Change Time Conversion Function to Swift Extension - swift

I have a function that converts minutes to either a decimal or a HH:MM string based on a user preference in NSUserDefaults.
For example, 90 minutes would be either 1.5 or 1:30.
Here's my function:
func decimalOrHHMM(value:Int) -> String{
let totalMinutes = Double(value)
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
if defaults.string(forKey: "displayTotalsAs") == "hhmm"{
let hours = floor(totalMinutes/60)
let minutes = totalMinutes.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 60) //This gives us the remainder
let hrs = String(format: "%.0f", hours) //Remove tenths place
var mins = ""
if minutes < 10{
//Prepend 0
mins = String(format: "0%.0f", minutes)
mins = String(format: "%.0f", minutes)
return "\(hrs):\(mins)"
return String(format: "%.1f", totalMinutes/60)
This works great, but I'm wondering if this can be converted to an NSNumberFormatter Swift extension somehow. I'm having trouble knowing what I need to override in order to do all the converting.
Any idea how I can make this an extension?

This is the basic structure for a Swift extension, you could use a function instead of a computed property, but since your original function takes an Int value, a computed property makes sense.
extension Int {
var decimalOrHHMM: String {
return "\(self)" // do your actual conversion here
You can also choose to extend NSNumberFormatter.


Adding Time Interval. e.g hours, minutes and seconds

I am getting time from the response in hours, minutes and seconds like "01:32:34" of multiple objects. I have saved it in a custom date object, where i am saving the date value and the string value, there are a large number of records so i am saving it in my local db and upon retrieving i get the date value in the format 1999-12-31 19:01:04 +0000 whereas my string value which i am getting from response as well is 19:01:04. now i would like to add all of these values to return a string e.g 1:15:16, 00:15:02, 00:45:27 should return 2 hours 15 minutes 45 seconds. I have explored Calendar.Components.byAdding but the methods there only let me add one single component, it doesn't receive an array and return Date. Is there any swifty way to achieve this, I want to achieve this via an elegant and proper method, i could think of a few fixes but they don't seem appropriate.
I’m going to assume that “01:32:34” represents an elapsed time of 5,554 seconds, not 1:32am. So, I’d convert it to a TimeInterval, not a Date:
func timeInterval(from string: String) -> TimeInterval? {
let components = string.components(separatedBy: ":").map { Double($0) }
components.count == 3,
let hours = components[0],
let minutes = components[1],
let seconds = components[2]
else { return nil }
return ((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60 + seconds
You can chose to store either the original “01:32:34” string or this value, 5,554.0.
Anyway, then adding these numeric time intervals is trivial addition. And to display a resulting TimeInterval, you’d use a DateComponentsFormatter, e.g.
let timeIntervalFormatter: DateComponentsFormatter = {
let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
formatter.unitsStyle = .positional
formatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second]
return formatter
func totalElapsed(_ strings: [String]) -> String? {
let total = strings.reduce( { sum, string in
sum + (timeInterval(from: string) ?? 0)
return timeIntervalFormatter.string(from: total)
let strings = ["1:15:16", "00:15:02", "00:45:27"]
let result = totalElapsed(strings)
Or if you want more of a (localized) natural language representation, use unitsStyle of .full:
2 hours, 15 minutes, 45 seconds
This approach (using TimeInterval, not Date) has the virtue that it also can represent intervals that exceed 24 hours.

Crash when trying to get track length from URL file Swift [duplicate]

When I call this method, an error received. How to handle NaN or infinite value during assign to hour, min or sec?
Here is my code:
private func secondsToFormattedString(totalSeconds: Float64) -> String{
let hours:Int = Int(totalSeconds.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 86400) / 3600)
let minutes:Int = Int(totalSeconds.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 3600) / 60)
let seconds:Int = Int(totalSeconds.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 60))
if hours > 0 {
return String(format: "%i:%02i:%02i", hours, minutes, seconds)
} else {
return String(format: "%02i:%02i", minutes, seconds)
You should check if totalSeconds is a valid value, like:
guard !(totalsSeconds.isNaN || totalSeconds.isInfinite) else {
return "illegal value" // or do some error handling
And check this:
Convert Float to Int in Swift
Another option is to use a formatter for this, I just wanted to convert a Double to an Int to make it easier to display in my UI so a NumberFormatter was perfect, my Double was NaN so that's what the NumberFormatter provided me, rather than the fatalError that the Int 'cast' provided (why doesn't it return an optional like Int(String) does?)
But in the context of this question a DateFormatter is a great solution, which would do the whole function's work for you (bear in mind that creating DateFormatters is a little costly so you wouldn't want to create one for every string formatting you do but keep it hanging out if it makes sense)

