I have about 24 Case classes that I need to programatically enhance by changing several common elements prior to serialization in a datastore that doesn't support joins. Since case classes don't have a trait defined for the copy(...) constructor, I have been attempting to use Macros - As a base I've looked at
this post documenting a macro and come up with this macro:
When I try to compile, I get the following:
import java.util.UUID
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import scala.language.experimental.macros
trait RecordIdentification {
val receiverId: Option[String]
val transmitterId: Option[String]
val patientId: Option[UUID]
val streamType: Option[String]
val sequenceNumber: Option[Long]
val postId: Option[UUID]
val postedDateTime: Option[DateTime]
object WithRecordIdentification {
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
def withId[T, I](entity: T, id: I): T = macro withIdImpl[T, I]
def withIdImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag, I: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(
entity: c.Expr[T], id: c.Expr[I]
): c.Expr[T] = {
import c.universe._
val tree = reify(entity.splice).tree
val copy = entity.actualType.member(newTermName("copy"))
val params = copy match {
case s: MethodSymbol if (s.paramss.nonEmpty) => s.paramss.head
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "No eligible copy method!")
Select(tree, copy),
AssignOrNamedArg(Ident("postId"), reify(id.splice).tree) ::
AssignOrNamedArg(Ident("patientId"), reify(id.splice).tree) ::
AssignOrNamedArg(Ident("receiverId"), reify(id.splice).tree) ::
AssignOrNamedArg(Ident("transmitterId"), reify(id.splice).tree) ::
AssignOrNamedArg(Ident("sequenceNumber"), reify(id.splice).tree) :: Nil
And I invoke it with something like:
class GenericAnonymizer[A <: RecordIdentification]() extends Schema {
def anonymize(dataPost: A, header: DaoDataPostHeader): A = WithRecordIdentification.withId(dataPost, header)
But I get a compile error:
Error:(44, 71) type mismatch;
found : com.dexcom.rt.model.DaoDataPostHeader
required: Option[String]
val copied = WithRecordIdentification.withId(sampleGlucoseRecord, header)
Error:(44, 71) type mismatch;
found : com.dexcom.rt.model.DaoDataPostHeader
required: Option[java.util.UUID]
val copied = WithRecordIdentification.withId(sampleGlucoseRecord, header)
Error:(44, 71) type mismatch;
found : com.dexcom.rt.model.DaoDataPostHeader
required: Option[Long]
val copied = WithRecordIdentification.withId(sampleGlucoseRecord, header)
I'm not quite sure how to change the macro to support multiple parameters... any sage advice?
Assuming you have a set of following case classes, which you wish to anonymize on certain attributes prior to serialization.
case class MyRecordA(var receiverId: String, var y: Int)
case class MyRecordB(var transmitterId: Int, var y: Int)
case class MyRecordC(var patientId: UUID, var y: Int)
case class MyRecordD(var streamType: String, var y: Int)
case class MyRecordE(var sequenceNumber: String, var streamType: String, var y: Int)
You can use scala reflection library to mutate an instance's attributes in runtime. You can implement your custom anonymize/enhancing logic in implicit anonymize method that the Mutator can use to alter a given instance's field selectively if required as per your implementation.
import java.util.UUID
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
implicit def anonymize(field: String /* field name */, value: Any /* use current field value if reqd */): Option[Any] = field match {
case "receiverId" => Option(value.toString.hashCode)
case "transmitterId" => Option(22)
case "patientId" => Option(UUID.randomUUID())
case _ => None
implicit class Mutator[T: ru.TypeTag](i: T)(implicit c: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T], anonymize: (String, Any) => Option[Any]) {
def mask = {
val m = ru.runtimeMirror(i.getClass.getClassLoader)
ru.typeOf[T].members.filter(!_.isMethod).foreach(s => {
val fVal = m.reflect(i).reflectField(s.asTerm)
anonymize(s.name.decoded.trim, fVal.get).foreach(fVal.set)
Now you can invoke masking on any instance as:
val maskedRecord = MyRecordC(UUID.randomUUID(), 2).mask
Is there a clean way to access the default values of a case class fields when performing type class derivation in Scala 3 using Mirrors? For example:
case class Foo(s: String = "bar", i: Int, d: Double = Math.PI)
Mirror.Product.MirroredElemLabels will be set to ("s", "i", "d"). Is there anything like: (Some["bar"], None, Some[3.141592653589793])?
If not could this be achieved using Macros? Can I use the Mirrors and Macros simultaneously to derive a type class instance?
