how eureka peers guarantee the registration information is consistent when sync action fail - netflix-eureka

PeerAwareInstanceRegistryImpl will sync to other peers when registration changed,the code as follows:
private void replicateInstanceActionsToPeers(Action action, String appName,
String id, InstanceInfo info, InstanceStatus newStatus,
PeerEurekaNode node) {
try {
InstanceInfo infoFromRegistry = null;
switch (action) {
case Cancel:
node.cancel(appName, id);
case Heartbeat:
InstanceStatus overriddenStatus = overriddenInstanceStatusMap.get(id);
infoFromRegistry = getInstanceByAppAndId(appName, id, false);
node.heartbeat(appName, id, infoFromRegistry, overriddenStatus, false);
case Register:
case StatusUpdate:
infoFromRegistry = getInstanceByAppAndId(appName, id, false);
node.statusUpdate(appName, id, newStatus, infoFromRegistry);
case DeleteStatusOverride:
infoFromRegistry = getInstanceByAppAndId(appName, id, false);
node.deleteStatusOverride(appName, id, infoFromRegistry);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Cannot replicate information to {} for action {}", node.getServiceUrl(),, t);
I am confused about the distributed consistency of multiple eureka servers。when replicate action fail。it just catch the throwable. Why not use consistency algorithms such as gossip,paxos to ensure a higher consistency?
I saw the desc of the wiki and know that eureka just let it in temporary inconsistency。 the server tries to be as resilient as possible。Aha cap theory!


The configured execution strategy 'RetryTransactionExecutionStrategy' does not support user initiated transactions

We wrote our own simple execution strategy to retry saving any data using our DbContext when it runs into a table lock timeout.
public class RetryTransactionExecutionStrategy : DbExecutionStrategy
public RetryTransactionExecutionStrategy() : base()
protected override bool ShouldRetryOn(Exception exception)
while (exception != null)
if (exception is MySqlException ex
&& ex.Number == 1205) // Deadlock error code
return true;
exception = exception.InnerException;
return false;
We register it by using the DbConfig class, in the same folder as the context class.
public class DbConfig : DbConfiguration
public DbConfig()
SetExecutionStrategy(MySqlProviderInvariantName.ProviderName, () => new RetryTransactionExecutionStrategy());
Now most regular usage of the context will use the retry execution strategy. However, transactions are a more special case. Microsoft mentions usage of them in their documentation, and tells the user to manually call the execution strategy, like this:
var executionStrategy = new RetryTransactionExecutionStrategy();
executionStrategy.Execute(() =>
using (PigDbAccountEntities pigDbAccountEntities = new PigDbAccountEntities())
using (var dbtransaction = pigDbAccountEntities.Database.BeginTransaction())
//work on some data
//work on some more data
//work on even more data
isSaved = true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Instance.Log(LogLevel.ERROR, LogSource.DB, "error in AccountEntityManager.SaveApplicationUser", ex);
And yet we still get this error message:
The configured execution strategy 'RetryTransactionExecutionStrategy' does not support user initiated transactions. See for additional information.
Any idea on what to do/check?

How to setting firebase remote config for unity?

lets to the point, so i want to make some configuration with my game to show Ads but I avoid to update game version too much, because of that I choose firebase remote config with this I can update setting/configuration without update the game version.
there is document for this but not very clear for newbie like me, you can check it here
I already make the script like on doc, but I don't understand how its work on show data because error string format, which is what I know on this firebase console is int format
the script like this :
public static _FirebaseRemoteConfig instance;
private void Awake()
instance = this;
Firebase.DependencyStatus dependencyStatus = Firebase.DependencyStatus.UnavailableOther;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
Firebase.FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
dependencyStatus = task.Result;
if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available)
"Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: " + dependencyStatus);
public void InitializeFirebase()
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> defaults =
new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>();
defaults.Add("config_test_string", "default local string");
defaults.Add("config_test_int", 1);
defaults.Add("config_test_float", 1.0);
defaults.Add("config_test_bool", false);
Debug.Log("Remote config ready!");
public void FetchFireBase()
public void ShowData()
Debug.Log("maxCountToShowAdmob: " +
// Start a fetch request.
public Task FetchDataAsync()
Debug.Log("Fetching data...");
System.Threading.Tasks.Task fetchTask = Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.FetchAsync(
return fetchTask.ContinueWith(FetchComplete);
void FetchComplete(Task fetchTask)
if (fetchTask.IsCanceled)
Debug.Log("Fetch canceled.");
else if (fetchTask.IsFaulted)
Debug.Log("Fetch encountered an error.");
else if (fetchTask.IsCompleted)
Debug.Log("Fetch completed successfully!");
var info = Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.Info;
switch (info.LastFetchStatus)
case Firebase.RemoteConfig.LastFetchStatus.Success:
Debug.Log(String.Format("Remote data loaded and ready (last fetch time {0}).",
case Firebase.RemoteConfig.LastFetchStatus.Failure:
switch (info.LastFetchFailureReason)
case Firebase.RemoteConfig.FetchFailureReason.Error:
Debug.Log("Fetch failed for unknown reason");
case Firebase.RemoteConfig.FetchFailureReason.Throttled:
Debug.Log("Fetch throttled until " + info.ThrottledEndTime);
case Firebase.RemoteConfig.LastFetchStatus.Pending:
Debug.Log("Latest Fetch call still pending.");

