How to have 100% zoom factor withChaco - enthought

As an example, in chaco/examples/demo/basic/, how to set the zoom factor such that 1 array point corresponds to 1 screen pixel (100% zoom). It seems that the ZoomTool methods (zoom_in, zoom_out, ...) only deal with zoom factor changes, not with absolute factor setting.

I would try something with plot.range2d.low, plot.range2d.high and plot.outer_bounds. The first two relate to data space, while the latter relates to the size of the picture area. By setting the limits of the data space using the picture area, you can map 1 pixel to 1 data unit. Here's an example, the interesting bit is in the _zoom_100_percent method:
import numpy as np
from chaco.api import Plot, ArrayPlotData
from import PanTool, ZoomTool
from enable.api import ComponentEditor
from traits.api import Button, HasTraits, Instance, on_trait_change
from traitsui.api import Item, View
class HundredPercentZoom(HasTraits):
plot = Instance(Plot)
zoom_button = Button('100% Zoom')
traits_view = View(
Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False),
def _plot_default(self):
t = np.linspace(0, 1000, 200)
y = 400 * (np.sin(t) + 0.1 * np.sin(t * 100))
plot = Plot(ArrayPlotData(t=t, y=y))
plot.plot(('t', 'y'))
return plot
def _zoom_100_percent(self):
low = self.plot.range2d.low
bounds = self.plot.outer_bounds
self.plot.range2d.high = (low[0] + bounds[0], low[1] + bounds[1])
if __name__ == "__main__":
hpz = HundredPercentZoom()
I added a print statement in there so you can see that the plot area is different than the window area, which is 800x600. I also added a PanTool and ZoomTool, so you can pan around once zoomed in. You can go back to the orignal zoom state using the Escape key, as long as your plot has a ZoomTool.

The solution I have arrived to, starting from the original example . A button allows to have a 100 % zoom factor around a point chosen as the zoom center.
All is in the _btn_fired method in class Demo.
There may still be a problem of 1 not being subtracted or added to some bounds or limits, as the button operation is not strictly involutive (a second press should not do anything) as it should.
Anything simpler?
#!/usr/bin/env python
Demonstrates the ImageInspectorTool and overlay on a colormapped image
plot. The underlying plot is similar to the one in
- Left-drag pans the plot.
- Mousewheel up and down zooms the plot in and out.
- Pressing "z" brings up the Zoom Box, and you can click-drag a rectangular
region to zoom. If you use a sequence of zoom boxes, pressing alt-left-arrow
and alt-right-arrow moves you forwards and backwards through the "zoom
- Pressing "p" will toggle the display of the image inspector overlay.
# Major library imports
from numpy import linspace, meshgrid, pi, sin, divide, multiply
# Enthought library imports
from enable.api import Component, ComponentEditor
from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Button, Float
from traitsui.api import Item, Group, View, HGroup
# Chaco imports
from chaco.api import ArrayPlotData, jet, Plot
from import PanTool, ZoomTool
from import ImageInspectorTool, \
# # Create the Chaco plot.
def _create_plot_component():# Create a scalar field to colormap
xbounds = (-2*pi, 2*pi, 600)
ybounds = (-1.5*pi, 1.5*pi, 300)
xs = linspace(*xbounds)
ys = linspace(*ybounds)
x, y = meshgrid(xs,ys)
z = sin(x)*y
# Create a plot data obect and give it this data
pd = ArrayPlotData()
pd.set_data("imagedata", z)
# Create the plot
plot = Plot(pd)
img_plot = plot.img_plot("imagedata",
xbounds = xbounds[:2],
ybounds = ybounds[:2],
# Tweak some of the plot properties
plot.title = "My First Image Plot"
plot.padding = 50
# Attach some tools to the plot
zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)
imgtool = ImageInspectorTool(img_plot)
overlay = ImageInspectorOverlay(component=img_plot, image_inspector=imgtool,
bgcolor="white", border_visible=True)
return plot
# Attributes to use for the plot view.
size = (800, 600)
title="Inspecting a Colormapped Image Plot"
# # Demo class that is used by the application.
class Demo(HasTraits):
plot = Instance(Component)
center_x = Float
center_y = Float
btn = Button('100 %')
def _btn_fired(self):
img_plot, = self.plot.plots['plot0']
zoom_center = (self.center_x, self.center_y)
# Size of plot in screen pixels
plot_size = img_plot.bounds
# Zoom center in screen space
zoom_center_screen, = img_plot.map_screen(zoom_center)
# Get actual bounds in data space
low, high = (img_plot.index_mapper.range.low,
# Get data space x and y units in terms of x and y array indices
sizes = [item.get_size() for item in img_plot.index.get_data()]
(min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y) = img_plot.index.get_bounds()
unit = divide((max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y), sizes)
# Calculate new bounds
new_low = zoom_center - multiply(zoom_center_screen, unit)
new_high = new_low + multiply(plot_size, unit)
# Set new bounds
traits_view = View(
Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(size=size),
HGroup('center_x', 'center_y', 'btn'),
orientation = "vertical"
resizable=True, title=title
def _plot_default(self):
return _create_plot_component()
demo = Demo()
if __name__ == "__main__":


cartopy: map overlay on NOAA APT image

I am working on a project trying to decode NOAA APT images, so far I reached the stage where I can get the images from raw IQ recordings from RTLSDRs. Here is one of the decoded images,
Decoded NOAA APT image this image will be used as input for the code (seen as m3.png here on)
Now I am working on overlaying map boundaries on the image (Note: Only on the left half part of the above image)
We know, the time at which the image was captured and the satellite info: position, direction etc. So, I used the position of the satellite to get the center of map projection and and direction of satellite to rotate the image appropriately.
First I tried in Basemap, here is the code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
im = plt.imread('m3.png')
im = im[:,85:995] # crop only the first part of whole image
rot = 198.3913296679117 # degrees, direction of sat movement
center = (50.83550180700588, 16.430852851867176) # lat long
rotated_img = ndimage.rotate(im, rot) # rotate image
w = rotated_img.shape[1]*4000*0.81 # in meters, spec says 4km per pixel, but I had to make it 81% less to get better image
h = rotated_img.shape[0]*4000*0.81 # in meters, spec says 4km per pixel, but I had to make it 81% less to get better image
m = Basemap(projection='cass',lon_0 = center[1],lat_0 = center[0],width = w,height = h, resolution = "i")
im = plt.imshow(rotated_img, cmap='gray', extent=(*plt.xlim(), *plt.ylim()))
I got this image as a result, which seems pretty good
I wanted to move the code to Cartopy as it is easier to install and is actively being developed. I was unable to find a similar way to set boundaries i.e. width and height in meters. So, I modified most similar example. I found a function which would add meters to longs and lats and used that to set the boundaries.
Here is the code in Cartopy,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
from scipy import ndimage
import cartopy.feature
im = plt.imread('m3.png')
im = im[:,85:995] # crop only the first part of whole image
rot = 198.3913296679117 # degrees, direction of sat movement
center = (50.83550180700588, 16.430852851867176) # lat long
def add_m(center, dx, dy):
# source:
new_latitude = center[0] + (dy / 6371000.0) * (180 / np.pi)
new_longitude = center[1] + (dx / 6371000.0) * (180 / np.pi) / np.cos(center[0] * np.pi/180)
return [new_latitude, new_longitude]
fig = plt.figure()
img = ndimage.rotate(im, rot)
dx = img.shape[0]*4000/2*0.81 # in meters
dy = img.shape[1]*4000/2*0.81 # in meters
leftbot = add_m(center, -1*dx, -1*dy)
righttop = add_m(center, dx, dy)
img_extent = (leftbot[1], righttop[1], leftbot[0], righttop[0])
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.imshow(img, origin='upper', cmap='gray', extent=img_extent, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.coastlines(resolution='50m', color='yellow', linewidth=1)
ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle='-', edgecolor='yellow')
Here is the result from Cartopy, it is not as good as the result from Basemap.
I have following questions:
I found it impossible to rotate the map instead of the image, in
both basemap and cartopy. Hence I resorted to rotating the image, is
there a way to rotate the map?
How do I improve the output of cartopy? I think it is the way in
which I am calculating the extent a problem. Is there a way I can
provide meters to set the boundaries of the image?
Is there a better way to do what I am trying to do? any projection that are specific to these kind of applications?
I am adjusting the scale (the part where I decide the number of kms per pixel) manually, is there a way to do this based
satellite's altitude?
Any sort of input would be highly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time!
If you are interested you can find the project here.
As far as I can see, there is no ability for the underlying Proj.4 to define satellite projections with rotated perspectives (happy to be shown otherwise - I'm no expert!) (note: perhaps via ob_tran?). This is the main reason you can't do this in "native" coordinates/orientation with Basemap or Cartopy.
This question really comes down to a georeferencing problem, to which I couldn't find enough information in places like
My solution is entirely a fudge, but does get you quite close to referencing this image. I double the fudge factors are actually universal, which is a bit of an issue if you want to write general-purpose code.
Some of the fudges I had to make (trial-and-error):
adjust the satellite bearing by 3.2 degrees
adjust where the image centre is by moving it along the satellite trajectory by 10km
adjust where the image centre is by moving it perpendicularly along the satellite trajectory by 10km
scale the x and y pixel sizes by 0.62 and 0.65 respectively
use the "near-sided perspective" projection at an unrealistic satellite_height
The result is what appears to be a relatively well registered image, but as I say, seems unlikely to be generally applicable to all images received:
The code to produce this image (fairly involved, but complete):
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve('', 'm3.jpg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
from scipy import ndimage
import cartopy.feature
im = plt.imread('m3.jpg')
im = im[:,85:995] # crop only the first part of whole image
rot = 198.3913296679117 # degrees, direction of sat movement
center = (50.83550180700588, 16.430852851867176) # lat long
import numpy as np
from cartopy.geodesic import Geodesic
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
tweaked_rot = rot - 3.2
geod = Geodesic()
# Move the center along the trajectory of the satellite by 10KM
f = np.array([center[1], center[0]],
180 - tweaked_rot,
tweaked_center = f[0, 0], f[0, 1]
# Move the satellite perpendicular from its proposed trajectory by 15KM
f = np.array([tweaked_center[0], tweaked_center[1]],
180 - tweaked_rot + 90,
tweaked_center = f[0, 0], f[0, 1]
data_crs = ccrs.NearsidePerspective(
# Compute the center in data_crs coordinates.
center_lon_lat_ortho = data_crs.transform_point(
tweaked_center[0], tweaked_center[1], ccrs.Geodetic())
# Define the affine rotation in terms of matplotlib transforms.
rotation = mtransforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around(
center_lon_lat_ortho[0], center_lon_lat_ortho[1], tweaked_rot)
# Some fudge factors. Sorry - there are entirely application specific,
# perhaps some reading of
# would enlighten these... :(
ff_x, ff_y = 0.62, 0.65
ff_x = ff_y = 0.81
x_extent = im.shape[1]*4000/2 * ff_x
y_extent = im.shape[0]*4000/2 * ff_y
img_extent = [-x_extent, x_extent, -y_extent, y_extent]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = plt.axes(projection=data_crs)
with ax.hold_limits():
# Uing matplotlib's image transforms if the projection is the
# same as the map, otherwise we need to fall back to cartopy's
# (slower) image resampling algorithm
if ax.projection == data_crs:
transform = rotation + ax.transData
transform = rotation + data_crs._as_mpl_transform(ax)
# Use the original Axes method rather than cartopy's GeoAxes.imshow.
mimg = Axes.imshow(ax, im, origin='upper', cmap='gray',
extent=img_extent, transform=transform)
lower_left = rotation.frozen().transform_point([-x_extent, -y_extent])
lower_right = rotation.frozen().transform_point([x_extent, -y_extent])
upper_left = rotation.frozen().transform_point([-x_extent, y_extent])
upper_right = rotation.frozen().transform_point([x_extent, y_extent])
plt.plot(lower_left[0], lower_left[1],
upper_left[0], upper_left[1],
upper_right[0], upper_right[1],
lower_right[0], lower_right[1],
marker='x', color='black',
ax.coastlines(resolution='10m', color='yellow', linewidth=1)
ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle='-', edgecolor='yellow')
sat_pos = np.array(, 180 - tweaked_rot,
np.linspace(-x_extent*2, x_extent*2, 50)))
with ax.hold_limits():
plt.plot(sat_pos[:, 0], sat_pos[:, 1], transform=ccrs.Geodetic(),
label='Satellite path')
plt.plot(tweaked_center, 'ob')
As you can probably tell, I got a bit carried away with this question. It is a super interesting problem, but not really a cartopy/Basemap one per-say.
Hope that helps!

How can I align the y-axis (latitudes) of a map plot and a plot in python

I'm trying plot two panels in a plot.
The first one (left) is a data with latitude values in its y-axis. The second panel is a map.
I wanna that the latitude values of both panels coinciding, but I don't know how get it.
I have a code like this:
fig_mapa= plt.figure()
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-90,llcrnrlat=-58.1,urcrnrlon=-32,urcrnrlat=12.6,
resolution='f',projection='merc',lon_0=-58,lat_0=-25, ax=ax1)
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90.,5), labels=[0,1,0,0], linewidth=0.5)
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180.,180.,5), labels=[0,0,0,1], linewidth=0.5)
map.readshapefile("./Fases_tectonicas/Shapefiles/Unidades_Fi", 'Unidades_Fi', linewidth=0.1)
#map.warpimage(image='./Geotiffs/NE1_HR_LC_SR_W_DR/NE1_HR_LC_SR_W_DR.tif', zorder=1)
map.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, color='k')
Nombre_Unidad= []
for elemento in map.Unidades_Fi_info:
for i in range(len(Nombre_Unidad)):
poly=Polygon(draw, facecolor=color[Nombre_Unidad[i]],edgecolor='k', alpha=0.5,linewidth=0.1, zorder=2)
'''Gráfico Eventos Compresivos'''
ax2= fig_mapa.add_subplot(121)
ax2.set_xlabel('Tiempo [Ma]')
The simplest way to align two axes is with the sharex or sharey keyword for plt.subplots. However, the coordinates that Basemap shows and the coordinates that it uses for the Axes instance are two different things, so you will have to convert between the two if you want to have understandable ytick labels and some meaningful graph in your second Axes instance. Below I show how you can align the two y-axes, set the yticks properly and transform your data to the data coordinates of your Basemap. I left the creation of the Basemap untouched.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np
##figure with two subplots and shared y-axis
fig,(ax2,ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, sharey='row')
m1 = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-90,llcrnrlat=-58.1,urcrnrlon=-32,urcrnrlat=12.6,
projection='merc',lon_0=-58,lat_0=-25, ax=ax1)
m1.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90.,5), labels=[0,1,0,0], linewidth=0.5)
m1.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180.,180.,5), labels=[0,0,0,1], linewidth=0.5)
m1.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, color='k')
##turning off yticks at basemap
##setting yticks:
yticks = np.arange(-55,12.6,5)
##transform yticks:
_,yticks_data = m1(0*yticks,yticks)
ax2.set_yticklabels(['{: >3}$^\circ${}'.format(
abs(int(y)), 'N' if y>0 else 'S' if y<0 else ' '
) for y in yticks])
ax2.set_xlabel('Tiempo [Ma]')
#some fake data for testing plotting
yrange = np.linspace(-60,20,100)
temp = (np.sin(10*np.deg2rad(yrange))+1)*50
##transform yrange
_,yrange_data = m1(0*yrange, yrange)
The result of the above code looks like this:
Hope this helps.

ParaView Clip/Slice, Box Parameters: Meaning of Position, Rotation, Scale; Reconstruct Box in Matlab

I want to define a 3D Box of specific size and location next to a given triangulated geometry.
Therefore, I open the geometry mesh in ParaView. Then, I use a Clip (or Slice) of Type "Box". This way I get a ParaView 3D widget of a box that can be moved, rotated and resized quickly and interactively with the mouse.
The Property Panel always shows me the Box Parameters:
So far so good, but how can I use these values to work with this box outside ParaView, for example in MATLAB? What are the actual coordinates of the box?
We copy the box properties out of ParaView:
box = struct();
box.translate = [-274.8975, -114.0316, -333.6671];
box.rotate = [27.066, 119.62, -175.472];
box.scale = [1.031, 0.663, 1.2233];
The box size is relative to the size of the geometry the Clip Filter was defined on. So, first get the extent of your geometry, with its vertices stored in surfpts.
surfpts = ...; % [nPoints x 3]
mn = min(surfpts,[],1);
mx = max(surfpts,[],1);
In this example, I want to fill the box with a grid of points. = arrayfun(#(a,b) linspace(a,b,n)', mn, mx, 'UniformOutput',false); = cell2mat(;
[X,Y,Z] = ndgrid(,1),,2),,3));
box.XYZ = [X(:), Y(:), Z(:)];
Now we have to scale, rotate and translate our grid (in this order!) according to the actions we did to the Paraview box 3d widget.
% Scaling
box.XYZ = bsxfun(#times, box.XYZ, box.scale);
% Rotation
box.XYZ = (rotz(box.rotate(3)) * rotx(box.rotate(1)) * roty(box.rotate(2)) * box.XYZ')';
% Translation
box.XYZ = bsxfun(#plus, box.XYZ, box.translate);
Finally, we check the results by opening the created box in ParaView again. It matches exactly with the box.
TR = delaunayTriangulation(box.XYZ);
[box_tri, box_pts] = TR.freeBoundary();

PyPlot - Tricky axis color and labeling issues

I am fairly new to Matplotlib. This idea behind this figure is to graph temperature highs and lows. I've run into trouble with the xaxis and right yaxis.
For the xaxis, the color of the font doesn't want to change even though I call tick_params(labelcolor='#b6b6b6'). Also, the dates should only span from Jan - Dec. For unknown reasons, Matplotlib is prepending an extra Dec and appending an extra Jan, causing the text to flow outside of the graph's spine bounds. I want to remove these extra months.
For the right yaxis, I'm not sure I understand the use of subplots properly. I want to convert the ˚C temperatures in the left yaxis to ˚F and use the converted temps for the secondary yaxis.
Here's some code to reproduce something similar to what I've got.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as dates
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
# generate some data to plot
highs = np.linspace(0, 40, 365) # these numbers will escalate instead of fluctuate, but the problem with the axes will still be the same.
lows = np.linspace(-40, 0, 365)
date_rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2015', '12/31/2015', freq='D')
data = {'highs': highs, 'lows': lows}
to_plot = pd.DataFrame(data, index=date_rng)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# plot the basic data
lines = ax.plot(date_rng, to_plot['lows'], '-',
date_rng, to_plot['highs'], '-')
# get the axes reference
ax1 = plt.gca()
# fill in between the lines
to_plot['lows'], to_plot['highs'],
facecolor='#b6b6b6', # gradient fillbetween
# set the xaxis to only 12 months and space the names.
ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(dates.MonthLocator(bymonthday=15, interval=1))
for tick in ax1.xaxis.get_minor_ticks():
# add a right y axis and set all yaxis properties
ax1.set_ylim([-50, 50])
# change the color and sizes scheme
info_colors = '#b6b6b6'
bold_colors = '#777777'
# graph lines
ax1.lines[0].set_color('#e93c00') # top redish orange
ax1.lines[1].set_color('#009ae9') # btm blue
plt.setp(lines, lw=.8, alpha=1)
# spines
for pos in ['bottom', 'right', 'left']:
# set the title
plt.title('Record Temps, 2005-15: Ann Arbour, MI', fontsize=10, color=bold_colors)
# ticks
ax1.tick_params(axis='both', color=info_colors, labelcolor=info_colors, length=5, direction='out', pad=7, labelsize=8)
# add a legend and edit its properties
leg = plt.legend(['Highs','Lows'], frameon=False, loc=0, fontsize='small')
for text in leg.get_texts():
plt.ylabel('˚C', color=info_colors)
# set extra yaxis label
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel('˚F', color=info_colors)
ax2.tick_params('y', colors=info_colors)
To change the color of the minor labels, put the following code after ax1.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(dates.DateFormatter('%b')):
ax1.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', colors=info_colors)

How to make PanTool and ZoomTool behave if plot origin is 'top left'?

I'm trying to use PanTool and ZoomTool in a Chaco plot whose origin is set to 'top left' but the behavior of these tools is not as expected. Panning moves in the opposite direction and box zooming doesn't necessarily zoom to the highlighted region. Example code is:
plot.plot((x_key, y_key), origin='top left')
plot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode='box', always_on=False))
If origin='top left' is removed, the panning and zooming behavior is as I'd expect.
This is a really late reply, but basically the origin needs to be set on the main Plot instance, instead of the call to its plot method. (The origin set when initializing Plot gets passed into plot also)
import numpy as np
from enable.api import Component, ComponentEditor
from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance
from traitsui.api import UItem, Group, View
from chaco.api import ArrayPlotData, Plot
from import PanTool, ZoomTool
class Demo(HasTraits):
plot = Instance(Component)
traits_view = View(
UItem('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(size=(900, 500))),
def _plot_default(self):
x = np.linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100)
data = ArrayPlotData(x=x, y=np.sin(x))
# This works
plot = Plot(data, origin='top left')
plot.plot(('x', 'y'))
# This doesn't
# plot = Plot(data)
# plot.plot(('x', 'y'), origin='top left')
zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)
return plot
if __name__ == "__main__":
demo = Demo()