I have a list of port number and I want to see which program is using that port. I want to filter the Get-Networkstatistics cmdlet to show me only certain ports that are in the port.txt file. I modified the
Get-NetworkStatistics | Select-Object ComputerName, LocalPort, ProcessName
to loop through only the port numbers I provide. However, the $result variable is not storing anything and the output is null. What am I doing wrong?
$file = .\ports.txt
foreach ( $port in $file )
$result += Get-NetworkStatistics |
Select-Object ComputerName, LocalPort, ProcessName |
Where-Object {$_.LocalPort -eq $port}
$result | Export-Csv .\networkports.csv
You have to use the Get-Content cmdlet:
$file = Get-Content "path_to_ports.txt'
First of all, you want to filter before doing Select, that way you have to select lower objects.
$result = #() #array
foreach ( $port in $file )
$result += Get-NetworkStatistics | Where-Object {$_.LocalPort -eq $port} | Select-Object ComputerName, LocalPort, ProcessName
$result | Export-Csv .\networkports.csv
As for the actual problem itself, I believe it is due to scoping. You need to declare variable before the loop, so it is available in the loop, and after the loop.
The statement
$file = .\ports.txt
Doesn't read the file into the variable. Use Get-Content for that.
Also, you don't need a loop. Get-Content reads the input file into an array of strings, so you can use the -contains operator for checking if the list contains a given local port:
$ports = Get-Content '.\ports.txt'
Get-NetworkStatistics |
Where-Object { $ports -contains $_.LocalPort } |
Select-Object ComputerName, LocalPort, ProcessName |
Export-Csv '.\networkports.csv' -NoType
On PowerShell v3 or newer you can also use the -in operator, which feels a bit more "natural" to most users:
$ports = Get-Content '.\ports.txt'
Get-NetworkStatistics |
Where-Object { $_.LocalPort -in $ports } |
Select-Object ComputerName, LocalPort, ProcessName |
Export-Csv '.\networkports.csv' -NoType
Good morning,
so i got a bunch of IPs and wanted to get the DNS Name,
so i tried this.
Select-String -Allmatches -pattern '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' |% { $_.Matches }| % { $_.Value }| select -Unique| %{Resolve-Dnsname -name $_}
This works, but when i output it to a file i only get the results where he could find an Hostname.
Is there a method to also display the errors.
I would probably do it this way:
Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value -Unique |
ForEach-Object {
$Resolve = $null
$Resolve = Resolve-DnsName -Name $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
IP = $_
Name = $Resolve.Name
Type = $Resolve.Type
TTL = $Resolve.TTL
Section = $Resolve.Section
NameHost = $Resolve.NameHost
You can specify whatever fields you want in the custom object. I have simply included the default properties that Resolve-DnsName outputs to the screen.
In general, Select-Object -ExpandProperty <property> performs better than ForEach-Object { $_.<property> }.
I'm fairly certain the code I have above will work, but there's an outside chance that this:
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value -Unique |
May need to be this:
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value |
Select-Object -Unique |
I need to generate a csv containing running services to csv with the corresponding computer name
I know there is a simple way to do this and I have been tinkering with creating a new psobject, but I am not sure how to pipe the results to the new-object...
Here is what I am using:
$Input = "SomePath"
$Output = "SomeOtherPath"
$CompNames = Get-Content -Path "$Input"
ForEach ($CompName in $CompNames){
Get-Service -ComputerName $CompName | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Export-csv -Path "$Output"
What I need in the CSV is:
ComputerName, ServiceName, DisplayName
basically, I need to add the computer name to the array.
If you want to be able to pipe the results, use a foreach-object.
$Output = "SomeOtherPath"
Get-Content -Path "SomePath" | ForEach-Object {
Get-Service -ComputerName $_ | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select-Object ComputerName, ServiceName, DisplayName
} | Export-csv -Path "$Output"
If you want to stick to a foreach statement, collect it all first then export it.
$Output = "SomeOtherPath"
$CompNames = Get-Content -Path "SomePath"
$results = ForEach ($CompName in $CompNames){
Get-Service -ComputerName $CompName | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select-Object ComputerName, ServiceName, DisplayName
$results | Export-csv -Path "$Output"
Try like this (Don't use $Input as variable name)
$InputX = "SomePath"
$Output = "SomeOtherPath"
$CompNames = Get-Content -Path "$Input"
ForEach ($CompName in $CompNames){
Get-Service -ComputerName $CompName | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select-Object ComputerName, ServiceName, DisplayName | Export-csv -Path "$Output"
I have an empty array that's storing all my windows services that start with certain strings such as OPS-AmazonServer,not included in the code I provided is where I parse the service to just say it's application name.
I then have a CSV file with a list of service names labeled under 'Application Name'. It looks like this
What I want to do is compare the service stored in the array to the CSV list but I can't seem to figure out how the logic flows.
$services = get-service Centinel* -ComputerName $serverName | select -expand name
$centinelServices = #()
$services = get-service OPS* -ComputerName $serverName | select -expand name
$opsServices = #()
$services = #()
foreach($service in $centinelServices) {
$services += $service
foreach($service in $opsServices) {
$services += $service
$csvLocation = "\\logserver\Cardinal\OPS\QA\Task\conf\Centinel\app-restart.csv"
$masterList = import-csv $csvLocation
$applications = #()
$masterList | ForEach-Object {$applications += $_.ApplicationName}
forEach($service in $services){
forEach($application in $applications){
if($service -eq $application){
"$service match found"
else {
"$service match not found"
Ok, easiest way to do this is to use Compare-Object, and a little magic with Select.
