MongoDB Compound text search - mongodb

I have a collection like this in my mongo database, let's say it's called taxonomic.
"_id" : ObjectId("5810e15a762a39b41912a131"),
"validName" : "Eros",
"idUser" : ObjectId("1")
"_id" : ObjectId("5810e15a762a39b41912a132"),
"validName" : "Eros",
"idUser" : ObjectId("2")
I've already created a compound index to be able to search for the two values I want, such as this.
Now, I want to be able to search and get a return from it only when both of the parameters are found on the same document of the collections, here's my try:
db.taxonomic.find({$text:{$search:"Eros 2"}},{idUser:1,validName:1})
The problem with this method is that it will return any match of "Eros" OR "2", what I want is a return of the values when "Eros" AND "2" are matched in a document of the collection.
Thank you for any help!

I dont think you require a text Index for it if you only want specific string
db.taxonomic.find({"$or" : [{"validName" : "Eros"},{"validName" : "2"}]},{idUser:1,validName:1})


Find Object of Object MongoDB not returning any values

I have this data structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("582ecaa97be792282ca31bc4"),
"hero" : {
"5001" : {
"id" : 5001
"name" : "Rogue"
"5002" : {
"id" : 5002
"name" : "Mage"
"5003" : {
"id" : 5002
"name" : "Paladin"
I have the query.
db.getCollection('hero').find({"Hero":{"5001":{"id" : 5001}}})
It returns 0 results.
I could store the Heros separately, but I would like to know how to do this query first. What I would like to get out of this is all data under 5001 if I query with 5001 and so forth.
Edit: I found the answer by using dot notation, I already tried dot notation but i got it a bit wrong when trying it, I thought it was only for arrays. Here is what you would do if anyone else is looking.
db.Runes.find({ "": 5001 },{"hero.5001":1})
First of all, All the fields are case sensitive so you cannot query a "hero" field with "Hero".
second if you are querying nested documents you should use the "dot notation"
so the proper way to your that document will be.
db.getCollection('hero').find({"" : 5001})
it will return the entire document. So entire hero object with 5002 and 5003 key will also return as they belong to the same document. You can use projection to project only the required fields.
which can be done as below
db.getCollection('hero').find({"": 5001},{"hero.5001" : 1})
Here are more information about Mongodb query and projection operators
Just try this
db.getCollection('hero').find({"" : 5001})

Searching with dynamic field name in MongoDB

I have a situation where records in Mongo DB are like :
"_id" : "xxxx",
"_class" : "xxxx",
"orgId" : xxx,
"targetKeyToOrgIdMap" : {
"46784_56139542ecaa34c13ba9e314" : 46784,
"47530_562f1bc5fc1c1831d38d1900" : 47530,
"700004280_56c18369fc1cde1e2a017afc" : 700004280
I have to find out the records where child nodes of targetKeyToOrgIdMap has a particular set of values. That means, I know what the value is going to be there in the record in "46784_56139542ecaa34c13ba9e314" : 46784 part. And the field name is variable, its combination of the value and some random string.
In above example, I have 46784, and I need to find all the records which have 46784 in that respective field.
Is there any way I can fire some regex or something like that or by using any other mean where I would get the records which has the value I need in the child nodes of the field targetKeyToOrgIdMap.
Thanks in advance
You could use MongoDB's $where like this:
db.myCollection.find( { $where: function() {
for (var key in obj.targetKeyToOrgIdMap) {
if (obj.targetKeyToOrgIdMap[key] == 46784){
return true;
}}).each { obj ->
println obj
But be aware that this will require a full table scan where the function is executed for each document. See documentation.

why is mongodb not indexing my collection

I have created a collection and added just a name field and tried to apply the following index.
Even after applying the index I see the below result.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("57d14139eceab001a19f7e82"), "name" : "kkkk" } {
"_id" : ObjectId("57d1413feceab001a19f7e83"), "name" : "aaaa" } {
"_id" : ObjectId("57d14144eceab001a19f7e84"), "name" : "zzzz" } {
"_id" : ObjectId("57d14148eceab001a19f7e85"), "name" : "dddd" } {
"_id" : ObjectId("57d1414ceceab001a19f7e86"), "name" : "rrrrr" }
What am I missing here.
the way you built your index is correct however building an ascending index on names wont return the results in ascending order.
if you need results to be ordered by name you have to use
what happens when you build an index is that when you search for data the Mongo process perform the search behind the scenes in an ordered fashion for faster outcomes.
Please note: if you just want to see output in sorted order. you dont even need an index.
You won't be able to see if an index has been successfully created (unless there is a considerable speed performance) by running a find() command.
Instead, use db.names.getIndexes() to see if the index has been created (it may take some time if you're running the index in the background for it to appear in the index list)

MongoDB get object id by finding on another column value

I am new to querying dbs and especially mongodb.If I run :
db.<customers>.find({"contact_name: Anny Hatte"})
I get:
"_id" : ObjectId("55f7076079cebe83d0b3cffd"),
"company_name" : "Gap",
"contact_name" : "Anny Hatte",
"email" : ""
I wish to get the value of the "_id" attribute from this query result. How do I achieve that?
Similarly, if I have another collection, named items, with the following data:
"_id" : ObjectId("55f7076079cebe83d0b3d009"),
"_customer" : ObjectId("55f7076079cebe83d0b3cfda"),
"school" : "St. Patrick's"
Here, the "_customer" field is the "_id" of the customer collection (the previous collection). I wish to get the "_id", the "_customer" and the "school" field values for the record where "_customer" of items-collection equals "_id" of customers-collection.
How do I go about this?
I wish to get the value of the "_id" attribute from this query result.
How do I achieve that?
The find() method returns a cursor to the results, which you can iterate and retrieve the documents in the result set. You can do this using forEach().
var cursor = db.customers.find({"contact_name: Anny Hatte"});
//access all the attributes of the document here
var id = customer._id;
You could make use of the aggregation pipeline's $lookup stage that has been introduced as part of 3.2, to look up and fetch the matching rows in some other related collection.
{$match:{"contact_name":"Anny Hatte"}},
In case you are using a previous version of mongodb where the stage is not supported, then, you would need to fire an extra query to lookup the items collection, for each customer.
{"contact_name":"Anny Hatte"}).map(function(customer){
customer["items"] = [];
return customer;

Mongo db : query on nested json

Sample json object :
{ "_id" : ObjectId( "55887982498e2bef5a5f96db" ),
"a" : "x",
"q" : "null",
"p" : "",
"s" : "{\"f\":{\"b\":[\"I\"]},\"time\":\"fs\"}" }
need all documents where time = fs
My query :
{"s":{"time" : "fs"}}
above returns zero products but that is not true.
There are two problems here. First of all s is clearly a string so your query cannot work. You can use $regex as below but it won't be very efficient:
{s: {$regex: '"time"\:"fs"'}}
I would suggest converting s fields to proper documents. You can use JSON.parse to do it. Documents can be updated based on a current value using See this answer for details.
Second problem is your query is simply wrong. To match time field you should use dot notation:
{"s.time" : "fs"})