"socket.core" is not a valid Win32 application - eclipse

After Reading this, downloading the x64 binary of socket and replacing them in the lua "clibs" directory, with no positive results, I would like some help on resolving the following error that i'm receiving from eclipse:
Exception in thread "main" com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException: error loading module 'socket.core' from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\clibs\socket\core.dll':
%1 is not a valid Win32 application.
at com.naef.jnlua.LuaState.lua_pcall(Native Method)
at com.naef.jnlua.LuaState.call(LuaState.java:555)
at org.eclipse.ldt.support.lua51.internal.interpreter.JNLua51Launcher.run(JNLua51Launcher.java:128)
at org.eclipse.ldt.support.lua51.internal.interpreter.JNLua51Launcher.main(JNLua51Launcher.java:143)
This is my enviorioment:
Windows 10 x64;
Lua 5.3;
LUA_PATH is defined corretly;
LUA_CPATH is defined corretly;
Here is my code:
-- Requires
local socket = require 'socket'
-- Settings
host = "localhost"
port = 8384;
-- Program Start
print("Program Start")
-- Functions
local function main()
client = socket.connect(host, port)
while true do
s, status, partial = client:receive(1024)
print(s or partial)
if status == "closed" then

From the file path of your Lua installation (C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\clibs\socket\core.dll), it looks like you have installed a 32-bit version of Lua, and are trying to load a 64-bit DLL with it. This won't work; the two architectures cannot be mixed in one process.
Either download the 32-bit version of the socket module or the 64-bit version of the Lua interpreter.


Raspberry pi kernel module disagrees about version of symbol layout, although complied against running kernel

I created the simplest external kernel module for my Raspberry PI as a test:
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
int hello_init(void) {
printk("Hello World");
return 0;
void hello_exit(void) {
printk("Goodbye World!");
I complied it successfully with the following line:
sudo make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$PWD modules
I tried to use sudo insmod hello.ko, and got the following error:
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module hello.ko: Invalid module format
And following this error in dmesg:
hello: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
I've read everything there is to read about this error online. All the research has yielded the assumption that this is caused by compiling the module against a kernel which differs from the running kernel in either version or configuration.
However, this is absolutely not my case. The running kernel was loaded by the distribution and was not changed by me (Raspberry PI 3). Moreover, inspection of the kernel's other modules and hello.ko (using modinfo) is yielding the exact same vermagic and flags, which are:
vermagic: 5.15.33-v8+ SMP preempt mod_unload modversions aarch64
Since all online material originates this fault in version difference, I'm at a lost.

