$prompt = ($defaultValue,$prompt)[[bool]$prompt] - emulating a ternary conditional in PowerShell - powershell

I'm learning to write scripts with PowerShell, and I found this code that will help me with a project The example comes from Is there a one-liner for using default values with Read-Host?.
$defaultValue = 'default'
$prompt = Read-Host "Press enter to accept the default [$($defaultValue)]"
$prompt = ($defaultValue,$prompt)[[bool]$prompt]
I think I understand that $prompt = ($defaultValue,$prompt) is creating a two-element array and that the [bool] part is forcing the $prompt data type to Boolean, but I don’t understand what this third line of code does as a whole.

This is a common programming pattern:
if (user entered a price)
price = user entered value
price = default value
and because that is quite common, and also long winded, some languages have a special ternary operator to write all that code much more concisely and assign a variable to "this value or that value" in one move. e.g. in C# you can write:
price = (user entered a price) ? (user entered value) : (default value)
# var = IF [boolean test] ? THEN (x) ELSE (y)
and the ? assigns (x) if the test is true, and (y) if the test is false.
In Python, it's written:
price = (user entered value) if (user entered a price) else (default value)
And in PowerShell, it's written:
# you can't have a ternary operator in PowerShell, because reasons.
Yeah. No nice short code pattern allowed.
But what you can do, is abuse array-indexing (#('x', 'y')[0] is 'x' and #('x', 'y')[1] is 'y' and ) and write that ugly and confusing code-golf line:
$price = ($defaultValue,$userValue)[[bool]$UserEnteredPrice]
# var (x,y) is an array $array[ ] is array indexing
(0,1) are the array indexes of the two values
[bool]$UserEnteredPrice casts the 'test' part to a True/False value
[True/False] used as indexes into an array indexing makes no sense
so they implicitly cast to integers, and become 0/1
# so if the test is true, the $UserValue is assigned to $price, and if the test fails, the $DefaultValue is assigned to price.
And it behaves like a ternary operator, except it's confusing and ugly and in some situations it will trip you up if you're not careful by evaluating both array expressions regardless of which one is chosen (unlike real ? operators).
Edit: What I should really add is a PowerShell form I prefer - you can assign the result of an if test directly in PowerShell and do:
$price = if ($userValue) { $userValue } else { $DefaultValue }
# ->
$prompt = if ($prompt) { $prompt } else { $DefaultValue }

Casting $prompt to [bool] produces a value of $true or $false depending on whether the variable is empty ($null or empty string both become $false) or not (non-emtpy strings become $true).
[bool]'' → $false
[bool]'something' → $true
Using that boolean value in the index operator then implicitly casts the value to an integer where $false becomes 0 and $true becomes 1, hence selecting the first or second element of the array.
[int]$false → 0
[int]$true → 1
($defaultValue,$prompt)[0] → $defaultValue
($defaultValue,$prompt)[1] → $prompt

To complement the great answers given by Ansgar Wiechers and by TessellatingHeckler:
It would be great if PowerShell had operators for ternary conditionals and null-coalescing, such as follows (applied to the example in the question):
Update: PowerShell (Core) 7+ now does have these operators.
# Ternary conditional
# Note: does NOT work in *Windows PowerShell*,
# only in PowerShell (Core) v7+
$prompt = $prompt ? $prompt : $defaultValue
# Or, more succinctly, with null coalescence:
# Note: does NOT work in *Windows PowerShell*,
# only in PowerShell (Core) v7+
# (Note: This example assumes that $prompt will be $null in the default
# case, whereas the code in the question actually assigns the
# empty string to $prompt if the user just presses Enter.)
$prompt = $prompt ?? $defaultValue
Unfortunately, these expressive constructs are not part of Windows PowerShell, the legacy edition of PowerShell, which will see no new functionality.
Below are adapted versions of the functions from a 2006 PowerShell Team blog post with associated alias definitions, whose use then allows the following solution:
# Ternary conditional - note how the alias must come *first*
# Note: Requires the function and alias defined below.
$prompt = ?: $prompt $prompt $defaultValue
# Or, more succinctly, with null coalescence - note how the alias must come *first*
# Note: Requires the function and alias defined below.
$prompt = ?? $prompt $defaultValue
Source code:
Note that the actual functions are quite short; it is the comment-based help that makes this listing lengthy.
Set-Alias ?: Invoke-Ternary -Option AllScope
Emulation of a ternary conditional operator.
An emulation of the still-missing-from-the-PS-language ternary conditional,
such as the C-style <predicate> ? <if-true> : <if-false>
Because a function is used for emulation, however, the function name must
come first in the invocation.
If you define a succinct alias, e.g., set-alias ?: Invoke-Ternary,
concise in-line conditionals become possible.
To specify something other than a literal or a variable reference, pass a
script block for any of the tree operands.
A predicate script block is of necessity always evaluated, but a script block
passed to the true or false branch is only evaluated on demand.
> Invoke-Ternary { 2 -lt 3 } 'yes' 'no'
Evaluates the predicate script block, which outputs $true, and therefore
selects and outputs the true-case expression, string 'yes'.
> Invoke-Ternary $false { $global:foo = 'bar' } { Get-Date }
Outputs the result of executing Get-Date.
Note that the true-case script block is NOT evaluated in this case.
Gratefully adapted from http://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2006/12/29/dyi-ternary-operator.aspx
function Invoke-Ternary
param($Predicate, $Then, $Otherwise = $null)
if ($(if ($Predicate -is [scriptblock]) { & $Predicate } else { $Predicate })) {
if ($Then -is [ScriptBlock]) { & $Then } else { $Then }
} else {
if ($Otherwise -is [ScriptBlock]) { & $Otherwise } else { $Otherwise }
Set-Alias ?? Invoke-NullCoalescence -Option AllScope
Emulation of a null-coalescence operator.
An emulation of a null-coalescence operator such as the following:
<expr> ?? <alternative-expr-if-expr-is-null>
Because a function is used for emulation, however, the function name must
come first in the invocation.
If you define a succinct alias, e.g., set-alias ?? Invoke-NullCoalescence,
concise in-line null-coalescing becomes possible.
To specify something other than a literal or a variable reference, pass a
script block for any of the two operands.
A first-operand script block is of necessity always evaluated, but a
second-operand script block is only evaluated on demand.
Note that only a true $null value in the first operand causes the second
operand to be returned.
> Invoke-NullCoalescence $null '(empty)'
Since the first operand is $null, the second operand, string '(empty)', is
> Invoke-NullCoalescence '' { $global:foo = 'bar' }
Outputs the first operand, the empty string, because it is not $null.
Note that the second-operand script block is NOT evaluated in this case.
Gratefully adapted from http://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2006/12/29/dyi-ternary-operator.aspx
function Invoke-NullCoalescence
param($Value, $Alternative)
if ($Value -is [scriptblock]) { $Value = & $Value }
if ($null -ne $Value) {
} else {
if ($Alternative -is [ScriptBlock]) { & $Alternative } else { $Alternative }


how to use hashtable to pass parameters to a powershell cmd that uses double dashes before the parameters

i m writing a script that makes use of a cmdlet from a console app, let's call the cmdlet as cmdA. I have no control over implementation of cmdA. cmdA takes parameters with a double dash (cmdA --param1 value1 --param2 value2 --param3 value3 --param4 value4 --param5 value5)
Now param2, param3, param4 and param5 are optional. The user of my script may or may not provide values for these optional parameters. In the script, i formed a hashtable using the parameters for which the user provided values. Let's call it paramHashtable.
I am executing cmdA #paramHashtable but this is not working. I think it has to do something with double dashes because this approach works fine with a cmd that takes parameters with single dash
What would be an efficient way to pass parameters to the cmdA (an inefficient way would be to use many if blocks to check which values were provided and make calls accordingly)
This is how i m creating the hashtable :-
$optionalParameters = #{}
$optionalParameters = ParameterSelection ${OutputFolder} ${PerfQueryIntervalInSec} ${StaticQueryIntervalInSec} ${NumberOfIterations}
$requiredParameters = #{"sqlConnectionStrings " = "$SqlConnectionStrings"}
$parameters = $requiredParameters + $optionalParameters
function ParameterSelection ([string] $outputFolder, [string] $perfQueryIntervalInSec, [string] $staticQueryIntervalInSec, [string] $numberOfIterations)
$parametersList = #{}
if($outputFolder -ne "")
$parametersList["outputFolder "] = $outputFolder
if($perfQueryIntervalInSec -ne "")
$parametersList["perfQueryIntervalInSec "] = $perfQueryIntervalInSec
if($staticQueryIntervalInSec -ne "")
$parametersList["staticQueryIntervalInSec "] = $staticQueryIntervalInSec
if($numberOfIterations -ne "")
$parametersList["numberOfIterations "] = $numberOfIterations
return $parametersList
This is how i m calling it :-
& $ExePath actionName #parameters
The $ExePath has the path of the program to be executed
The actionName takes parameters like this:-
actionName --sqlConnectionStrings "Data Source=Server1" --outputFolder C:\Output
Can splatting with hash table work on cmdlets / functions where it's parameter have dashes?
It may work, but it is definitely not a good idea to have parameter names with dashes as this will result in a function / cmdlet where named parameters cannot be used, PowerShell binds the arguments positionally! (thanks mklement0 for pointing this out):
function Test-Splatting {
param(${-param1}, ${-param2})
"${-param1} ${-param2}"
$param = #{ '--param1' = 'hello'; '--param2' = 'world' }
Test-Splatting #param # => hello world
Example of what was mentioned before using the same function above:
# --param1 is bound positionally and not interpreted as a parameter:
Test-Splatting --param1 hello # => --param1 hello
As for an external programs, the linked answer in comments explains very well the approach you could take using a wrapper function and the use of the automatic variable $args:
function myfunc {
$binaryPath = 'path/to/file.exe'
& $binaryPath actionName $args
# or #args we can't be sure until testing
myfunc --sqlConnectionStrings "Data Source=Server1" --outputFolder C:\Output
As noted in the comments, because you are calling an external program, you should use array-based splatting or simply arrays directly to pass programmatically constructed arguments.
By contrast, hashtable-based splatting is usually only helpful when calling PowerShell commands (while it technically works with external programs too, the resulting parameter format (e.g. -foo:bar or -foo:"bar none") is unusual and understood by few external programs)
Note that the parameter names and values must be passed as separate array elements and the elements representing parameter names must include the - or -- prefix; e.g., consecutive array elements
'--sqlConnectionStrings' (the name) and
'Data Source=Server1' (the value).
PowerShell then constructs a command line for invocation of the external program behind the scenes, space-separating the array elements and double-quoting elements with embedded spaces on demand; the above example turns into the following:
--sqlConnectionStrings "Data Source=Server1"
Note that it is up to the target program to parse the single string that is its command line in a way that recognizes parameter name-value pairs.
# Get the array of *optional* parameter names and values from your helper function.
$optionalParameters = ParameterSelection ${OutputFolder} ${PerfQueryIntervalInSec} ${StaticQueryIntervalInSec} ${NumberOfIterations}
# Declare the *required* parameter(s) as an array.
$requiredParameters = '--sqlConnectionStrings', $SqlConnectionStrings
# Pass the arrays as-is to the external program.
# (Empty arrays are effectively ignored.)
& $ExePath actionName $requiredParameters $optionalParmeters
Your ParameterSelection function can be simplified as follows:
function ParameterSelection ([string] $outputFolder, [string] $perfQueryIntervalInSec, [string] $staticQueryIntervalInSec, [string] $numberOfIterations)
# Loop over all bound parameters.
$PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
# Emit the parameter name prefixed with '--' and the value.
# PowerShell automatically collects the output strings in an array
# when you assign a call to this function to a variable.
'--' + $_.Key

Specify function return type

How do I specify the return type in a powershell function?
function getSomeString {
return "hello world"
$xyz = getSomeString() # <--- IDE does not recognize $xyz as a string
Before getting to the answer, I should point out that PowerShell commands do NOT have static return types!
In terms of I/O, commands in PowerShell are like little black boxes - you send 0 or more input objects in one end, and 0 or more outputs object are emitted at the other end - the type(s) of which may vary.
That being said, you can add a type inference hint to your function by adding an [OutputType] attribute decorator to the function's param block:
function Get-SomeString {
return "hello world"
$xyz = Get-SomeString # Tools can now infer type of `$xyz`
Again, this is a hint, not a guarantee - you can lie if you want to:
function Get-Integers
if((1..10 |Get-Random) -gt 7){
return "lol, I'll do what I want"
return 1,2,3
$f = Get-Integers
In this case, Get-Integers will return a [string] 30% of the time, but the IDE will always act like both $f and Get-Integers resolves to an array of [int]'s - because that's what we told it to expect.

