Pulling data from a GKLeaderboard - swift

Okay, so I have spent a large amount of time searching the internet for help on this to no success, so I would like some help.
I am making a game with SpriteKit, and I have decided to implement my own leaderboard style, rather than the clunky Game Center default. I have managed to log the user into GC, but cannot find the correct (and working) Swift 3 code for pulling information from the leaderboard. I want to pull the top 10 score, along with the current user score (if they aren't already in the top 10). The information I would like from them is position, username and score.
I know this is a fairly simple concept, but every tutorial online either uses the default GC view, or is extremely old/outdated code which no longer works. I just need to know how to pull this information from the leaderboard, then I can process it all myself!
Thank you for any help in advance!

It seems like Apple doesn't have proper example code in Swift, but here's a Swift version loosely based on their Objective-C example:
let leaderboard = GKLeaderboard()
leaderboard.playerScope = .global
leaderboard.timeScope = .allTime
leaderboard.identifier = "YourIdentifier"
leaderboard.loadScores { scores, error in
guard let scores = scores else { return }
for score in scores {
Note, this is just a translation from Apple's Objective-C code, and I haven't tested it with real data.


How to get "Area under aircraft unsuitable for landing" message?

When I initiate auto-landing in the DJI Fly app I sometimes get the following message, especially under bad lighting conditions:
Now, in my own code, when I call DJIFlightController.startLandingWithCompletion, the drone would not land and the completion block gets executed without any error.
My question is, how can I intercept the equivalent to DJIs error message as shown above? What code is relevant for that?
I am also checking if a landing confirmation is needed with the following code:
func observeConfirmLanding() {
guard let confirmLandingKey = DJIFlightControllerKey(param: DJIFlightControllerParamConfirmLanding) else { return }
DJISDKManager.keyManager()?.startListeningForChanges(on: confirmLandingKey, withListener: self) { (oldValue: DJIKeyedValue?, newValue: DJIKeyedValue?) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let oldBoolValue = oldValue?.boolValue,
let newBoolValue = newValue?.boolValue,
oldBoolValue != newBoolValue {
self.landingConfirmationNeeded = newBoolValue
self.logger.debug("Landing confirmation is needed")
It never enters the closure.
As I understood the landing confirmation might be needed at a height of 0.3m, but in my case, the landing process gets interrupted at different heights that are more than 0.3m, e.g. already at 2m or 1.5m
I have changed the surface below the drone in my basement by adding a bright carpet with a distinct pattern. This improves the whole stability of the drone AND even more important: The drone just lands without being interrupted. I do not get the warning message in the DJI Fly app any more.
I check for isLandingConfirmation the way Brien suggests in his comment, I finally get true when testing this in the simulator.
extension FlightControllerObserver: DJIFlightControllerDelegate {
func flightController(_ fc: DJIFlightController, didUpdate state: DJIFlightControllerState) {
if (landingConfirmationNeeded != state.isLandingConfirmationNeeded) {
landingConfirmationNeeded = state.isLandingConfirmationNeeded
But, when I test this in my basement (flight mode "OPTI") and outside (flight mode "GPS") the drone just lands without waiting for any confirmation.
While I learned a lot, it is still a miracle to me which class in the DJI Mobile SDK is responsible for "throwing" that warning message.
If the completion handler completes without any error you might need to check if isLandingConfirmationNeeded in DJIFlightControllerState is set to true. If thats the case then you will need to implement the function confirmLandingWithCompletion.
Sounds relevant to your experience looking at the documentation
(void)confirmLandingWithCompletion:(DJICompletionBlock)completion Confirms continuation of landing action. When the clearance between
the aircraft and the ground is less than 0.3m, the aircraft will pause
landing and wait for user's confirmation. Can use
isLandingConfirmationNeeded in DJIFlightControllerState to check if
confirmation is needed. It is supported by flight controller firmware and above.
The landingProtectionState property of the DJIVisionControlState class could be a good place to look for the cause of that error message. One of the potential states that sounds relevant is
DJIVisionLandingProtectionStateNotSafeToLand -> Landing area is not flat
enough to be considered safe for landing. The aircraft should be moved
to an area that is more flat and an auto-land should be attempted
again or the user should land the aircraft manually.
Also within a section of DJI's documentation there is a section on an article about flight control that talks about landing protection and forcing a landing. I couldn't see any functions in the SDK to force a landing.
You should be aware of that the fly app does not use the sdk internally. It uses the middlelayer directly.
You often get different behaivor when using the SDK compared to the app. Some functions are not available at all.
I usually disable it completly, I want it to land when I say so :-)
(exit_landing_ground_not_smooth_enable g_config.landing.exit_landing_ground_not_smooth_enable)

fire base custom search is stuck

I am doing firebase programming with iOS.
I could do normal searching with code like below
ref.child("Users").queryOrderedByChild("name").queryStartingAtValue(text).observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
for u in snapshot.children{
but i am confused, as i want to find people near me. every record has lat long values, where in the server i would put code to evaluate distance between my current location and friends location and filter them ? I dont want to loop through all items in above for block (Client side)
Also, can i write server code to make services hosted in firebase ? what is the recommended way to get data from big server like redshift ?
Is firebase really drag-drop development ? i did not find anything of that sort in firebase documentation ! firbase-ui is open source, but it gives obj c code and no drag and drop ! request answer please

