I have been working with Psiturk, jspsych and Pybossa for a while. After working on each of it, I experienced that Pybossa is doing the same work what Psiturk is doing, except that Psiturk (with GUI interface designed using jspsych) can be used to integrate directly with Amazon Mechanical Turk.
I am new to all these open source platforms and wish to perform the evaluation of micro-tasks. What each of it is doing is storing the data, giving platform to manage the users, and handle the workflow; what I need is to evaluate the results from these experiments to calculate what we call the Cohen's Kappa and Fleiss' Kappa coefficients. How can this be done?
Does the execution of addpath/rmpath/savepath in one MATLAB instance affect other instances?
Motivation: Imagine that you are developing a MATLAB package, which provides a group of functions to the users. You have multiple versions of this package being developed on a single laptop. You would like to test these different versions in multiple instances of MATLAB:
You open one MATLAB window, type run_test(DIRECTORY_OF_PACKAGE_VERSION1), and hit enter;
While the first test is running, you open another MATLAB window, type run_test(DIRECTORY_OF_PACKAGE_VERSION2), and hit enter.
See the pseudo-code below for a better idea about the tests.
No code or data is shared between different tests --- except for those embedded in MATLAB, as the tests are running on the same laptop, using the same installation of MATLAB. Below is a piece of pseudo-code for such a scenario.
% MATLAB instance 1
% MATLAB instance 2
% Code for the tests
function run_test(package_directory)
% This is the setup of the package that you are developing.
% It should be called as a black box in the tests.
function setup_package(package_dirctory)
% Make the package available in subsequent MATLAB sessions
% The function that uninstalls the package: remove the paths
% added by `setup_package` and delete the files etc.
function uninstall_package(package_directory)
You want to make sure the following.
The tests do not interfere with each other;
Each test is calling funtions from the correct version of the package.
Hence here come our questions.
Does the execuation of addpath, rmpath, and savepath in one MATLAB instance affect the other instance, sooner or later?
More generally, what kind of commands executed in one MATLAB instance can affect the other instance?
3. What if I am running only one instance of MATLAB, but invoke a parfor loop with two loops running in parallel? Does the execution of addpath/rmpath/savepath in one loop affect the other loop, sooner or later? In general, what kind of commands executed in one parallel loop can affect the other loop? (As pointed out by #Edric, this can be complicated; so let us not worry about it. Thank you, #Edric.)
Thank you very much for any comments and insights. It would be much appreciated if you could direct me to relevant sections in the official documentation of MATLAB --- I did some searching in the documentation, but have not found an answer to my question.
BTW, in case you find that the test described in the pseudo code is conducted in a wrong/bad manner, I will be very grateful if you could recommend a better way of doing it.
The documentation page for the MATLAB Search Path specifies at the bottom:
When you change the search path, MATLAB uses it in the current session, but does not update pathdef.m. To use the modified search path in the current and future sessions, save the changes using savepath or the Save button in the Set Path dialog box. This updates pathdef.m.
So, standard MATLAB sessions are "isolated" in terms of their MATLAB Search Path unless you use savepath. After a call to savepath, new MATLAB sessions will read the updated pathdef.m on startup.
The situation with a parallel pool is slightly more complex. There are a couple of things that affect this. First is the parameter AutoAddClientPath that you can specify for the parpool command. When true, an attempt is made to reflect the desktop MATLAB's path on the workers. (This might not work if the workers cannot access the same folders).
When a parallel pool is running, any changes to the path on the desktop MATLAB client are sent to the workers, so they can attempt to add or remove path entries. Parallel pool workers calling addpath or rmpath do so in isolation. (I'm afraid I can't find a documentation reference for this).
For my Operating System course, I implementing lottery scheduling algorithm instead of what was already given for FreeBSD.
In order to implement lottery scheduling, I have to be able to use random number. However, I can't use C standard library (that uses rand function) within kernel of FreeBSD. `
I am modifying two .c file from root (sched_ule.c and kern_switch.c) that's in /sys/kern and trying to make random variable within sched_ule.c file using random.h that is in /sys/sys
As of now, I'm hoping to make small step and get random number to be printed out after running make buildkernel and rebooting.
