Can the Post for a ODataContoller in WebAPI 2 take an IEnumerable of a complex object - rest

I want to know if passing a collection to the post of an ODataController is even possible before I waste my time trying to figure out where my problem is.
I've seen variations of this question over the internet, but nothing that has led me to an answer.
I created the Post method on an ODataContoller where I want to pass in a IEnumerable of a complex object. However, when I debug the controller, the parameter is null.
When I take each individual element of the collection and pass it into a Controller's Post (that takes a single object), the object is accepted. So I know the individual objects are being formatted correctly.

Technically this is possible. If you get null as complexObjects in the following call
public IHttpActionResult CreateMany([FromBody] IEnumerable<ComplexObject> complexObjects)
// ...
it's probably due to a format error in the bodies json object. If you have a working single object you can post, you just need to wrap it in brackets ... an array is an array even if it cotains only one element. This assumes, you check your web api actions via postman, fiddler etc., where you can 'compose' the entire request. Alternatively you can use the output of a 'GET all' action (if you have one) as input.
Regarding another aspect, the REST-fulness of list creation, you may find RESTful way to create multiple items in one request interesting
Hope this helps.


Node.CloneNode() not a function -dom-to-image.js

I want to create a .png file of a HTML page in angularjs and download it. For this I'm currently using dom-to-image.js and using the domToImage.toBlob function and passing the node element to it. But internally when it goes to dom-to-image.js it throws the error:
node.cloneNode() is not a function
Can anyone please assist me here?
This error arises when you attempt to call cloneNode() on anything other than a single DOM node.
In this case, the error is coming from the dom-to-image library, which calls that method internally.
Note that without a code snippet, its hard to identify the precise issue with your code, but the point is, when you call domtoimage.toBlob(), you need to supply a single DOM node.
So double check what you are calling it with. If you are selecting by class, for instance, you could end up with more than one element.
Its best practice to be precise with which node you want to convert to a blob - use the id attribute, like this:
where element is the id of your target node.
Its also possible you're selecting with angular.element() or even using jQuery directly.
In both cases, this returns an Object -- which you can't call cloneNode() on.
Also note the following from the Angular docs for angular.element():
Note: All element references in AngularJS are always wrapped with jQuery or jqLite (such as the element argument in a directive's compile / link function). They are never raw DOM references.
Which means you would observe the same behavior in both cases, e.g. both of these:
would result in the error you see. You can index the Object before supplying it to domtoimage.toBlob(), perhaps like this:
and that would also work.
Also check out this post about "cloneNode is not a function".

Is it possible to make the same field compulsory for POST and optional for PUT requests?

Is it possible to make the same field compulsory for POST and optional for PUT requests for REST API? Or it depends on teqnology used to implement this request?
For example, there is a POST request to create Car objects and this object has a field model_id which is actually chosen from a dictionary of models. And the POST request requires model_id because the car must have model_id defined.
And I want to have a PUT method which changes some field e.g. serial_num, manufacture_date, color etc. even model_id. But I want this PUT method to change model_id as optional parameter, e.g. I just want to change color and it is Ok.
So is this possible in REST? Does some technologies that implement these request could not allow me to make different set of optional/compulsory params for POST ant PUT?
Well, you can do whatever you want here. Nobody will kill you if you check fields in the request body and return an error if model_id is specified (or not).
Some guys use POST method to update entities in API.
If you want to be closer to standards better use PATCH for partial updates.
You can find a lot of interesting info here:
Use of PUT vs PATCH methods in REST API real life scenarios
One important thing from 4. source:
The PUT method is already defined to overwrite a resource with a
complete new body, and cannot be reused to do partial changes.
And another one sentence from 3. source:
Generally speaking, all implementation details behind the resource interface are intentionally hidden by the server.

Does mediaResponse really support array of mediaObject?

As the document says, MediaResponse contains mediaObjects property, and mediaObjects is array of mediaObject, but when I tried to put multiple mediaObjects, I got this error:
MalformedResponse at
Only 1 media_object is allowed. First media_object will be used while
rest will be filtered.
Then what is the point of having an array of mediaObject?
There are several places in the protocol that contain an array where only one object is permitted in the array. One assumes that the designers wanted to make it expandable in the future without having to add special casing.
In this case, it sorta makes sense - right now we can only send one media object as part of the reply. It might be reasonable that, in the future, we could send one or more without having to come back to our webhook.

Http DELETE with parameters using Jersey

I have code that contains several different DELETE methods, one of which takes a parameter, or at least ideally it would take a parameter. However when I make this request, either through CURL or through a web client, it doesn't work. The other DELETE requests function fine and I've hard-coded in the parameter that I want to pass just to see if the call works and it does. I've tried this with both PathParam and QueryParam and neither works. Here's how I'm using the PathParams, which I'm pretty sure is correct, QueryParams looks very similar so I don't want to post that too.
public void deleteById(#PathParam("id") String id)
And then essentially the same thing for QueryParams but obviously the path is different
From what I understand a lot of RESTful APIs ignore any kind of request body with a DELETE request, or treat it as a PUT or POST. Is there any way around this? Basically I have a database that contains several objects and I need to delete one based on a unique identifier, to be passed in by the client. If there is no way around this is there some other way that I could do it?
Its possible that I'm missing something obvious here as I've only been using Jersey for a few weeks now and up to this point had never even heard of the concept of RESTful services.
You can send information to a RESTful service as either headers, path param, query param or message body.
If all the values go through as expected there is no problem with jax-rs/jersey. Now you need to debug the code and fix your implementation. jax-rs will only match a DELETE call with the DELETE http method you have implemented.
It is then your responsibility to actually perform a DELETE operation of the resource within the method. jax-rs or jersey is not going to complain if you do not DELETE or if you do some other action within the method.

ReSTful design: return an empty object as a template for create new form

My question is straighforward - I think.
Currently the following Uris exist:
http://someserver/service/item GET returns all items
http://someserver/service/item POST creates a new item
http://someserver/service/item/{id} GET returns item with id {id}
http://someserver/service/item/{id} PUT updates item with {id}
What I would like to do is return a blank 'item', like a template for creating new items which contains a list of the object parameters, their types, required or not. The reason for this is I would like to build a generic jquery 'create new' plugin completely ignorant of the data structure, which I could apply to all my new objects.
What is the best way to implement this?
I hope this makes sense and thanks for your time.
I understand an answer provided by Darrel but I would respectfully argue against it.
It seems to me that this template object (resource) is an important part of your application because you want to make it generic. It's a first class citizen resource and we're talking about REST, so it should be given a corresponding treatment. I should be able to GET the template resource, it shouldn't be "hidden" behind POST.
GET http://someserver/service/item/template
Then you can also introduce versioning and variability much more easily when you have a resource accessible via GET.
I do pretty much the same thing. I include a link in my "list of items" resource that you can POST to. The response is a template of a new item. Arguably you could also do a GET to retrieve the template, but I use the opportunity to assign a new Id to the item so my request is not idempotent.