I'm going to assume that the ApplicationName column in your CSV is a list of strings that match up with the Name property in your Windows Services list. So let's start by importing that CSV, and changing the property name of ApplicationName to just Name, so that it matches the related property on your Windows Service objects.
$masterList = Import-Csv $csvLocation | Select #{l='Name';e={$_.ApplicationName}}
Then we simply use Compare-Object to see what's in both lists:
Compare-Object (Get-Service) -DifferenceObject $masterList -Property Name -IncludeEqual
If you wanted to parse that you can always pipe it to a Where clause, or use combinations of -IncludeEqual and -ExcludeDifferent parameters:
$masterList = Import-Csv $csvLocation | Select #{l='Name';e={$_.ApplicationName}}
$myServices = Get-Service
$foundServices = Compare-Object $myServices -DifferenceObject $masterList -Property Name -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
$servicesNotInMaster = Compare-Object $myServices -DifferenceObject $masterList -Property Name | Where {$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='}
$servicesNotFoundLocally = Compare-Object $myServices -DifferenceObject $masterList -Property Name | Where {$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'}
Or using the Switch cmdlet to do it all in one go:
$masterList = Import-Csv $csvLocation | Select #{l='Name';e={$_.ApplicationName}}
$myServices = Get-Service
Switch(Compare-Object $myServices -dif $masterList -prop Name -includeequal -PassThru){
{$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='} {[array]$servicesNotInMaster += $_}
{$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'} {[array]$servicesNotFoundLocally += $_}
{$_.SideIndicator -eq '=='} {[array]$foundServices += $_}
Edit: Ok, updating from your addition to the OP. Looks like you could be well served by simply using a Where clause rather than getting services over and over.
$services = Get-Service -ComputerName $serverName | Where{$_.Name -like 'ops*' -or $_.Name -like 'Centinel*'} | Select -Expand Name
Then you import your CSV, and use Select -Expand again to get the value of the property, rather than looping through it like you were before.
$masterList = Import-Csv $csvLocation | Select -Expand ApplicationName
Now you just have two arrays of strings, so this actually gets even simpler than comparing objects... You can use the -in operator in a Where statement like this:
$services | Where{$_ -in $masterList} | ForEach{"$_ match found"}
That basically filters the $services array to look for any strings that are in the $masterList array. This will only work for exact matches though! So if the service is listed as 'OPS-AmazonServer', but in your CSV file it is listed at just 'AmazonServer' it will not work! I use that example specifically because you have that in your example in your question. You specifically call out the service named 'OPS-AmazonServer' and then in your CSV sample you list just 'AmazonServer'.
If the listings in the CSV are partial strings that you want to match against you could use RegEx to do it. This will probably make less sense if you aren't familiar with RegEx, but this would work:
$services = Get-Service -ComputerName $serverName | Where{$_.Name -like 'ops*' -or $_.Name -like 'Centinel*'} | Select -Expand Name
$masterList = (Import-Csv $csvLocation | ForEach{[regex]::escape($_.ApplicationName)}) -join '|'
$services | Where{ $_ -match $masterList } | ForEach{"$_ match found"}
$output = $data | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$serverName"} | Select-Object -Property Description1,Version | Where-Object {$_.Description1 -eq "Power controller Firmware"} | Select-Object -Property Version
Write-Host $output
Gives me the following output:
So $data is an array and I select what I want form it and assign it to a variable to eventually be inputted into a excel file but no matter what I seem to try I cant just select "3.4" Instead it selects like the above (#{Version=3.4}). Doesn't anybody know how to just select the "3.4" within my command?
Just replace last line with:
foreach( $out in $output )
Write-Host $out.Version
In fact your $output variable contains an array so you need to go through it with a foreach loop.
Then you can Write-Host or do anything with the Version property.
As stated by #okaram, if you want to make the same kind of looping but after a pipe you can do it this way:
$output | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_.Version}
$output | %{Write-Host $_.Version}
Your last expression of
Select-Object -Property Version
Keeps the entire object in the pipeline, but filters down the properties to only Version. However, the -ExpandProperty will put the property value itself in the pipeline.
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
That should return the "3.4" result you expect.
Please try the following code:
$data | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$serverName"} | Select-Object -Property
Description1, Version | Where-Object {$_.Description1 -eq "Power controller
Firmware"} | write-Host $_.Version
So I have the following code to output all features and roles installed:
Import-Module ServerManager
$Arr = Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.Installed -match “True”} | Select-Object -Property Name
$loopCount = $Arr.Count
For($i=0; $i -le $loopCount; $i++) {
Write-Host $Arr[$i]
However, the output is:
How can I get rid of the # and {}'s ?
Use Select -ExpandProperty Name instead of Select -Property Name
Alternatively and also, I recommend using Foreach-Object instead of a C-style for loop.
Import-Module ServerManager
Get-WindowsFeature |
Where-Object {$_.Installed -match “True”} |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
Import-Module ServerManager
Get-WindowsFeature |
Where-Object {$_.Installed -match “True”} |
ForEach-Object {
$_.Name | Write-Host
How about a nice one liner?
Get-WindowsFeature | ? {$_.Installed -match “True”} | Select -exp Name
If you can accept a totally static solution, this should work:
Write-Host $Arr[$i].Substring(2, $Arr[$i].Length-3)
If you're looking for a solution that looks specifically for those symbols and removes them, it would be a little different. Based on your question though, this should be just fine.