You'll have to write a macro working with methods named like <init>$default$1, <init>$default$2, ... in companion object
import scala.quoted.*
inline def printDefaults[T]: Unit = ${printDefaultsImpl[T]}
def printDefaultsImpl[T](using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[Unit] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
(1 to 3).map(i =>
Mirrors and macros can work together:
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.deriving.*
trait Default[T] {
type Out <: Tuple
def defaults: Out
object Default {
transparent inline given mkDefault[T](using
m: Mirror.ProductOf[T],
s: ValueOf[Tuple.Size[m.MirroredElemTypes]]
): Default[T] =
new Default[T] {
type Out = Tuple.Map[m.MirroredElemTypes, Option]
def defaults = getDefaults[T](s.value).asInstanceOf[Out]
inline def getDefaults[T](inline s: Int): Tuple = ${getDefaultsImpl[T]('s)}
def getDefaultsImpl[T](s: Expr[Int])(using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[Tuple] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val n = s.asTerm.underlying.asInstanceOf[Literal].constant.value.asInstanceOf[Int]
val terms: List[Option[Term]] =
(1 to n).toList.map(i =>
def exprOfOption[T](oet: Option[Expr[T]])(using Type[T], Quotes): Expr[Option[T]] = oet match {
case None => Expr(None)
case Some(et) => '{Some($et)}
val exprs: List[Option[Expr[Any]]] = terms.map(_.map(_.asExprOf[Any]))
val exprs1: List[Expr[Option[Any]]] = exprs.map(exprOfOption)
val d = summon[Default[Foo]]
summon[d.Out =:= (Option[String], Option[Int], Option[Double])] // compiles
d.defaults // (Some(bar),None,Some(3.141592653589793))
As Dmytro suggests, information is carried in methods <init>default$x of the class companion object.
However, Quotes discourages accessing a symbol's tree in a macro:
Symbol's tree is lost, unless program is compiled with -Yretain-trees)
It is better to let the macro evaluate <init>default$x, rather than copy the right hand side of its definition.
One can do so by expressing terms as :
val terms: List[Option[Term]] =
(1 to n).toList.map(i =>
Is there a clean way to access the default values of a case class fields when performing type class derivation in Scala 3 using Mirrors? For example:
case class Foo(s: String = "bar", i: Int, d: Double = Math.PI)
Mirror.Product.MirroredElemLabels will be set to ("s", "i", "d"). Is there anything like: (Some["bar"], None, Some[3.141592653589793])?
If not could this be achieved using Macros? Can I use the Mirrors and Macros simultaneously to derive a type class instance?
You'll have to write a macro working with methods named like <init>$default$1, <init>$default$2, ... in companion object
import scala.quoted.*
inline def printDefaults[T]: Unit = ${printDefaultsImpl[T]}
def printDefaultsImpl[T](using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[Unit] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
(1 to 3).map(i =>
Mirrors and macros can work together:
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.deriving.*
trait Default[T] {
type Out <: Tuple
def defaults: Out
object Default {
transparent inline given mkDefault[T](using
m: Mirror.ProductOf[T],
s: ValueOf[Tuple.Size[m.MirroredElemTypes]]
): Default[T] =
new Default[T] {
type Out = Tuple.Map[m.MirroredElemTypes, Option]
def defaults = getDefaults[T](s.value).asInstanceOf[Out]
inline def getDefaults[T](inline s: Int): Tuple = ${getDefaultsImpl[T]('s)}
def getDefaultsImpl[T](s: Expr[Int])(using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[Tuple] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val n = s.asTerm.underlying.asInstanceOf[Literal].constant.value.asInstanceOf[Int]
val terms: List[Option[Term]] =
(1 to n).toList.map(i =>
def exprOfOption[T](oet: Option[Expr[T]])(using Type[T], Quotes): Expr[Option[T]] = oet match {
case None => Expr(None)
case Some(et) => '{Some($et)}
val exprs: List[Option[Expr[Any]]] = terms.map(_.map(_.asExprOf[Any]))
val exprs1: List[Expr[Option[Any]]] = exprs.map(exprOfOption)
val d = summon[Default[Foo]]
summon[d.Out =:= (Option[String], Option[Int], Option[Double])] // compiles
d.defaults // (Some(bar),None,Some(3.141592653589793))
As Dmytro suggests, information is carried in methods <init>default$x of the class companion object.
However, Quotes discourages accessing a symbol's tree in a macro:
Symbol's tree is lost, unless program is compiled with -Yretain-trees)
It is better to let the macro evaluate <init>default$x, rather than copy the right hand side of its definition.
