How does socketcan handle arbitration? - sockets

I pretty much understand how the CAN protocol works -- when two nodes attempt to use the network at the same time, the lower id can frame gets priority and the other node detects this and halts.
This seems to get abstracted away when using socketcan - we simply write and read like we would any file descriptor. I may be misunderstanding something but I've gone through most of the docs ( and I don't think it's described unambiguously.
Does write() block until our frame is the lowest id frame, or does socketcan buffer the frame until the network is ready? If so, is the user notified when this occurs or do we use the loopback for this?

write does not block for channel contention. It could block because of the same reasons a TCP socket write would (very unlikely).
The CAN peripheral will receive a frame to be transmitted from the kernel and perform the Medium Access Control Protocol (MAC protocol) to send it over the wire. SocketCAN knows nothing about this layer of the protocol.
Where the frame is buffered is peripheral/driver dependent: the chain kernel-driver-peripheral behaves as 3 chained FIFOs with their own control flow mechanisms, but usually, it is the driver that buffers (if it is needed) the most since the peripheral has less memory available.
It is possible to subscribe for errors in the CAN stack protocol (signaled by the so called "error frames") by providing certain flags using the SocketCAN interface (see 4.1.2 in your link): this is the way to get error information at application layer.
Of course you can check for a correctly transmitted frame by checking the loopback interface, but it is overkill, the error reporting mechanism described above should be used instead and it is easier to use.


Any ideas why we're getting Intermittent gRPC Unavailable/Unknown RpcExceptions (C++/C#)

We are using gRPC (version 1.37.1) for our inter-process communication between our C# process and C++ process. Both processes act as a server and client with the other and run on the same machine over localhost using the HTTP/2 transport. All of the calls are use blocking synchronous unary calls and not bi-directional streaming. Some average(ish) stats:
From C++->C#: 0-2 calls per second, 0-40 calls per minute
From C#->C++: 0-5 calls per second, 0-200 calls per minute
Intermittently, we were getting one of 3 issues
C# client call to C++ server comes back with an RpcException, usually “HTTP2/Parse Error”, “Endpoint Read Failed”, or “Transport Closed”
C++ client call to C# server comes back with Unavailable or Unknown
C++ client WaitForConnected call to check the channel fails after 500ms
The top most one is the most frequent and where we have the most information about. Usually, what we’ll see is the Client receives the RPC call and runs into an unknown frame type. Then the subchannel goes into shutdown and everything usually re-connects fine. We also generally see an embedded error like the following (note that we replaced all FILE instances to FUNCTION in our gRPC source):
win_read","file_line":307,"os_error":"The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call.\r\n","syscall":"WSARecv","wsa_error":10014}]},{"created":"#1622120588.494000000","description":"frame of size 262404 overflows local window of 65535","file":"grpc_core::chttp2::TransportFlowControl::ValidateRecvData","file_line":213}]}
What we’ve seen with the unknown frame type, is that it parses the HEADERS, WINDOW_UPDATE, DATA, WINDOW_UPDATE and then gets a TCP: on_read without a corresponding READ and then tries to parse again. It’s this parse where it looks like the parser is at the wrong offset in the buffer, because it gets the unknown frame type, incoming frame size and incoming stream_id all map to the middle of the RPC call that it just parsed.
The above was what we were encountering prior to a change to create a new channel for each rpc call. While we realize it is not great from a performance standpoint, we have seen increased stability since making the change. However, we still do occasionally get rpc exceptions. Now, the most common is “Unknown”/”Stream Removed” rather than the ones listed above.
Any ideas on what might be going wrong is appreciated. We've turned on all gRPC tracing and have even added to it, as well as captured the issue in wireshark but so far aren't getting a great indication of what's causing the transport to close. Are there any good tools to monitor the socket/port for failure?

How can I invoke UART_Receive_IT() automatically when I receive a data?

I am new to STM32 and freertos. I need to write a program to send and receive data from a module via UART port. I have to send(Transmit) a data to that module(for eg. M66). Then I would return to do some other tasks. once the M66 send a response to that, my seial-port-receive-function(HAL_UART_Receive_IT) has to be invoked and receive that response. How can I achieve this?
The way HAL_UART_Receive_IT works is that you configure it to receive specified amount of data into given buffer. You give it your buffer to which it'll read received data and number of bytes you want to receive. It then starts receiving data. Once exactly this amount of data is received, a callback function HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback gets called (from IRQ) where you can do whatever you want with this data, e.g. add it to some kind of queue for later processing in the task context.
If I was to express my experiences related to working with HAL's UART module is that it's not the greatest one for generic use where you don't know the amount of data you expect to receive in advance. In the case of M66 modem you mention, this will happen all the time.
To solve this you have two choices:
Simply don't use HAL functions at all in case of UART, other than the initialization functions. Implement your own UART interrupt handler (most of the code can be copied from handler in HAL) where upon receiving data you place received bytes in a receive byte queue handled in your RTOS task. In this task you implement protocol parsing. This is the approach I use personally.
If you really want to use HAL but also work with a module that sends varying amount of data, call HAL_UART_Receive_IT and specify that you want to receive 1 byte each time. This will work, but will be (potentially much) slower than the first approach. Assuming you'll later want to implement some tcp/ip communication (you mentioned M66 GPRS module) you probably don't want to do it this way.
You should try the following way.
Enable UARTX Rx interrupt in NVIC.
Set Interrupt priority.
Unmask Interrupt request in EXTI.
Then use USARTX Interrupt Handler Function Define in you Vector.
Whenever the data is received from USARTX this function get automatically called and you can copy data from USARTX Receive Data Register.
I would rather suggest another approach. You probably want to archive higher speeds (lets say 921600 bods) and the interrupt way is fat to slow for it.
You need to implement the DMA transmition with the data end detection features. Run your USART in the DMA mode in the circular mode. You will have two events to serve. The first one is the DMA end of thransmition interrupt (then you copy the data from the current tail pointer to the end of the buffer to avoid data override) and USART IDLE interrupt - this will detect the end of the receive.

What's the difference between endpoint and socket?

Almost every definition of socket that I've seen, relates it very closely to the term endpoint:
A network socket is an internal endpoint for sending or receiving data
at a single node in a computer network. Concretely, it is a
representation of this endpoint in networking software
This answer:
a socket is an endpoint in a (bidirectional) communication
Oracle's definition:
A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two
programs running on the network
Even stackoverflow's definition of the tag 'sockets' is:
An endpoint of a bidirectional inter-process communication flow
This other answer goes a bit further:
A TCP socket is an endpoint instance
Although I don't understand what "instance" means in this case. If an endpoint is, according to this answer, a URL, I don't see how that can be instantiated.
"Endpoint" is a general term, including pipes, interfaces, nodes and such, while "socket" is a specific term in networking.
IMHO - logically (emphasis added) "socket" and "endpoint" are same, because they both are concatenation of an Internet Address with a TCP port. Strictly technically speaking in core-networking, there is nothing like "endpoint", there is only "socket". Go on, read more below...
As #Zac67 highligted, "socket" is a very specific term in networking - if you read TCP RFC ( then you won't find even a single reference of "endpoint", it only talks about "socket". But when you come out of RFC world, you will hear a lot about "endpoint".
Now, they both talk about combination of IP address and a TCP port, but you can't say someone that "please give me socket of your application", you will say "please give me endpoint of your application". So, IMHO the way someone can understand difference between Socket and Endpoint is - even though both refer to combination of IP address and TCP port, but you use term "socket" when you are talking in context of computer processes or in context of OS, otherwise when talking with someone in general you will use "endpoint".
I am a guy coming from embedded systems world and low level things,
Endpoint is a hardware buffer constructed at the far end of your machine, what does that mean?
YourMachine <---------------> Device
[Socket] ----------------> [Endpoint]
[Endpoint] <---------------- [Socket]
Both sockets and endpoints are endpoints but socket is an endpoint that resides on the sender which here your machine[Socket is a word used to distinguish between sender and receiver]
OK, now that we know it is a buffer, what is the relation between buffers and networking?
When you create a socket on Windows, the OS returns a handle to that socket, in fact socket is actually a kernel object, so in Windows when you create a kernel object the returned value is a handle which is used to access that object, usually handles are void* which is then casted into numerical value that Windows can understand, now that you have access to socket kernel object, all IO operations are handled in the OS kernel and since you want to communicate with external device then you have to reach kernel first and the socket is exactly doing this, in other words, socket creates a socket object in the kernel = creates an endpoint in the kernel = creates a buffer in the kernel, that buffer is used to stream data through wires later on using OS HAL(Hardware abstraction layer) and you can talk to other devices and you are happy
Now, if the other device doesn't have communication buffer = endpoint, then you can't communicate with it, even if you open a socket on your end, it has to be two way data communication = Send and Receive
Another example of accessing IO peripheral is accessing RAM (Main memory), two ways of accessing RAM, either you access process stack or access process heap, the stack is not a kernel object in fact you can access stack directly without reaching OS kernel, simply by subtracting a value from RSP(Stack pointer register), example:
; This example demonstrates how to allocate 32 contiguous bytes from stack on Windows OS
; Intel syntax
StackAllocate proc
sub rsp, 20h
StackAllocate endp
Accessing heap is different, the heap is a kernel object, so when you call malloc()/new operator in your code a long call stack is called through windows code, the point is reaching RAM requires kernel help, the stack allocation above is actually not reaching RAM, all I did is subtracting a number of an existing value in RSP which is inside CPU so I did not go outside, the heap object in kernel returns a handle that Windows use to manage fragmented memory and in the end returns a void* to that memory
Hope that helped

What's the purpose of SIO_RCVALL option of WSAIoctl in raw sockets?