Elegant way of setting default value for variable in Powershell 6.0?

I have the following, which works but looks clunky:
$contentDir = $config.contentDir
} else {
$contentDir = "contents"
Is there a nicer way of doing this? I have seen this answer here, but it isn't exactly "nicer". Just wondering if 6.0 brought any improvements?
I'm likely to be handling a large amount of config options, so it's going to get fairly messy.
This is a little shorter...
$contentDir = if ( $config.contentDir ) { $config.contentDir } else { "contents" }
You could also define an iif function:
function iif {
[ScriptBlock] $testExpr,
[ScriptBlock] $trueExpr,
[ScriptBlock] $falseExpr
if ( & $testExpr ) {
& $trueExpr
else {
& $falseExpr
Then you could shorten to this:
$contentDir = iif { $config.contentDir } { $config.contentDir } { "contents" }
As an aside, it looks like the next version of PowerShell will support the ternary operator (see https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/powershell-7-preview-4/), so in the future, you'll be able to write something like:
$contentDir = $config.contentDir ? $config.contentDir : "contents"
Null-coalescing operators were introduced in PowerShell (Core) 7.0 (along with a ternary operator), which enables the following v7+ solution:
$contentDir = $config.contentDir ?? 'content'
PowerShell v6- solutions:
What you'e looking for is null-coalescing, which PowerShell doesn't have as of v7.0.0-preview.4.
For now, this will have to do:
$contentDir = if ($null -eq $config.contentDir) { 'content' } else { $config.contentDir }
Note: $null is deliberately placed on the LHS of -eq to unambiguously test for $null, because as the RHS it would act as a filter if the value to test happens to be array-valued.
An adaptation of Lee Daily's array-based answer enables a more concise solution:
$contentDir = ($config.ContentDir, 'content')[$null -eq $config.ContentDir]
Use of the ternary operator (conditional), which will be implemented in v7.0, enables a similarly concise equivalent:
$contentDir = $null -eq $config.contentDir ? 'content' : $config.contentDir
However, all these approaches have the following undesirable aspects:
They require an explicit reference to $null; note that if ($config.ContentDir) - i.e. coercing the value to a Boolean - may work with strings, but is not generally robust, because non-$null values such as 0 can evaluate to $false too.
$config.contentDir, the value to test for $null, must be accessed twice, which can have side effects.
Defining a custom function named, say, ??, can address these problems:
# Custom function that emulates null-coalescing.
function ?? ($PossiblyNull, $ValueIfNull) {
if ($null -eq $PossiblyNull) { $ValueIfNull } else { $PossiblyNull }
$contentDir = ?? $config.contentDir 'content'
However, such a custom function has down-sides:
The down-sides of custom functions are:
You need to include or import them into in every piece of code you want to use them in.
If you choose familiar name such as ??, the placement of operands can get confusing, because you must (invariably) place them differently in PowerShell, given the implementation as a function (e.g., a ?? b in C# vs. ?? $a $b in PowerShell) - especially once true null-coalescing gets implemented in PowerShell: see next section.
And, of course, calling a function adds overhead.
If this GitHub feature request is implemented, you'll be able to use true null-coalescing, which is both the most concise solution and avoids the aforementioned undesirable aspects:
# Hopefully soon
$contentDir = $config.contentDir ?? 'content'
A related feature also proposed in the linked GitHub issue is null-conditional assignment, $config.ContentDir ?= 'content'
as Bill_Stewart showed, there is a ternary operator due in ps7. however, you can get something similar by using a two-item array and taking advantage of how PoSh will coerce values -- $False gives 0, $True gives 1.
$Config = [PSCustomObject]#{
ContentDir = 'SomewhereElse'
#$Config.ContentDir = ''
$ContentDir = #('contents', $Config.ContentDir)[[bool]$Config.ContentDir]
output with line 4 commented out = SomewhereElse
output with line 4 enabled = contents
Sort of like '||' in bash. If the first one is false or null, it will do the second one.
[void](($contentDir = $config.contentDir) -or ($contentDir = "contents"))

How to use a powershell function to return the expected value?

As we know, PowerShell has wacky return semantics.
Function return value in PowerShell shows there are two main ideas to wrap my head around:
All output is captured, and returned
The return keyword just indicates a logical exit point
Even things like reserving variables in outer scopes cause output, like [boolean]$isEnabled. Another good one is $someCollection.Add("toto") which spits the new collection count. Even Append() function causes output.
For example :
Function MyFunc {
$res1 = new-object System.Text.StringBuilder
$res2 = "toto"
return $res2
$s = MyFunc
Write-Host $s
The output is : titi toto.
The expected output should be toto.
How to use a powershell function to return the expected value? (at least when viewed from a more traditional programming perspective)
$res1.Append("titi") | Out-Null
because the function returns every output which otherwise would be visible in the console.
if by using 'toto' you are trying to understand if your function succeeded, you could do
Function MyFunc {
$res1 = new-object System.Text.StringBuilder
$res1.Append("titi") | Out-Null
return $?
"$?" returns a boolean if the previous command succeeded (true) or failed (false). so externally it would look like
$s = MyFunc
if ($s) {
Write-Host "successful" -Foregroundcolor Green
else {
Write-Error "unsuccessful"
When PowerShell was being developed, the team wanted to make it simple to use. But, it was confusing to people who know return from other languages. The implementation in classes is an attempt to rectify that mistake.
The return keyword works very differently in methods in PowerShell classes. It works like the return statements in other languages.
In a class method, the return keyword:
Exits the current scope.
Returns the associated object (return ).
Returns only the associated object.
The object that Return returns must match the return type of the method.
It is consistent with the return keyword and analogous keywords in other languages.
class ClassMyFunc
[string] MyFunc
$res1 = new-object System.Text.StringBuilder
$res2 = "toto"
return $res2
$cmf = New-Object -TypeName ClassMyFunc
The output is : toto, as expected.
Using classes solved my problem, without having to search all functions returning a value in the console and piping it to Out-Null (as suggested by #TobyU).

Powershell - Array Range from user input

What would be the easiest way to get user input for an array range.
For example:
function MyArrayOfMachines {
# What should I assign the $Range variable as?
# Hardcoded range. User should be able to enter the range
$Range = 2..5
for ($i=0; $i -lt $array.length; $i +=1)
$result = $array[$i]
$output = $machine+$result
The above function should take the input as the name of the machine and the array range. For now I have the array range hardcoded. When I assign $Range as [Array]$Range in the user prompt, there is a prompt for $Range[0] etc etc. But I would like the user the enter the range.
Doesn't this work? Unless I misunderstood your question...
function test($range){
test -range (1..5)
You can also accept the range as a string and parse it yourself:
function Test
if($range -is [String])
[int]$start, [int]$end = $range.split('.', [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
The reason for the if / else is for cases where the user passes an actual range, as in manojlds answer, rather than a string to be parsed (like 1..5). This means you can't strongly type the param though.
Make it two parameters:
function test{
param ( [int]$st,
$Range = $st..$end
test 1 5
If they input the start and end of the range you can use that to create it dynamically in the function.
To get the range from a string, try:
function test{
param ($Range)
$NewRange = $Range.substring(0,($Range.indexof('.')))..$Range.substring(($Range.lastindexof('.') + 1))
test 1..5
I agree with #manojlds, the range should be passed in as an array. Parsing a string limits the possibilities of what a user could enter. By using [int[]] you can force the user to specify an array of integers. This would also allow a user to specify a broken range such as ((2..4)+(6..12)) which is harder to allow for when parsing strings.
In your example I'm not sure where $array is coming from, and you only need one line to return a computed machine name.
function MyArrayOfMachines {
[string] $machine,
[int[]] $range
foreach($n in $range) {
You could create a single machine name,
MyArrayOfMachines Laptop 1
a range of machines,
MyArrayOfMachines Workstation (2..10)
or a non-consecutive array of machines
MyArrayOfMachines Server ((2..3)+(5..9))
You could just pass a string and evaluate it:
function Test([string]$range) {
if ($Range -match '^\d+\.\.\d+$') {
$RangeArray = Invoke-Expression $Range
} else {
$RangeArray = 1..5
Some minimal validation is done to ensure that the user cannot pass arbitrary code.