One can do so by expressing terms as :
val terms: List[Option[Term]] =
(1 to n).toList.map(i =>
I want to be able to get the string representation of an objects property name, not the properties value, so that I can compare it with a variables value inside a conditional statement.
case class CustomObj(name: T)
case class PropertyObj(property: String)
val custObj = CustomObj("Chris")
val propObj = PropertyObj("name")
if(propObj.property.equals(custObj. /* the property name as a String, so "name", not the value ("Chris"*/)) {
// do something
How can I access what is essentially the key of the property on the CustomObj?
Try productElementNames like so
case class CustomObj(name: String)
case class PropertyObj(property: String)
val custObj = CustomObj("Chris")
val propObj = PropertyObj("name")
if (custObj.productElementNames.toList.headOption.contains(propObj.property)) { ... } else { ... }
Addressing the comment, based on Krzysztof, try shapeless solution
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.record._
def firstPropertyNameOf[P <: Product, L <: HList](p: P)(implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[P, L],
toMap: ToMap[L]): Option[String] = {
toMap(gen.to(p)).map{ case (k: Symbol, _) => k.name }.toList.headOption
firstPropertyNameOf(custObj).contains(propObj.property) // res1: Boolean = true
I will assume you don't know the type of custObj at compile time. Then you'll have to use runtime reflection in Scala 2.12.
scala> case class CustomObj(name: String)
defined class CustomObj
scala> val custObj: Any = CustomObj("Chris")
custObj: Any = CustomObj(Chris)
scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
scala> val sym = currentMirror.classSymbol(custObj.getClass)
sym: reflect.runtime.universe.ClassSymbol = class CustomObj
scala> val props = sym.info.members.collect{ case m if m.isMethod && m.asMethod.isCaseAccessor => m.name.toString }
props: Iterable[String] = List(name)
scala> if (props.exists(_ == "name")) println("ok")
Let's say i have 2 cases classes:
case class Money(amount: Int, currency: String)
case class Human(name: String, money: Money)
is there a nice way to "translate" a list of strings to class Human? smth like:
def superMethod[A](params: List[String]): A = ???
val params: List[Any] = List("john", 100, "dollar")
superMethod(params) // => Human("john", Money(100, "dollar"))
so essentially i know type A only in runtime
UPDATE: i found ~ what i was looking for. it seems i can do it via shapeless. example i found in github
Here is an implementation that works for generic classes A.
It relies on runtime reflection (that is, a different TypeTag can be passed to the method at runtime). The following obvious conditions must be fulfilled in order to use this method:
A must be on the class path, or otherwise be loadable by the used class loader
TypeTag must be available for A at the call site.
The actual implementation is in the Deserializer object. Then comes a little demo.
The deserializer:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{TypeTag, Type}
object Deserializer {
/** Extracts an instance of type `A` from the
* flattened `Any` constructor arguments, and returns
* the constructed instance together with the remaining
* unused arguments.
private def deserializeRecHelper(
flattened: List[Any],
tpe: Type
): (Any, List[Any]) = {
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
// println("Trying to deserialize " + tpe + " from " + flattened)
// println("Constructor alternatives: ")
// val constructorAlternatives = tpe.
// member(ru.termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).
// asTerm.
// alternatives.foreach(println)
val consSymb = tpe.
val argsTypes: List[Type] = consSymb.paramLists(0).map(_.typeSignature)
if (tpe =:= ru.typeOf[String] || argsTypes.isEmpty) {
val h :: t = flattened
(h, t)
} else {
val args_rems: List[(Any, List[Any])] = argsTypes.scanLeft(
(("throwaway-sentinel-in-deserializeRecHelper": Any), flattened)
) {
case ((_, remFs), t) =>
deserializeRecHelper(remFs, t)
val remaining: List[Any] = args_rems.last._2
val args: List[Any] = args_rems.unzip._1
val runtimeMirror = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val classMirror = runtimeMirror.reflectClass(tpe.typeSymbol.asClass)
val cons = classMirror.reflectConstructor(consSymb)
// println("Build constructor arguments array for " + tpe + " : " + args)
val obj = cons.apply(args:_*)
(obj, remaining)
def deserialize[A: TypeTag](flattened: List[Any]): A = {
val (a, rem) = deserializeRecHelper(
(implicitly: TypeTag[A]).tpe
"Superfluous arguments remained after deserialization: " + rem
case class Person(id: String, money: Money, pet: Pet, lifeMotto: String)
case class Money(num: Int, currency: String)
case class Pet(color: String, species: Species)
case class Species(description: String, name: String)
object Example {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val data = List("Bob", 42, "USD", "pink", "invisible", "unicorn", "what's going on ey?")
val p = Deserializer.deserialize[Person](data)
Person(Bob,Money(42,USD),Pet(pink,Species(invisible,unicorn)),what's going on ey?)
