I am creating a MS Access 2016 database. In one table it has two date fields and one time field. In the table format, both the date fields are set up with the "show date picker" property set to "for dates". Also, on the forms where these two fields are used, the fields are both set to "for date". The problem is that the date picker is only showing for one, although all properties are identical, other than field name of course. I've adjusted page sizes and field sizes, but nothing seems to help. Has anyone seen this problem before? Any ideas what I can do?
Whoops! I was mistaken when I said that all the properties for the two date fields were identical. The one field that wasn't showing the date picker had an input mask. As soon as I removed that, the date picker appeared. Sorry for wasting anyone's time.
Date pickers and input masks are mutually exclusive. I removed the input mask and the date picker showed up.
Tableau will generally show every single date within table output of the date ranges filtered for. Is there a way to only show the first and last date in the table for the date of ranges selected?
I created an image of the desired output in excel. Link below:
Desired output example
Thank you in advance!
The feature that will address your goal is called a Level of Detail (LOD) calculation. They have many uses and take various forms. I suggest reading about the in the online help.
But, to answer your question, the LOD calc to find the first (i.e. minimum) value in a date field called, say, Transaction Date, is;
{ MIN([Transaction Date]) }
The formula for the latest value is left as an exercise for the reader 😊
I have a problem to display a date in crystal reports. The field is from database, and it shows the time, too. I need to display only the date.
I observed that if I click on the Text Format from the date, in the Font tab at Sample it is showed with time. I think that is the problem, but I can't modify, I can't delete the time from the Sample box.
Do you have any idea how to resolve this?
The data-type of the column inside the database seems to be text/varchar instead of datetime.
The best would be to fix the data-type on the table inside the database.
If you don't have the option to change the datatype directly on the database, you can use following formula to convert it to DateTime inside the report.
If IsDate({Table.DateTimeColumn}) Then DateTime({Table.DateTimeColumn})
On the properties of the formula field there will be the option for the different formats then.
I have a list on Sharepoint 2013. I've often use the Edit this list link to make bulk changes to the list in datasheet view with no problem. Last week I had a bunch of new records I needed to add so decided bulk copy and paste from Excel would be best. However, I get the error "Invalid date/time value. A date/time field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again." The field is Date/Time with Date only display. The format I copied in was mm/dd/yyyy, which is how it's displayed (I realize there's a difference between formatting and display). In the past I've used this format to update dates with no problem. I've tried manually changing the date to other formats like yyyy/mm/dd (or with dashes -), and using the date picker and nothing works. I can add a new item using the form and no problem with the date. It's only happening in datasheet view.
I have 70+ records to add and would rather not have to open a new form for each one (I'm only adding info to 7 of the fields, and I first only pasted a couple records to make sure there were no issues). Are there any recent known issues about date fields in datasheet view? It's a pretty straightforward thing, no calculations are being used, I'm not trying to connect to another service, or use outlying dates (dates are all 2017) so I'm perplexed why this is an issue now and not before. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Found the issue. I had another date field I was not using in that view that for some reason the default value had been set to Calculated field with a value of 1/1/1111. No idea how that got there but I removed that and set the default value to None and now the problem is gone. I found it by creating a new view with every date field in the list and systematically copying a date into each field (in bulk edit) and trying to save after each one until it saved. Then I checked the settings for the field that I was able to save with.
A lot of people have problems with displaying null values in dates in graphs in Tableau. Tableau automatically joins values that actually exist for specific dates and neglects missing data. I've solved this problem converting my datetime date to a date itself (makedate). Then I right-clicked on the date axis and clicked Format. Clicked "Pane", Special Values -> Text: 0, Marks: Show at Default Value. Next I clicked on Date pane in Columns and made it discrete. This unblocked the possibility to Show Missing Values. I right-clicked on Date axis and chose this option. I clicked on Nulls on the Graph and chose to show them at default values. Finally, I converted Date pane back to Continuous.
Hope this helps someone.
You could try this formula using IFNULL function
Another function you can use is ZN() instead of IFNULL() which does the same thing as above, except that the default value of zero is baked into the function.
I'm not sure that a formula that returns zero for a date makes sense in most applications though. Sometimes it is better to leave the nulls and then decide how to visualize them. Otherwise, you are masking missing information and replacing it with possibly misleading information.
More info here
I am working on a home accounting template (and could not find any good one :-/), so I am creating one for each month. Both in my expenses and my incomes, I would like to have a date column where I just have to insert the "day" (e.g.: 22) and it automatically fills the rest with the current month and year (or I could set them in another cell).
For example: 22 + ENTER would return: 22/12/2014
If I do this, I automatically get a default date: 22/01/1900
I do not know if it is possible to change this defaul date depending on the current one or any other value.
I have tried with a different strategy: if the amount column is not empty, fill in with today's date: =IF(A3="";"";TODAY())
The problem is that I do not always register today's expenses, so I need to change it manually. I was just wondering if this is possible and there is a better way (maybe a macro?).
You need Excel to modify the cell contents after you press ENTER. The only option seems to be a Macro using the Worksheet_Change event.
Please check out this other question. I think that will help.
This can be achieved with simple formatting and use of controls that are available in Excel. VBA will give you drastically more flexibility, however the request above can be accomplished without learning VBA.
I have included a sample file here.
Steps to recreate:
Create a range of months. I created a range including the current month through 12/2014
Insert a combo box from the developer tab. Right click and select Format Control. On the Control tab, input the range you just created and then select a "linked cell". This will insert an integer to indicate which item you picked in the list, starting at 1.
Use the attached formula to add the DAY that you enter in the first column and VLOOKUP the month and year from the value chosen in the combo box.
Enhancements: I used conditional formatting to change the text color of the days you enter to WHITE. This way you won't see them. I also included some checking in the VLOOKUP formula: the day you enter must be a number and must be non-blank for a date to populate.