Rest Server with Z1 Websense

Hi Stackover'followers :). I'm very much new to Stackoverflow. Let me put forward a question I have regarding Instant Contiki. Anybody who has idea on Instant Contiki, zolertia motes, REST Server, is welcomed to resolve it out.
I could successfully work on the two different motes by considering 'z1-websense.c' and 'rest-server-example.c'.
But I want to get the result of 'z1-websense.c' which is the
temperature, by executing the 'rest-server-example.c'.
So, regarding this, there is something to be done in the 'rest-server-example.c' code, may be by calling a function for z1-websense.c, which I'm unable to crack it.
Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
the rest-engine app on Contiki let's you set up resources and handlers for methods called on them.
So, if I understood, you want to tweak the resource GET handlers in er-example-server to taylor onto the z1 mote, in particular a resource for the battery sensor and a resource for the temperature one.
If you take a look at z1-websense.c the values are retrieved and simply scaled (lines 66-79).
static int
return battery_sensor.value(0);
static int
return temperature_sensor.value(0);
static float get_mybatt(void){ return (float) ((get_battery()*2.500*2)/4096);}
static float get_mytemp(void){ return (float) (((get_temp()*2.500)/4096)-0.986)*282;}
Take that code and inject it into the battery and temperature resources you can find hereenter link description here and you are done.
So in the end you will have something like
file res-battery.c, line 60
float battery = ( battery_sensor.value(0) *2.500*2) /4096 ;
You should do similarly for the temperature and you are done.
Remember to deactivate all sensors/resources you are not interested in, since they would take precious memory.
I cannot test it right now, but this should work.

increasing player's speed when entering booster and a speed upgrade system

I'm building my first game in Unity using my limited knowledge, youtube tutorials and troubleshooting on google and even though i have a couple of idea's on how i could do this i can't seem to get it to work.
For one of the larger levels i need speedups that boost the players speed when driving over them. This is seen in a lot of racing games but to clarify i found this video where this type of boosters is used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ1FLPBw1FE.
I've tried making a script that would remove my current movementscript and replace it with a faster one, i've also tried making a script that would detect collision with the player(tag) and add force to it. Both didn't work i've also been thinking about using timescale but i don't want the rest of the world or scorecounters etc to speed up, just the player.
this is the basic script i am using for playermovement.
#pragma strict
function Start () {
var forwardSpeed:float = 35;
var turnSpeed:float = 1;
function FixedUpdate () {
var forwardMoveAmount=Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*forwardSpeed;
var turnAmount=Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*turnSpeed;
and since the player's vehicle is customizable i also want to make an upgrade that permanently increases the players base movement speed by a certain amount. i would do this by putting in an if(upgrade is active)
increase its speed by x;
this would have to stack with the booster
if you guys have any idea's on how i could do either or both of these things please share and thanks a lot in advance!
Instead of replacing the movement script with a faster one, add in an extra variable to the players movement.
var forwardMoveAmount=Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*forwardSpeed * boostSpeed;
Where boostSpeed regularly equals 1, but when the player collides with a speed boost push the value up to something higher like 2, then after a short while it gets reset to 1. As for the player speed upgrade, follow the same logic, except permanently, so it would look something like this:
var forwardMoveAmount=Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*forwardSpeed * boostSpeed * upgradeSpeed;

How to simulate a user driving a route in a MKMapView?

I need to simulate how my application will look when a user is driving around for a demo. I have a MKMapView, how can I simulate the look of a user driving around which will use the map.userLocation functionality, which obviously will not be available in the demo.
No way to simulate in iPhone simulator. You'll need to load it onto your device and move around.
Well I got something going, I just did essentially this
- (void)moveIcon:(MKAnnotationView*)locationView toLocation:(CLLocation*)newLoc
LocationAnnotation* annotation = [[[LocationAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:newLoc.coordinate] autorelease];
[locationView setAnnotation:annotation];
[map setCenterCoordinate:newLoc.coordinate animated:YES];
Then I call this guy in a loop between all of my vertices with a slight delay. Works quite qell.
I'm not an iPhone dev expert, but how does the map view receive the coordinates? If it's through a function that calls the CoreLocation API, could you possibly just write a function that randomly generates longitude and latitude values at a certain time interval and have your map view pull the coordinates from there instead? Just a thought.
You could also check out iSimulate which claims to be able to simulate several features only available on the iPhone in the iPhone simulator include CoreLocation. I have not tried this myself so your mileage may vary.
In order to simulate driving you'll need to establish 2 basic functionalities:
Reading CLLocations from an archive (which you'd log during the drive test with a device). Ideally you'll do this based on the timestamps on the locations, i.e. reproducing the exact same location updates which were received during the drive test.
Updating your MKAnnotationView's position on the map based on the locations read from log.
For part 1, take a look at CLLocationDispatch, a handy class which provides archiving/unarchiving of CLLocations and dispatches them to one or more listeners (using CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol).
For part 2, take a look at Moving-MKAnnotationView.
I found a better way would be to subclass MKUserLocation:
class SimulatedUserLocation: MKUserLocation {
private var simulatedCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 39, longitude: -76)
override dynamic var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D {
get {
return simulatedCoordinate
set {
simulatedCoordinate = newValue
Then add it as an annotation mapView.addAnnotation(SimulatedUserLocation()). (You might also want to hide the real location first mapView.showsUserLocation = false)
iOS would render the annotation exactly like the real user location.
dynamic is used on the property so that changing coordinate triggers KVO and moves it on the map.
The answer is NO. Then, how about adding an abstraction layer between your code and MKMapKit? You can do xUnit tests for your objective.