This implementation is not restricted to case classes, but it requires each "Tree-node-like" class to have exactly one constructor that accepts either
primitive types (Int, Float), or
strings, or
other "Tree-node-like" classes.
Note that the task is somewhat ill-posed: what does it mean to say that all constructor arguments are flattened in a single list? Given the class Person(name: String, age: Int), will the List[Any] contain every single byte of the name as a separate entry? Probably not. Therefore, strings are handled by the deserializer in a special way, and all other collection-like entities are not supported for the same reasons (unclear where to stop parsing, because size of the collection is not known).
In case A is not a generic type, but effectively Human, you can use a companion object to the case class Human:
object Human {
def fromList(list: List[String]): Human = list match {
case List(name, amount, currency) => Human(name, Money(amount.toInt, currency))
case _ => handle corner case
Which you can call:
Human.fromList(List("john", "100", "dollar"))
To make it safe, don't forget to handle the case of lists whose size wouldn't be 3; and of lists whose 2nd element can't be cast to an Int:
import scala.util.Try
object Human {
def fromList(list: List[String]): Option[Human] = list match {
case List(name, amount, currency) =>
Try(Human(name, Money(amount.toInt, currency))).toOption
case _ => None
Edit: Based on your last comment, you might find this usefull:
case class Money(amount: Int, currency: String)
case class Human(name: String, money: Money)
case class SomethingElse(whatever: Double)
object Mapper {
def superMethod(list: List[String]): Option[Any] =
list match {
case List(name, amount, currency) =>
Try(Human(name, Money(amount.toInt, currency))).toOption
case List(whatever) => Try(SomethingElse(whatever.toDouble)).toOption
case _ => None
println(Mapper.superMethod(List("john", 100, "dollar")))
> Some(Human(john,Money(100,dollar)))
> Some(SomethingElse(17.0))
or alternatively:
object Mapper {
def superMethod[A](list: List[String]): Option[A] =
(list match {
case List(name, amount, currency) =>
Try(Human(name, Money(amount, currency))).toOption
case List(whatever) =>
case _ => None
println(Mapper.superMethod[Human](List("john", "100", "dollar")))
> Some(Human(john,Money(100,dollar)))
> Some(SomethingElse(17.0))
I'm trying to create some simple custom String interpolator, and I'm successful as long as I don't try to use a type parameter.
import scala.concurrent.Future
object StringImplicits {
implicit class FailureStringContext (val sc : StringContext) extends AnyVal {
// This WORKS, but it's specific to Future :(
def fail[T](args : Any*): Future[T] = {
val orig = sc.s (args : _*)
Future.exception[T](new Exception(orig))
// I want this to work for Option,Try,Future!!
def fail[M,T](args:Any*): M[T] = {
val orig = sc.s (args : _*)
// Obviously does not work..
M match {
case Future => Future.exception(new Exception(orig))
case Option => None
case Try => Failure(new Exception(orig))
case _ => ???
Can I get this to work? I can't use parametric polymorphism because I'm not the one defining those three types.
What's the equivalent in the type level for that pseudo-code pattern match?
My latest attempt was to use implicitly, but I don't have such implicit! I'd be actually interested to grab a hold of the type that the compiler wants me to return according to type inference.
def fail[T, M[T]](args:Any*): M[T] = {
val orig = sc.s(args: _*)
implicitly[M[T]] match {
case _:Future[T] => Future.exception(new Exception(orig))
case _ => ???
<console>:18: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: M[T]
implicitly[M[T]] match {
<console>:19: error: value exception is not a member of object scala.concurrent.Future
case _: Future[T] => Future.exception(new Exception(orig))
In my opinion the simplest is to rely on good old overloading: just define a different overload for each type that you want to handle.
Now of course, there is the problem of having different overloads with the same signature, and as usual in scala, you can use tricks to work around them. Here we'll add dummy implicit parameters to force each overload to have a distinct signature. Not pretty but it works and will suffice in this case.
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Try, Failure}
implicit class FailureStringContext (val sc : StringContext) extends AnyVal {
def fail[T](args : Any*): Future[T] = {
Future.failed[T](new Exception(sc.s (args : _*)))
def fail[T](args : Any*)(implicit dummy: DummyImplicit): Option[T] = {
def fail[T](args : Any*)(implicit dummy: DummyImplicit, dummy2: DummyImplicit): Try[T] = {
Failure[T](new Exception(sc.s (args : _*)))
And tada:
scala> fail"oops": Option[String]
res6: Option[String] = None
scala> fail"oops": Future[String]
res7: scala.concurrent.Future[String] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise#6fc1a8f6
scala> fail"oops": Try[String]
res8: scala.util.Try[String] = Failure(java.lang.Exception: oops)