Changing names of the files found with File::Find - perl

Hi consider this Perl code:
for my $line (#files){
#print "$line\n";
if ($line =~ /gene\/(\w.+)\s\w+\/(\w.+)(\.\S.+\.\S.+\.gz)/){
#print "$line\n";
#array = split ('\t', $1);
my $path = $array[0];
foreach my $pathi (sort(keys(%legend))){
foreach my $name ( keys %{$legend{$pathi}}){
foreach my $sample ( keys %{$legend{$pathi}{$name}}){
if ($pathi =~ $path){
my $dirsearch = "/Users/bob/Desktop/gene_ex/";
find(\&wantede, $dirsearch);
sub wantede {
if ($_ eq $name){
my $finalname = "$sample\_$name";
rename ($File::Find::name, "$File::Find::dir/$finalname") or print "Rename error";
What i want to do is search for a particular file and attach another branch at the name: the find function goes exactly like this when but when i try to find the $name inside i got an error that $name is not declared or something. I've controlled all the hashes and they are fine, i can't figure out what is wrong. If i make the concatenation first, i get every time the same name on the files
In #files there are all the files within the working directory
In %legend is a hash where the first key is the name of the folder, second key is filename, third key is a string.


Perl script to pair two array

I want to pair two array and add char '/' between them. Let say, two arrays are like below
#array1 = (FileA .. FileZ);
#array2 = (FileA.txt .. FileZ.txt);
The output that I want is like below
here is my code
my #input_name = input();
my $dirname = "../../../experiment/";
my #fileDir;
foreach my $input_name (#input_name){
chomp $input_name;
$_ = $dirname . $input_name;
push #fileDir, $_;
my #filename;
my $extension = '.txt';
foreach my $input_name (#input_name){
chomp $input_name;
$_ = $input_name . $extension;
push #filename, $_;
The code that I'd try is like below. But it seem doesn't work
foreach my $test_path (#test_path){
foreach my $testname (#testname){
my $test = map "$test_path[$_]/$testname[$_]", 0..$#test_path;
push #file, $test;
print #file;
I assume input() returns something like ('fileA', 'fileB').
The problem with your code is the nested loop here:
foreach my $test_path (#test_path){
foreach my $testname (#testname){
This combines every $test_path with every possible $testname. You don't want that. Also, it doesn't make much sense to assign the result of map to a scalar: All you'll get is the number of elements in the list created by map.
(Also, you have random chomp calls sprinkled throughout your code. None of those should be there.)
You only need a single array and a single loop:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub input {
return ('fileA', 'fileB');
my #input = input();
my $dirname = '../../../experiment';
my #files = map "$dirname/$_/$_.txt", #input;
for my $file (#files) {
print "got $file\n";
Here the loop is hidden in the map ..., #input call. If you want to write it as a for loop, it would look like this:
my #files;
for my $input (#input) {
push #files, "$dirname/$input/$input.txt";
The problem is your algorithm. You're iterating all filenames and all dirnames at the same time.
I mean, your code says "For every directory, create every file".
Try something along the lines of this and you'll be fine:
foreach my $filename (#filename){
chomp $filename;
if ( -e "$filename/$filename" and -d "$filename/$filename" ){
print "File already exists\n";
else {
open ( TXT_FILE, ">$filename/$filename" );
print TXT_FILE "Hello World";
close TXT_FILE;

Move files to directories

Is there any reason why the following construction would not work? The file list contains file names. The name list contains a list of names that when matched as a substring to a file name, causes the loop to move the file to the directory called $name. It seems like it should work but it is not moving files. What is a better way to construct this?
FILE: for my $file (#file_list) {
for my $name (#name_list) {
if ($file =~ /^\Q$name\E/) {
rename "/Users/path/to/file/I/need/to/move/$file", "/Users/path/to/directory/i/need/to/move/file/to/$name/$file" or die "rename failed because: $!\n";
next FILE;
print "no match for $file\n";
Right code:
for my $file (#file_list) {
my $found = 0;
for my $name (#name_list) {
if ($file =~ /^\Q$name\E/) {
print "failed to rename $file\n" unless rename "/Users/path/to/file/I/need/to/move/$file", "/Users/path/to/directory/i/need/to/move/file/to/$name/$file";
$found = 1;
print "no match for $file\n" unless $found;