How to get the integer part and fractional part of a number in Swift

This is a super basic question, but, I can't seem to find an answer in Swift.
How do I get the whole integer part and fractional part (to the left and right of the decimal point respectively) of a number in Swift 2 and Swift 3? For example, for the number 1234.56789 —
How do I get the integer part 1234.56789 ?
How do I get the fractional part 1234.56789 ?
You could do simple floor and truncating:
let value = 1234.56789
let double = floor(value) // 1234.0
let integer = Int(double) // 1234
let decimal = value.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) // 0.56789
No need for extensions. Swift already has built in function for this.
let aNumber = modf(3.12345)
aNumber.0 // 3.0
aNumber.1 // 0.12345
Swift 4.xm, 5.x complete solution:
I credit #Thomas solution also I'd like to add few things which allow us to use separated parts in 2 string part.
Especially when we want to use 2 different UILabel for main and decimal part of the number.
Extension below is also managing number quantity of decimal part. I thought it might be useful.
UPDATE: Now, it is working perfectly with negative numbers as well!
public extension Double{
func integerPart()->String{
let result = floor(abs(self)).description.dropLast(2).description
let plusMinus = self < 0 ? "-" : ""
return plusMinus + result
func fractionalPart(_ withDecimalQty:Int = 2)->String{
let valDecimal = self.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1)
let formatted = String(format: "%.\(withDecimalQty)f", valDecimal)
let dropQuantity = self < 0 ? 3:2
return formatted.dropFirst(dropQuantity).description
Convert your number into String later separate string from .
Try this:-
let number:Float = 123.46789
let numberString = String(number)
let numberComponent = numberString.components(separatedBy :".")
let integerNumber = Int(numberComponent [0])
let fractionalNumber = Int(numberComponent [1])
You could do this ->
let x:Double = 1234.5678
let y:Double = Double(Int(x))
let z:Double = x - Double(Int(x))
print("\(x) \(y) \(z)")
Where x is your original value. y is the integer part and z is the fractional part.
Thomas answer is the one you want ...
This will definitely work for you in swift 5 and 4
let number = 3.145443
let integerValue = String(format: "%.0f", number)
let integerValue1 = String(format: "%.1f", number)
let integerValue2 = String(format: "%.2f", number)
modf() works bad with numbers > 1 billion
#Trevor behaves like modf()
#Andres Cedronius example behaves like modf() too (i tried modify it)
#Irshad Ahmed solution is nice
there is some convenience convertions
For some reason you need more control, check out
extension Double {
/// 1.00234 -> 1.0
var integerPart: Double {
return Double(Int(self))
/// 1.0012 --> 0.0012
var fractionPart: Double {
let fractionStr = "0.\(String(self).split(separator: ".")[1])"
return Double(fractionStr)!
/// 1.0012 --> "0.0012"
var fractionPartString: String {
return "0.\(String(self).split(separator: ".")[1])"
/// 1.0012 --> 12
var fractionPartInteger: Int {
let fractionStr = "\(String(self).split(separator: ".")[1])"
return Int(fractionStr)!
print(1000.0.integerPart) // 1000.0
print(1000.0.fractionPart) // 0.0
print(1000.1.integerPart) // 1000.0
print(1000.2.fractionPart) // 0.2
print(1_000_000_000.1.integerPart) // 1000000000.0
print(100_000_000.13233.fractionPart) // 0.13233
var specimen0:Double = 1234.56789
var significant0 = Double.IntegerLiteralType(specimen0) // result is an integer
var fractionals0 = specimen0 - Double(significant0)
var specimen1:Float = -1234.56789
var significant1 = Float.IntegerLiteralType(specimen1) // result is an integer
var fractionals1 = specimen1 - Float(significant1)
var specimen2:CGFloat = -1234.56789
var significant2 = CGFloat.IntegerLiteralType(specimen2) // result is an integer
var fractionals2 = specimen2 - CGFloat(significant2)
These are all built in as of Swift 5.3, I am sure even earlier...

Convert Date to Integer in Swift

I am updating some of my old Swift 2 answers to Swift 3. My answer to this question, though, is not easy to update since the question specifically asks for NSDate and not Date. So I am creating a new version of that question that I can update my answer for.
If I start with a Date instance like this
let someDate = Date()
how would I convert that to an integer?
Related but different
These questions are asking different things:
Swift convert unix time to date and time
Converting Date Components (Integer) to String
Convert Date String to Int Swift
Date to Int
// using current date and time as an example
let someDate = Date()
// convert Date to TimeInterval (typealias for Double)
let timeInterval = someDate.timeIntervalSince1970
// convert to Integer
let myInt = Int(timeInterval)
Doing the Double to Int conversion causes the milliseconds to be lost. If you need the milliseconds then multiply by 1000 before converting to Int.
Int to Date
Including the reverse for completeness.
// convert Int to TimeInterval (typealias for Double)
let timeInterval = TimeInterval(myInt)
// create NSDate from Double (NSTimeInterval)
let myNSDate = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: timeInterval)
I could have also used `timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate` instead of `timeIntervalSince1970` as long as I was consistent. This is assuming that the time interval is in seconds. Note that Java uses milliseconds.
For the old Swift 2 syntax with NSDate, see this answer.
If you are looking for timestamp with 10 Digit seconds since 1970 for API call then, below is code:
Just 1 line code for Swift 4/ Swift 5
let timeStamp = UInt64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
print(timeStamp) <-- prints current time stamp
let timeStamp = UInt64((Date().timeIntervalSince1970) * 1000) // will give 13 digit timestamp in milli seconds
timeIntervalSince1970 is a relevant start time, convenient and provided by Apple.
If u want the int value to be smaller, u could choose the relevant start time you like
extension Date{
var intVal: Int?{
if let d = Date.coordinate{
let inteval = Date().timeIntervalSince(d)
return Int(inteval)
return nil
// today's time is close to `2020-04-17 05:06:06`
static let coordinate: Date? = {
let dateFormatCoordinate = DateFormatter()
dateFormatCoordinate.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
if let d = "2020-04-17 05:06:06") {
return d
return nil
extension Int{
var dateVal: Date?{
// convert Int to Double
let interval = Double(self)
if let d = Date.coordinate{
return Date(timeInterval: interval, since: d)
return nil
Use like this:
let d = Date()
// date to integer, you need to unwrap the optional
// integer to date

