How to use vimgrep to grep work that's high-lighted by vim? - select

I've installed vimgrep plugin, inside vim, under normal mode I can type:
:vimgrep mywords %
to search "mywords" for the documents under current directory.
But I wish that in normal mode, when I highlight a word using gd, or in visual mode use 'viw' to select a word, I use a hot key to vimgrep. So I add in my .vimrc and restart vim:
vnoremap <F8> :vimgrep expand('<cword>') %<CR>
Well it didn't work for me, when I put focus on one word and select it, I press F8, no response in vim. How to achieve it?

Vimscript is evaluated exactly like the Ex commands typed in the : command-line. There were no variables in ex, so there's no way to specify them. When typing a command interactively, you'd probably use <C-R>= to insert variable contents:
:vimgrep <C-R>=expand('<cword>')<CR> '%'<CR>
... but in a script, :execute must be used. All the literal parts of the Ex command must be quoted (single or double quotes), and then concatenated with the variables:
execute 'vimgrep' expand('<cword>') '%'
Actually, there's a built-in command for inserting the current word into the command-line: :help c_CTRL-R_CTRL-W:
:vimgrep <C-R><C-W>
Your mapping
You could use all three approaches; let's use the last:
vnoremap <F8> :<C-u>vimgrep <C-r><C-w> %<CR>
The <C-u> clears the '<,'> range that is automatically inserted.
What you probably wanted
Using the current word from visual mode is strange. You probably wanted to search for the current selection. There's no expand() for that. Easiest is to yank, as outlined by #ryuichiro's answer:
vnoremap <F8> y:vimgrep /<C-r>"/ %<CR>
Still missing is escaping of the literal text (:vimgrep searches for a regular expression pattern), and of the / delimiter:
vnoremap <F8> y:execute 'vimgrep /\V' . escape(##, '/\') . '/ %'<CR>
Robust plugin solution
Now, if you also want to avoid the clobbering of the default register, it gets really complicated. Have a look at my GrepHere plugin; it provides a {Visual}<A-M> mapping for exactly that.

vnoremap <F8> y:vimgrep "<c-r>"" %<CR>
:h y
:h <C-r>
Recommended reading: Mapping keys in Vim - Tutorial (Part 1)


In Emacs, how can I exclude '-' from the common delimiters?

When coding in elisp, I find that I'm stopping at hyphens when moving by words, and would prefer to ignore them.
What's the simplest way to do this?
M-x modify-syntax-entry RET - RET w RET should do it. Or if you prefer an elisp snippet that you can add into a hook, (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w")
The syntax table for a mode contains information on what constitutes various syntactic classes (e.g. words, spaces etc.). These are used to determine the operation of commands such as forward-word etc. Modifying it change the behaviour of these commands.
Instead of changing Emacs' notion of words, it might be preferably to navigate by s-expressions (C-M-f, C-M-b) to skip whole identifiers. That way, you keep the convenience to be able to navigate by the partial words if you want to change an identifier.
You can use interactive regex search. Pressing just C-M-s SPACE should search for any whitespace (you might need to configure search-whitespace-regexp).

How can I modify emacs' Search and Replace to perform a more complicated task?

total Emacs noob here. So right now I'm working on a fairly big LaTeX project in Emacs in which there are couple of places where I need to index some words, using the makeidx package. Because I also wanted indexed words to be bold, I created my own command \ind{} which would make the argument go bold and indexed. But right now I'm dissatisifed with this command so I'd like to change every instance of \ind{whatever} in my text by \textbf{whatever}\index{whatever by default}.
The thing is I know exactly what I want :
Go through the text, look for any instance of \ind{ and replace by \textbf{ using search-and-replace
Save the argument of \ind ("whatever" in this case) in memory
Ask me the user what should the argument of \index be. By default (by striking enter), it should be the first argument, but I can also change my mind and enter something different ("whatever by default" in this case). If there's no input (only a space " " for example) stop the program.
Write down \index{, the new argument and }.
Go to next occurance in the text.
But, alas!, I know not how to achieve this, so I need someone's help. If it should take too much time to explain how to do such a thing, would you please send me some tutorial about writing my own functions?
I hope I'm being clear, and thanks for your patience!
This approach seems vaguely unorthodox to me, but it works and seems sufficient for a one-off job...
In the replacement text for replace-regexp and query-replace-regexp (C-M-%), one newer escape sequence is \,(...), where ... can be any Lisp expression. There's a Lisp function read-from-minibuffer which reads arbitrary text typed by the user, with an optional default. Therefore:
C-M-%: Start query-replace-regexp.
\\ind{\([^}]+?\)}: The pattern to search for.
\\textbf{\1}\\index{\,(read-from-minibuffer "index content? " \1)}: The replacement text. The user will be prompted for the text to put in the braces following the \index{} element, using the original text between the braces following the \ind{} element as a default.
Note that when using query-replace-regexp, you'll have to confirm each choice by typing y after each. Use M-x replace-regexp if you want to avoid this step.
Vlad give you the LaTeX answer to your problem. An Emacs solution is the key-macro: start with
C-x (
to define a new macro, then do one step of your change, say:
C-s \ind{
Then copy and paste the argument in the \textbf macro... You have to be careful to move in a way that will be repeatable. Once the standard modification is done, you let the cursor after the whatever by default and end the definition by
C-x )
now C-x e will call the macro you just define, letting your cursor at the correct place to change the part you want to change You can also repeat the e to call the macro several time at once.
Why not just redefine the \ind so that it can get an optional argument?
For example:
This way you can use \ind{whatever} or \ind[whatever-else]{whatever}.

How can I script vim to run perltidy on a buffer?

At my current job, we have coding-style standards that are different from the ones I normally follow. Fortunately, we have a canned RC file for perltidy that I can apply to reformat files before I submit them to our review process.
I have code for emacs that I use to run a command over a buffer and replace the buffer with the output, which I have adapted for this. But I sometimes alternate between emacs and vim, and would like to have the same capabilities there. I'm sure that this or something similar is simple and had been done and re-done many times over. But I've not had much luck finding any examples of vim-script that seem to do what I need. Which is, in essence, to be able to hit a key combo (like Ctrl-F6, what I use in emacs) and have the buffer be reformatted in-place by perltidy. While I'm a comfortable vim-user, I'm completely clueless at writing this sort of thing for vim.
After trying #hobbs answer I noticed that when filtering the entire buffer through perltidy the cursor returned to byte 1, and I had to make a mental note of the original line number so I could go back after :Tidy completed.
So building on #hobbs' and #Ignacio's answers, I added the following to my .vimrc:
"define :Tidy command to run perltidy on visual selection || entire buffer"
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy
"run :Tidy on entire buffer and return cursor to (approximate) original position"
fun DoTidy()
let l = line(".")
let c = col(".")
call cursor(l, c)
"shortcut for normal mode to run on entire buffer then return to current line"
au Filetype perl nmap <F2> :call DoTidy()<CR>
"shortcut for visual mode to run on the current visual selection"
au Filetype perl vmap <F2> :Tidy<CR>
(closing " added to comments for SO syntax highlighting purposes (not required, but valid vim syntax))
DoTidy() will return the cursor to its original position plus or minus at most X bytes, where X is the number of bytes added/removed by perltidy relative to the original cursor position. But this is fairly trivial as long as you keep things tidy :).
[Vim version: 7.2]
EDIT: Updated DoTidy() to incorporate #mikew's comment for readability and for compatibility with Vim 7.0
My tidy command:
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!
\perltidy (your default options go here) <args>
If you use a visual selection or provide a range then it will tidy the selected range, otherwise it will use the whole file. You can put a set of default options (if you have any) at the point where I wrote (your default options go here), but any arguments that you provide to :Tidy will be appended to the perltidy commandline, overriding your defaults. (If you use a .perltidyrc you might not have default args -- that's fine -- but then again you might want to have a default like --profile=vim that sets up defaults only for when you're working in vim. Whatever works.)
The command to filter the entire buffer through an external program is:
Put the following in ~/.vimrc to bind it to Ctrl-F6 in normal mode:
:nmap <C-F6> :%!command<CR>
For added fun:
:au Filetype perl nmap <C-F6> :%!command<CR>
This will only map the filter if editing a Perl file.
Taking hobbs' answer a step further, you can map that command to a shortcut key:
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy -q
noremap <C-F6> :Tidy<CR>
And another step further: Only map the command when you're in a Perl buffer (since you probably wouldn't want to run perltidy on any other language):
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pl,*.plx,*.pm command! -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy -q
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pl,*.plx,*.pm noremap <C-F6> :Tidy<CR>
Now you can press Ctrl-F6 without an active selection to format the whole file, or with an active selection to format just that section.
Instead of creating a new keyboard shortcut, how about replacing the meaning of the = command which is already in people's finger memory for indenting stuff? Yes, perlcritic does more than just indent but when you use perlcritic anyways, then you probably don't want to go back to the inferior "just indent" = command. So lets overwrite it!
filetype plugin indent on
autocmd FileType perl setlocal equalprg=perltidy
And now we can use = just like before but with the added functionality of perlcritic that goes beyond just indenting lines:
== run perlcritic on the current line
5== run perlcritic on five lines
=i{ Re-indent the 'inner block', i.e. the contents of the block
=a{ Re-indent 'a block', i.e. block and containing braces
=2a{ Re-indent '2 blocks', i.e. this block and containing block
gg=G run perlcritic on the entire buffer
And the best part is, that you don't have to learn any new shortcuts but can continue using the ones you already used with more power. :)
I'm used to select text using line oriented visual Shift+V and then I press : an I have !perltidy -pbp -et4 somewhere in history so I hit once or more up arrow ⇧.

gnu screen - changing the default escape command key to ALT-X?