Installanywhere Openjdk 1.7.0_111

i have a problem.
i'm using installanywhere for some product. (installanywhere 2014 SP1)
setting installanywhere option,
Product > JVM Settings > VM valid List : JDK_1.7+, IBM_JDK_1.7+
this option installer choose openjdk.
i'm success install in openjdk 1.7.0_65, redhat 6.x 64bit os.
but install failed in openjdk 1.7.0_111, redbat 6.x 64bit os.
error message -
This Test installer (created with InstallAnywhere)
Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...
This installer was created with an unlicensed version
of InstallAnywhere. The evaluation period has expired.
Please contact sales#flexerasoftware.com about licensing.
so, commanding [export LAX_DEBUG=true] and install.
under line debug message.
Preparing to install...
Checking for POSIX df.
Found POSIX df.
Checking tail options...
Using tail -n 1.
True location of the self extractor: /opt/Test/Test_Setup_RedHat.bin
Forcing install base (including tmp dir) to: /opt/Test/tmp
Creating installer data directory: /opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084
Creating installer data directory: /opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084/InstallerData
Gathering free-space information...
Space needed to complete the self-extraction: 16376 blocks
Available space: 242730896 blocks
Available blocks: 242730896 Needed blocks: 16376 (block = 512 bytes)
This installation does not contain a VM.
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Extracting install.zip from ./Test_Setup_RedHat.bin to /opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084/InstallerData/installer.zip ...
Extracting to padded done, exit code = 0
Extracting from padded to zip done, exit code = 0
Creating disk1 data directory: /opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084/InstallerData/Disk1
Creating instdata data directory: /opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084/InstallerData/Disk1/InstData
Extracting resources from ./Test_Setup_RedHat.bin to /opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084/InstallerData/Disk1/InstData/Resource1.zip ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
[7m========= Analyzing UNIX Environment =================================[0m
Setting UNIX (linux) flavor specifics.
Importing UNIX environment into LAX properties.
Checking for POSIX awk.
[7m========= Analyzing LAX ==============================================[0m
LAX found............................ OK.
LAX properties read.................. OK.
[7m========= Finding VM =================================================[0m
[1mValid VM types.......................... JDK_1.7+, IBM_JDK_1.7+[0m
[1mExpanded Valid VM types................. JDK_1.7+, IBM_JDK_1.7+ [0m
Found jvmspecs.properties
JVM Spec Build Option Specified Without VM
Searching without JVM specs
Searching without JVM specs
[1mWARNING! No valid lax.nl.current.vm available.[0m
[1mSearching for VMs in PATH:[0m
Looking in:............................. /usr/xpg4/bin
Looking in:............................. /usr/local/bin
Looking in:............................. /bin
Looking in:............................. /usr/bin
Found VM:............................. /usr/bin/java
Version:............................. 1.7.0_111
Looking in:............................. /usr/local/sbin
Looking in:............................. /usr/sbin
Looking in:............................. /sbin
Looking in:............................. /var/cfengine/bin
Looking in:............................. /bin
Looking in:............................. /usr/bin
Found VM:............................. /usr/bin/java
Version:............................. 1.7.0_111
Looking in:............................. /sbin
Looking in:............................. /usr/sbin
Looking in:............................. /usr/local/bin
checking: "1.7.0_111" against "JDK_1.7+,": failed (wrong version)
checking: "1.7.0_111" against "JDK_1.7+,": failed (wrong version)
checking: "1.7.0_111" against "IBM_JDK_1.7+": passed
[1m Using VM:............................. /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/bin/java[0m
[7m========= Virtual Machine Options ====================================[0m
LAX properties incorporated............. OK.
classpath............................... "/opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084/InstallerData:/opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084/InstallerData/installer.zip"
main class.............................. "com.zerog.ia.installer.Main"
.lax file path.......................... "/opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084/temp.lax"
user directory.......................... "/opt/Test/tmp/install.dir.27084"
stdout to............................... "console"
sterr to................................ "console"
install directory....................... ""
JIT..................................... none
option (verify)......................... off
option (verbosity)...................... none
option (garbage collection extent)...... none
option (garbage collection thread)...... none
option (native stack max size).......... none
option (java stack max size)............ none
option (java heap max size)............. 50331648
option (java heap initial size)......... 16777216
option (lax.nl.java.option.additional).. none
[7m========= Display settings ===========================================[0m
X display............................... not set
[1mWARNING: This shell's DISPLAY variable has not been set.
This installer is configured to run in GUI and will probably
fail. Try running this installer in console or silent mode,
or on another UNIX host which has the DISPLAY variable set,
if the installer unexpectedly fails.[0m
UI mode................................. gui
Launching installer...
[7m========= VM Command Line ============================================[0m
[7m========= Forking JAVA =============================================[0m
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Insufficient space for shared memory file:
Try using the -Djava.io.tmpdir= option to select an alternate temp location.
This Test installer (created with InstallAnywhere)
Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...
This installer was created with an unlicensed version
of InstallAnywhere. The evaluation period has expired.
Please contact sales#flexerasoftware.com about licensing.
what should i do? success running open jdk 1.7.0_65, but open jdk 1.7.0_111 failed.
CentOS 6.2 and OpenJDK1.7.0_111 running success.

Error while installing lua socket

I am using lua 5.1 in a linux system.I installed the luasocket 2.0.2 using this manual.But when i execute the below code of the file test.lua
socket = require("socket")
I get the following errors :
lua: ./usr/local/share/lua/5.1/socket.lua:14: loop or previous error loading module 'socket'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
./usr/local/share/lua/5.1/socket.lua:14: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
test.lua:1: in main chunk
[C]: ?
But i have included the environmental variable as below:
You usually get this error when you have a loop in your require calls, for example, when you do require "socket" and from that module you do require "socket" again, before the first require call is finished.
Check line 14 in socket.lua file. It should probably have something like local socket = require("socket.core") (and not require("socket")). To check if the issue is with loading socket.core, try executing require "socket.core" in your own script as it may give you a better error message.

