Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML})
public void getCount(#PathParam("sensorid") String sensorid) {
// do something with the sensorId....
Because injection occurs at object
creation time, use of this annotation
on resource class fields and bean
properties is only supported for the
default per-request resource class
lifecycle. Resource classes using
other lifecycles should only use this
annotation on resource method
parameters. - JSR-311 Javadocs
You should be able to annotate fields with #PathParam as long as the resource class lifecyle is per-request. By default the life-cycle of root resource classes is per-request.
EDIT: I don't think you can achieve this using EJBs. If you remove the #Stateless annotation, it should work.