In GNU screen, I want to change the default command binding to Alt-s (by tweaking .screenrc) instead of the default C-a, the reason is I use emacs hence GNU screen binds the C-a key, sending "C-a" to the emacs becomes tedious (as #Nils said, to send "C-a" I should type "C-a a"), as well as "C-a" in bash shell, and I could change the escape to C- but some of them are already mapped in emacs and other combinations are not as easy as ALT-s . If anyone has already done a ALT key mapping, please do let me know.
It is possible to work around :escape command limitations using registers and :bindkey command. Just put this in .screenrc:
# reset escape key to the default
escape ^Aa
# auxiliary register
register S ^A
# Alt + x produces ^A and acts as an escape key
bindkey "^[x" process S
## Alt + space produces ^A and acts as an escape key
# bindkey "^[ " process S
From my reading of man screen it seems like the only meta character that screen can use for the command binding is CTRL:
escape xy
Set the command character to x and the character generating a literal
command character (by triggering the "meta" command) to y (similar to
the -e option). Each argument is either a single character, a two-character
sequence of the form "^x" (meaning "C-x"), a backslash followed by an octal
number (specifying the ASCII code of the character), or a backslash followed
by a second character, such as "\^" or "\\". The default is "^Aa".
If there is some mapping that you don't use in emacs, even if it's inconvenient, like C-|, then you could use your terminal input manager to remap ALT-X to that, letting you use the ALT binding instead. That would be a little hackish though.
I'm an Emacs and screen user as well. Although I rarely use Emacs in a terminal -- and as such in a screen session -- I didn't want to give up C-a for the shell either (which uses Emacs key bindings). My solution was to use C-j as the prefix key for screen, which I was willing to sacrifice. In Emacs programming modes it is bound to (newline-and-indent) which I bound to RET as well, so I really don't miss it.
By the way: I know this is an advise rather than an answer, but I felt this would be valuable enough to post nevertheless.
To make Alt+X the default prefix for commands and free C-a, add the following lines to .screenrc:
escape ^||
bindkey "^[x" command
As a side effect C-| will be command prefix too. If you need this keys to be free too, then fix "escape ^||" accordingly.
Screen doesn't have any shorthand syntax for alt bindings, but you can give it the octal code directly. For instance on my machine, Alt-x has the hex code F8, or 370 octal, so putting
escape \370x
in my screenrc changed the escape code to alt-X
Tested and works with screen 4.00.03 on Linux.
You may have to change the escape, since I think this may depend on things like your language and codeset, etc: how I found out what my escape code was was to type
$ echo -n ^QM-x | perl -ne 'printf "%lo\n", ord($_)'
^Q is the quoted-insert command for readline (it inserts what you type directly without trying to interpret it) and M-x was a literal Alt-X.
Fellow emacs user here.
The best solution I've found is a ~/.screenrc file with the following:
# C-a :source .screenrc
escape ^gg
Live updated here:
See also:
Something I have had for years in my .screenrc:
escape ^Zz
which is now hardwired in muscle memory for me.
Somehow I ended up having to share a screen with someone else's config, and now I keep stopping processes all the time (bash ^Z)... Not funny...

Is there any way to enable code completion for Perl in vim?

Surprisingly as you get good at vim, you can code even faster than standard IDEs such as Eclipse. But one thing I really miss is code completion, especially for long variable names and functions.
Is there any way to enable code completion for Perl in vim?
Ctrl-P (Get Previous Match) and Ctrl-N (Get Next Match) are kind of pseudo code completion. They basically search the file (Backwards for Ctrl-P, Forwards for Ctrl-N) you are editing (and any open buffers, and if you are using TAGS anything in your TAG file) for words that start with what you are typing and add a drop down list. It works surprisingly well for variables and function names, even if it isn't intellisense. Generally I use Ctrl-P as the variable or function I am looking for is usually behind in the code. Also if you keep the same copy of Vim open, it will search the files you have previously opened.
Vim 7 supports omni completion.
For example, I have this in my vimrc
autocmd FileType php set omnifunc=phpcomplete#CompletePHP
and then, when I press Ctrl-X Ctrl-O in Insert mode, I get a dropdown list of autocomplete possibilities.
Here's an omnicfunc for perl. No idea how well it works though.
Well, Vim's generic completion mechanism is surprisingly good, just using Ctrl-N in insert mode. Also, line completion is very handy, using C-x C-l.
Also check out this vim script for perl.
The standard Ctrl+N and Ctrl+P works even better if you add the following to your ~/.vim/ftplugin/perl.vim file:
set iskeyword+=:
Then it will autocomplete module names, etc.
The .vimrc clip in one of the other answers is slightly wrong. To turn your tab key into an auto-complete key, use this code:
inoremap <tab> <c-r>=InsertTabWrapper()<cr>
function! InsertTabWrapper()
let col = col('.') - 1
if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k'
return "\<tab>"
return "\<c-p>"
You can find this, and tons of other vim tricks in this thread at Perlmonks--which links to even more threads with lots more customizations.
You should look at the SuperTab plugin:
It let's you do completion (either the OmniCompletion or the regular completion) using tab and shift-tab instead of ^N and ^P.
This is explained in the Perl Hacks book, along with how to do Package completion. Highly recommended.