What is the correct way to load a dll library in Postgres PL/Python?

The following gives an error
drop function testing();
AS $$
import ctypes
import traceback
return ''
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
select testing();
Error message:
ERROR: ('Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "<string>", line 5, in __plpython_procedure_testing_1517640\n File "D:\\Python26\\Lib\\ctypes\\__init__.py", line 431, in LoadLibrary\n return self._dlltype(name)\n File "D:\\Python26\\Lib\\ctypes\\__init__.py", line 353, in __init__\n self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)\nWindowsError: [Error 126] The specified module could not be found\n',)
It works fine in a python interpretor.
Python 2.6.4 (r264:75708, Oct 26 2009, 08:23:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ctypes
>>> ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("D:\\jcc.dll")
<WinDLL 'D:\jcc.dll', handle 410000 at 1d9cb10>
"The specified module could not be found" is one of those helpful error messages Windows emits that doesn't always mean what you think it means.
Windows will produce that message if the DLL you tried to load or any dll it depends on could not be found.
Since PostgreSQL runs in its own user account it has a different PATH to that which your interpreter runs in when you're testing. If jcc.dll depends on (say) c:\jccsupportfiles\aaa.dll and c:\jccsupportfiles is on your PATH but not the Pg server's PATH, that would explain your problem.
Try using Dependency Walker (depends.exe) to determine which DLLs your DLL requires and where they are. See if it's a PATH issue.
Rather than messing with the Pg server's PATH, consider just putting all the DLLs required by jcc.dll in the same directory as jcc.dll. IIRC Windows will always look in the same directory as the module it's loading first when it tries to load a module it depends on.

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: Internal Error ; Error: ShouldNotReachHere()