Perl - Use of uninitialized value in string

I started teaching myself Perl, and with the help of some Googling, I was able to throw together a script that would print out the file extensions in a given directory. The code works well, however, it will sometimes complain the following:
Use of uninitialized value $exts[xx] in string eq at get_file_exts.plx
I tried to correct this by initializing my array as follows: my #exts = (); but this did not work as expected.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
#Check for correct number of arguments
if(#ARGV != 1) {
print "ERROR: Incorrect syntax...\n";
print "Usage: perl get_file_exts.plx <Directory>\n";
exit 0;
#Search through directory
find({ wanted => \&process_file, no_chdir => 1 }, #ARGV);
my #exts;
sub process_file {
if (-f $_) {
#print "File: $_\n";
#Get extension
my ($ext) = $_ =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/;
#Add first extension
if(scalar #exts == 0) {
push(#exts, $ext);
#Loop through array
foreach my $index (0..$#exts) {
#Check for match
if($exts[$index] eq $ext) {
if($index == $#exts) {
push(#exts, $ext);
} else {
#print "Searching $_\n";
#Sort array
#exts = sort(#exts);
#Print contents
print ("#exts", "\n");
You need to test if you found an extension.
Also, you should not be indexing your array. You also do not need to manage 'push' just do it. It is not the Perl way. Your for loop should start like this:
sub process_file {
if (-f $_) {
#print "File: $_\n";
#Get extension
my ($ext) = $_ =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/;
# If we found an extension, and we have not seen it before, add it to #exts
if ($ext) {
#Loop through array to see if this is a new extension
my $newExt = 1;
for my $seenExt (#exts) {
#Check for match
if ($seenExt eq $ext) {
$newExt = 0
if ($newExt) {
push #exts,$ext;
But what you really want to do is to use a hash table to record if you saw an extension
# Move this before find(...); if you want to initialize it or you will clobber the
# contents
my %sawExt;
sub process_file {
if (-f $_) {
#print "File: $_\n";
# Get extension
my ($ext) = $_ =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/;
# If we have an extension, mark that we've seen it
$sawExt{$ext} = 1
if $ext;
# Print the extensions we've seen in sorted order
print join(' ',sort keys %sawExt) . "\n";
Or even
sub process_file {
if (-f $_ && $_ =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/) {
$sawExt{$1} = 1;
sub process_file {
$sawExt{$1} = 1
if -f && /(\.[^.]+)$/;
Once you start thinking in Perl this is the natural way to write it
The warning is complaining about a content of $exts[xx], not #exts itself.
Actually $ext can be undef, when the filename doesn't match to your regexp, for instance README.
Try like:
my ($ext) = $_ =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/ or return;
The main problem is that you aren't accounting for file names that don't contain a dot, so
my ($ext) = $_ =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/;
sets $ext to undef.
Despite the warning, processing continues by evaluating undef as the null string, failing to find that in #exts, and so percolating undef to the array as well.
The minimal change to get your code working is to replace
my ($ext) = $_ =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/;
return unless /(\.[^.]+)$/;
my $ext = $1;
But there is a couple of Perl lessons to be learned here. It used to be taught that good programs were well-commented programs. That was in the days of having to write efficient but incomprehensible code, but is no longer true. You should write code that is as clear as possible, and add comments only if you absolutely have to write something that isn't self-explanatory.
You should remember and use Perl idioms, and try to forget most C that you knew. For instance, Perl accepts the "here document" syntax, and it is common practice to use or and and as short-circuit operators. Your parameter check becomes
#ARGV or die <<END;
ERROR: Incorrect syntax...
Usage: perl get_file_exts.plx <Directory>
Perl allows for clear but concise programming. This is how I would have written your wanted subroutine
sub process_file {
return unless -f and /(\.[^.]+)$/;
my $ext = $1;
foreach my $index (0 .. $#exts) {
return if $exts[$index] eq $ext;
push #exts, $ext;
Use exists on $exts[xx] before accessing it.
exists is deprecated though as #chrsblck pointed out :
Be aware that calling exists on array values is deprecated and likely
to be removed in a future version of Perl.
But you should be able to check if it exists (and not 0 or "") simply with :
if($exts[index] && $exts[$index] eq $ext){

Perl IF statement not matching variables in REGEX

my $pointer = 0;
foreach (#new1)
my $test = $_;
foreach (#chk)
my $check = $_;
chomp $check;
delete($new1[$pointer]) if ($test =~ /^$check/i);
The if statement never matches the fact that many entries in the #new1 array do contain $check at the start of the array element (88 at least).
I am not sure it is the nested loop that is causing the problem because if i try this it also fails to match:
foreach (#chk)
#final = (grep /^$_/, #new1);
#final is empty but I know at least 88 entires for $_ are in #new1.
I wrote this code on a machine running Windows ActivePerl 5.14.2 and the top code works. I then (using a copy of #new1) compare the two and remove any duplicates (also works on 5.14.2). I did try to negate the if match but that seemed to wipe out the #new1 array (so that I didn't need to do a hash compare).
When I try to run this code on a Linux RedHat box with Perl 5.8.0 it seems to struggle with the variable matching in the REGEX. If I hard code the REGEX with an example I know is in #new1 the match works and in the first code the entry is deleted (in the second one value is inserted in #final).
The #chk array is a listing file on the web server and the #new1 array is created by opening two log files on the web server and then pushing one into the other.
I had even gone to the trouble of printing out $test and $check in each loop iteration and manually checking to see if any of the the values did match and some of them do.
It has had me baffled for days now and I have had to throw the towel in and ask for help, any ideas?
As tested by user1568538, the solution was to replace
chomp $check;
$check =~ s/\r\n//g;
to remove Windows-style line endings from the variable.
Since chomp removes the contents of the input record separator $/ from the end of its argument, you could also change its value:
my $pointer = 0;
foreach (#new1)
my $test = $_;
foreach (#chk)
local $/="\r\n";
my $check = $_;
chomp $check;
delete($new1[$pointer]) if ($test =~ /^$_/i);
However, since $/ also affects other operations (such as reading from a file handle), perhaps it is safest to avoid changing $/ unless you are sure if it is safe. Here I limit the change to the foreach loop where the chomp occurs.
No knowing what your input data looks like, using \Q might help:
if ($test =~ /^\Q$check/i);
See quotemeta.
It is not clear what you are trying to do. However, you may be trying to only get those elements for which there is no match or vice versa. Adapt the code below for your needs
use strict; use warnings;
my #item = qw(...); # your #new?
my #check = qw(...); # your #chk?
my #match;
my #nomatch;
foreach my $item (#item) {
foreach my $check (#check) {
# uncomment this if $check should not be interpreted as a pattern,
# but as literal characters:
# $item = '\Q' . $item;
if ($item =~ /^$check/) {
push #match, $item;
next ITEM; # there was a match, so this $item is burnt
# we don't need to test against other $checks.
# there was no match, so lets store it:
push #nomatch, $item.
print "matched $_\n" for #matched;
print "didn't match $_" for #nomatch;
Your code is somewhat difficult to read. Let me tell you what this
foreach (#chk) {
#final = (grep /^$_/, #new1);
does: It is roughly equivalent to
my #final = ();
foreach my $check (#chk) {
#final = grep /^$check/, #new1;
which is equivalent to
my #final = ();
foreach my $check (#chk) {
# #final = grep /^$check/, #new1;
#final = ();
foreach (#new) {
if (/^$check/) {
push #final, $_;
So your #final array gets reset, possibly emptied.

Need some help in program logic

I am trying to read a config file and discard the directories that are listed in there with size mentioned in the file. So far I have this-
open FILE, 'C:\reports\config.txt' or die $!;
my $size_req;
my $path;
my $sub_dir;
my $count;
my #lines = <FILE>;
foreach $_ (#lines)
my #line = split /\|/, $_;
if ($line[0] eq "size")
$size_req= $line[1];
$size_req= ">".$size_req*1024;;
if ($line[0] eq "path")
$path= $line[1];
if ($line[0] eq "directories")
{ my $aa;
my $siz_two_digit;
my $sub_dir;
my $i;
my $array_size=#line;
**for($i=1; $i < $array_size; )**
print $sub_dir;
print "\n";
print $path;
print "\n";
my $r1 = File::Find::Rule->directory
->prune # don't go into it
->discard; # don't report it
my $fn = File::Find::Rule->file
->size( $size_req );
my #files = File::Find::Rule->or( $r1, $fn )
->in( $path);
print #files;
undef #files;
print #files;
print "\n";
print "\n";
The problem with the for loop is that- it stores all the subdirectories to be discarded from an array just fine. However, when it reads the name of the first directory to be discarded, it does not know about the remaining subdirectories and lists them too. When it goes to the 2 nd value, it ignores the previous one and lists that as well.
Does anyone know if the File|::Find::Rule takes an array at a time so that the code will consider entire line in the configuration file at once? or any other logic?
Thank you
This code does not do what you think:
my $r1 = File::Find::Rule->directory
->prune # don't go into it
->discard; # don't report it
You are trying to store a rule in a scalar, but what you are actually doing is calling Find::File::Rule and converting the resulting list to an integer (the number of elements in the list) and storing that in $r1.
Just put the whole call in the #files call. It may look messy but it will work a whole lot better.