Service Fabric Actor custom actor service SaveReminderAsync usage

I have a custom actor service, and I want to be able to add reminders to my actors from here, and not to have to call the actor directly for this. I do not want to wait to get in line if the actor is busy, but have it fire a reminder when needed.
I am trying to use StateProvider.SaveReminderAsync and from what the function summary says it should work exactly like I want.. but it does not, and I can not find a single sample online about this function. I've been looking for 2 days and tried a bunch of things to get it working with no luck.
Thanks for any help
public class ActorReminderTestServices : ActorService, IActorReminderTestService, IService
public ActorReminderTestServices(StatefulServiceContext context,
ActorTypeInformation actorTypeInfo,
Func<ActorService, ActorId, ActorBase> actorFactory = null,
Func<ActorBase, IActorStateProvider, IActorStateManager> stateManagerFactory = null,
IActorStateProvider stateProvider = null,
ActorServiceSettings settings = null)
: base(context, actorTypeInfo, actorFactory, stateManagerFactory, stateProvider, settings)
protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await base.RunAsync(cancellationToken);
#region Code to limit this to running just on 1 partition
FabricClient _fabricClient = new FabricClient();
System.Fabric.Query.ServicePartitionList _partitionList = await _fabricClient
System.Fabric.Query.Partition _1stPartition = _partitionList.OrderBy(a =>
(a.PartitionInformation as Int64RangePartitionInformation).LowKey).FirstOrDefault();
if (this.Partition.PartitionInfo.Id != _1stPartition.PartitionInformation.Id)
Task.Run(async () =>
await Task.Delay(10000);
await this.CreateActors(cancellationToken);
public async Task CreateActors(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Guid _test2 = Guid.Parse("4C1DC22F-27DF-40C0-AD38-DC1971BDB281"); // {4C1DC22F-27DF-40C0-AD38-DC1971BDB281}
ActorId _actor2 = new ActorId(_test2);
// this function on the stateprovider.. how is this suppose to be used??
// from looking at the SF source this object that is used in the actual actor
// in an internal class, I tried creating my own version, but than the issues is it uses IActorManager
// and that is internal.. how can I use this function. I would like to loop through
// all the actors and add a reminder to all of them with out having to call the actor directly
await this.StateProvider.SaveReminderAsync(_actor2, new IActorReminder { Name = "testing", DueTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Period = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), State = null }, cancellationToken);
catch (Exception ex)

What should my repository return on a http post when the posted id (foreign key) is wrong

Given the user sends a valid token to an api endpoint via fiddler/postman, he could post a resource (pupil) for a related resource (schoolclass).
When the schoolclass id
does not exist yet in the database
does exist already in the database but this schoolclass Id belongs to another user.
does exist in the database and belongs to the passed userId
What would you change in the Controller and Repository class to make it work for all 3 cases using a REST api + repository pattern.
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody]CreatePupilRequestDto dto)
var userId = User.GetUserId();
var pupil = dto.ToPupil();
await repository.CreatePupil(pupil, dto.SchoolclassId, userId);
return Ok(pupil.Id);
public async Task CreatePupil(Pupil pupil, int schoolclassCodeId, string userId)
var schoolclassCode = await context.Schoolclasses.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == schoolclassCodeId && s.UserId == userId);
if (schoolclassCode != null)
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
At the moment the last of the 3 use cases is implemented!
From REST prospective you need to return 400 or 404 depending on your design.
If your route need to be like /classes/{id}/users/{id}/pupil I thing you need to use 404 in case user or class is wrong.
In case of separate route (as I can see in your question) I think this should be 400 code as request URL is pointing to valid resource but payload is invalid.
In both cases I think the batter error handling strategy here is to write some set of custom exceptions (like EntityNotFondException, EntityInvalidException, BusinessLogicException) and throw them from repository in case something is wrong. Then you can create some global action filter or OWIN middleware to catch those exceptions and translate them to correct response status codes with appropriate messages
public class NotFoundException : Exception
public NotFoundException(Type entityType)
: base($"Entity {entityType.Name} was not found")
public class ApiExceptionFilterAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute
public ApiExceptionFilterAttribute()
public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
var exception = actionExecutedContext.Exception;
if (exception == null)
if (exception is HttpResponseException)
var entityNotFoundException = exception as NotFoundException;
if (entityNotFoundException != null)
actionExecutedContext.Response = actionExecutedContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, entityNotFoundException.Message);
var schoolclassCode = await context.Schoolclasses.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == schoolclassCodeId && s.UserId == userId);
if(schoolclassCode == null)
throw new NotFoundException(typeof(Schoolclass));
You can throw validation exceptions in the same way. E.g:
var schoolclassCode = await context.Schoolclasses.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == schoolclassCodeId);
if(schoolclassCode == null)
throw new InvalidModelStateException("Schoolclass was not found.")
if(schoolclassCode.UserId != userId)
throw new InvalidModelStateException("Schoolclass is owned by different user.")
... etc.
I always use Result classes for returning state from a service class (wouldn't implement that in Repository as it shouldn't contain business logic):
public class QueryResult
private static readonly QueryResult success = new QueryResult { Succeeded = true };
private readonly List<QueryError> errors = new List<QueryError>();
public static QueryResult Success { get { return success; } }
public bool Succeeded { get; protected set; }
public IEnumerable<QueryError> Errors { get { return errors; } }
public static QueryResult Failed(params QueryError[] errors)
var result = new QueryResult { Succeeded = false };
if (errors != null)
return result;
public class QueryResult<T> : QueryResult where T : class
public T Result { get; protected set; }
public static QueryResult<T> Suceeded(T result)
if (result == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(result));
var queryResult = new QueryResult<T>
Succeeded = true,
Result = result
return queryResult;
public class QueryError
public string ErrorId { get; set; }
public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
And use it like
var schoolclassCode = await context.Schoolclasses
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == schoolclassCodeId && s.UserId == userId);
if (schoolclassCode == null)
return QueryResult.Failed(new QueryError
ErrorId = 1,
ErrorMessage = "Invalid User Id"
Just as an addition and rule of thumb
Services which operate on one or multiple entities and perform user input validation should return Result classes
Domain Models (which you don't seem to use, since you use a repository and Repository + Rich Domains doesn't work out well in real life applications) should throw exception (i.e. InvalidOperationException or ArgumentException, ArgumentNullException). Doing Result-types her will pollute the model and mix the separation of responsibility (Domain Model will suddenly also do validation instead only guarding against invalid state)
Using XxxResult type classes gives you an easy way to transport one or multiple errors back to the user, where an exception should act as an guard against your domain model getting into invalid state.
Edit 2
In response to the comments:
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody]CreatePupilRequestDto dto)
var userId = User.GetUserId();
var pupil = dto.ToPupil();
var result = await repository.CreatePupil(pupil, dto.SchoolclassId, userId);
// If you want to suppress the error messages, just call return BadRequest() instead
return BadRequest(result.Errors);
return Ok(pupil.Id);
Edit 3
Example with 3 parameters for let's say /api/schoolclasses/1/students/2/lessons/2 (Update an existing lesson to the student with the id 2 for the school class with id 1).
// on SchoolClasses Controller
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody]Lessons lessonDto)
// rough input validation, do first to avoid db hits
return BadRequest(ModelState);
// best put logic into service classes i.e. SchoolClassService
var result = schoolClassService.UpdateLessonFor(schoolClassId, studentId, lessonDto)
// If you want to suppress the error messages, just call return BadRequest() instead
return BadRequest(result.Errors);
return Ok();
Content of UpdateLessonsFor
List<ErrorMessage> errors = new List<ErrorMessage>();
// with .Include to include both student and all of his lessons
// does student exist?
// Hits db once and gets both, student and all lessons in a single query
var student = _context.SchoolClasses
.Include(sc => sc.Students)
.ThenInclude(s => s.Lessons)
.Where(sc => sc.SchoolClassId == schoolClassId)
.SelectMany(sc => sc.Students)
FirstOrDefault(s => s.StudentId == studentId);
return QueryResult.Failed( new ErrorMessage { ErrorId = 1, ErrorMessage = "Student or School Class not found" } );
// Doesn't hit the database, since lessons have been loaded with the above call
var lesson = student.Lessons.Any(l => l.LessonId = lessonId))
if(lesson == null)
return QueryResult.Failed( new ErrorMessage { ErrorId = 2, ErrorMessage = "Lesson not found. " } );
// modify it
lesson.SomeValue = dto.SomeValue;
} catch(Exception ex) {
return QueryResult.Failed(new ErrorMessage { ErrorId = 3, ErrorMessage = "Couldn't update the lesson. Try again and if the error appears again, contact the administrator." } );
} finally {
return QueryResult.Suceeded;
// or if you also want to return a result
return QueryResult.Suceeded(lesson);
Also from the comments of the other answer: Don't put logic into your repository, that's what services are for when you use anemic domain (models have no logic, all in services) or have thin service layer and put most logic into domain service. But that's out of the scope.

netty issue when writeAndFlush called from different InboundChannelHandlerAdapter.channelRead

I've got an issue, for which I am unable to post full code (sorry), due to security reasons. The gist of my issue is that I have a ServerBootstrap, created as follows:
bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
final ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup)
.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ch.pipeline().addFirst("idleStateHandler", new IdleStateHandler(0, 0, 3000));
//Adds the MQTT encoder and decoder
ch.pipeline().addLast("decoder", new MyMessageDecoder());
ch.pipeline().addLast("encoder", new MyMessageEncoder());
}).option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 128).option(ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true)
.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true)
.childOption(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
// Bind and start to accept incoming connections.
channelFuture = b.bind(listenAddress, listenPort);
With createMyHandlerMethod() that basically returns an extended implementation of ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter
I also have a "client" listener, that listens for incoming connection requests, and is loaded as follows:
final String host = getHost();
final int port = getPort();
nioEventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
bootStrap = new Bootstrap();;;
bootStrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
bootStrap.handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ch.pipeline().addFirst("idleStateHandler", new IdleStateHandler(0, 0, getKeepAliveInterval()));
ch.pipeline().addAfter("idleStateHandler", "idleEventHandler", new MoquetteIdleTimeoutHandler());
ch.pipeline().addLast("decoder", new MyMessageDecoder());
ch.pipeline().addLast("encoder", new MyMessageEncoder());
.option(ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true)
.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
// Start the client.
try {
channelFuture = bootStrap.connect(host, port).sync();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new MyException(“Exception”, e);
Where MyClientHandler is again a subclassed instance of ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter. Everything works fine, I get messages coming in from the "server" adapter, i process them, and send them back on the same context. And vice-versa for the "client" handler.
The problem happens when I have to (for some messages) proxy them from the server or client handler to other connection. Again, I am very sorry for not being able to post much code, but the gist of it is that I'm calling from:
serverHandler.channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
if (msg instanceof myProxyingMessage) {
if ( {;
Now here's the problem: the bolded (client) writeAndFlush - never actually writes the message bytes, it doesn't throw any errors. The ChannelFuture returns all false (success, cancelled, done). And if I sync on it, eventually it times out for other reasons (connection timeout set within my code).
I know I haven't posted all of my code, but I'm hoping that someone has some tips and/or pointers for how to isolate the problem of WHY it is not writing to the client context. I'm not a Netty expert by any stretch, and most of this code was written by someone else. They are both subclassing ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter
Feel free to ask any questions if you have any.
I tried to proxy the request back to a DIFFERENT context/channel (ie, the client channel) using the following test code:
public void proxyPubRec(int messageId) throws MQTTException {
logger.log(logLevel, "proxying PUBREC to context: " + debugContext());
PubRecMessage pubRecMessage = new PubRecMessage();
logger.log(logLevel, "pipeline writable flag: " + ctx.pipeline().channel().isWritable());
MyMQTTEncoder encoder = new MyMQTTEncoder();
ByteBuf buff = null;
try {
buff = encoder.encode(pubRecMessage);;
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to encode PUBREC");
} finally {
if (buff != null) {
public class MyMQTTEncoder extends MQTTEncoder {
public ByteBuf encode(AbstractMessage msg) {
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = new PooledByteBufAllocator();
ByteBuf buf = allocator.buffer();
try {
super.encode(ctx, msg, buf);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to encode PUBREC, " + t.getMessage());
return buf;
But the above at line: is NOT writing to the other channel - any tips/tricks on debugging this sort of issue?
someOtherMessage has to be ByteBuf.
So, take this :
serverHandler.channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
if (msg instanceof myProxyingMessage) {
if ( {;
... and replace it with this :
serverHandler.channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
if (msg instanceof myProxyingMessage) {
if ( {;
Actually, this turned out to be a threading issue. One of my threads was blocked/waiting while other threads were writing to the context and because of this, the writes were buffered and not sent, even with a flush. Problem solved!
Essentially, I put the first message code in an Runnable/Executor thread, which allowed it to run separately so that the second write/response was able to write to the context. There are still potentially some issues with this (in terms of message ordering), but this is not on topic for the original question. Thanks for all your help!