Implement your own Pseudo RNG. C Rand does not generate secure randomness, so you could do the same.
If you are on post-ivybridge intel-x86, you could just execute rdrand (which is a hack, but would work fine). I suspect other archs have a similar instruction or mechanism.
Use FreeBSD's randomness functions. It almost certainly has a randomness extractor implementation.
We are trying to port word2vec to RISC-V. Towards this end, we have compiled word2vec with a cross compiler and are trying to run it on Spike.
The cross compiler compiles the standard RISC-V benchmarks and they run without failure on Spike, but when we use the same setup for word2vec, it fails with "bad syscall #179!". We tried two different versions, both fail around the same place a minute or two into the run while executing these instructions. After going through the loop several 100k times, we see C1, C2 printed an then the crash. We are thinking this is more of a spike/pk issue than a word2vec issue.
Has anyone had similar experiences when porting code to RISC-V? Any ideas on how we might track down whether it's the proxy kernel?
A related question is about getting gdb working with Spike.. will post that separately.
Thank you.
The riscv-pk does not support all possible syscalls. You'll need to track down which syscall it is and whether you can implement it in riscv-pk or if you need to move to running it on a different kernel. For example, riscv-pk does not support any threading-related syscalls as multithreaded kernel support is an explicitly riscv-pk non-goal.
I would also be wary of using riscv-pk in general. It's a very simple, thin kernel which is great for running newlib user applications in the beginning, but it lacks rigorous testing and validation efforts against it, so running applications that stress virtual memory systems, rely on lots of syscalls (iotcl and friends), or are expecting more glibc-like environments may prove problematic.
I am starting with Expert Advisors on MetaTrader Terminal software and I have many algorithms to use with it. These algorithms were developed in MATLAB using its powerfull built in functions ( e.g. svd, pinv, fft ).
To test my algorithms I have some alternatives:
Write all the algorithms in MQL5.
Write the algorithms in C++ and than make a DLL to call by MQL5.
Write the algorithms in Python to embed in C and than make a DLL.
Convert the MATLAB source code to C and than make a DLL.
About the problems:
Impracticable because MQL5 does not have built in functions so I will have to implement one by one by hand.
I still did not try this, but I think it will take a long time to implement the algorithms ( I wrote some algorithms in C but took a good time and the result wasn't fast like MATLAB ).
I am getting a lot of errors when compiling to a DLL but if I compile to an executable there is no error ( this would be a good alternative since to convert MATLAB to python is quite simple and fast to do ).
I am trying this now, but I think there is so much work to do.
I researched about other similar pieces of software, like MetaTrader Terminal but I didn't found a good one.
I would like to know, if there is a simplest ( and fast ) way to embed other language in some way to MQL5 or some alternative to my issue.
Yes, there is alternative ... 5 ) Go Distributed :
having a similar motivation for using non-MQL4 code for fast & complex mathematics in external quantitative models for FX-trading, I have started to use both { MATLAB | python | ... } and MetaTrader Terminal environments in an interconnected form of a heterogeneous distributed processing system.
MQL4 part is responsible for:
anAsyncFxMarketEventFLOW processing
aZmqInteractionFRAMEWORK setup and participation in message-patterns handling
anFxTradeManagementPOLICY processing
anFxTradeDetectorPolicyREQUESTOR sending analysis RQST-s to remote AI/ML-predictor
anFxTradeEntryPolicyEXECUTOR processing upon remote node(s) indication(s)
{ MATLAB | python | ... } part is responsible for:
aZmqInteractionFRAMEWORK setup and participation in message-patterns handling
anFxTradeDetectorPolicyPROCESSOR receiving & processing analysis RQST-s to from remote { MQL4 | ... } -requestor
anFxTradeEntryPolicyREQUESTOR sending trade entry requests to remote { MQL4 | other-platform | ... }-market-interfacing-node(s)
Why to start thinking in a Distributed way?
The core advantage is in re-using the strengths of MATLAB and other COTS AI/ML-packages, without any need to reverse engineer the still creeping MQL4 interfacing options ( yes, in the last few years, DLL-interfaces had several dirty hits from newer updates ( strings ceased to be strings and started to become a struct (!!!) etc. -- many man*years of pain with a code-base under maintenance, so there is some un-forgettable experience what ought be avoided ... ).
The next advantage is to become able to add failure-resilience. A distributed system can work in ( 1 + N ) protected shading.
The next advantage is to become able to increase performance. A distributed system can provide a pool of processors - be it in a { SEQ | PAR }-mode of operations ( a pipeline-process or a parallel-form process execution ).
MATLAB node just joins:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MATLAB script to setup
clear all;
if ~ispc
s1 = zmq( 'subscribe', 'ipc', 'MATLAB' ); %% using IPC transport on <localhost>
disp( '0MQ IPC not supported on Windows.' )
disp( 'Setup TCP transport class instead' )
disp( 'Setting up TCP') %% using TCP transport on <localhost>
s1 = zmq( 'subscribe', 'tcp', 'localhost', 5555 );
recv_data1 = []; %% setup RECV buffer
This said, one can preserve strengths on each side and avoid any form of duplications of already implemented native, high-performance tuned, libraries, while the distributed mode of operations also adds some brand new potential benefits for Expert Advisor modus operandi.
one may add a remote keyboard interface to an EA automation and use some custom-specific commands ( CLI )
a fast, non-blocking, distributed remote logging
GPU / GPU-grid computing being used from inside MetaTrader Terminal
may like to check other posts on extending MetaTrader Terminal programming models
A Distributed System, on top of a Communication Framework:
MATLAB has already available port of ZeroMQ Communication Framework, the same that MetaTrader Terminal has, thanks to Austin CONRAD's wrapper ( though the MQH is interfacing to a ver 2.1.11 DLL, the services needed work like a charm ), so you are straight ready to use it on each side, so these types of nodes are ready to join their respective roles in any form one can design into a truly heterogeneous distributed system.
My recent R&D uses several instances of python-side processes to operate AI/ML-predictor, r/KBD, r/RealTimeANALYSER and a centralised r/LOG services, that are actively used, over many PUSH/PULL + XREQ/XREP + PUB/SUB Scalable Formal Communication Patterns, from several instances of MetaTrader Terminal-s by their respective MQL4-code.
MATLAB functions could be re-used in the same way.
Is there a way to limit the amount of time an evaluation is allowed to run? Or limit the amount of memory that MatLab is allowed to take up so it doesn't freeze my laptop?
Let's answer your questions one at a time:
Question #1 - Can I limit the amount of time MATLAB takes to execute a script?
As far as I know, this is not possible. If you want to do this, you would need a multi-threaded environment where one thread does the actual job while another thread keeps an eye on the timer... but even with that functionality, AFAIK, MATLAB does not have this supported. The only way to stop your script from running is if you punch Ctrl + C / Cmd + C. Depending on what is actually being executed... for example a MEX script or a LAPACK routine, or just a simple MATLAB script, it may work by just pushing it once... or you may have to mash the sequence like a maniac.
(Note: The above image was introduced to try and be funny. If you don't know where that image is from, it's from the movie Flashdance and one of the songs from the soundtrack is She's a maniac, where I've also provided a YouTube link to the song above.)
See this post for more details: How can I interrupt MATLAB when it gets really really busy?
Question #2 - Can we limit the amount of memory that MATLAB uses?
Yes you can. From what I have seen in your posts, you're using Windows. You can change this by changing the page size of the virtual memory that is used for your computer. Specifically, instead of allowing it to grow dynamically, you could set it to be a certain size and once MATLAB exhausts that, it'll give you an out-of-memory error rather than freezing your computer.
See this post from MathWorks forums for more insight:
Also see this guide from MathWorks on how to handle out-of-memory errors:
Finally, take a look at this link on how to change / modify the page size of your computer via Windows: