Fixing my Scala Intellij project when loading it from an existing project in sbt and dependencies download fails - scala

Oftentimes I have troubles with sbt downloading its dependencies when behind a corporate firewall when trying to "Load a project from existing sources" -> sbt. It eventually times out and leaves my project in the following state:
there is some problem when
I can at this point download all my dependencies through the sbt-terminal tool (or the command-line) but Intellij will still keep this "view", instead of correctly showing me the diverse folders the project contains (like src/, test/, etc).
Is there a way to fix this?

I also have had this problem multiple times. I usually close IntelliJ, clean its repository rm -rf .idea/, and then open the project folder (instead of importing it). It's always done the job for me.


Prevent the download of Gradle and Maven dependencies

Before asking my question I'd like to apologize if this is really a
simple question.
I'm trying to find out the way, where we can locate and reuse the dependencies of Gradle and Maven. I want to find the possibilities of reusing them within multiple projects at the same time, opened in STS, Eclipse or Intellij.
Instead of download them every time when we create a new project. It will save me the data, time and disk space.
Maven dependencies are not downloaded again every time you create a new project.
They are downloaded to the local repository of your computer once and then they are read from there. So as long as you open a new project on the same account, Maven does not redownload dependencies.
The exception are SNAPSHOT dependencies, for which Maven periodically looks for new updates in the remote repositories.
Gradle, like Maven, has an Offline Mode, which means you're telling it to always try to re-use cached dependencies instead of resolving them from network.
Each of the dependency manager has a command line option for this, but in IntelliJ IDEA you can enable/disable it simply by toggling an icon-button in the Gradle toolbar.
And the same for Maven.

How to fully clean, re-resolve and rebuild a Scala sbt-managed project in IDEA?

TL;DR: How can I fully reconcile all dependencies in IntelliJ when SBT file changes
I have a SBT project setup in IntelliJ. For the most part if works like a charm, but it is quite a pain for me, to change the version of the dependencies and compilers.
What I hope to do, is to update my SBT file, and click something like clean project in IntelliJ, so it gets up to date.
The best menu item I have found is Rebuild project. It reads new dependencies, but keeps the old ones around, so External Libraries contains multiple versions of the Scala runtime and 3rd party libraries.
To get around this I can close IntelliJ and delete all files in .idea/libraries. When I restart IntelliJ it will re-resolve the dependencies. It works, but manually deleting metadata files indicates that I am doing the wrong thing.
To refresh IntelliJ after changes made in *.sbt files:
Open the SBT Project pane (Menu View / Tool WIndows / SBT)
Right click on your SBT project
Select Refresh external project
When you save the SBT file, IntelliJ IDEA normally refreshes the project. But if it doesn't, you can do it manually.
There is a Refresh All SBT Projects button in the SBT Panel:
On the occasion that IDEA is still confused, not finding packages you just added:
From the File menu:
It's a pretty big hammer, requiring a restart of the app, and multi-minute rebuild of the IntelliSense index. But it's occasionally the only thing that will get IDEA to recognize your new SBT packages.
try following steps:
close IntelliJ
backup whole project folder
delete .idea folder
delete target folder
delete project/target folder
reopen IntelliJ and import as a sbt project
Note this is only for SBT projects
Another heavy hammer but seems to work.
Close IntelliJ
Delete .idea folder
Import app from existing sources
Has happened to me before, and yes, is a PITA.
What I usually do is to manually remove the dependencies from the project, all of them, then let sbt re-import what is actually needed. Don't do it on the UI though, since even having multiple selection, will ask for confirmation for EVERY dependency! (you will be clicking "Yes, I'm sure" for an hour), instead, go and delete directly from the .iml project file on your .idea/modules directory.
I was using different versions of sbt and scala across different proejcts and IntelJi got confused somehow. I am only able to resolve the issue by removing the sbt and ivy2 cache folders:
rm -rf ~/.ivy2
rm -rf ~/.sbt
Agree, that's a PITA. Nothing helped me (I tried "Invalidate/Restart", removing files from ".idea/libraries" and restarting).
The only way to overcome the problem for me was to manually remove project-related folders from the IntelliJIdea cache. I removed these folders from the following places (I use OSX and IntelliJ-Idea 14):
This helped me, hope it will save time for someone.
If you are using the activator through a terminal/shell/command prompt use the following command:
activator clean
Or just "clean" on the sbt shell through intellij
It should help reset things and next time you run or compile, it should go through it from scratch.
IDEA 2016.2.4
None of these solutions worked for me.
If I updated the 'build.sbt' then the external library dependencies on the project view did not update. Moreover, the Project Structure still showed the old dependencies. No matter what I tried IDEA would not refresh.
The only way I could get a partial restore was to copy the '.idea' folder from another machine. SBT plugin implementation is ****ed! I removed the '.idea/libraries' folder beforehand and then IDEA did not restore this folder. I tried many times importing the project again.
Very bad
ADDENDUM: I managed to get my project working. I think SBT with IDEA is no longer at fault entirely. It could be just possible that my Apache Ivy 2 cache might have been corrupted. So I executed the following commands:
$ rm -rf ~/.ivy2/cache/org.scalatest/scalatest_2.11/*
$ rm -rf ~/.ivy2/cache/org.scalactic/scalactic_2.11/*
Restarted IDEA with invalidate cache under the file drop down menu item. This seemed to trigger some internal action in IDEA and SBT. I also tried manually adding add JARs throught the IDE, but it got massively confused. Moral of the story is to work on two different laptops machines daily and keep them updated.
Also double check SBT from the command line works. I was using 0.13.12
$ sbt about
$ sbt clean
$ sbt test
Also recheck with the SBT dependencies plugin too.
What worked for me was to:
1) Close IntelliJ
2) delete .idea/libraries internals
3) Start IntelliJ
4) right-clicked pom.xml Maven > Reimport
After that there were no old versions and duplicate libraries in the External Libraries.

IntelliJ IDEA 13: new Scala SBT project hasn't src directory structure generated

I followed the getting start video on Jetbrains website to setup IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 Community Edition to work with Scala. Scala plugin v0.36.431 had been installed. While I created a new Scala SBT project with wizard, there was no src/ directory structure generated in the project. Only two sbt files were generated:
├── build.sbt
└── project
└── plugins.sbt
From the video and other document I know that there should be a src/ directory structure, including src/main/scala, src/test/scala, etc. sbt uses the same directory structure as Maven for source files by default.
I can create those folders manually and mark it as source root. However it is trivial. So my question is: Why IntelliJ IDEA new project wizard doesn't generate the directory structure as said in document? Was I doing something wrong? I checked the preferences and couldn't find anything that seems related.
Normally it should create these folders automatically. It may take a while though - it takes couple of seconds in my case.
When creating project make sure you have selected Scala -> SBT, then proceed with the wizard.
Once the Finish is clicked, the project will be loaded. This part takes couple of seconds, and I can see no src/main/scala nor src/test/scala generated until it's done. Observe the bottom of the screen to see when it's done.
Once the process is finished, you'll see the folders.
If that's not the case, check the settings. You should have the Create directories for empty content roots automatically checked. You may want to check Use auto-import to automatically propagate changes in the build.sbt.
After changing the settings (if the change is required) you may need to refresh the project, as seen in picture below.
This can also happen if you do not have a JDK selected. For some reason you no longer get the option to select an SDK so you must make sure you have configured this before hand. To fix this do the following:
From the welcome screen, go to
Configure -> Project defaults -> Project structure and add the jdk.
What's the reason for "Error:Cannot determine Java VM executable in selected JDK"?
Thanks to lpiepiora, with his hint I find out the reason.
Because my sbt is newly installed, there is nothing in ~/.ivy2/cache/ and ~/.sbt/boot/. sbt needed to download required dependencies from repositories on network. It happened that my proxy to internet had something wrong, download stuck.
And also need to notice that, if quit IntelliJ IDEA when sbt is running in background, the next time you'll get error of waiting for some lock file. Have to remove the lock file on filesystem and restart IntelliJ IDEA again.
After fixed the network problem, everything work as promised. It requires several minutes, depends on network speed, to download required jar files. After finished, the src/ directory structure is created.
I followed the instructions in this thread but I had a java crash in the final phase in sbt with the configuration bellow and I think this info maybe useful:
The problem happened with IDEA 2016.2, sbt 0.13.8 (I tried later to import using 0.13.12 but the crash was the same), scala 2.11.8 and ubuntu 16.04.
The only way I could make it work was to use java 8 instead of 9.
error: error while loading package, Missing dependency 'object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror', required by /home/jbamaral/.sbt/boot at xsbt.boot.Boot.main(Boot.scala)
stack log here
[error] scala.reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError: object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror not found.

