Typo3 tx_news: How to show only category of user config in backend module - categories

I have tx_news system with many categories and every backend user should have control for only one category. In the user settings I can set his category...
But in the backend module the user still sees all categories!
Is it possible to show a user only news of "his" category?
My System:
Typo3: 7.6.12,
tx_news: 5.2.0
Thanks in advance

Check out the latest version, IMO I fixed that!


ext: news with rx_shariff - facebook shared news return problem

I use TYPO3 8.7 and NEWS extension 6.3 and shariff-sharing.
When i share a news record on Facebook the publication goes well, but when i tried to go back to news record i get 404 error. I think the problem is a query parameter called attach to outbound links by Facebook and appearing in the news record URL. Something like http://example.com/newstitle/?fbclid=IwAR2QIndkh'. What i must do to correct this?
Any help would be appreciated.
As #Wolffc already noted, you need to add the parameter to TYPO3's cHash excluded parameters.
If you use realurl, you also need to tell realurl about it. The current master contains a change for that https://github.com/dmitryd/typo3-realurl/commit/2f1dfced4a2f64656f4091ab79ab307ff6daa469 - that makes realurl reconfigure TYPO3 to include the parameter.
Until it gets released, I suggested a common configuration that I use my realurl configuration (let realurl use the TYPO3 conf) here:
You need ro add fbclid to the chash ignored parameters in the install tool

news: wrong link to detail page, ok after clearing fe cache

I use tx_news 4.3.0 with TYPO3 7.6.12 and realurl 2.0.15
From time to time i get detail links which show to a wrong detail page.
shows to another detail page:
after clearing the fe cache the link ist ok.
how to avoid this?
I got the same problem some time ago.
I use for many TYPO3 system a single page for news list and detail.
I wanted to have URLs like example.com/news/ für list view and example.com/news/this-is-a-news/ as detail URL.
To archive this, I configured realurl to skip controller and action for news links. But in the link configuration inside the news template, they were used to build the link.
Since realurl does not create a new cHash for a link (since Version 2.0.12 I think), the link generated by realurl does not match the cHash that was generated in TYPO3 and cached by realurl. So TYPO3 provides a wrong cached version of this page. I my case, it was the first news entry, that were called and cached. This news entry got displayed every time I clicked on a news.
To avoid this, I removed the controller and action skipping from realurl and add some TypoScript (link.skipControllerAndAction = 1) to my news configuration.
I think you might have a similar issue. Try to disable realurl in a dev environment and try if this happens again. When this fixes your problem, check your realurl configuration for news.

typo3 tt_news - single view, 2 domains and one storage folder all news are visible in both 2 domains

problem description:
i have two domains on one typo3 installation
i have one folder (general record storage page) with tt_news records for both 2 domains
i have two pages with tt_news single view one for each domain
each single view plugin is configured to show news only from selected category.
each news is available on both domains.
1. domain1.com/news/title-news-foo.html
2. domain2.com/newsfromdomain2/title-news-foo.html
ex 1, its ok, news is assigned to category from this domain
ex 2, its wrong, this news should not be displayed here becouse it`s displyaed on domain1.com
It looks that in single view typo3 is not considering Categry mode selection.
So how to resolve this issue, without separing news to indepenedent GRSP ?
I would suggest you split it up into seperate storage folders
This make things a lot easier. It also sounds you are not using the category mode what it is meant for.
In the views on both domains set the correct storage folder.

Typo3 tx news related files download counter

I have a question about the TYPO3 Extension News System 2.3.0.
If you add related files to a news, is it possible to show a download counter
or a counter that count how many users that have clicked the "Related File" !
This is not possible with the current version of the TYPO3 News extension.
You could try to create an own extension which extend the TYPO3 News extension by the functionality needed.
Your extension could include the following
Add a new property (e.g. downloads) to the Domain Model Tx_News_Domain_Model_File
An action (e.g. downloadFileAction($fileUid)), that increases the download counter and redirects the user to the file download
A ViewHelper, which renders the link to the new action for the file download
Also you should make some security considerations like "user can only download files she/he has access to".

How to change default settings when adding new users?

I wonder how it is possible to change the default settings for creating new users. At the moment I must remove the “live edit” permission and change the BE language to german for every single user.
I have two groups for my users AUTHOR and MAINAUTHOR. Members of AUTHOR should only have access to the draft workspace and only MAINAUTHOR’s members should have the live workspace too. (MAINAUTHOR inherits from AUTHOR and should add only the live permission.)
I found out that I can use setup.override.lang = de in the group options to change the language but I can’t find an equivalent for the live permission.
You can change the default pageTS for your own user via userTS (or for a whole group).
There you can use TCAdefaults to set default values for your be_users table.
Example from TYPO3 Core Docs for pages table
# Show newly created pages by default
TCAdefaults.pages.hidden = 0
You could try the extension sys_workflows[1] which was made for these kind of tasks. The extension should work on TYPO3 4.5 but doesn't work on a 6.2beta3 (just tested).
[1] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-sys_workflows
You can configure the default values in the user TSconfig for new users. All options are described in the user TSconfig manual: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-tsconfig/11.5/en-us/UserTsconfig/Setup.html
Also explained is how to configure user TSconfig in general: