Dagger 2: Generated code doesnt compile - dagger-2

i would appreciate some help with a situation i have where dagger generated code doesn't actually compile. We have a fairly elaborate setup with subcomponents as in the graph below, the components ending in S are subcomponents.
A - BS
All the subcomponents contain builder interfaces like so:
#Subcomponent(modules = BS_Module.class)
public interface BS {
public interface Builder {
Builder requestModule(BS module);
BS build();
In the module for A i have the following to get access to the other components:
public BS provideBS(Provider<BS.Builder> builder) {
return builder.get().build();
The whole thing generates just fine, however the code that is generated for provideB' does not compile:
public BS provideBS() {
return new BSImpl();
However BSImpl doest not have a zero args constructor, only:
private BSImpl(BSBuilder builder) {...}
Hope I made the situation somewhat clear, any help appreciated as i don't know how to get this resolved.
I got the dependency graph the wrong way around... A cannot directly depend on what BS provides, BS can only depend on what A provides.

Resolved in the comments:
#DavidRawson ultimately it was quite simple. I got the dependency graph the wrong way around... A cannot directly depend on what BS provides, BS can only depend on what A provides. The only thing that is left now is to figure out the scopes as i cannot get BS to provide singletons due to duplicate scope with A. - Michel Onstein


Resolution of ILifetimeService fails in autofac 4.6.2

We're refactoring an older system to use DI. Sadly, some of the "core" components that are used all over everywhere have injection unfriendly constructors (descriptions, for example), so we have to use ServiceLocator to create them. Refactoring them is very impractical at this time.
We're trying to create the unfriendly classes by injecting ILifetimeScope into the appropriate place, but are getting the following exception:
No constructors on type 'Autofac.Core.Registration.ScopeRestrictedRegistry' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'.
If I cheat and use the "Update" method on the ContainerBuilder and then register the container as the LifetimeScope, the resolution works successfully, however, given that Update is obsolete, it's not something I want to do.
Can anyone help?
Edit: I'm not doing anything special. Build up is standard:
this.Container = builder.Build();
builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Without these lines
builder = new ContainerBuilder();
any class with an ILifetimeScope dependency fails with the error above.
public class MyClass : IMyClass
public MyClass(ILifetimeScope scope)
I'm actually thinking that this is a bug in the Autofac Framework, so I'm hoping that someone from the team will be able to tell me more.
ILifetimeScope is supposed to automatically be available.

Dagger and Object Graph Scoping with Flow/Mortar

So I've been spending a lot of time with Mortar and Flow this weekend, and I think I've finally worked most of it out. I've found that it's a little bit more complex than I originally thought, mostly because I haven't quite gotten my mind around Dagger's ObjectGraph Scoping, which Mortar relies on heavily. I've read as much as I could find on this on Dagger's site, but I find information on this subject lacking when it relates specifically to Dagger.
So I have a few questions:
1. I see examples of them scoping #Singleton's:
public class FriendScreen implements Blueprint {
#Override public String getMortarScopeName() {
return getClass().getName();
#Override public Object getDaggerModule() {
return new Module();
injects = FriendView.class
static class Module {
public static class Presenter extends ViewPresenter<TestView> {
public Presenter() {
Log.d("FriendScreen", "Friend Presenter Created");
#Override protected void onLoad(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Is Presenter in this case scoped to this Module specifically because it's an inner class?
2. How can I make sure that an instance of it is only created in this Object Graph but not the global application object graph?
2. What if the Presenter was too big, and I wanted to move it to it's own separate class? How would I scope it just to this module?
3. I noticed that some of the Module classes in their examples are static, and others aren't. Does this have any effect on scoping?
4. Where can I read more to better understand Dagger's Object Graph. I need to get a better understanding of includes, injects, addsTo and how those are used in ObjectGraph creation
#dagger.Module( //
includes = ActionBarModule.class,
injects = MainView.class,
addsTo = ApplicationModule.class, //
library = true //
I don't believe presenters are scoped to a module since on a rotation they are preserved. the #Singleton annotation also leads me to believe that a presenter is on a global graph and just binds to a view when an activity recreates itself.
Here's a good scoping source.
Effective Java has a fantastic explanation about static inner vs non static inner vs anonymous classes if you want to learn more about those.

Add new Constructor to an existing Java Class via AspectJ

Trying to clean up some nasty code, for which we dont have the source code. Imagine something like this:
public class Driver{
private String paramA;
private String paramB;
new Driver(HugeAndOverbloatedObject object)
paramA = object.getSubObject4711().getParamX();
paramB = object.getSubObject4712().getParamY();
This third library has this all over the place: tight coupling via constructors, eventhough the classes are hardly related. The rude combination of private members and forced constructor inheritance make the extension of the code virtually impossible without creating "sloppy" constructor parameter objects.
So I am trying to manipulate the classes via AspectJ and compile time weaving, so I can slim down on the constructors, to something like this:
Driver driver = new Driver("paramA", "paramB");
I think this should be possible, and I have made some progress. If I have something like this:
public aspect NewConstructor {
Driver.new(String parameterA, String parameterB){
//New Constructor Code
and run this through the weaver I actually find a new constructor in the driver, but not quite as I expected.
Issue: Unexpected third Parameter in the woven class
I was hoping I can invoke it with two parameters:
new Driver("paramA", "paramB")
Instead I need to invoke it with three parameters:
new Driver("paramA", "paramB", new NewConstructor())
Why do I need to instantiate a new instance of the aspect and pass it as an argument? Can this be prevented?
Something odd is going on here. You should not need to add the aspect as a third argument to the constructor. In fact, when I try this myself using the following class and aspect, I do not get any compile errors:
Java class:
package pack;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Driver("paramA", "paramB");
package pack;
public aspect NewConstructor {
public pack.Driver.new(String parameterA, String parameterB){
Are your Java class and aspect in different projects? Are you using an aspect path and/or in path? Are you using load time weaving?
If after doing a full build of your project you still see the probem, it's worth raising a bug for AspectJ.