How to set up a local proxy repository for SBT?

I have near zero knowledge of Maven/Ivy but know that these technologies are behind SBT's ability to download and manage libraries automatically.
When I was trying to generate an IntelliJ Idea project from SBT it (Idea or the generator plug-in) has failed to find cached libraries stored in the common Ivy 2 cache. I've solved the problem by setting up the SBT project to use the old scheme storing downloaded libraries under the project directory. Another project of mine uses old SBT version which does it this way by default. In both cases I use clean command to remove library binaries before backing up and update after to download all the libraries again. Which means I download the same library files many times.
The question is how to set up a local repository to cache the libraries so that SBT update will download the libraries from the local cache if available? Would be nice to use the existing ~/.ivy2/cache directory for the cache if possible.
I tend to believe this is probably fairly simple when you have at least basic Ivy 2 knowledge.
Ivan, this may help.
> deliver-local
[info] delivering ivy file to /.../target/scala-2.9.1/ivy-1.0.xml
Then, you'll need to find IntelliJ equivalent steps, but in Eclipse you configure the build path with an additional library, "IvyDE Managed Dependencies" offered by the IvyDE plugin
1) browse to the target/scala-version/ivy-1.0.xml file
2) select desired configurations (compile, runtime, test, provided, etc.)
Now you have an ivy representation of your sbt configuration.
This works wonderfully with one annoying exception: on "sbt clean", ivy config file gets blown away and you have to repeat the above. Eclipse project clean preserves ivy config, btw.
Keep posted if this approach can be applied to IntelliJ

Trying to include a maven built library in Eclipse, giving missing artifact error

I've seen that there are quite a few questions regarding this problem, but unfortunately none have solved it for me. Here is a screencap of what's going on:
It is dependent on the android-support-v4 jar file which as you can see is added to my build path. It the exact jar file from the maven library directory's libs folder. I've tried the following:
Restarting Eclipse
Cleaning the project
Right-clicking the project and updating dependencies
Updating project configuration Disabling and re-enabling workspace resolution
Nothing has helped. Is there any other tricks to getting this resolved? All of the answer's I've seen suggest doing these things that I have already tried.
Thanks a lot!
Actual root cause:
The OP JMRboosties reports in this instance having to desactivate Proguard (the tool which shrinks, optimizes, and obfuscates your code by removing unused code and renaming classes, fields, and methods with semantically obscure names)
disabling proguard on the line where the error occurred (the <plugin> item) in pom.xml solved the problem
(See "How to use ProGuard with android-maven-plugin ").
Certain side-effects can result from using Proguard: For example, the Proguard page does mention:
The default proguard.cfg file tries to cover general cases, but you might encounter exceptions such as ClassNotFoundException, which happens when ProGuard strips away an entire class that your application calls.
Original answer:
As mentioned in this GitHub post:
you need to use maven Android SDK Deployer to install it:
I'm going to deploy my own android artifacts to my personal repository to avoid having this problem again.
If you're not explicitly using Maven you can just import it as a regular Android project into eclipse and it'll pick up the .jar from the libs/ directory.
(Note your android-support-v4.jar isn't in libs in your project)
declare it in your pom.xml.
You have to install both Android 1.6 and the compat lib using the maven SDK deployer for now.
cd to platforms/platform-4/ and extras/compatibility-v4/ in the deployer and run mvn install in each.
Hopefully the compat lib makes it into maven central soon so I can avoid this step.
Again, the project is set up to be used as a normal Android project in eclipse too completely separate from maven.
File, New, Project, Android, use existing sources, select library/ folder.
Assuming you're using m2e-android behind the scenes, the reason you're getting compile problems is that the m2e-android plug-in strips out all provided scope dependencies from the Eclipse project classpath.
We do this because, due to changes in ADT 16.0.0, any JAR file in the Eclipse classpath will be packaged into distributable APK file.