PostgreSQL: Equivalent way to express the following Oracle SQL, HH.MI.SSXFF AM - postgresql

The oracle script I'm in the process of 'converting' so it can be executed in PGAdmin4, has the following values to insert into a column of table with a data type of 'date'
to_timestamp('12-JUN-99','DD-MM-YY HH.MI.SSXFF AM')
From my understanding, FF represents Fractional Seconds.
What would be the equivalent way to represent the statement in PostgreSQL/PGAdmin 4?
SSXFF is my main concern.

I don't see how that code works in Oracle. But this should work in both Postgres and Oracle:
select to_timestamp('12-JUN-99', 'DD-MON-YY')


Postgres INSERT timestamp with UNION ALL error

Good day!
I need to export/import data from SQL Server 2019 to AWS RDS running PostgreSQL 13.3
It's just a few hundred rows from a handful of tables.
This is my first ever encounter with Postgres, so I decided to simply script data as "INSERT ... SELECT", as I would with SQL Server... and I've looked into AWS Glue, RDS S3 Import - it all seems waaay too much for what I need.
I am using DBeaver v21 for of this as I have easy access to both source and destination DBs.
This I tested with success:
CREATE TABLE public.invoices (
terminalid int4 NOT NULL,
invoicedate timestamp NOT NULL,
description varchar(100) NOT null
INSERT INTO public.invoices(InvoiceNo,TerminalID,InvoiceDate,Description)
SELECT 7 as invoiceno , 5 as terminalid , '2018-10-24 21:29:00' as invoicedate , N'Coffe and cookie' as description
-- Updated Rows 1
-- No problem here
I scripted the rest of the data with UNION ALL, like so (shortened example) :
INSERT INTO public.invoices(InvoiceNo,TerminalID,InvoiceDate,Description)
SELECT 7 as invoiceno , 5 as terminalid , '2018-10-24 21:29:00' as invoicedate , N'Coffe and cookie' as description
SELECT 1000, 5 , '2018-10-24 21:29:00' , N'Tea and crumpets'
and now I get:
SQL Error [42804]: ERROR: column "invoicedate" is of type timestamp without time zone but expression is of type text
Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
Position: 118
I do see in the message that it can be "fixed" with a CAST (or rewrite!)....
but how come Postgres can convert 1 row implicitly, yet 2 rows is impossible?
why does this fail when more than 1 row is being inserted? - it clearly knows how to convert text -> date ...
I tried using VALUES, CTE, derived tables with no success.
As I have to spend more time with postgres - I really would like to understand what's going on here. Is my syntax wrong (works fine SQL Server), is DBeaver messing up something with my data, etc...?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you
'2018-10-24 21:29:00' is a string value and Postgres is a bit more picky about correct data types then SQL Server.
You need to specify the value as a proper timestamp constant,
timestamp '2018-10-24 21:29:00'
Note that you can write that in a bit more compact form using a values clause:
INSERT INTO public.invoices(InvoiceNo,TerminalID,InvoiceDate,Description)
(7, 5, timestamp '2018-10-24 21:29:00', 'Coffe and cookie'),
(1000, 5 , timestamp '2018-10-24 21:29:00' , 'Tea and crumpets');
The reason of such behaviour is in order of compilation.
In situation when you use VIEW first are compiled querys in view and types of columns (names too) in view is taken from the first part of a "view" (the first SELECT command).
So, you have got text instead of timestamp and it doesn't match to inserted table type.
MSSQL compiler is a little bit smarter :-).
In first example you have simple INSERT INTO ... SELECT ....
and compiler at once expect timestamp type - so , it not rise any compilation error (but error can ocure in execution time when the data do not pass rules of automatic conversion).

What is the postgreSql equivalent of Oracle timestamp(6). Does postreSql support timestamp in nanoseconds format?

How do I execute the following Query from Oracle in PostgreSql:
SELECT to_timestamp('20210603033632200995','yyyymmddhh24missFF6');
PostgreSQL has the standard conforming data type timestamp.
Six decimal places are microseconds, and yes, PostgreSQL supports that. It does not support nanoseconds, which would be 9 decimal places.
I derived at
SELECT to_timestamp('20210603033632200995','yyyymmddhh24missUS');
This worked in PostgresSql workbench. Can anyone else the verify this solution?

Import interval column from teradata into SQL Server

I am trying to import a table from Teradata into SQL Server, using a linked server. This table has a column with data type interval time to minute that is causing the issue. The value in the column is 0:18.
In SQL Server, I do something like this :
select <mycol>
into <SQLTable>
from openquery(<TERADATADB>,
'select *
from <TDBD>.<TDTable>') T
I get a result which is a binary(6) and the value is 0x000000000000 which corresponds to ASCII 0.
I would expect to have 0x303A31380000 which is the binary equivalent of '0:18' as returned in the cast below run in SQL Server.
select cast('0:18' as binary(6))
Do you have any idea why this issue? Should I reinstall my SQL Server?
I have a SQL Server 2014 Express installed on my Surface Pro, Windows 10, 64 bit.
Thanks for your help.

How to Fix Postgres Numeric Auto Become 6 Decimal Places When Using Insert Into OPENQUERY from SQL Server

I found an issue of Postgres decimal places auto become 6 places when try to insert data from SQL Server into Postgres using OPENQUERY.
I have searched many references that suggested using CAST or Convert to limit decimal places from SQL Server, everything is work fine when I just tried select from the SQL Server side (It is 0.001), but whenever run the query like below, in Postgres (for example the 'Rounding' will become 0.001000).
For example:
FROM test.public.product_uom')
FROM dbo.tUoM
The expected result that I would like is to have the same value of Rounding when Insert into from SQL Server to Postgres that is 0.001. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated and thanks in advance.

PostgreSQL: Insert Date and Time of day in the same field/box?

After performing the following:
INSERT INTO times_table (start_time, end_time) VALUES (to_date('2/3/2016 12:05',
'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI'), to_date('2/3/2016 15:05', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI'));
PostgreSQL only displays the date.
If possible, would I have to run a separate select statement to extract the time (i.e. 12:05 and 15:05), stored in that field? Or are the times completey discard when the query gets executed.
I don't want to use timestamp, since I'd like to execute this in Oracle SQL as well.
to_date returns... a date. Surprise! So yeah, it's not going to give you the time.
You should be using the timestamp data type to store times and functions which return timestamps. So use to_timestamp.
Oracle also has a timestamp data type and to_timestamp function.
In general, trying to write one set of SQL that works with multiple databases results in either having to write very simple SQL that doesn't take advantage of any of the database's features, or madness.
Instead, use a SQL query builder to write your SQL for you, take care of compatibility issues, and allow you to add clauses to existing statements. For example, Javascript has Knex.js and Perl has SQL::Abstract.