f:uri.image inline-Viewhelper does not work - typo3

I am trying to access an imageurl via inlinecondition in fluid.
The none inlineversion works well and returns the URI of that image:
<f:uri.image image="{data.image.0}" />
This one doesn't:
I have tried different versions with {}, without, with '' without ...
My environment is: TYPO3 8.2 (as I can't update cause extensions I need are only available till this version for now)
Can someone please help me?

Seems this was a bug in 8.2 - After updating to 8.4 it works like charm.
This code works:

Try using {f:uri.image(image:'{data.image.0}')}, mind the escaping


could not find function "kable_pipe" / "kable_simple"

I am trying to create a table using
knitr::kable(head(mtcars[, 1:4]), "simple")
knitr::kable(head(mtcars[, 1:4]), "pipe")
Although this should work according to https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/kable.html,
it just returns could not find function "kable_pipe".
knitr::kable(head(mtcars[, 1:4]), "html")
knitr::kable(head(mtcars[, 1:4]), "latex")
work perfectly fine.
Does anyone know why?
So I had the same problem as this and figured out the problem is that the default knitr install needs to be updated. I think knitr is installed for Rstudio usage. Maybe it uses an old version?
Anyway solution is to do
and then restart R. Should work after that.

Sulu: how to properly rename / remove a webspace

it looks that the case to this issue has it's origin in a renamed webspace. We had one for a while, where we changed the key at some point.
What is the correct way in sulu to savely delete or rename a webspace?
Thx a lot!
As pointed out by #Alex in this issue, the solution is something like:
bin/adminconsole doctrine:phpcr:node:remove /cmf/oldwebspacekey
bin/websiteconsole doctrine:phpcr:node:remove /cmf/oldwebspacekey
A backup before running this commands is recommended, but it seems to work rather stable.

Tiki Net_LDAP2 class loading

I have a problem when I tried to integrate tiki with my LDAP server. In the test_ldap.php I wrote the code to debug according to this website (https://doc.tiki.org/LDAP%20authentication). This code returned a success. So I know that my LDAP is working fine. I have a problem at
$entry = Net_LDAP2_Entry::createConnected($this->_ldap, $this->_entry);
In the shiftEntry function in Search.php. When I return debug in here, it goes to ClassLoader.php and it go to
register_shutdown_function(function () {
TikiLib::events()->trigger('tiki.process.shutdown', []);});
In my opinion, maybe the problem is the
The spl_autoload_call function called Net_LDAP2 which extends PEAR somewhere before this line in Search.php. This would lead both Net_LDAP2 and PEAR and PEAR_ERROR... Then when it comes to Net_LDAP2_Entry class, it would also load PEAR.... Would this create a fatal error?
I keep having blank screen in my tiki. Tried to cut the code from Search.php to the test_ldap.php to test. It has the same problem.
I am using:
Version 16.2
OS: Clear OS
Thanks for your help. I am blocked now.
I think this may be a good start: https://dev.tiki.org/item6283. If you look in the comments by albertgi he states changing some function names in PEAR.php. I was having LDAP integration problems and this was one of the key problems.

How to decode a string in Visual Basic 6

I'm trying to read .DB (Paradox 5) file within my Visual Basic 6.
Everything's OK except encoding/charset. It shows as Iieiei 75a instead of cyrillic string.
This is my ODBC Connection string:
Driver={Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.db )};DriverID=538;Fil=Paradox 4.X;DataCodePage=ANSI;BDE=2;CollatingSequence=ASCII;AutoTranslate=No;DBQ=C:\Database;DefaultDir=C:\Database
Please note that software like Borland Database Desktop shows this strings without any problems. Also everything is fine in another PC.
I set following settings via regedit, by it doesn't help:
I also tried to use CharToOem/Oem2Char Win API functions, it doesn't help.
Any ideas?
Okay I have solved this by changing following registry values:
Last setting has solved the issue.

wsdl2 does not show extended functions in ColdFusion 10

I have a simple test setup:
component displayname="test1" extends="test2"
remote Any function ping1() {}
component displayname="test2"
remote Any function ping2() {}
When I cal the cfc using test1.cfc?wsdl something strange happens.
When I tell my application to use WSDL version 1 using this.wssettings.version everything looks fine, pretty much the same as in CF9. But when I tell it to use version 2 the function "ping2" does not show up in my definition xml.
Why doesn't WSDL 2 show my extended function "test2" when I call test1.cfc?wsdl ??
I tried this on ColdFusion 10 and both WSDL and WSDL2 do not show the inherited methods. I only see the ping1() function of the test1.cfc, I do not see ping2() inherited from test2.cfc. If you change the "Select web service version" value in the ColdFusion Administrator from 2 (the default) to 1, then ColdFusion 10 performs as ColdFusion 9 does and shows both methods.
On ColdFusion 9, the WSDL shows both methods.
In my opinion, this is a bug in ColdFusion 10, you should log it with Adobe (https://bugbase.adobe.com/), and post the bug number here so others can vote for it. This could break existing functionality if people upgrade without changing the default web services version.
I tried this exact code on CF 9.01 and did not get the same result. My WSDL shows both methods. Something is unique about your CF install - perhaps the wrong version of Axis or something? I'm sorry I can't be more helpful - but I'm struggling to figure out a way to duplicate your issue.