As I know, If one creates a raw socket (with type of SOCK_RAW) and binds it to a network interface, he can receive all the IP traffic on that interface only by using the recvfrom function.
But, in many examples for sniffers I saw a call to the winsock's function WSAIoctl with control code SIO_RCVALL to perform.
So, what's the purpose of that control mode in the mission of sniffing?
Read the documentation. SIO_RCVALL is what enables the NIC to be sniffed, and to some extent what level of sniffing is allowed.

Lua sockets - Asynchronous Events

In current lua sockets implementation, I see that we have to install a timer that calls back periodically so that we check in a non blocking API to see if we have received anything.
This is all good and well however in UDP case, if the sender has a lot of info being sent, do we risk loosing the data. Say another device sends a 2MB photo via UDP and we check socket receive every 100msec. At 2MBps, the underlying system must store 200Kbits before our call queries the underlying TCP stack.
Is there a way to get an event fired when we receive the data on the particular socket instead of the polling we have to do now?
There are a various ways of handling this issue; which one you will select depends on how much work you want to do.*
But first, you should clarify (to yourself) whether you are dealing with UDP or TCP; there is no "underlying TCP stack" for UDP sockets. Also, UDP is the wrong protocol to use for sending whole data such as a text, or a photo; it is an unreliable protocol so you aren't guaranteed to receive every packet, unless you're using a managed socket library (such as ENet).
Lua51/LuaJIT + LuaSocket
Polling is the only method.
Blocking: call with no time argument and wait for the socket to be readable.
Non-blocking: call with a timeout argument of 0, and use sock:settimeout(0) on the socket you're reading from.
Then simply call these repeatedly.
I would suggest using a coroutine scheduler for the non-blocking version, to allow other parts of the program to continue executing without causing too much delay.
Lua51/LuaJIT + LuaSocket + Lua Lanes (Recommended)
Same as the above method, but the socket exists in another lane (a lightweight Lua state in another thread) made using Lua Lanes (latest source). This allows you to instantly read the data from the socket and into a buffer. Then, you use a linda to send the data to the main thread for processing.
This is probably the best solution to your problem.
I've made a simple example of this, available here. It relies on Lua Lanes 3.4.0 (GitHub repo) and a patched LuaSocket 2.0.2 (source, patch, blog post re' patch)
The results are promising, though you should definitely refactor my example code if you derive from it.
LuaJIT + OS-specific sockets
If you're a little masochistic, you can try implementing a socket library from scratch. LuaJIT's FFI library makes this possible from pure Lua. Lua Lanes would be useful for this as well.
For Windows, I suggest taking a look at William Adam's blog. He's had some very interesting adventures with LuaJIT and Windows development. As for Linux and the rest, look at tutorials for C or the source of LuaSocket and translate them to LuaJIT FFI operations.
(LuaJIT supports callbacks if the API requires it; however, there is a signficant performance cost compared to polling from Lua to C.)
LuaJIT + ENet
ENet is a great library. It provides the perfect mix between TCP and UDP: reliable when desired, unreliable otherwise. It also abstracts operating system specific details, much like LuaSocket does. You can use the Lua API to bind it, or directly access it via LuaJIT's FFI (recommended).
* Pun unintentional.
I use lua-ev for all IO-multiplexing stuff.
It is very easy to use fits into Lua (and its function) like a charm. It is either select/poll/epoll or kqueue based and performs very good too.
local ev = require'ev'
local loop = ev.Loop.default
local udp_sock -- your udp socket instance
udp_sock:settimeout(0) -- make non blocking
local udp_receive_io =,loop)
local chunk,err = udp_sock:receive(4096)
if chunk and not err then
-- process data
loop:loop() -- blocks forever
In my opinion Lua+luasocket+lua-ev is just a dream team for building efficient and robust networking applications (for embedded devices/environments). There are more powerful tools out there! But if your resources are limited, Lua is a good choice!
Lua is inherently single-threaded; there is no such thing as an "event". There is no way to interrupt executing Lua code. So while you could rig something up that looked like an event, you'd only ever get one if you called a function that polled which events were available.
Generally, if you're trying to use Lua for this kind of low-level work, you're using the wrong tool. You should be using C or something to access this sort of data, then pass it along to Lua when it's ready.
You are probably using a non-blocking select() to "poll" sockets for any new data available. Luasocket doesn't provide any other interface to see if there is new data available (as far as I know), but if you are concerned that it's taking too much time when you are doing this 10 times per second, consider writing a simplified version that only checks one socket you need and avoids creating and throwing away Lua tables. If that's not an option, consider passing nil to select() instead of {} for those lists you don't need to read and pass static tables instead of temporary ones:
local rset = {socket}
... later, nil, 0)
instead of{socket}, {}, 0)