Is there a difference between SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance and ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance

I am using version 4 of MVVM Light for Windows 8; it includes SimpleIOC. In various examples I sometimes see code to request an object based on SimpleIoc... and sometimes it is based on ServiceLocator...
Examples include:
userToken = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance();
mainVM = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance();
What is the difference between using SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance and ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance?
If there is no difference, does ServiceLocator just let me to have an option to change my mind about what IOC library I want to use? Does ServiceLocator just provide an additional layer of abstraction that is irrelevant if I am satified with SimpleIoc; or, does ServiceLocator perform some other useful magic that is not obvious to we IOC novices?
Thanks for the insight!
In your ViewModelLocator class you probably have the following line of code:
public ViewModelLocator()
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
SimpleIoc implements the IServiceLocator interface, which means that the ServiceLocator will use it as a DI source when invoked.
OK, people want the "full fat and don't spare the cream" answer. Here we go!
ServiceLocator is basically a shell. The code for Service locator is:
public static class ServiceLocator
private static ServiceLocatorProvider currentProvider;
public static IServiceLocator Current
return ServiceLocator.currentProvider();
public static void SetLocatorProvider(ServiceLocatorProvider newProvider)
ServiceLocator.currentProvider = newProvider;
Yup, that's it.
What's ServiceLocatorProvider? It's a delegate that returns an object that implements IServiceLocator.
SimpleIoc Implements IServiceLocator. So when we do:
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
We put our SimpleIoc object into the ServiceLocator. You can use either of these now because whether you call ServiceLocator.Current or SimpleIoc.Default you're returning the same object instance.
So, is there any difference between
userToken = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance();
mainVM = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance();
Nope. None. Both are singletons exposing a static property that is an implementation of IServiceLocator. As mentioned above, you're returning the same instance of object that implements IServiceLocator regardless of which you call.
The only reason why you might want to user ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance() rather than SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance() is that at some point in the future you may change DI containers and, if you use ServiceLocator, you won't have to change your code.
Based on Mr. Bugnion's article on MSDN (in the section, "Various Ways to Register a Class"), I am presuming interchangeability of IoC providers is the one and only reason for using ServiceLocator.
As #FasterSolutions stated, SimpleIoc implements IServiceLocator, so I suspect the opposite to your statement about abstraction layers is true. I think you should use ServiceLocator, but this is without empirical evidence; maybe someone can prove me wrong (?)

Best practice in dependency injection

This is a question about how best to do DI, so it's not tied to any particular DI/IoC framework because, well, framework should be chosen based on pattern and practice rather than the other way around, no?
I'm doing a project where repository has to be injected into services, a service may require multiple repositories and I'm curious about the pros and cons between following approaches:
Inject repositories in service constructor
public class SomeService : ISomeService
private IRepository1 repository1;
private IRepository2 repository2;
public SomeService(IRepository1 repository1, IRepository2 repository2)
this.repository1 = repository1;
this.repository2 = repository2;
public void DoThis()
//Do something with repository1
public void DoThat()
//Do something with both repository1 and repository2
Inject a custom context class that include everything any service may need but lazy instantiated (the IServiceContext will be a protected field in BaseService)
public class SomeService : BaseService, ISomeService
public SomeService(IServiceContext serviceContext)
this.serviceContext= serviceContext;
public void DoThis()
//Do something with serviceContext.repository1
public void DoThat()
//Do something with both serviceContext.repository1 and serviceContext.repository2
Inject into methods that need them only
public class SomeService : ISomeService
public void DoThis(IRepository1 repository1)
//Do something with repository1
public void DoThat(IRepository1 repository1, IRepository2 repository2)
//Do something with both repository1 and repository2
Some pointers would be appreciated, moreover what're the aspects that I should consider in evaluating alternative like these?
The preferred way of injecting dependencies is Constructor Injection.
Method Injection is less ideal, because this will quickly result in having to pass around many dependencies from service to service and it will cause implementation details (the dependencies) to leak through the API (your method).
Both options 1 and 2 do Constructor Injection, which is good. If you find yourself having to inject too many dependencies in a constructor, there is something wrong. Either you are violating the Single Responsibility Principle, or you are missing some sort of aggregate service, and this is what you are doing in option 2.
In your case however, your IServiceContext aggregate service is grouping multiple repositories together. Many repositories behind one class smells like a unit of work to me. Just add a Commit method to the IServiceContext and you will surely have a unit of work. Think about it: don't you want to inject an IUnitOfWork into your service?
The first option seems to be the most natural from a DI perpective. The service class requires both repositories to perform its function, so making them required in order to construct an instance makes sense semantically (and practically).
The second option sounds a bit like Service Location, which is generally considered an anti-pattern (see http://blog.ploeh.dk/2010/02/03/ServiceLocatorIsAnAntiPattern.aspx). In a nutshell, it creates implicit dependencies, where explicit dependencies are always preferred.
I would do either constructor based injection or property based injection. I would not pass in a context that contains the dependencies unless that context is serving some other purpose.
I prefer constructor based injection for required dependencies, as it makes it super easy for the object creation to blow up if something is missing. I got that from here. If you are going to verify that your dependencies are met, then you have to do it with constructor based injection, since there is no way to tell which setter is the last setter to be fired.