Swift double to string

Before I updated xCode 6, I had no problems casting a double to a string but now it gives me an error
var a: Double = 1.5
var b: String = String(a)
It gives me the error message "double is not convertible to string". Is there any other way to do it?
It is not casting, it is creating a string from a value with a format.
let a: Double = 1.5
let b: String = String(format: "%f", a)
print("b: \(b)") // b: 1.500000
With a different format:
let c: String = String(format: "%.1f", a)
print("c: \(c)") // c: 1.5
You can also omit the format property if no formatting is needed.
let double = 1.5
let string = double.description
update Xcode 7.1 • Swift 2.1:
Now Double is also convertible to String so you can simply use it as you wish:
let double = 1.5
let doubleString = String(double) // "1.5"
Swift 3 or later we can extend LosslessStringConvertible and make it generic
Xcode 11.3 • Swift 5.1 or later
extension LosslessStringConvertible {
var string: String { .init(self) }
let double = 1.5
let string = double.string // "1.5"
For a fixed number of fraction digits we can extend FloatingPoint protocol:
extension FloatingPoint where Self: CVarArg {
func fixedFraction(digits: Int) -> String {
.init(format: "%.*f", digits, self)
If you need more control over your number format (minimum and maximum fraction digits and rounding mode) you can use NumberFormatter:
extension Formatter {
static let number = NumberFormatter()
extension FloatingPoint {
func fractionDigits(min: Int = 2, max: Int = 2, roundingMode: NumberFormatter.RoundingMode = .halfEven) -> String {
Formatter.number.minimumFractionDigits = min
Formatter.number.maximumFractionDigits = max
Formatter.number.roundingMode = roundingMode
Formatter.number.numberStyle = .decimal
return Formatter.number.string(for: self) ?? ""
2.12345.fractionDigits() // "2.12"
2.12345.fractionDigits(min: 3, max: 3, roundingMode: .up) // "2.124"
In addition to #Zaph's answer, you can create an extension on Double:
extension Double {
func toString() -> String {
return String(format: "%.1f",self)
var a:Double = 1.5
println("output: \(a.toString())") // output: 1.5
Swift 3+: Try these line of code
let num: Double = 1.5
let str = String(format: "%.2f", num)
to make anything a string in swift except maybe enum values simply do what you do in the println() method
for example:
var stringOfDBL = "\(myDouble)"
There are many answers here that suggest a variety of techniques. But when presenting numbers in the UI, you invariably want to use a NumberFormatter so that the results are properly formatted, rounded, and localized:
let value = 10000.5
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
guard let string = formatter.string(for: value) else { return }
print(string) // 10,000.5
If you want fixed number of decimal places, e.g. for currency values
let value = 10000.5
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
guard let string = formatter.string(for: value) else { return }
print(string) // 10,000.50
But the beauty of this approach, is that it will be properly localized, resulting in 10,000.50 in the US but 10.000,50 in Germany. Different locales have different preferred formats for numbers, and we should let NumberFormatter use the format preferred by the end user when presenting numeric values within the UI.
Needless to say, while NumberFormatter is essential when preparing string representations within the UI, it should not be used if writing numeric values as strings for persistent storage, interface with web services, etc.
Swift 4:
Use following code
let number = 2.4
let string = String(format: "%.2f", number)
This function will let you specify the number of decimal places to show:
func doubleToString(number:Double, numberOfDecimalPlaces:Int) -> String {
return String(format:"%."+numberOfDecimalPlaces.description+"f", number)
let numberString = doubleToStringDecimalPlacesWithDouble(number: x, numberOfDecimalPlaces: 2)
In swift 3:
var a: Double = 1.5
var b: String = String(a)
In swift 3 it is simple as given below
let stringDouble = String(describing: double)
I would prefer NSNumber and NumberFormatter approach (where need), also u can use extension to avoid bloating code
extension Double {
var toString: String {
return NSNumber(value: self).stringValue
U can also need reverse approach
extension String {
var toDouble: Double {
return Double(self) ?? .nan
var b = String(stringInterpolationSegment: a)
This works for me. You may have a try
In Swift 4 if you like to modify and use a Double in the UI as a textLabel "String" you can add this in the end of your file:
extension Double {
func roundToInt() -> Int{
return Int(Darwin.round(self))
And use it like this if you like to have it in a textlabel:
currentTemp.text = "\(weatherData.tempCelsius.roundToInt())"
Or print it as an Int:
Swift 5:
Use following code
extension Double {
func getStringValue(withFloatingPoints points: Int = 0) -> String {
let valDouble = modf(self)
let fractionalVal = (valDouble.1)
if fractionalVal > 0 {
return String(format: "%.*f", points, self)
return String(format: "%.0f", self)
You shouldn't really ever cast a double to a string, the most common reason for casting a float to a string is to present it to a user, but floats are not real number and can only approximate lots of values, similar to how ⅓ can not be represented as a decimal number with a finite number of decimal places. Instead keep you values as float for all their use, then when you want to present them to the user, use something like NumberFormater to convert them for your. This stage of converting for user presentation is what something like your viewModel should do.
Use this.
Text(String(format: "%.2f", doubleValue))