I have no idea what went wrong as I've programmed in Java for about a year and never got this error. Compiling and running in Eclipse worked just a minute ago and now I get this error:
#A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#Internal Error (classFileParser.cpp:3494), pid=4636, tid=2380
#Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
#JRE version: 6.0_25-b06
#Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.0-b11 mixed mode windows-x86 )
#If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x02339800): JavaThread "Unknown thread" [_thread_in_vm, id=2380, stack(0x00240000,0x00290000)]
Stack: [0x00240000,0x00290000], sp=0x0028f86c, free space=318k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [jvm.dll+0x13363a]
V [jvm.dll+0x12e59b]
V [jvm.dll+0x164ce]
V [jvm.dll+0x17cff]
V [jvm.dll+0x26de5]
V [jvm.dll+0x27626]
V [jvm.dll+0x279d5]
V [jvm.dll+0x27a69]
V [jvm.dll+0x27b2c]
V [jvm.dll+0x27baa]
V [jvm.dll+0x27c8d]
V [jvm.dll+0x27f59]
V [jvm.dll+0x6c593]
V [jvm.dll+0x6c96c]
V [jvm.dll+0xf9c1c]
V [jvm.dll+0x1184bb]
V [jvm.dll+0x9eba0]
C [javaw.exe+0x1657]
C [javaw.exe+0x1e2c]
C [javaw.exe+0x8614]
C [kernel32.dll+0x13677] BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12
C [ntdll.dll+0x39f02] RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63
C [ntdll.dll+0x39ed5] RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36
--------------- P R O C E S S ---------------
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
Other Threads:
=>0x02339800 (exited) JavaThread "Unknown thread" [_thread_in_vm, id=2380, stack(0x00240000,0x00290000)]
VM state:not at safepoint (not fully initialized)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
Dynamic libraries:
0x00400000 - 0x00424000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe
0x77370000 - 0x774f0000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
0x752e0000 - 0x753e0000 C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
0x75200000 - 0x75246000 C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
0x76a30000 - 0x76ad0000 C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll
0x76b90000 - 0x76c3c000 C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll
0x76c40000 - 0x76c59000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll
0x75940000 - 0x75a30000 C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll
0x74ee0000 - 0x74f40000 C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll
0x74ed0000 - 0x74edc000 C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll
0x75a40000 - 0x75b40000 C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll
0x75250000 - 0x752e0000 C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll
0x75790000 - 0x7579a000 C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll
0x76790000 - 0x7682d000 C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll
0x756d0000 - 0x75730000 C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL
0x75600000 - 0x756cc000 C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll
0x7c340000 - 0x7c396000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\msvcr71.dll
0x6d7f0000 - 0x6da9f000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
0x74770000 - 0x747a2000 C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll
0x70c70000 - 0x70cbb000 C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll
0x6d7a0000 - 0x6d7ac000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\verify.dll
0x6d320000 - 0x6d33f000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.dll
0x77340000 - 0x77345000 C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL
0x6d7e0000 - 0x6d7ef000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\zip.dll
VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Dfile.encoding=Cp1252 -Xbootclasspath:C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-7\android.jar
java_command: elf.app.RoomInfoActivity
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
Environment Variables:
CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
PATH=C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre6/bin/client;C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre6/bin;C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre6/lib/i386;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Acronis\SnapAPI\;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools;C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse;
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel
--------------- S Y S T E M ---------------
OS: Windows 7 Build 7600
CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 37 stepping 5, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, popcnt
Memory: 4k page, physical 2874176k(1587204k free), swap 5746452k(3983880k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.0-b11) for windows-x86 JRE (1.6.0_25-b06), built on Apr 14 2011 01:04:32 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 7.1 (VS2003)
time: Mon May 16 14:17:52 2011
elapsed time: 0 seconds
I had the same problem when running "pure java junit test" inside an android dev project.
so the solution was to do the following in Eclipse:
Add the std JRE to "properties --> java build path --> libraries"
While running, In the "runconfiguration --> classpath" remove Android (leaving only
std JRE)
Here is your relief for the problem :
I have a problem of running different versions of STS this morning, the application crash with the similar way as the question did.
Excerpt of my log file.
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f459db082a1, pid=4577, tid=139939015632640
# JRE version: 6.0_30-b12
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
(20.5-b03 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C [libsoup-2.4.so.1+0x6c2a1] short+0x11
note that exception occured at # C [libsoup-2.4.so.1+0x6c2a1] short+0x11
Okay then little below the line :
R9 =0x00007f461829e550: <offset 0xa85550> in /usr/share/java/jdk1.6.0_30/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f4617819000
R10=0x00007f461750f7c0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f4610008000
R11=0x00007f459db08290: soup_session_feature_detach+0 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsoup-2.4.so.1 at 0x00007f459da9c000
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13=0x000000074404c840 is an oop
This line tells you where the actual bug or crash is to investigate more on this crash issue please use below links to know more , but let continue the crash investigation and how i resolved it and the novelty of this bug :)
links ARE :
Okay , after that here what i found out to casue of this case and why it happens a general advise.
Most of the time ,check that if u have installed , updated recently on Ubunu and Windows there are libraries like libsoup in linux whihc were the casuse of my crash.
Check also a new Hardware problem and try to investigate the Logfile which STS or Java generated and also syslog in linux by
tail - f /var/lib/messages or some other file
Then by carfully looking at those file the one you have crash log ... you can really solve the issue as follow .
sudo unlink /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libsoup-2.4.so.1
sudo unlink /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsoup-2.4.so.1
Done !! Cheers!!
I've had a similar problem.
Error Log:
0x08aef338 is pointing to unknown location
0x7c5e7000: in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libsoup-2.4.so.1 at 0x7c558000
unlink /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libsoup-2.4.so.1
Just check to see what file you're actually running when you hit the run button. I had the same issue when I wrote a "public static void main" statement in a "non-main" file of the program. I even commented it out, but it wouldn't work. This link was very helpful for me.
I just had this error and solved it by using 'Run As' and choosing 'Android Application'.
Looks like a corrupt class file. Rebuild.
Change the workspace.
I don't know the reason but this worked for me..
Hope this helps to you as well !!
I had the same problem after adding main method in one of my classes in an Android project. I just right click on the project and run it as an Android project and then it worked again!
I had faced the same issue. The command
sudo unlink /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsoup-2.4.so.1
was also not useful as it crashed my system network and not able to connect Wi-Fi or wired lan. Later i got the solution from here.
Adding line -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla at the end of eclipse.ini or org.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla at the end of /eclipse/configuration/config.ini file solved the issue.