SSIS OleDB Datasource with POSTGres - postgresql

I am working on SSIS and get trouble with POSTGres.
Because I need to build a command text from variables, so that I have to use the Ole DB Datasource to retrieve data from a Postgres server.
I have search alot pages in internet but not found any good provider (it is not reasonable with fee granted tool such as Devard :(, Postgres is free, it's drivers and provider should be free also).
Does someone can give me a hand on this?


Postgresql with IBM App Connect Enterprise

I am trying to use IBM APP Connect Enterprise to connect to a Postgresql Datasource and execute Database complex queries (Complex SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE Statements)
All I can find is the loopback node which is using limited (select, insert and update) statements.
Is there any option that I can include an esql having a PASSTHRU function as the one used with ODBC (Oracle datasources)?
You could use App Connect for the interactions with Postgresql:
You should be able to call your App Connecto flow using a Callable Flow (via the Switch Server):
You should be able to add a postgresql database as an ODBC database through the UnixODBC layer (i.e. add an entry to the odbcinst.ini file), it's not directly supported though, so if you find an issue you'd need to reproduce with a supported database.
I haven't tried it myself yet, I should hopefully have time in the not too distant future.
Searching the internet for "unixodbc postgres odbcinst.ini" gave some good results, which is where I'd start.

Copy data from Postgres DB (GCP Project A) to another Postgres DB (GCP Project B)

I would be happy to get your help / feedback re data load.
Load source data from a Postgres database, which is located in GCP project A to another Postgres database, which is located in GCP project B.
Get a connection (I have an IAM account with sufficient rights to run a COPY TO / COPY FROM command) to the Postgres DB in GCP Project A and copy the table either to a CSV or create a dump that can be used in order to be inserted to another Postgres DB in GCP Project B.
How do I connect to the database (e.g. if I create a key, where shall I store the json keyfile and would that approach even be feasible?) with this IAM email account?
Other ways I've researched were to use psycopg2 (thus I could use the function cursor.copy_expert (which doesn’t need any superuser right or Postgres user credentials and copy the data), but I didn’t succeed in connecting to the database with psycopg2 due to challenges with cloud proxy.
Another idea was to use pg_dump or gcloud sql export csv.
I would be curious if some of you were facing a similar challenge and how did you solve it and what might be the best way/practice
You can have a try out database migration service. You can set up a continuous migration configuration and use Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.
Hello after a lot of searching I've come to these solutions:
If you have continuous copy, you need to use the database migration service, check this documentation.
If you have one shot copy:
you can restore your instance, see the bottom page of this documentation
you can create a bucket and backup your instance on it, then import it from the other project

Connecting to Amazon Redshift in Azure Data Studio via the Postgresql Connector

I've recently joined a company with a mixed set of databases that include a Redshift cluster and some SQL databases. I'd like to use a single IDE to access both for analytical reporting, so I don't have to switch between tools. I'm currently using workbench, which works, but it's not clicking with me.
I do like Azure Data Studio, but it's SQL Server and Postgres only. Given the similarities between Redshift and Postgres, I thought I'd see if I could connect using the Postgres driver.
I've installed the Postgres extension and can "connect" to the database. However when I try to explore the database using the tree view, I get the error message 'Cannot Expand Node'. When I run a simple query that works in workbench, e.g.
Select * from [server].[database].[table]
I get the following Error message:
Started executing query at Line 1
cursors can only be used within the transaction that created them.
Total execution time: 00:00:00.019
I know I'm trying to do something that shouldn't be done. And if I can't, I can't. But has anyone here managed to get a redshift connection going in Azure Data Studio?
FWIW, I've come across a GitHub Repository that may be a Redshift driver for data studio - but this looks like a clone of the Postgres driver, with no activity since march (not even renaming the 'Postgres' titles to Redshift)... and therefore I'm dubious.

Difference between pgAdmin and PostgreSQL

Can someone tell me the difference between pgAdmin and postgreSQL? Are both of them one in the same? I can't draw a ER diagram in pgAdmin but was wondering if it's possible in postgreSQL?
Once I downloaded the postgreSQL it automatically downloaded the pgAdmin and the postgreSQL database is not in sight.
The PostgreSQL is a database engine implementing SQL standards. It usually listen as a server on a network tcp port to provide its abilities.
The pgAdmin is a sort of client. You are able to manipulate schema and data on an instance or multiple instances of PostgreSQL engines.
The MS Windows instalation package consists of both PostgreSQL server and PgAdmin client. So far right after the instalation you are able to manage your databases.
PostgreSQL (pronounced as post-gress-Q-L) is an open source relational
database management system ( DBMS ) developed by a worldwide team of
volunteers. PostgreSQL is not controlled by any corporation or other
private entity and the source code is available free of charge.
The pgAdmin package is a free and open source graphical user interface
administration tool for PostgreSQL, which is supported on many
computer platforms.
phpPgAdmin is a web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL written in PHP and based on the popular phpMyAdmin interface
originally written for MySQL administration
Hope you can understand now it well!!

Crystal Reports against OLAP / XMLA / SimbaO2X-server

I'm trying to convert some old Excel-reports to Crystal Reports. The excel sheets uses OLAP-cubes and connects to a database using a XMLA connection over a SimbaO2X driver.
I just can't figure out which connection settings to use in Crystal Reports to be able to connect to the database.
I've tried both XML and OLAP connections, but just can't get a database connection.
Any help with the connection setting would be appreciated!
Edit: The database is a bit of a black box; it's probably an Oracle database (it was an Oracle database before the end user frontend was rewritten in java. They could have changed the database as well.) I have however no success with neither the Oracle Server nor the Microsoft OLE DB for Oracle connection method.
I have also this morning found a SimbaO2X provider under the OLE DB folder. While not working it's the best so far -- it accepts the username and password and lets me select which database to connect to but then fails with ADO Error Code: 0x80040e73 (Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification.) At least I have something to go on.
I'm running Crystal Reports XI if someone needs to know.
Partial solution:
Upgrade Crystal Reports XI to Release 2, service pack 4.
Update from service pack 4 to service pack 6.
Upgrades and updates can be downloaded from the SAP Community Network
A connection can now be made with the SimbaO2X OLE DB driver. This solution should also resolve connection problems with some other databases as well.
However, adding a table to the report results in a 0x800a0cc1 error (Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal)