What's the purpose of Kafka's key/value pair-based messaging? - apache-kafka

All of the examples of Kafka | producers show the ProducerRecord's key/value pair as not only being the same type (all examples show <String,String>), but the same value. For example:
producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, String>("someTopic", Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i)));
But in the Kafka docs, I can't seem to find where the key/value concept (and its underlying purpose/utility) is explained. In traditional messaging (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, etc.) I've always fired a message at a particular topic/queue/exchange. But Kafka is the first broker that seems to require key/value pairs instead of just a regulare 'ole string message.
So I ask: What is the purpose/usefulness of requiring producers to send KV pairs?

Kafka uses the abstraction of a distributed log that consists of partitions. Splitting a log into partitions allows to scale-out the system.
Keys are used to determine the partition within a log to which a message get's appended to. While the value is the actual payload of the message. The examples are actually not very "good" with this regard; usually you would have a complex type as value (like a tuple-type or a JSON or similar) and you would extract one field as key.
See: http://kafka.apache.org/intro#intro_topics and http://kafka.apache.org/intro#intro_producers
In general the key and/or value can be null, too. If the key is null a random partition will the selected. If the value is null it can have special "delete" semantics in case you enable log-compaction instead of log-retention policy for a topic (http://kafka.apache.org/documentation#compaction).

Late addition... Specifying the key so that all messages on the same key go to the same partition is very important for proper ordering of message processing if you will have multiple consumers in a consumer group on a topic.
Without a key, two messages on the same key could go to different partitions and be processed by different consumers in the group out of order.

Another interesting use case
We could use the key attribute in Kafka topics for sending user_ids and then can plug in a consumer to fetch streaming events (events stored in value attributes). This could allow you to process any max-history of user event sequences for creating features in your machine learning models.
I still have to find out if this is possible or not. Will keep updating my answer with further details.


What is #KafkaKey annotation used for

I am new in Kafka and micronaut and I do not understand the usage of #KafkaKey. What I found on internet is :
The Kafka key can be specified by providing a parameter annotated with
#KafkaKey. If no such parameter is specified the record is sent with a null key.
So what exactly it means? How it will effect me if I do not use it ?
Most important effect of Kafka message keys is partitioning. For example if the key chosen was a user id then all data for a given user would be sent to the same partition. If you wouldn't specify the key of messages Kafka would use round-robin strategy for message distribution.
Kafka preserves the order within the partitions. As you specify a key for a particular message type, the message type is bound to a particular partition associated with that key. Since the order of messages is preserved in a partition, you can preserve the message order by specifying a key. This is particularly useful if you are working with state machines.

Kafka Streams: pipe one topic into another

I'm new to Kafka Streams and I'm using it to make an exact copy of a topic into another with a different name. This topic has several partitions and my producers are using custom partitioners. The output topic is created beforehand with the same number of partitions of the input topic.
In my app, I did (I'm using Kotlin):
val builder = StreamsBuilder()
.stream<Any, Any>(inputTopic)
This works, except for the partitions (because of course I'm using a custom partitioner). Is there a simple way to copy input records to the output topic using the same partition of the input record?
I checked the Processor API that allows to access the partition of the input record through a ProcessorContext but I was unable to manually set the partition of the output record.
Apparently, I could use a custom partitioner in the sink, but that would imply deserializing and serializing the records to recalculate the output partition with my custom partitioner.
Produced (that is one of the KStream::to arguments) has StreamPartitioner as one of its member.
You could try following code:
builder.stream("input", Consumed.with(Serdes.ByteArray(), Serdes.ByteArray()))
.to("output", Produced.with(Serdes.ByteArray(), Serdes.ByteArray(), (topicName, key, value, numberOfPartitions) -> calculatePartition(topicName, key, value, numberOfPartitions));
In above code only ByteArray Serdes are used so any special serialization or deserialization happens.
Firstly, messages are distributed among partitions based on Key. A message with similar key would always go in the same partition.
So if your messages have keys then you don't need to worry about it at all. As long as you have similar number of partitions as your original topic; it would be taken care of.
Secondly, if you are copying data to another topic as it is then you should consider using the original topic instead. Kafka has notion of consumer-groups.
For example, you have a topic 'transactions' then you can have consumer-groups i.e. 'credit card processor', 'mortgage payment processor', 'apple pay processor' and so on. Consumer-groups would read the same topic and filter out events that are meaningful to them and process them.
You can also create 3 topics and achieve the same result. Though, it's not an optimal solution. You can find more information at https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/.

Kafka Streams processors - state store and input topic partitioning

I would like to fully understand the rules that kafka-streams processors must obey with respect to partitioning of a processor's input and its state(s). Specifically I would like to understand:
Whether or not it is possible and what are the potential consequences of using a key for the state store(s) that is not the same as the key of the input topic
Whether or not state store keys are shared across partitions, i.e. whether or not I will get the same value if I try to access the same key in a processor while it is processing records belonging to two different partitions
I have been doing some research on this and the answers I found seem not to be very clear and sometimes contradictory: e.g. this one seems to suggest that the stores are totally independent and you can use any key while this one says that you should never use a store with a different key than the one in the input topic.
Thanks for any clarification.
You have to distinguish between input partitions and store shards/changelog topic partitions for a complete picture. Also, it depends if you use the DSL or the Processor API, because the DSL does some auto-repartitioning but the Processor API doesn't. Because the DSL compiles down to the Processor API, I'll start with this.
If you have a topic with let's say 4 partitions and you create a stateful processor that consumes this topic, you will get 4 tasks, each task running a processor instance that maintains one shard of the store. Note, that the overall state is split into 4 shards and each shard is basically isolated from the other shards.
From an Processor API runtime point of view, the input topic partitions and the state store shards (including their corresponding changelog topic partitions) are a unit of parallelism. Hence, the changelog topic for the store is create with 4 partitions, and changelog-topic-partition-X is mapped to input-topic-partition-X. Note, that Kafka Streams does not use hash-based partitioning when writing into a changelog topic, but provides the partition number explicitly, to ensure that "processor instance X", that processes input-topic-partition-X, only reads/write from/into changelog-topic-partition-X.
Thus, the runtime is agnostic to keys if you wish.
If your input topic is not partitioned by keys, messages with the same key will be processed by different task. Depending on the program, this might be ok (eg. filtering), or not (eg, count per key).
Similar to state: you can put any key into a state store, but this key is "local" to the corresponding shard. Other tasks, will never see this key. Thus, if you use the same key in a store on different tasks, they will be completely independent from each other (as if they would be two keys).
Using Processor API, it's your responsibility to partition input data correctly and to use stores correctly, depending on the operator semantics you need.
At DSL level, Kafka Streams will make sure that data is partitioned correctly to ensure correct operator semantics. First, it's assumed that input topics are partitioned by key. If the key is modified, for example via selectKey() and a downstream operator is an aggregation, Kafka Streams is repartitioning the data first, to insure that records with the same key are in the same topic partition. This ensures, that each key will be used in a single store shard. Thus, the DSL will always partition the data such that one key is never processed on different shards.

How to check which partition is a key assign to in kafka?

I am trying to debug a issue for which I am trying to prove that each distinct key only goes to 1 partition if the cluster is not rebalancing.
So I was wondering for a given topic, is there a way to determine which partition a key is send to?
As explained here or also in the source code
You need the byte[] keyBytes assuming it isn't null, then using org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils, you can run the following.
Utils.toPositive(Utils.murmur2(keyBytes)) % numPartitions;
For strings or JSON, it's UTF8 encoded, and the Utils class has helper functions to get that.
For Avro, such as Confluent serialized values, it's a bit more complicated (a magic byte, then a schema ID, then the data). See Wire format
In Kafka Streams API, You should have a ProcessorContext available in your Processor#init , which you can store a reference to and then access in your Processor#process method, such as ctx.recordMetadata.get().partition() (recordMetadata returns an Optional)
only goes to 1 partition
This isn't a guarantee. Hashes can collide.
It makes more sense to say that a given key isn't in more than one partition.
if the cluster is not rebalancing
Rebalancing will still preserve a partition value.
when you send message,
Partitions are determined by the following classes
If you want change logics, implement org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Partitioner interface and,
set ProduceConfig's 'partitioner.class'
reference docuement :

Kafka: Write custom partitioner or just use Key?

So I have a Kafka topic with multiple partitions and on it I'm producing messages. I want my messages to be partitioned based on user id. I can achieve this either by using UserId as the message key or by writing a custom partitioner. How do I figure out which is the right solution, what are the pros and cons?
As you know using user-id as the key, you are sure that messages with same user-id will be delivered always to the same partition but you can't decide the partition itself. I mean that the default partitioner process an hash on the key % number of partitions for having the destination partition.
If in your application you need that messages with a specific user-id go to a specific partition (i.e. you want that user-id beginning with "A" go to partition 0) you need to write a custom partitioner.
If you have no restrictions I think that the default partitioner using user-id as key works fine for you.
In any case after sending and on receiving you got information about the partition.