Apply different aggregate function to a PySpark groupby - pyspark

I have a dataframe with a structure similar to
| cod| name|sum_vol| date| lat| lon|
|aggc|23124| 37|201610|-15.42|-32.11|
|aggc|23124| 19|201611|-15.42|-32.11|
| abc| 231| 22|201610|-26.42|-43.11|
| abc| 231| 22|201611|-26.42|-43.11|
| ttx| 231| 10|201610|-22.42|-46.11|
| ttx| 231| 10|201611|-22.42|-46.11|
| tty| 231| 25|201610|-25.42|-42.11|
| tty| 231| 45|201611|-25.42|-42.11|
|xptx| 124| 62|201611|-26.43|-43.21|
|xptx| 124| 260|201610|-26.43|-43.21|
|xptx|23124| 50|201610|-26.43|-43.21|
|xptx|23124| 50|201611|-26.43|-43.21|
and now I want to aggregate the lat and lon values, but using my own function:
def get_centroid(lat, lon):
# whatever I need here
return t_lat, t_lon
get_c = udf(lambda x, y: get_centroid(x,y), FloatType())
gg = df.groupby('cod', 'name').agg(get_c('lat', 'lon'))
but I get the following error:
u"expression 'pythonUDF' is neither present in the group by, nor is it an aggregate function. Add to group by or wrap in first() (or first_value) if you don't care which value you get.;"
Is there a way to get the elements of the group by and operate on them, without having to use a UDAF? Something similar to pandas
df.groupby(['cod','name'])[['lat', 'lon']].apply(f).to_frame().reset_index()


Comparing two Identically structured Dataframes in Spark

val originalDF = Seq((1,"gaurav","jaipur",550,70000),(2,"sunil","noida",600,80000),(3,"rishi","ahmedabad",510,65000)).toDF("id","name","city","credit_score","credit_limit")
val changedDF= Seq((1,"gaurav","jaipur",550,70000),(2,"sunil","noida",650,90000),(4,"Joshua","cochin",612,85000)).toDF("id","name","city","creditscore","credit_limit")
So the above two dataframes has the same table structure and I want to find out the id's for which the values have changed in the other dataframe(changedDF). I tried with the except() function in spark but its giving me two rows. Id is the common column between these two dataframes.
| id| name| city|creditscore|credit_limit|
| 4|Joshua|cochin| 612| 85000|
| 2| sunil| noida| 650| 90000|
Whereas I only want the common ids for which there has been any changes.Like this ->
| id| name| city|creditscore|credit_limit|
| 2| sunil| noida| 650| 90000|
Is there any way to find out the only the common ids for which the data have changed.
Can anybody tell me any approach I can follow to achieve this.
You can do the inner join of the dataframes, that will give you the result with common ids.
originalDF.alias("a").join(changedDF.alias("b"), col("") === col(""), "inner")
Then, your expected result will be out:
| id| name| city|credit_score|credit_limit|
| 2|sunil|noida| 600| 80000|

how to convert rows into columns in spark dataframe, scala

Is there any way to transpose dataframe rows into columns.
I have following structure as a input:
val inputDF = Seq(("pid1","enc1", "bat"),
("pid1","enc2", ""),
("pid1","enc3", ""),
("pid3","enc1", "cat"),
("pid3","enc2", "")
).toDF("MemberID", "EncounterID", "entry" )
| pid1| enc1| bat|
| pid1| enc2| |
| pid1| enc3| |
| pid3| enc1| cat|
| pid3| enc2| |
expected result:
| pid1| enc1| enc2| enc3| bat|
| pid3| enc1| enc2| null| cat|
Please suggest if there is any optimized direct API available for transposing rows into columns.
my input data size is quite huge, so actions like collect, I wont be able to perform as it would take all the data on driver.
I am using Spark 2.x
I am not sure that what you need is what you actually asked. Yet, just in case here is an idea:
val entries = inputDF.where('entry isNotNull)
.where('entry !== "")
.select("MemberID", "entry").distinct
val df = inputDF.groupBy("MemberID")
.agg(collect_list("EncounterID") as "encounterList")
.join(entries, Seq("MemberID"))
|MemberID| encounterList |entry|
| pid1| [enc2, enc1, enc3]| bat|
| pid3| [enc2, enc1]| cat|
The order of the list is not deterministic but you may sort it and then extract new columns from it with .withColumn("Encounter1", sort_array($"encounterList")(0))...
Other idea
In case what you want is to put the value of entry in the corresponding "Encounter" column, you can use a pivot:
.pivot("EncounterID", Seq("enc1", "enc2", "enc3"))
| pid1| bat| | |
| pid3| cat| | |
Adding Seq("enc1", "enc2", "enc3") is optionnal but since you know the content of the column, it will speed up the computation.

How to merge duplicate rows using expressions in Spark Dataframes

How can I merge 2 data frames by removing duplicates by comparing columns.
I have two dataframes with same column names
| name| date|duration|
| bob|2015-01-13| 4|
|alice|2015-04-23| 10|
| name| date|duration|
| bob|2015-01-12| 3|
|alice2|2015-04-13| 10|
What I am trying to do is merging of 2 dataframes to display only unique rows by applying two conditions
1.For same name duration will be sum of durations.
2.For same name,the final date will be latest date.
Final output will be
| name | date|duration|
+----- +----------+--------+
| bob |2015-01-13| 7|
|alice |2015-04-23| 10|
|alice2 |2015-04-13| 10|
I followed the following method.
//Take union of 2 dataframe
val df =a.unionAll(b)
//group and take sum
val grouped =df.groupBy("name").agg($"name",sum("duration"))
val j=df.join(grouped,"name").drop("duration").withColumnRenamed("sum(duration)", "duration")
and I got
| name| date|duration|
| bob|2015-01-13| 7|
| alice|2015-04-23| 10|
| bob|2015-01-12| 7|
|alice2|2015-04-23| 10|
How can I now remove duplicates by comparing dates.
Will it be possible by running sql queries after registering it as table.
I am a beginner in SparkSQL and I feel like my way of approaching this problem is weird. Is there any better way to do this kind of data processing.
you can do max(date) in groupBy(). No need to do join the grouped with df.
// In 1.3.x, in order for the grouping column "name" to show up,
val grouped = df.groupBy("name").agg($"name",sum("duration"), max("date"))
// In 1.4+, grouping column "name" is included automatically.
val grouped = df.groupBy("name").agg(sum("duration"), max("date"))

PySpark DataFrame Manipulation Efficiency

Suppose I have the following data frame :
| 123| 989| 0.9| 0|
| 123| 990| 0.8| 1|
| 123| 999| 0.7| 0|
| 234| 789| 0.9| 0|
| 234| 777| 0.7| 0|
| 234| 769| 0.6| 1|
| 234| 798| 0.5| 0|
I then perform the following operations to get a final data set (shown below the code) :
# Add a new column with the clicked ad_id if clicked == 1, 0 otherwise
df_adClicked = df.withColumn("ad_id_clicked", when(df.clicked==1, df.ad_id).otherwise(0))
# DF -> RDD with tuple : (display_id, (ad_id, prob), clicked)
df_blah = x : (x[0],(x[1],x[2]),x[4])).toDF(["display_id", "ad_id","clicked_ad_id"])
# Group by display_id and create column with clicked ad_id and list of tuples : (ad_id, prob)
df_blah2 = df_blah.groupby('display_id').agg(F.collect_list('ad_id'), F.max('clicked_ad_id'))
# Define function to sort list of tuples by prob and create list of only ad_ids
def sortByRank(ad_id_list):
sortedVersion = sorted(ad_id_list, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
sortedIds = [i[0] for i in sortedVersion]
# Sort the (ad_id, prob) tuples by using udf/function and create new column ad_id_sorted
sort_ad_id = udf(lambda x : sortByRank(x), ArrayType(IntegerType()))
df_blah3 = df_blah2.withColumn('ad_id_sorted', sort_ad_id('collect_list(ad_id)'))
# Function to change clickedAdId into an array of size 1
def createClickedSet(clickedAdId):
setOfDocs = [clickedAdId]
return setOfDocs
clicked_set = udf(lambda y : createClickedSet(y), ArrayType(IntegerType()))
df_blah4 = df_blah3.withColumn('ad_id_set', clicked_set('max(clicked_ad_id)'))
# Select the necessary columns
finalDF ='display_id', 'ad_id_sorted','ad_id_set')
|display_id|ad_id_sorted |ad_id_set|
|234 |[789, 777, 769, 798]|[769] |
|123 |[989, 990, 999] |[990] |
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? Doing this set of transformations in the way that I am seems to be the bottle neck in my code. I would greatly appreciate any feedback.
I haven't done any timing comparisons, but I would think that by not using any UDFs Spark should be able to optimally optimize itself.
#scala: val dfad = sc.parallelize(Seq((123,989,0.9,0),(123,990,0.8,1),(123,999,0.7,0),(234,789,0.9,0),(234,777,0.7,0),(234,769,0.6,1),(234,798,0.5,0))).toDF("display_id","ad_id","prob","clicked")
#^^^that's^^^ the only difference (besides putting val in front of variables) between this python response and a Scala one
dfad = sc.parallelize(((123,989,0.9,0),(123,990,0.8,1),(123,999,0.7,0),(234,789,0.9,0),(234,777,0.7,0),(234,769,0.6,1),(234,798,0.5,0))).toDF(["display_id","ad_id","prob","clicked"])
df1 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT display_id,collect_list(ad_id) ad_id_sorted FROM (SELECT * FROM df_ad SORT BY display_id,prob DESC) x GROUP BY display_id")
|display_id| ad_id_sorted|
| 234|[789, 777, 769, 798]|
| 123| [989, 990, 999]|
df2 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT display_id, max(ad_id) as ad_id_set from df_ad where clicked=1 group by display_id")
| 234| 769|
| 123| 990|
final_df = df1.join(df2,"display_id")
|display_id| ad_id_sorted|ad_id_set|
| 234|[789, 777, 769, 798]| 769|
| 123| [989, 990, 999]| 990|
I didn't put the ad_id_set into an Array because you were calculating the max and max should only return 1 value. I'm sure if you really need it in an array you can make that happen.
I included the subtle Scala difference if a future someone using Scala has a similar problem.

Calculate centroid of a set of coordinates on a PySpark dataframe

I have a dataframe similar to
| cod| name|sum_vol| date| lat| lon|
|aggc|23124| 37|201610|-15.42|-32.11|
|aggc|23124| 19|201611|-15.42|-32.11|
| abc| 231| 22|201610|-26.42|-43.11|
| abc| 231| 22|201611|-26.42|-43.11|
| ttx| 231| 10|201610|-22.42|-46.11|
| ttx| 231| 10|201611|-22.42|-46.11|
| tty| 231| 25|201610|-25.42|-42.11|
| tty| 231| 45|201611|-25.42|-42.11|
|xptx| 124| 62|201611|-26.43|-43.21|
|xptx| 124| 260|201610|-26.43|-43.21|
|xptx|23124| 50|201610|-26.43|-43.21|
|xptx|23124| 50|201611|-26.43|-43.21|
Where for each name I have a few different lat lon on the same dataframe. I would like to use the shapely function to calculate the centroid for each user:
Point(lat, lon).centroid()
This UDF would be able to calculate it:
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
def f(x):
return list(MultiPoint(tuple(x.values)).centroid.coords[0])
get_centroid = udf(lambda x: f(x), DoubleType())
But how can I apply it to a list of coordinates of each user? It seems that a UDAF on a group by is not a viable solution in this case.
You want:
Execute 3rd party plain Python function
Which is not associative or commutative
The only choice you have is:
group records (you can use RDD.groupBy or collect_list).
apply the function.
flatMap (RDD) or join (DF).